30568 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 13, 1972 DERWINSKI, Mr. FORSYTHE, Mr. FRE­ entitled to social security benefits at least By Mr. FISHER: LINGHUYSEN, Mr. FRENZEL, Mr. GUB­ half of the 1972 increase in such benefits, H.R. 16651. A rill for the relief of M. Sgt. SER, Mr. HARRINGTON, Mrs. HICKS of either by disregarding it in determining their Ronald J. Hodgkinson, U.S. Army (retired); Massachusetts, Mr. HOGAN, Mr. KEAT­ need for assistance or otherwise; to the Com­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. ING, Mr. JONES of North Carolina, Inittee on Ways and Means. By Mr. HICKS of Washington: Mr. KYROS, Mr. MCCLOSKEY, Mr.° By Mr. LUJAN: H.R. 16652. A bill for the relief of Rene MIKVA, :Mr. REUSS, Mr. ROBINSON of H. Con. Res. 703. Concurrent resolution Huhr Allen, Roger Huhr Allen, and Chong Virginia, Mr. STOKES, and Mr. expressing the sense of the Congress that Suk Kim; to the Committee on the Judiciary. THONE): the Soviet Union should be condemned for By Mr.LUJAN: H.R. 16649. A bill to amend title 38 of the its policy of demanding a ransom from edu­ H.R. 16653. A bill for the relief of Samuel T. United States Code to provide that one-half cated Jews who want to emigrate to Israel; Ansley; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of any social security benefit increases pro­ to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. BRASCO: vided for by Public Law 92-336 be disre­ By Mr. WYDLER: H. Con. Res. 704. Concurrent resolution garded in determining eligibility for pension H. Res. 1117. Resolution expressing the expressing the sense of the Congress that the or compensation under such title; to the support of the House of Representatives for Soviet Union should permit Gavriel Yako­ Committee on Veterans' Affairs. the veto by the United States of the United vievitch Shapiro to travel to the United By Mr. MALLARY (for hiinsel!, Mr. Nations resolution on military operations in States to be with his wife, the former Judith ALEXANDER, Mr. ANDERSON of Ten­ the Middle East; to the Cominittee on For­ Beth Silver; to the Committee on Foreign nessee, Mr. BAKER, Mr. BEVILL, Mr. eign Affairs. Affairs. BIESTER, Mr. BRINKLEY, Mr. CONOVER, By Mr.DOW: Mr. DENT, Mr. DERWINSKI, Mr. FOR­ H. Res. 1118. Resolution to authorize the SYTHE, Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN, Mr. Judiciary Committee to conduct an investi­ FRENZEL, Mr. GUBSER, Mr. HARRING­ gation and study of Federal grand jury prac­ PETITIONS, ETC. TON, Mrs. HICKS of Massachusetts, tices; to the Comxnittee on Rules. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Mr. HOGAN, Mr. KEATING, Mr. JONES 282. The SPEAKER presented a petition of of North Carolina, Mr. KYROS, Mr. the M111tary Order of the World Wars, Wash­ MCCLOSKEY, Mr. MlKVA, Mr. ROBIN­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS ington, D.C., relative to summer encamp­ SON of Virginia, Mr. STOKES, and Mr. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private ments for qualHied Junior ROTC cadets, THONE): which was referred to the Committee on H.R. 16650. A blll to require States to pass bills and resolutions were introduced and along to public assistance recipients who are severally referred as follows: Armed Services. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS REFUGEE PROBLEMS INTENSIFY recently has been emphasized by the DEPUTY HIGH COMMAND SPOKESMAN ON Cambodian Government itself after a MILITARY SITUATION [EDITED] IN CAMBODIA Deputy High Command spokesman Maj. long period of relative silence by them Chhang Song stated this morning that at on the subject. Following these remarks 0230 hours this morning the Viet Cong-North HON. DONALD M. FRASER I will insert several recent statements by Vietnamese attacked our position at Phnom OF MINNESOTA the Cambodian Government on the sub­ Bak.heng hill, northwest of Angkor Wat tem­ ject. ple, where furious combat between our troops IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The clear indication is that the situa­ and the communist attackers took place. Tuesday, September 12, 1972 tion of the refugees and other war vic­ Communist pressure forced our forces to tims in Cambodia has deteriorated con­ withdraw from the position at 0500 hours. Mr. FRASER. Mr. Speaker, the plight . Cambodian nationals forced to serve of refugees in cambodia has concerned, siderably in recent weeks and that the the enemy continued to rally our authorities. a number of us in Congress for some time. need for assistance has intensified. Recently three Khmer nationals were report­ This concern has persisted despite ef­ It is my hope that the U.S. Govern­ ed to have joined the national community in forts by executive branch officials, par­ ment, heeding the will of Congress, will the Rumduol town of Svay Rieng Province, ticularly in the Department of State, to provide direct aid to Cambodian refugees bringing with them a Chinese-made PM despite the delay in enacting the foreign machinepistol. An increasing number of ref­ play down