Name Index An “f” following a page number indicates a figure on that page A Aaronsohn, Aaron, 196–97 Abbas, Mahmoud, 213f Abd al-Rahman al-Ghafiqi, 169 Abdel Kader Haidara, 296 Abdelkader El Djezairi, 257–58, 258f, 264–65 Abdi, Mazloum Kobani, 50 Abdul Aziz bin Baz, 316–17 Abdul Rahman, Kambir, 103, 103f Abdulaziz ibn Saud, 63f, 68f, 71f on Arab freedom, 66–68 betrayal of Sharif of Mecca by, 69–70 invasion of Hejaz, 71f, 71–72 as vassal king, 65–69, 67f, 70f, 73, 79–80, 210, 265, 344, 349 Wahhabism and, 62–64, 66–67 Abdullah ibn Saud, 58–59, 59f, 61 Abraham (patriarch), 350 Abrams, Elliot, 346 Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi, 8, 9f Abu al-Qasim bin Abbad, 340 Abu Bakr al-Razi, 8, 10f, 74, 310, 341 Abu Tayi, Auda, 37, 38f Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah, 117 Abu Yaqub Yusuf, 268f Abulcasis, 8, 9f Acocella, Joan, 122 Adams, Abigail, 19f Adams, John, 19, 19f, 269 Adityanath, Yogi, 330 Ahmad Shāh Durrānī, 335f Aimery, 163 Aisha, 342 Akbar, 328–29, 332 Akkad, Moustapha, 262–63, 263f Al Thunayan, Effat, 85f Alexander the Great, 109, 109f, 351 Alexander VI, 267 Al-Farghani, 268f Alfonso VI, 340 Alfraganus, 268f Al-Hasan ibn Ali, 33 Al-Haytham, 6, 7f, 16 Al-Husayn ibn Ali, 311–12 Ali (caliph), 31, 59, 116, 269, 310–13, 341 Al-Idrisi, 268f Al-Kamil, 182–84 al-Khalili, Jim, 5 Al-Khwarizmi, 5, 5f, 16 Allenby, Edmund, 38–40, 39f–40f, 48, 80, 127–28, 197 Al-Mansur, 4 Almond, Ian, 27 Al-Razi, 8, 10f Alys (Philip Augustus' sister), 174–75 Al-Zahrawi, 8, 9f Ambrose, 111 Anderson, Scott, 48 Applebaum, Anne, 133 Arafat, Yasser, 210 Arden, Elizabeth, 310 Aristotle, 14, 269 Armstrong, Karen, 178 Asbridge, Thomas, 145, 149–50, 153 Asquith, H.H., 41 al-Assad, Bashar, 51 al-Assad, Hafez, 50 Aurangzeb, 329, 332 Averroes, 14, 15f Avicenna, 8, 8f B Baccarat, 310 Baibars, 185–86, 186f Baker, James, 220 Baldwin IV, 162, 162f, 164, 166 Balfour, Arthur, 43, 43f–44f, 49, 83, 91, 128–29, 308, 344. See also Balfour Declaration in subject index; vassalage program in subject index; Zionism in subject index Bandar, 89 Bannon, Steve, 254 Barak, Ehud, 211 Bauer, Conrad, 187 Bayezid II, 24, 24f Begin, Menachem, 136, 202–4, 203f Bell, Gertrude, 70f Belushi, John, 104 ben Caiaphas, Joseph, 110 Benedict XVI, 153–54, 154f, 244 Ben-Gurion, David, 211 Berengaria of Navarre, 175–76, 178–79 Berlin, Isaiah, 82 Bilal, 287–88, 296 Bin Baz, 316–17 Bin Laden, Osama, 60–61, 76, 149, 240, 248, 314, 319 Bin Zayed, 347 Bint Faisal Al Saud, Lolowah, 88 Birnbaum, Nathan, 121 Blackstone, William E., 130–31, 134–35 Blair, James, 299 Blake, John, 299 Blasco Ibánez, Vicente, 169 Blyth, Benjamin, 19f Board, Ernest, 9 Bohemond of Taranto, 151f Bolsonaro, Jair, 252–55 Bolton, Jerry, 25 Boudinot, Elias, 130 Brandeis, Louis, 50, 135 Breivik, Andres Behring, 188 Brooks, Dan, 248 Brown, George, 86 Brownworth, Lars, 147, 163, 183 Burton, Richard, 73f, 101 Bush, George W., 131–32, 155, 345–46 Butler, Gerard, 108 C Calvin, John, 123, 129 Carafa (Paul IV), 227 Carroll, James, 132, 150, 356 Chalkokondyles, Laonikos, 240–41 Charlemagne, 13, 13f–14f, 65, 151f Cheney, Dick, 345–46 Chirac, Jacques, 131 Churchill, Winston, 82f, 206f about, 64–65, 82–83 character of, 82 Iran and, 307–8 on Marshall, 206 "Middle East," creation of by, 91, 265 terrorism