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Index Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) 435, 437, Agde, council of (506) 137 443 Agilulf, king of the Lombards 250 abbesses 373, 477 Agobard, archbishop of Lyons 455, abbots 210–11, 415, 477 456 British 353 agrarian rites 154 Carolingian 442 agrarian society 43, 46, 47–8, 48, 50, Irish 331, 333 147, 172 social status 331 Aï Qanum 28 Abd al-Malik, calif 301, 303, 309 Aistulf, king of the Lombards 405 Abd al-Walid, calif 301, 302, 303 Aix-la-Chapelle see Aachen Abgar VIII of Osrhoene 64 al-Akhtal (Arab poet) 308 Abraham 37, 291, 292 al-Mundhîr 288 A.D. dating system 23, 416 Alans 102 Admonitio Generalis Alaric I, king of the Visigoths 48, 86 (Charlemagne) 441, 450 Alaric II, king of the Visigoths 136–7, Adomnán, abbot of Iona 330, 362 137 Adrianople 48, 86, 480 Breviarium Alaricianum 136 áes dana 372 Alban, Saint 125–6 Africa Alcuin of York 432–3, 439, 440, churches 114 443–4, 446, 447, 453–4, 478 see also NorthCOPYRIGHTED Africa; the names Aldebert MATERIAL (heretic) 421, 422–3, 450 of individual countries Alemanni 413 afterlife see death and the afterlife Alexander, Saint 480 Agapetus, Pope 199 Alexandria 2, 50, 115 The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity, A.D. 200–1000, Tenth Anniversary Revised Edition. Peter Brown. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. bbindex.inddindex.indd 663232 111/18/20121/18/2012 66:54:42:54:42 AAMM index 633 patriarchs 115, 116, 118, 172 Antrim, County 41 population 54–5 Apamea 273 Serapeum 74 Apennines 182, 192 almsgiving 69–70, 71, 157, 158, 222 Apollos, Apa 174 alphabet 277 “applied culture” 27–8 Christianity 276–9 Aquileia 63 division between Rome and Arab culture 316 Persia 277 Arabian peninsula 286–8, 289 literature 277 Arabic language 289–90, 301–2, 308, national identity 9, 278 337, 386, 449 warrior aristocracy 277–8 spread 315–16 alphabet, Armenian 277 Arcadius, emperor 134 Ambrose, bishop of Milan 80, 87, Arculf, bishop 319, 378 105, 256 “arguments in stone” 30, 32, 55, 108 Amida 185, 188 Ari Thorgilsson the Wise Ammianus Marcellinus, Histories 480 Book of the Icelanders 474 amsâr 305 Arianism 79–80, 105–6, 136, 137, amulets 77, 154, 159, 324, 465 425 Ananias of Shirak 365, 486 aristocracy 84–5 K’nnikon 365 aristocratic swagger 477–8 Anastasius, emperor 137–8, 177 aristocratization of the Anastasius of Sinai Church 110–11 Stories to Strengthen the Faith 309 bishops 110–11, 478 Anatolia 57 early medieval Europe 30–1 Christianization 391 Frankish 31, 253, 354, 378, 410, Aneirin 411, 412, 442, 447, 448 Y Gododdin 129 land ownership and wealth 56, 98 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 469 literate 448, 452 Anglo-Saxon language 346, 373, 374 urban 56 Anglo-Saxon verse 373, 377–8 Aristotle 274–5 Anglo-Saxons 378 Arius 79, 117 ‘Anjar 305 Ark of the Covenant 457–8 anmcharae (“soul friend”) 333–4 Arles 112, 151, 153, 154, 227–8 Annianus, bishop of Orléans 107 Armagh monastery 330 Anskar (Frankish missionary) 471–2 Armenia 9, 44, 187, 276–9, 486 Anthony of Tagrit 311–12 Armenian Church 111, 277, 278–9 Anthony the hermit 81, 82 Katholikos 111, 177, 288 Antichrist 203, 295 Monophysitism 278–9 Antioch 2, 50, 77, 115, 119–20, 171, armies 206, 