“Plan and plant for a better world.” Friends of the JC Raulston Arboretum Newsletter Number 1, Fall, 1997 for staffing, equipment, and duction program. Jonathan has re- Director’s Letter infrastructural improvements that ally hit the ground running to put to- were promised to the directoral can- gether a great fall calendar, success- I want to thank all of you for your in- didates. fully organize Campus Color Explo- credible support during this time of sion, produce this newsletter, and transition. Friends and volunteers To this end, the college has already handle myriad issues in the Arbore- locally, across the country and around released additional lapsed salary tum office. You can reach Jonathan the world have worked even harder funding, which will enable us to fund on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays than ever before to keep the garden positions for interim staff. Diane at 919-515-3132. and its programs moving ahead. We Flynt and Tony Avent, who served in simply can never thank you enough. interim roles through August of this Harriet Bellerjeau is already hard at year, have gone back to their full time work as our part time volunteer coor- You may have already heard that the jobs. After fine tuning of our interim dinator. Harriet will support current recent round of interviews did not structure, other part time staff are volunteer activities and recruit and yield a new Arboretum director, in already stepping into place to keep train new volunteers to fill existing spite of stellar efforts by the search things going strong. I want to take needs. Harriet comes to us with vast committee, unprecedented support this opportunity to welcome them, and experience coordinating volunteers in from the university, and tremendous let you know a bit about them. the Raleigh Housing Authority com- participation by many of you. munity gardening program. She is a Though this was a disappointment, Many of you already know Doug landscape designer and a certified good came from the experience as Ruhren as the volunteer co-curator horticultural therapist. She has vol- well. The interview process was a of the perennial borders. I am de- unteered over the past year doing terrific coming together and confirma- lighted to report that Doug will come background work for a grant proposal tion of the Arboretum community. We on staff this month as our horticultural to enhance children’s programming. saw common vision and common advisor. He will help make decisions You may reach Harriet on Tuesday commitment to supporting both a new on plant collection, evaluation, and mornings and all day on Thursdays director and the Arboretum itself. One distribution. Doug has tremendous at 919-515-3132. candidate summed it up by saying horticultural expertise, and we are that with the Arboretum’s focused very fortunate to be able to call upon I hope you’ll join me in welcoming mission, and university and commu- him in this capacity. Doug, Jonathan, and Harriet to the nity support now in place, “There is team. Thanks to them, to our perma- no doubt that the JC Raulston Arbo- Jonathan Nyberg is now working nent staff, and to all our friends and retum will continue to soar.” with us three days each week as our supporters near and far, the Arbore- program coordinator, planning and tum continues to grow and flourish. In the meantime, I have been ap- facilitating Friends of the Arboretum It is an honor and a privilege to work pointed director for a term of one year: lectures, educational programs, and with you all to fulfill the Arboretum’s September 1997 through October events. He is also responsible for the mission: promoting new and better 1998. I want to assure you that I am newsletter and for coordinating with adapted plants for a better world. not only committed to personally serv- the NC Association of Nurserymen on ing as director to the best of my abil- promotion of the JC Raulston Selec- Bryce Lane ity, but also to securing the resources tions, a new facet of the plant intro- Arboretum Director Fall 1997 Page 1 Table of Contents Editor’s Mailbox Plant News Mapping News Publications JC Raulston Selections JC Development News Charlotte Distribution Membership Evaluation Classified Ads Volunteer News Accessions wet-prairie habitat in the state. Much plants, and the life of the plantation Editor’s Mailbox of Northwest MO was covered by mistress, to spirituality and memory these wetlands before being drained in the gardens of modern-day African- Would everyone please take a for farming. I observed a spectacu- American women.” To order, contact: minute to do a favor for the Arbore- lar plant with obvious ornamental Old Salem, Box 10400, Winston-Sa- tum? It won’t even cost a penny. Go value,Cephalanthus occidentalis lem, NC 27108, Attention: