The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples Authorised to pabli.b GoW'erameul Notice. aBeetlbll Native, Vol 13. No. 646. JOHANNESBURG, 10TH SEPTEMBER, 1932, Price 3d NANGA AWONA MAXABISO MAKULU ASE JOHANNESBURG E ZINXIBO ZA MADODA-------__ • UIIIloikd1ll1a okulll'ldWI two ellh II M'dod, .. T"oed aalutls imislko emihb.. Zin~,i.we ioy' 451- D" Int,/s Cl EliogllmmlollUIO Ie Bulak_1 IIIIOIWI'I'U" Fl.nel" IIQoeb". n,. b.o~[ ,~"I,oi. neod.",o 11:0110 b,mba illlo'i esioQ.eoi, Dillo-oj,lo. lor. ,I 1016 IlnIlullwe III M,dod, " Crum Glbudioe. IlIIi.illo eOll1iw.yo De yeolJIII'1 1I,lIohl,. Zint,l,we Dgoko' lIod"., loy. ,I ,,' ... 1016 J Blner Ililllbl,.., GuimoYlml ubi mldl,lo 11510,1", hkllhl,. E.rq",b.wI mlo.l' om.blol infO 11111 <J 7!6 ••Iqoth". QIIIOY, ,i 25,· lubiln ,lit. qlorqllele lad ... 10 B.ty! fthdod, .. 251 Mldl,to eo mlei.1l0 8000ml1l;I70 new,b,l, Imeble. j- 10,., yi Yiza kubona nkuba levenkile inhlu ingatinina ukukukonza ! H ., D. ELOFF, PRITCHARD ne PRESIDENT STREETS,· JOHANNESBURG. • FUMIGATE? WOLF BROS the efficient remedy . ~8T. GEORGE'S ST~ KING TANNING COMPANY, FUGARE. W\ OF 34. ADDERLEY STREET 1M fi'ltmo ......... LI1WI:ITED. carryUo • ....-. lioe. blllto 000::11. CAPE TOWN rluln yuUobo IDbial. la'$ ~li o, • .. daPleron. iliy Apo Zenziwa kona: KINGWILLIAMSTOWN. SIPO SES~ tulI HlDllui. ;, BIlt.. SibIl .~. [wo~ a., ,~, .. q. ....ihombilo A8ENZI 8EZO Tnd. flIqairies: o.ltu _lui o.k· C. W. THOMPSON, 0.,1 1110.110 'a.mtl. 0101 OLUNO MQUKUMBELO lfI,t lll u ,biM Ion!- 19 lkhrmaD, Bllildiq-, uki NE COIIIIIIWiolltr Street, Ixablao Jobannesbar,. ZODIDI OLULULO ZITUNGWE NGO MATSHINI 30/· "ungelwa Imlnyaka25 '--1 IZIHLANGU NE SHUZI Iwo.tBlIJ . k.... a. .. 'rINGS 'Dl ~~bl ~o· AliAOCISA KWEZO MOODI. POWDER mbau. ~/· I. io.. It SUu IBULA,LA 10/. EZIN'i'lI lWO'l'IJBI Noao K&ZIIUI Imboullt. APl.oa.lldll, lo~Uu'\l. Am.· BBNTLOBO r;o:u:. lWI~o bOIlC'De. Bonke Oqou,qo.. ;bH .... LAN I N lUI,;; . "'an,. Ikatalo(l1lye Mifanekiao No. & YaWwa e Britui hued", .... u.h· "A" •• 1I0pi ,. 66 au bpel.. Newadl ubI l\IUAlldli E1Iaraeel"• ..,.. Fun.da " " AKVBLAULWA POSI. 2 UMTETEU WA BANTU JOHANNESBURG, 10TH S EPTEMBE R, 1932, iotend that they shall ever be any- principles. and there is nothing to owo endeavour it behoves them to "'-1"'0"111. thing else. It is on Native shoulders indicate that the Hertzog pJrty will organise, to achieve unity 3!1d to P .o. 801: '$115, that "cuth African industry rests, cb ~n ge its attitude towards the strengthen themselves against the JOIJANN1l8BIHlG. and the Natives have coot ri - Na ti ves and their intere9ts fo r so comlOg of opportunity. buted lavishly to the building of long as they retain the backveld ' 01ll101l1l'TION RA't'ss-IBv P09TI cities and the general development suffrage and continue to govern by • 011. Y... of the country ; but they are only virtue of a m Ij Jci ty vote 9U 'Jtained flattering 8I.J: " 0111.. _ Natives, and their claim to share in by a multi rude of decadents n ... " O ll~ ,. the beoefirs r ~s ul ti o g from their P<>litics is at best a diny business, the Communists,' , own acbi~ vemeDt is not considered. but when the political atlD aspbere UDd er rour iocbe. of ICtr8 budiop Dr. Frankel with admirable frank· is polluted by calour prejudice the tbe Rud D ,ily M .. il 00 Wed.DeIdIY ne,s laid bare the futility and stupid· outlnak far the Nati\'es is oot a prioted I Dote by A,.bu~ G Billo .. ity of toe Union's Native pJhcy and pleasant one. Mr. OJwaid PIfOW, 00 _be .ork of Commuoi,te ImOll« Umteteli wa Bantu NllivlII empl01ed 00 tbe gold miOM. bluntly stated the ineV itable co O!