THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KING COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA #11 MONDAY, MAY 6, 2013 - 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INTRODUCTION OF ADDENDUM ITEMS Any additional items not listed on the agenda would be identified for approval. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 5. MAYOR'S COMMENTS 6. PRESENTATIONS 6.1 Una Wright, Executive Director/Team Coach Re: YouthSpeak Performance Charity Organization 7. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1. MINUTES 4-11 7.1.1 Minutes of the Council Meeting of April 22, 2013 7.2. COMMITTEE REPORTS 12-13 7.2.1 Committee of the Whole, Working Session Report of April 22, 2013 14-28 7.2.2 Committee of the Whole Reports of April 22, 2012 29-30 7.2.3 Committee of the Whole, Closed Session Reports of April 22, 2013 8. NOTICE OF MOTION Page 1 of 40 Council Meeting Agenda - Monday, May 6, 2013 Page 9. MOTION TO RECESS INTO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 10. RE-CONVENE COUNCIL MEETING 11. ADOPTION OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE RECOMMENDATIONS 12. MOTION TO RECESS INTO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, CLOSED SESSION TO CONSIDER: Motion to move into Closed Session pursuant to Section 2.7(b) of the Procedural By-law Number 2007-76 to consider the items as set out in the Agenda. 12.1 Section 2.7(b), Subsections 5 and 6: Litigation or Potential Litigation Affecting the Municipality Re: Township Solicitor Report Enforcement Matters 12.2 Section 2.7(b), Subsection 3: Proposed or Pending Acquisition or Disposition of Land Re: Chief Administrative Officer Verbal Report Potential Acquisition of Land(s) 12.3 Approval of Closed Session, Confidential Reports Committee Closed Session Confidential Report of April 22nd, 2013 13. RE-CONVENE COUNCIL MEETING 14. BUSINESS ARISING FROM CLOSED SESSION 15. BY-LAWS DEFERRED TO MAY 27TH MEETING - By-law #2013-32 A BY-LAW TO (Nobleton Watermain –amend Budget & Bus Plan) Ref. Engineering and Public Works Dept. Report No.: EPW 2013-xx, C.O.W. May. 27/13) Page 2 of 40 Council Meeting Agenda - Monday, May 6, 2013 Page 15. BY-LAWS 31-34 By-law #2013-45 A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW NUMBER 74-53, AS AMENDED (Ref. Planning Dept. Report No: P-2013-27, C.O.W. May 6/13, File No: Z- 2013-01, Pt. Lot 5, Conc. 4; Plan 84, Lot 2; C. Wellesley) 35-37 By-law #2013-46 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE ERECTION OF STOP SIGNS AT CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS (Ref. Engineering and Public Works Dept. Report No.: EPW 2013-27, C.O.W. May 6/13) 38 By-law #2013-48 A BY-LAW TO ACCEPT A PROPOSAL AND AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE STOCK AERIAL DEVICE FOR THE KING FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF KING (Ref. King Fire and Emergency Services Dept. Report No.: FR-2013-03, C.O.W. May 6/13 – RFP 2013-P03) 39 By-law #2013-49 A BY-LAW TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CONCRETE ARENA PLAYING SURFACE FLOOR IN THE DR. WILLIAM LACEBY NOBLETON ARENA AND COMMUNITY CENTRE (Ref. Parks, Recreation and Culture Dept. Report No.: PR-2013-13, C.O.W. May 6/13 – Tender 2013-T12) 16. CONFIRMATION OF PROCEEDINGS BY-LAW 40 By-law #2013-52 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON MAY 6, 2013 17. ADJOURNMENT Page 3 of 40 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF KING (DRAFT) COUNCIL MEETING #10 - MINUTES MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2013 Township Council met at 6:04 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Township of King Municipal Building, 2075 King Road, King City, with Mayor Pellegrini presiding. The following were present at this Meeting: Council Staff Mayor Steve Pellegrini Susan Plamondon - Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Cleve Mortelliti Kathryn Smyth - Clerk Councillor Peter Grandilli Jeff Schmidt – Director of Finance and Treasurer Councillor Linda Pabst Stephen Kitchen - Director of Planning Councillor Bill Cober Rob Flindall – Director of Engineering and Public Works Councillor Debbie Schaefer Chris Fasciano – Acting Director of Parks, Recreation and Councillor Avia Eek Culture Jim Wall – Fire Chief Diane Moratto - Admin. Clerk – Council/Committee Jamie Smyth – Economic Development Officer 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pellegrini called the meeting to order. A quorum was present. 2. INTRODUCTION OF ADDENDUM ITEMS The Clerk advised that correspondence has been added to be received for Council’s consideration under Council Meeting Item #7 71. The Clerk advised that correspondence has also been received for Committee of the Whole, Meeting Items #14 and #15. 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Councillor Eek, seconded by Councillor Schaefer and carried that the Agenda for the Council Meeting of April 22nd, 2013 be adopted. 4. MAYOR’S COMMENTS Mayor Pellegrini highlighted the upcoming community Township of King events; National Volunteer Week; Earth Clean Up Day; Township of King Volunteer Night on May 1st ; and the Community Yard Sale at the Trisan Centre. 5. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There was no declaration of interest. The Corporation of the Township of King, 2075 King Road, King City, ON Minutes of the Council Meeting Page 4 of 40 of April 22, 2013 (DRAFT) Council Meeting #10 Minutes – April 22, 2013 - 2 - 6. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Pellegrini introduced Jamie Smyth, Economic Development Officer, who provided a video launch of “King’s Good Food Ideas”. Mr. Smyth announced the launch is in collaboration with Sustain Ontario and the Holland Marsh Growers Association who are represented this evening by Jamie Reaume, Executive Director of the Holland Marsh Growers Association. The Province wide launch on the 2013 Good Food Video series is taking place at Queen’s Park on April 24th, 2013. Mr. Smyth noted the local businesses that participated in the video include Pine Farms Orchard, Holland Marsh Wineries, King Brewery, Eek Farms, Holland Acre Farms, Carron Farms and Cardinal Golf Club. The video showcases innovative approaches to economic development, community health, and environmental stewardship from across Ontario. It aligns with our Sustainability King Economic Pillar and the Agricultural & Equine and Connection to the land Sustainability themes. The promotional video also addresses York Region Farm Fresh initiatives and King’s Cultivating Business, Retention and Expansion project that identified the need to enhance marketing and promotion of agricultural and agri-business activities. 7. PUBLIC MEETINGS Planning Department Report Number P-2013-22 Re: Application for Official Plan Amendment File Number: OP-2013-02 Proposed Updated Site Plan Control Policies, Pre-consultation and Submission Requirements Policies Applicant: Township of King (a) Presentation by Stephen Kitchen, Director of Planning and Sarah Armstrong, Policy Planner Ms. Armstrong reviewed Planning Department Report P-2013-22, proposed Official Plan Amendment, bearing File Number OP-2013-02 and provided information on; the background of the amendment; the proposal; site plan control policies; pre-consultation and submission requirement policies; agency comments; and summarized the proposed update. Ms. Armstrong advised the meeting tonight is to receive comments on the proposal to amend King Township’s Official Plan documents, including the Township of King Official Plan, Hamlet Secondary Plan, King City Community Plan, Nobleton Community Plan, and Schomberg Community Plan to (i) update King Township’s site plan control policies, and (ii) establish formal pre-consultation and additional information and material requirements in support of certain development applications. Ms. Armstrong noted the proposed amendment is Township wide and applies to all the lands within the Township of King and includes a component for the introduction of policies for pre- consultation and additional information requirements in support of development applications resulting from amendments to the Planning Act resulting from Bill 51. (b) Public Comments and Concerns (i) Greg Locke Mr. Locke spoke on behalf of Concerned Citizens of King Township (CCKT) in support of the Official Plan Amendment application and commented the pre-consultation process will be a good step forward. Committee recommends that the deputation by Mr. Locke be received. The Corporation of the Township of King, 2075 King Road, King City, ON Minutes of the Council Meeting Page 5 of 40 of April 22, 2013 (DRAFT) Council Meeting #10 Minutes – April 22, 2013 - 3 - (ii) Don Given Mr. Given spoke on behalf of the King City East Landowners Group advising of their opposition to the Official Plan Amendment due to concerns that the amendment will add cost and time to the administrative process as they are concerned that each lot in a site plan will be required to go through the pre-consultation process. Committee recommends that the deputation by Ms. Given be received. Mr. Kitchen and Ms. Armstrong responded to questions. Ms. Armstrong advised the current site plan control by-law will not affect single family dwellings in a development. Mayor Pellegrini declared the Public Meeting concluded and requested Council’s disposition. A motion was made by Councillor Schaefer, seconded by Councillor Cober and carried that Planning Department Report Number P-2013-22 be received, and the correspondence from Claudio Brutto, Brutto Consulting and Augusto Nalli, Brookvalley Developments, be received, and the recommendations therein be approved, as follows: A. THAT Planning Report Number P-2013-22 be received as information; B. THAT Official Plan Amendment File No. OP-2006-02, to amend the Township of King Official Plan (1970), Hamlet Secondary Plan, King City Community Plan, Nobleton Community Plan, and Schomberg Community Plan to update site plan control policies, and incorporate pre-consultation and submission requirements policies BE RECEIVED and referred to staff for a further recommendation report, to be presented to Committee of the Whole upon the receipt and review of all agency/department comments and public comments; and C.
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