272, 273, 370 Arab 296–7, 298, 315 patriarchs 115–16, 119, 171 barbarian militias 102, 103–4, 105 population 54–5 barbarian recruits 49, 101 Antirrheticus (Evagrius) 285 ethnic specificity 104–5 Antirrhetikos (Nicephorus) 397 German 47 bbindex.inddindex.indd 663333 111/18/20121/18/2012 66:54:43:54:43 AAMM 634 index armies (cont’d) Aurelius Isidore 58 Roman 49, 101 Ausonius of Bordeaux 86–7 Themes 386 Austrasia 408, 410–11 art Autun 164 early medieval 459, 461 Auvergne 137 frescoes 204–5, 470 Avarayr, battle of (451) 278 Islamic 300 Avars 45, 183, 394, 434, 453–4 mosaics 162, 168, 180, 190, 193, Axum 138–9, 187, 276 272, 300, 390, 400 Aya Sofya see Hagia Sophia basilica Muslim 390 see also crafts; icons Baghdad 316–17 asceticism 81, 87, 173, 200, 242, 253 Balkans ascetic missionaries 81, 82 conversion of 404 ascetic sensibility 199 crisis 394–5 desert saints 173, 174, 175 Balthild, queen 255 monastic discipline 112 Bamburgh 353 penitential asceticism 374 Bangor 247 Asia Banu Ghassân 287, 290 Christianity in 40, 41, 267–94 baptism 65, 68, 92, 344–5, 453 Islam in 289–94 adult 53 Athanasius, patriarch of baptismal vows 427, 451, 453 Alexandria 79–80, 82–3, 105, enforced 305, 366, 453 117–18 fulwiht 488–9 Athens 58, 149, 178 godparents 453, 454 atonement 220, 242 infant 453 see also penance mass baptisms 349, 361 Attila the Hun 44–5, 107 potency 154 Aud the Deep-Minded 477 preparation for 453–4 Augustine of Canterbury transformative rite 68, 88 at Canterbury 345 barbarians 6, 43–8 conversion of Britain 215, 340, 342, absorption of Roman frontier 344–7 zone 51, 100–1 Augustine of Hippo, Saint 28, 73, “barbarian invasions” 4, 44, 48, 86, 76–7, 82–3, 85, 87–8, 93, 129, 93, 438 150, 151, 202, 204–5, 233, Christianity 105–6 235, 256 definitions 43 on baptism 92 farmers 43, 46, 47, 48 City of God 91–2 image of 6, 7, 45, 99–100 Confessions 28, 87–8, 204 nomads 43–6 death 93, 97 oral culture 48 doctrine of election 89–91 para-Roman world 49, 50, 100–1 and the Pelagian controversy Pirenne thesis 9–10 88–9 pre-Christian past 8 theology of grace 88–91 in Roman armies 49, 101–2 bbindex.inddindex.indd 663434 111/18/20121/18/2012 66:54:43:54:43 AAMM index 635 Roman attitudes to 45, 46–7, 48, explanation 27, 282, 370–1 49, 99–100 Ten Commandments 389 Roman collaboration with 99, Vulgate 199 100–1, 102 see also Old Testament; Scriptures settlements 7, 101–6 Birka (Björkö) 464 warrior society 48–9 bishops 68, 78, 80, 107–8, 415 Bardaisan 42, 43, 48, 64 arbiters of sin and repentance 68 The Book of the Laws of aristocrats 110–11, 478 Countries 40–1, 54 Chalcedonian 185 Barhebraeus (Gregory Abu church-building 168 al-Farâj) 313 city “fathers” 158 Barontus (monk) 260, 262, 374 civic and episcopal power and Barsanuphius of Gaza 175–6, 204 activities 78, 80, 107, 157–8, Questions and Answers 175 166–7, 168–9, 208, 209, 211 Barsauma, bishop of Nisibis 281 convergence of holiness and basilicas 30, 63, 77, 78, 108, 125, 458, ecclesiastical office 173 459 entry into their cities 166–7 Gallic 162 founders of monasteries 223 “sacred theater” 187 Frankish 414, 423–4 Basra 305 Gallic 110, 112, 113, 114, 116, Bath 76, 127 157–8 Bauto (Frankish chieftain) 134 Gregory’s guidance for 209, 211, Bavaria 412, 421 212, 237 Bede the