~ e- the strong man of the Nationalist H, Bulo.·. remub .be.. biOI to be 10th SEPTEMBER, 1932. quence of perpetuating the Native Cabinet, has told Transvaal farmers . a.dt, mteioform.-d, lod .bey do gr,,"e condition of '''serfdom, illiteracy that they are to be credited with iojutioe to the oommOOMooe of ml... Natlv.. Tbe Clmmooi.& P,.r', ha­ and ignorance." Toe exploitation such progress as the Natives have DO f~tiog io mioe oo".poond8, lod itt of four-6f[hs of the population by a made, and that their example and Nltln IUOH Ire dilDredll-ed , .. uy_ ECONOMIC coterie actually unrepresentative encouragement bas enabled tile .bere 1"or ylln pat. tbo UoJoa'. ENSLA VEMENT, even of the white section is an barbariaa to make bls few stumbling Commooi.te bne fou~bt I loeing blttlo ...iolt II. lod order, Iud tbey " The Government, admittedly, immorality tbat ':Viii react on th ~ steps to.ards civihsation. Mr. Ire no. ~~derl .... II.Dd negligible must attend 6rst to the interests of European condItion ; aod, as Dr. Plrow, as mual, tall,ed witb his Tb. Minlflter of JUltie, 00 Moodl, Frankel poioted out, it tbe Euro- tongue in bis check, and solemnly referred to Commll.Di •• &oliriti" .beo the white population, hut it cannot, Iddre8lio!!: membe,. of tbe Tralln.. 1 on that account afford to neglect its peans are not prepared to permit stated tbat the farmers may bave Agrioulto.rll Uaion, bot Iitbougb lOme responsibilities towards the Natives. and encourage the uplift of the Nat exerted tbeir benefi cent infl uence of III,. Pito.·. n"temeo' .ere d.Hb_ Todo so is merely to invite disaster, ive people they must submit to ttle unconsciously. The humour of his era"l, inwodtd to be Ilarmiog tbe,. do DOl jOlli', Mr. Bnlo.'. OOQoluiou depreciation of their 0,:",11 class. remark escaped the hucolics who for the economic future of the Union nOr d<J tb., exoole tho Ilvi.b IMdiai is inextricably bound up with the Sbortly, if the Natives cannot applauded Mr. Pirow's praise of the of tb, M.II" beldtioe.. civilisation and economic progress advance European society will be Qualities they da not pDSsess, and From tbe Nlti .. , IAgle there i. mCl<Jh degraded, for civilisation and cul- tbeir acclamation was still louder grelter reaeon to f,.., 'be 1C~ ..itl8fl of of tbe Native_" Thus tbe Rand &be Muu.ter 01 IUltioa thlo In,,1UDa" Daily Mail in its eclitorial reference ture cannot be maintained by tbt wilen the Mmister spoke mysteri­ tbe Commonu& PI"y qb' do; for to Dr. Franke1's indictment of the minority while the majority is de- ously nf his plans for the greater tbo oDe I' .. t the piollaale of b..i. 8_t. Union's Native policy, But ifUDion based by subjection, The belotry repression of the Nativts and DON aDd powe" ..bile tbe