Appendix C Operation andMaintenance Plan OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN Former “Chevy in the Hole” / Chevy Commons Property, 300 North Chevrolet Avenue, 306 & 307 South Stevenson Street, and Glenwood Avenue (between Kearsley and North Chevrolet), Flint, Michigan Genesee County 2005 RLF Cleanup Grant – BF 96565501 PREPARED FOR Genesee County Land Bank Authority 452 South Saginaw Street Flint, Michigan 48502 and City of Flint 1101 South Saginaw Street Flint, MI 48502 PROJECT # 6163s DATE August 10, 2016 Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................1 2.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................1 3.0 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE INFORMATION ....................................................................................2 4.0 CAP FEATURES ...........................................................................................................................3 4.1 IMPERVIOUS SURFACES AND PHYSICAL/VISUAL BARRIERS .................................................... 3 5.0 SEMIANNUAL INSPECTIONS AND SCOPE .....................................................................................4 5.1 ROUTINE INSPECTION ACTIVITIES – EARTHEN CAP AND GABION WALLS .............................. 4 5.2 ROUTINE INSPECTION ACTIVITIES – CONCRETE AND ASPHALT PAVED AREAS ....................... 4 5.3 ROUTINE INSPECTION ACTIVITIES – STORMWATER SYSTEM .................................................. 4 5.4 ROUTINE INSPECTION ACTIVITIES – SECURITY FENCING AND GATES ..................................... 5 5.5 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS ................................................................................................. 5 5.6 INSPECTION, REPAIR RESPONSIBILITY, & FREQUENCY ............................................................ 5 6.0 RECORD KEEPING ......................................................................................................................6 APPENDICES Appendix A ..................................................................................................................... O&M Inspection Log I OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN Former “Chevy in the Hole” / Chevy Commons Property, 300 North Chevrolet Avenue, 306 & 307 South Stevenson Street, and Glenwood Avenue (between Kearsley and North Chevrolet), City of Flint, Genesee County, Michigan 48504 AKT Peerless Project No. 6163s 1.0 INTRODUCTION AKT Peerless Environmental & Energy Services (AKT Peerless) was retained by Genesee County Land Bank Authority (GCLBA) to prepare this Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Plan on behalf of the City of Flint for the property identified asChevy in the Hole / Chevy Commons located at 300 North Chevrolet Avenue, 307 & 307 South Stevenson Street, and Glenwood Avenue (between Kearsley and North Chevrolet), City of Flint, Genesee County, Michigan (subject property). A cover or barrier (e.g. earthen cap) has been completed over select portions and is planned for the remaining vacant portions of the subject property as a part of the overall remedial approach to prevent direct contact with subsurface contaminants, prevent exacerbation of existing contamination, and to provide a stormwater infiltration reduction that should be maintained during future property use or redevelopment. This O&M Plan has been developed for both the capped recreational public greenspace and the remaining vacant, limited-access areas. The O&M Plan has been prepared, in part, to help demonstrate compliance with Section 20107a and is included as an attachment to the Documentation of Due Care Compliance (DDCC). In order to maintain the integrity of the cap, gabion walls, storm water system and security fencing/gates, the City of Flint will maintain a copy of this O&M Plan and make it available to all interested parties (i.e. on-site employees, contractors, future property owners, etc.). If the future use of the property changes, this O&M Plan must be reevaluated and revised as appropriate in consideration of those changes. 2.0 Property Location and Description The subject property is located in the City of Flint, Genesee County, Michigan and is defined as 300 North Chevrolet Avenue. Refer to the DDCC for Figure 1 – Topographic Location Map and Figure 2 – Site Map – Aerial Photograph. The subject property consists of five contiguous parcels totaling approximately 60-acres, formerly known as Chevrolet - Flint Manufacturing Division of General Motors. The subject property is bounded by the Flint River to the north/northwest, Swartz Creek to the northeast, Chevrolet Avenue to the southwest, and Kearsley Street/Glenwood Avenue to the east. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN | CHEVY IN THE HOLE / CHEVY COMMONS Page 1 300 NORTH CHEVROLET AVENUE, FLINT, MICHIGAN 48504 For ease of reference in this report, AKT Peerless has designated each of the subject property parcels with a letter. These designations have no relevance to legally recorded data about the subject property. Table A - Property Information Parcel Address on Assessment Records Tax Identification Number Current Owner A North Chevrolet Avenue 40-13-301-005 City of Flint B 306 South Stevenson Street 40-13-176-002 City of Flint C Glenwood Avenue 40-13-326-005 City of Flint D 307 South Stevenson Street 40-13-251-004 City of Flint E 300 North Chevrolet Avenue 40-13-251-011 City of Flint 3.0 Hazardous Substance Information Previous environmental investigationsconducted at the subject property include the installation of temporary and permanent monitoring wells, collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples, evaluation of the groundwater flow and evaluation of known LNAPL on groundwater. Soil and groundwater sampling and analysis was completed and concentrations ofammonia, metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) were detected in the subsurface soils and/or groundwater at various locations across the subject property. Specifically, contaminants concentrations were detected exceeding Michigan Generic Non-Residential Generic Cleanup Criteria (NRCC) as defined by the NREPA, Michigan Public Act (PA) 451, 1994, as amended. Hazardous Substances were detected above of the following Part 201 NRCC: • Drinking Water Protection • Groundwater Surface Water Interface Protection • Groundwater Contact Protection • Soil Volatilization to Indoor Air • Infinite Source Volatile Soil Inhalation Criteria (VSIC) • Finite VSIC for 2 Meter Source Thickness • Finite VSIC for 5 Meter Source Thickness • Particulate Soil Inhalation Criteria • Direct Contact Criteria • MDEQ and ASTM indoor air inhalation screening criteria Based on laboratory analytical results, the subject property meets the definition of a facility, as defined in Part 201. Soil and/or groundwater contamination was discovered from near the surface (0.5-foot below grade surface [bgs]) to depths 35-feet bgs at various locations throughout the subject property. In addition to soil and groundwater impact, four distinct areas of light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) exist as plumes at various locations at the subject property. The LNAPL areas, which represents potential acute OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN | CHEVY IN THE HOLE / CHEVY COMMONS Page 2 300 NORTH CHEVROLET AVENUE, FLINT, MICHIGAN 48504 risks, also exhibit contaminant concentrationsexceeding Part 201 NRCC. For specific concentrations and locations, refer to the tables and figures attached to the DDCC. For the purpose of this O&M Plan, the entire area of subject property below the completed earthen cap areas and the existing impervious surfaces, gravel, and vegetation are assumed to be impacted and therefore the existing cover or earthen cap should be properly maintained. 4.0 CAP Features The subject property can be classified in two distinct CAP areas: the completed vegetated earthen cap areas and the vacant areas consisting of impervious surfaces (former factory floors, concrete, asphalt, gravel, or vegetation). The vacant areas are considered restricted access areas not made available for public use. The CAP serve as a barrier to prevent direct human contact with residual contamination and mobilization of contamination, and acts as a partial infiltration barrier. 4.1 Impervious Surfaces and Physical/Visual Barriers The subject property includes physical barriers and visual barriers, both of which may or may not be covered with an engineered earthen cap. In addition, other vegetated or gravel covered areas are present in the vacant portion of the site, but may not necessarily serve as a physical barrier. The vacant portions of the site are intended to be limited-access areas, which are fenced, gated, and not intended for public access. The remaining areas of the subject property that have been developed with an engineered earthen cap are intended as a public greenspace for recreational use. A portion of the pre-existing concrete building foundations (aka: factory floors) and other impervious surfaces (e.g. asphalt) may remain in place to minimize precipitation infiltration and serve as a physical barrier to subsurface contaminants. The pre-existing impervious surfaces will be covered with a vegetated earthen cap over time as the property is redeveloped as a recreational greenspace. Some limited impervious surface areas will be removed thereby exposing contaminated subsurface soils during construction activities. Subsurface soils
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