the refugee situation in war­ ugees has fled to Svay Rieng town to escape tom Cambodia and to disavow any re­ aid bill with its $2 million fund for Cam­ bodian refugees. communist barbarism. On 9 August, several spansibility on the part of the United refugee families---slx men, six women and 18 States to assist directly Khmer war vic­ The items follow: children-arrived in Svay Rieng town for help tims. LON NOL DISCUSSES PROBLEMS OF WAR and protection from our authorities. On 27 Reports on the situation have been de­ REFUGEES [EDITED] July several famllies from Svay Donkeo town veloped by the Government Accounting At the Chamcarmon Republican City Hall in Parsat Province staged a demonstration at 1000 hours on 10 August, Marshal Lon Nol against the communists for kidnaping an ab­ Otnce, by the Senate Judiciary Subcom­ opened an important work session to discuss bot and forcing the inhabitants to fly the mittee on Refugees and Escapees, and by war refugee problems, land on which to con­ communist red flag. investigators for the House Cbmmittee struct refugees camps, and construction of a on Foreign Affairs. These reports por­ new road from Stung Meanchey to Prey Sor. CAMBODIAN GOVERNMENT ON REFUGEES, ENEMY tray a different picture of the Cambodian Present were high-ranking ministers, govern­ USE OF TANKS [EDITED] refugee situation than that described by ment functionaries and officers from all de­ partments.... (Statement of the Government of the U.S. officials. Khmer Republic) These congressionally sponsored The president briefed the meeting on ref­ ugee problems, especially those concerning The Government of the Khmer Republic studies have indicated that large num­ refugees from Svay Rieng town, whose would like to draw the attention of the gov­ bers of refugees in Cambodia are living in evacuation to Phnom Penh will be immedi­ ernments of friendly countries and world extremely undesirable circumstances and ately entrusted to Lt. Gen. Mao Sikhem. The public opinion to two serious developments are suffering, because of inadequate nu­ president then drew the attention of the au­ in the current war imposed by North Viet­ trition, miserable living quarters, and in­ thorities in charge of the refugees and gov­ nam on the Khmer Republic, an independent sumcient medical attention. ernors of each zone to the necessity for hous­ and peace-loving country. Believing that the United States bears ing, feeding and clothing these brothers. The Recently we have been faced with a grow­ president also raised the issue of rice, a prob­ ing number of refugees who have escaped some responsibility for the plight of these lem which he has taken necessary measures, from the enemy-controlled regions. At the war victims, I sponsored an amendment including the founding of a committee to im­ same time, we have been witnessing the ex­ to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1972 ear­ port rice. tensive use of sophisticated weapons and marking $2 million for their assistance. Following the discussion, the president and heavy tanks by the invading forces of North The amendment was accepted by the all participants visited construction sites of Vietnam in their aggression against our na­ committee and ultimately passed by the refugees camps located west of Stung Mean­ tional defense forces. These two new develop­ House. On the Senate side, Senator Ken­ chey. At the building sites, the president ments in the flagrant war of aggression per­ nedy was successful in having a similar showed his colleagues the projects drawn on petrated by North Vietnam against the a map and explained various plans of the re­ Khmer Republic are the reasons for this amendment adopted as part of the Sen­ sponsible authorities. A high-ranking engi­ statement. The Cambodian Government be­ ate foreign aid measure which ultimately neering om:cer constructing the camps gave a lieves it is imperative to inform world public was defeated. detailed report on the materialization of the opinion a.bout a situation that is no longer The necessity of aiding these refugees projects.••• tolerable. September 13, 1972 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 30569 The problem of refugees: The number of Kanda!, Takeo and Ka.mpot provinces. This leagues, to accomplish this end, which is the refugees has been growing in the pa.st statement emphasized the growing number long overdue. few months since the start of the North Viet­ of refugees, citing the example of Svay Rieng These are the Jewish high holidays, namese offensive in South Vietnam. The town where the number of refugees has now already splattered with the newly shed regions most affected are located in the south passed 47,000 and where the supply and blood of 11 innocent Israeli athletes at and southeastern parts of Cambodia adja­ housing problems have been aggravated by cent to the South Vietnamese frontier, that the cutting of communications lines by the the Olympic games by Arab assassins.
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