otbe, • IpproaohiDg the 8nd of illt OOllVlXlry prosperity is so utterly dependent of tbe Natives is wbolly a matter of disparagingly of the Joint Councils exi.tenoe. (In Native development why is it so Jaw. They are enslaved hy enact· and other European service3 tor • readily admitted that white interests meots that disgrace humanity, and the Native people. Tbe farmers, have first call on Gclvernment ser· we fiad tbat the Native Economic said Mr. Pirow, are to be called on Native Trading. vice and resources ? It is an utt~rly Commission was unanimously of to make financial and others fallacious argument. It is true tbat that opinion. Tbe Commission sacrifices pro p1tria, and especially We ~ ...~ ",oelud II.D impo..... t the Government cannot afford to made valuable recommendations will they be required to sink their OOmmDlllOl&loa CIQ &h•• ubj&ot of Nltin' neglect the country's ..-oters, and wbich, Professor Edgar Brookes be- owo interests In nrder to figbt tbe 'rldmg ffOal lb. A.friot.Q ~r ~ N. UOfor&IlUMI, ....ler that it is bound to pander to" the lieve!, tbe Goveroment will calmly Communists for possession of Native arri..-ed &00 lite few Ita IPpelnAOl thl. least intelligent section nf the popul­ ignore. It urged !or Native enlight- life and labour. Those Europeans ...~k i Ind it .... Ipp&reatl,. p ...".nd ation," as tbe Star says, or make hf(1n tbe Communione, Ippoia&e!i to eament and foretold tbe disaster who fi nd the Native Service Contract e.oquire inkJ tbe Nlti .. , tndlog" way for another clique whicb could lying in the train of continued Act a faulty and unmoral measure po'litioo It KrooO!l'.d hid oomplekd not be worse from the Native view­ oppre~slon . None but tbo3e blinded are" a collection of cranks, prigs bia .ork. Mr. W. A., \be­ point, and migbt be less politically by prejudice could fa il to perceive and notoriety seekers " wbo refuse Commiteiooer, .at tbll week lod beard evideooe from botb tidel, Iud he b .. brutal. The Native has little to tbe importance of the Commission's to believe with Mr. Plrow that tbe no.. to mite bit reoomm,oddioo! to hope for either from Hertzog or revelations or the me;ming behind farmer, tbat is the good Nationalist the Goveromeot. The CoogreM .tIU. Smute, but we are inclined to be­ its mildly phrased co n cl u s i o n~ . farmer, habitually confers benefi t meot is, bowover, of In importanl oh"rloter, lod .0 prop08e kJ d ..1 .i'h it. lieve that a change of Government lbe rep:)(t states, in e ff<!~t. tnat the on his Native servants. The love aed weet. would be advantageous because tbe Natives must be helped to pr.)gress ' of Native farm servants fo r t b.eir Platteland urge would lose much of as a means to avoid national Nationalist employers is, of course, • its force If those were removed wbo bankruptcy ; and if we read be- proverbial, and it is dou!lt.Jess Hopeful Signs, rdy nn the hywooer and his like tween the lines we discover because of the farmers' ., uncon­ tor their place and power, an uneuiness created by the scious" benefactions that Nalives Wool h Idvlooing io (:rioe, aod there are .igQl of a geoera.1 improve.
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