by, 83 and vassalage program, 65–69, 71, 79–80, 90, 344 Wahhabism, warning on, 66–67 Zionism and, 65, 128–30, 344 Clark, Wesley, 345 Clemenceau, Georges, 47 Clifford, Clark, 131, 141, 208–10 Cneajna, 235 Cohen, Avner, 216 Collins, Addie Mae, 355 Columbus, Christopher, 267–69, 268f Commins, David, 56 Conrad III, 158–59 Constance, 163 Constantine, 110–11, 118f, 138, 191, 229 Cooper, Anthony Ashley (Lord of Shaftesbury), 126f, 126–27 Coppola, Francis Ford, 172, 247, 247f, 248 Corrie, Rachel Aliene, 223–26, 226f Corvinus, Matthias, 239–41 Cox, Percy, 69, 70f Crusius, Patrick, 250 Cubells, Martínez, 292f Curtin, Philip D., 283, 294f Cyrus, 107–8, 118, 167, 309 D Dahir Sen, 327 Dale, Stephen Frederic, 16f Dante, 178 D’Antonio, Michael, 133 Darius III, 109f Darius the Great, 108 Davis, Timothy, 264 Davis, William Stearns, 154 Deeb, Mary-Jane, 280 Dent, Fredrick, 271 Devos, Betsy, 347 Dickson, H.R.P, 66 Diouf, Sylviane A., 296–97 Dodik, Milorad, 244 Dorsey, Hugh M., 189 Doumar, Abe, 20 Dracula/Vlad III (also Vlad Țepeș), 237f, 247f, 251f, 256f as a Christian extremist, 238–39, 243 death of, 241 early years of, 235–37 as hero, 250–52, 251f Hollywood and, 247–49 modern Romanian thought on, 250–53 right-wing politics and, 253–55 violence by, 240–41 Dracul/Vlad II, 234f, 234–36 Dragaš, Helena, 191 Durrānī, 335f Dylan, Bob, 298 E Eddé, Anne-Marie, 160 Edward III, 340 Edwards, Jonathan, 125, 129–30 Effat Al-Thunayan, 85f, 88, 315 Eisner, Peter, 133 Eleanor of Aquitaine, 158, 159f, 169, 173, 175, 179 Elizabeth I, 25–26, 26f, 122, 340 Elizabeth II, 340 Elliott, Jane, 95–97, 96f Eltis, David, 282 Emicho of Leiningen, 150–51 Entous, Adam, 216, 219 Errichetti, Angelo, 103 Esther (biblical figure), 138 Etiennette de Milly, 164–65, 167 Eugene III, 158, 187 Eustace, Kitty, 299 F Fahad bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, 90, 317–19, 349 Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, 84f, 90f about, 83f, 83–84 assassination of, 88–89 character of, 83f family of, 85f oil export embargo and, 86–88 philanthropy of, 85f, 89–90 progressiveness of, 84–85, 85f succession of, 315–18 and Wahhabism, challenge of, 84 Falwell, Jerry, 136 Falwell, Jerry Jr., 142–43 Farley, Walter, 172 Farmer, Henry George, 297–98 Farouk, 81, 81f Fatima (daughter of Prophet Muhammad), 311–12 Fatima al-Fihri, 10, 11f Faulkner, William, 154–55 Feisal about, 35, 35f battle and, 36f–37f, 38–39 betrayal of, 35, 39–40, 40f, 43, 48 Hollywood role of, 100f knowledge of, 45 vassal program and, 71, 79–80, 83–84 Ferdinand, Franz, 61, 61f Ferdinand II, 24, 196, 267, 293, 343 Ferdinand III, 268f Fibonacci, Leonardo, 11, 12f Filkins, Dexter, 324 Florinda, 289–90 Floyd, George, 227 Franco, Francisco, 254 François-Poncet, André, 318 Frazier, Ian, 17 Frederick I of Barbarossa, 172–73 Frederick II, 183–84 Fromkin, David, 49–50, 135 Fuad I, 81 Fulcher of Chartres, 148, 152 Fulk III, 145 Fuller, Melville, 130 G Gabriel, archangel, 112–13 Gaddafi, Muammar, 265–66 Gandhi, Mahatma, 321f, 321–24, 323f, 326 Genghis Khan, 17, 185 George, Lloyd, 41–43, 47, 49, 64, 91–92, 128–29, 135, 344 Georges-Picot, François, 46 Gerbert of Aurillac, 11, 11f Gesta Francorum, 152 Ghafiqi (Abd al-Rahman al-Ghafiqi), 169 Ghattas, Kim, 319 Ghaywan, Neeraj, 334 Girard, René, 148 