Mail Or- into your database or address book (Buttonbush). With dark green, der. 800-822-5151. and change the Arboretum’s address glossy leaves and intriguing white to: JC Raulston Arboretum, Depart- flower balls, it seems a must shrub Winston-Salem extension agent Toby ment of Horticultural Science, Box for anyone lucky enough to have wet Bost has authored the North Carolina 7609, Raleigh, NC 27695-7609. areas, bogs or ponds. The Septem- Gardener’s Guide. He is donating Thank you. ber 15, 1997 American Nurseryman part of his proceeds from the book to has a more complete profile on its the JC Raulston Arboretum. Take a This year is the 50th anniversary of back page. One local source is Cure look in your local bookstore, library the Holly Society of America. The US Nursery, 880 Buteo Rd., Pittsboro NC or order directly from the publisher, Postal Service is celebrating the 27312, 919-542-6186. If anyone Cool Springs Press at 888-591-5117. event with an American Holly stamp knows other sources or has experi- Thanks, Toby, for such generosity! in October. The Holly Society has ence growing it, please contact asked the Arboretum to do something Jonathan Nyberg, 919-515-3132. A special publication, “Horticultural to celebrate their golden anniversary. Therapy and the Older Adult Popula- Any budding Holly enthusiasts care tion” is available from the American to organize an event? Publications Horticultural Therapy Association for $28.00. Call 301-948-3010 ext. 16 At the summer trade show in Char- For Japanese gardening enthusiasts, for more information. If you garden lotte, a man in the snack food indus- you might want to peruse a new pub- with the elderly at home or at work, try was looking for Thaumatococcus lication: Roth-Journal of Japanese consider buying this publication. danielii (sweet prayer plant), a plant Gardening. Their flyer said, “We used as a sweetener in Africa and would like to down play the religious China. He thinks there is a market and symbolic aspects and focus on for it here as a commercial sweetener. designing, building and maintaining If you want to get in on the ground Japanese Gardens.” The address is: floor and know something about this PO Box 159, Dept. B, Orefield, PA plant, contact: Gary Dunn, 1400 18069. Goldmine Rd. Monroe, NC 28111, 704-366-1518. The proceedings of the tenth confer- ence on Restoring Southern Gardens The new address of the North Caro- and Landscapes have been pub- lina Arboretum is: The North Caro- lished in a volume titled, The Influ- lina Arboretum, 100 Frederick Law ence of Women on the Southern Olmsted Way, Asheville, NC 28806. Landscape. The jacket reads, “The The telephone number remains 704- essays in this volume bring together 665-2492. Everyone is encouraged for the first time research on the rela- to visit and see what they have done. tionship of women to the landscape of the South. They span centuries While visiting my hometown of and cultures—from prehistoric Chillicothe, MO this summer, I went women and horticulture, the to a State Park that contained the last backcountry housewife’s use of Page 2 Friends of the JC Raulston Arboretum Newsletter Plant News JC Raulston Selections Ongoing information on the plants soils, 8' high and 8' wide. There’s one and on the program itself will be dis- at the Arboretum in the mixed shrub Program seminated through trade publications border. If you need a screen, cluster In general, humans have an aversion and the popular press. or specimen in a difficult area, con- to new things. People like what they sider TPFKAA. Just go to your gar- know. They like what has been suc- How can you support this program? den center and say, “Do you have The cessful, especially if spending money By buying and growing these plants. Plant Formerly Known As is involved. “My daddy drove a chevy. If you are a wholesale grower or have Acanthopanax?” Zone 4. My mamma planted yellow bells.” a retail business and want informa- People seek plants that are familiar, tion on purchasing JCRS tags, post- Illicium parviflorum (Anise Shrub) with proven performance. JC was ers or leaflets, contact: Bill Wilder, This fairly well known southeastern very keen on involving the Arboretum NC Association of Nurserymen, PO US native broadleaved evergreen more directly with retail customers. Box 400, Knightdale, NC 27545, 919- can give a different look depending He saw that the Arboretum was in a 266-3322. If you are a retail customer on how it is sited. I’ve seen it in shady position to act as a link between and want to purchase any of these sites with the leaves 8"-10" long and wholesale growers, retailers and the plants, go to your favorite garden cen- 4"-5" wide, giving it a lush, tropical general public.
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