Venerable 30, 32, 52, 350–4, Irish 331 355–6, 358, 364, 367, 373, 374 judges in civil litigation 78 death 355 monk-bishops 111–13, 207 Ecclesiastical History of the English Monophysites 186 Nation 9, 351, 352–3, 416, 419 and the pagan past 149–50 Life of Cuthbert 355 retinues 332, 362 Belisarius 180 of Rome 114–15, 116 Bell-Beaker culture 486 and rural Christianity 146–7 Benedict Biscop 356–7, 359, 364 social status 331 Benedict, Saint 210, 221, 222, 250 tools of imperial government 168–9 Rule 210, 225, 441 wealth 157–8 Benevento 192 blood-money 245 Beowulf 479, 485 boars 135 Berbers 138 Bobbio 248 Berry 161 Boethius 195–6, 275 Bertha (wife of Ethelbert) 344–5 Consolation of Philosophy 195 Bertram, bishop of Le Mans 157 Bogu Qaghan 42 Bewcastle 377 Boisil, prior 355 Bible 370–1, 460 Boniface, Pope 249 allegorical interpretation 204, 370 Boniface, Saint 5, 41, 418–21, 423–5, copying and meditation on 41, 460 430, 449 bbindex.inddindex.indd 663535 111/18/20121/18/2012 66:54:43:54:43 AAMM 636 index Book of Daniel 297 churches 79 Book of History (Gregory of Tours) civil wars 126 140, 160, 161, 163 economic collapse 12, 13 Book of Job 204, 206 “folk Christianity” 342 Book of Kells 30, 372–3, 377, 459 gens Anglorum 352 Book of Leviticus 244 gift-giving relationship 31, 129, 344, The Book of Monsters 485 347, 350 Book of the Icelanders (Air Thorgilsson hill-forts 129 the Wise) 474 kings/kingdoms 342–4, 352, 475 The Book of the Laws of Countries Latin Christian culture 239, 241 (Bardaisan) 40, 54 metropolitan bishops 345 Book of Tobit 159 “micro-Christendoms” 15, 359, books 368, 378 centers of book production 22 monasteries/monasticism 128, codices 23, 63, 82, 111 373–4 copying 357, 372, 430 overlordship 343 encyclopedic works 364–5, 387 post-imperial 12, 125–9 illuminated 372–3, 459 Roman economy 126 Manichaean texts 82 Roman garrisons 49–50 material production 23, 24–5, Romano-Britons 126–7, 128–9, 357, 445 140 of penance see Penitentials Saxons 7, 8, 15, 127, 242, 301, 341, of rituals 427 342–54 treated as gifts 357 single “English nation” 9, 352 “wisdom literature” 427 warrior elite 348, 353 see also libraries; translations written histories 9, 140, 351–2, Boseth 73 416, 419 Bostra 169 see also Northumbria Bourges 110–11 British language 239 Braga 99 bubonic plague 155, 161, 180–3, 394 Braudel, Fernand 11 Buddha 82 Breviarium Alaricianum 136 Buddhism 32, 285 Brigit, Saint 330, 331 Bulayiq 284–5 Brioude 162 Bulgars 394 Britain Burdona see Jacob Baradaeus Angli 214–15, 352, 475 Burgundians 102, 104, 228 Anglo-Saxons 378 Burgundofara 251, 254 Augustinian mission 5, 215, 219, burial hoards 126–7, 321, 324 340, 341, 344–7 burial practices burial hoards 126–7 burial beside saints and shrines 263 Celtic hill-shrines 127 Byzantine Church 386–7, 404 Christian language 346 Christian 67, 262–5 Christianity 7, 8, 76, 127–8, 129, Frankish 418 242, 341, 342, 344–64, 373–8 Gallic 133, 134 bbindex.inddindex.indd 663636 111/18/20121/18/2012 66:54:43:54:43 AAMM index 637 grave inscriptions 264, 282 Carthage 62, 85, 105, 179, 296 ship burials 321, 324, 343, 347 fall 10, 296 theology of images 395–9 Cassian see John Cassian see also Orthodox Church Cassiodorus 27–8,

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