Giscard, Valéry d’Estaing, 318 Godfrey of Bouillon, 151f Godse, Nathuram Vinayak, 321–22, 324, 326 Goldman, Sam, 227 Golwalkar, M.S., 322 Gomez, Michael A., 301 Goody, John Rankine, 339 Gordon (unknown slave), 288f Goren, Shlomo, 137 Grabar, Oleg, 119f Grant, Julia, 271 Grant, Ulysses S., 270–75, 271f Gregory IX, 183 Gregory VIII, 172 Greider, William, 172 Griffith, D.W., 188 Grypeou, Emmanouela, 118 Guha, Ramachandra, 326 Guinness, Alec, 100f Guinness, Walter Edward, 204 Gurion, David Ben, 68f Guy of Lusignan, 166–67, 175 H Hacker, J. David, 274 Haggard, Ted, 132, 141–42 Haley, Alex, 282 Halperin, Yisrael, 202–3 al-Hamawī, Yaqut, 75f Hambley, Mark, 317 Hamilton, Alexander, 269 Hammer, Joshua, 295–96 Hamwi, Ernest, 20 Hamza, 74 Handke, Peter, 349 Hannah-Jones, Nikole, 270 Hansard, Sydenham, 200 Hariri, Saad, 91 Harrison, Benjamin, 130 Harun al-Rashid, 13, 13f–14f Haselby, Sam, 267, 282 Hass, Grant, 141 Hatim al-Tai, 170 Hayes, Billy, 23 Helena (mother of Constantine), 110–11, 111f, 118f, 191 Helena Dragaš, 191 Henry, Patrick, 262 Henry II, 158, 173 Heraclius, Flavius, 114, 115f, 115–18, 163, 196, 229 Herzl, Theodor, 42f, 42–43, 135, 198, 350 Hevelius, Johannes, 7f Hirsch, Emil, 135 Hitler, Adolf, 173, 205–6, 211, 254, 261f, 322. See also Holocaust/Nazi ideology in subject heading Hitti, Philip, 150 Hodgson, William, 279 Hugh of Vermandois, 151f Hugues de Payens, 187 Hulagu Khan, 17, 185 Hunyadi, John, 236–37 Husam al-Din Lu’lu, 165 Hussein, Saddam, 345 Hussein ibn Ali al-Hashimi (Sharif of Mecca) about, 30, 33, 41, 265 betrayal of, by Abdulaziz, 69–70 betrayal of by Britain (See betrayals, Western in subject index) bribery and, 38 exile of, 79 vassalage program and, 66 (See also vassalage program in subject index) I Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 54–58, 84 Ibn al-Haytham, 6, 7f, 16 Ibn Khaldun, 16f, 293 Ibn Musaid, Faisal, 88–89, 89f Ibn Nusayr, 290 Ibn al-Qalanisi, 153 Ibn Qasim, 327 Ibn Rushd, 14, 15f Ibn Saud (Mohammad), 56–57 Ibn Sina, 8, 8f Iltutmish, 328 Imad ad-Din al-Isfahani, 166 Innocent III, 179, 182 Innocent X, 193 Irving, David, 348 Isabella I of Castile, 24, 196, 267, 268f, 293, 343 J Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 201 Jackson, Susie, 249 Jacob (biblical figure), 198, 350 Jacob of Orléans, 173 Jacobson, Eddie, 205, 208 Jacoby, Oren, 132 Jacoby, Susan, 151 Jafri, Ehsan, 324 Jansen, Maison, 309 Jashodaben, 326 Jefferson, Thomas, 269, 271, 298–303, 300f, 302f, 332 Jeffress, Robert, 133 Jesus of Nazareth and Christianity, 285 (See also Christianity in subject index) Crucifixion of, 123 end times and, 137 Islam on, 113, 139 Judaism on, 114 life of, 109 second coming of, 125 Shiism and, 312 on Third Temple, 138 tomb of, 118f Jinnah, Muhammed Ali, 323 Joan (Richard of England's sister), 175–76 Jodha, 329 John of Brienne, 183 John the Baptist, 159–60 Johnson, Lyndon B., 222–23 Johnson, Steven, 6 Johnson, Sylvester A., 304 Jones, William, 272 Joseph ben Caiaphas, 110 Joshua (biblical figure), 195 Judah, Ben, 354 Judas Schariot, 123 Juhayman al-Otaybi, 315–16, 316f, 318–19 Julian, 289–91 Justinian I, 245 K Kahneman, Daniel, 97–99, 105 Kanwar, Roop, 332f, 332–33 Karadžić, Radovan, 243–44 Kelly, Richard, 103 Kennedy, D.
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