United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties Vienna, Austria First session 26 March – 24 May 1968 List of Delegations Extract from the Official Records of the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, First Session (Summary records of the plenary meetings and of the meetings of the Committee of the Whole) Copyright © United Nations LIST OF DELEGATIONS LISTE DES DELEGATIONS LISTA DE DELEGACIONES Afghanistan Mr. Eduard Schiller, Envoy Extraordinary and Minis- Representative ter Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Deputy- H.E. Mr. Abdul Hakim Tabibi, Ambassador to Japan, Chairman of the Delegation). Governor of Asian Development Bank. Mr. Karl Zemanek, Professor at the University of Vienna (Deputy-Chairman of the Delegation). Mr. Edwin Loebenstein, Director General, Federal Algeria Chancery. Representants Mr. Erik Nettel, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign S.E. M. Mohamed Kellou (chef de la delegation), Affairs. ambassadeur extraordinaire et plenipotentiaire aupres de Mr. Willibald Pahr, Director, Federal Chancery. la Republique socialiste tchecoslovaque. Alternates M. Nadjib Boulbina, conseiller des affaires etrangeres. M. Rachid Haddad, conseiller, membre du Ministere Mr. Peter Fischer, Instructor at the University of des affaires etrangeres. Vienna. M. Said Ait Challal, conseiller, membre du Ministere Mr. Hans-Peter Neuhold, Instructor at the University des affaires etrangeres. of Vienna. M. Kemal Hacene, secretaire, membre du Ministere des Alternate and Secretary of the Delegation affaires etrangeres. Mr. Winfried Lang, Attache, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Argentina Belgium Representantes Representants Excmo, Sr. Jose Maria Ruda, Embajador Extra- M. Y. Devadder (chef de la delegation), directeur ordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente general, jurisconsulte au Ministere des affaires etrangeres ante la Organization de las Naciones Unidas. et du commerce exterieur. Excmo. Sr. Ernesto L. E. de la Guardia, Ministro Pleni- M. G. Denis, (chef adjoint de la delegation), juris- potenciario, Consejero Legal del Ministerio de Rela- consulte au Ministere des affaires etrangeres et du Com- ciones Exteriores. merce exterieur. Suplente M. R. Fourdin, directeur d'administration au Minis- Sr. Marcelo Emilio Delpech, Secretario de Embajada tere des affaires etrangeres, chef du service des organi- Consejeria Legal del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. sations internationales. M. I. de Troyer, directeur au Ministere des affaires etrangeres et du commerce exterieur, chef du Service des Australia traites. Representatives M. E. Suy, professeur de droit international a 1'uni- Mr. Ralph Lindsay Harry, Australian Ambassador to versite de Louvain, conseiller au cabinet du Ministre des Belgium (Chairman of the Delegation). affaires europeennes. Mr. Patrick Brazil, Legal Adviser to the Department of External Affairs. Canberra (Deputy-Chairman of the Bolivia Delegation. Representante Alternate Excmo. Sr. Enrique Kempff Mercado, Embajador. Mr. William Harry Bray, Head of the Legal and Treaties Consejero Branch, Department of External Affairs. Sr. Victor Veltze Michel, Representante permanente Adviser ante el Organismo Internacional de Energia Atomica. Mr. Richard William Butler, Third Secretary, Austra- lian Embassy, Vienna. Brazil Represen tatives Austria H.E. Mr. Gilberto Amado, Ambassador (Chairman of Representatives the Delegation). Mr. Stephan Verosta, Professor at the University of Mr. Espedito de Freitas Resende, Minister Plenipoten- Vienna, former Ambassador (Chairman of the Delegation). tiary. Advisers Sr. Edmundo Vargas, Profesor, Asesor Juridico del Mr. Joao Augusto de Medicis, First Secretary. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefe de la Dele- Mr. Sergio Lemgruber, Second Secretary. gacion en ausencia del Sr. Rodriguez). Mr. Antonio Francisco Camillo de Oliveira Sr. Jose Miguel Barros, Embajador en Mision Especial. Consejero Bulgaria Sr. Luis Quinteros, Secretario de Emhajada en Austria. Representants S.E. M. Krastu Strezov (chefde la delegation), ministre China plenipotentiaire pres le Ministere des affaires etrangeres Representatives M. Vladimir Koutikov, professeur al'universite de Sofia. H.E. Mr. Hu Ching-yu, Ambassador, Adviser and M. Vesseline Antov, premier secretaire de legation. concurrently Chairman of the Legal Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Chairman of the Delegation). Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic Alternate Represen tatives Mr. Peter B. T. Chang, Counsellor, Permanent Mis- Mr. Boris V. Kudryavtsev, Head of the Protocol and sion of the Republic of China to the United Nations Consular Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office and other International Organizations at Geneva. (Chairman of the Delegation). Adviser Mr. Mirza M. Avakov, Professor, Byelorussian State Mr. Bernard H. C. Kiang, First Secretary, Permanent University. Mission to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Mr. Anatoly M. Martyanov, Second Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Adviser and Secretary of the Delegation Mr. Kuo Kang, Section Chief, Department of Treaties, Cambodia Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Representants S.E. M. Sarin Chhak (chef de la delegation), ambassa- Colombia deur aupres de la Republique arabe unie. Representante M. Chea Den, directeur des Bureaux, Ministere de la Excrna. Sra. Esmeralda Arboleda de Uribe (Jefe de la justice. Delegacion), Embajadora Extraordinaria y Plenipoten- Representant et secretaire de la delegation ciaria en Austria. M. Isoup Ghanty, sous-directeur, Service des organi- Suplente sations internationales. Sr. Humberto Ruiz Varela, Jefe de la Oficina Juridica del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (Jefe de la Canada Delegacion en ausencia de la Sra. Arboleda de Uribe) Representative Secretario de la Delegacion H.E. Mr. Max Wershof, Ambassador to Denmark Sr. Ernesto Morales Barcenas, Primer Secretario de (Chairman of the Delegation). Embajada en Vienna. Advisers Mr. A. W. J. Robertson, First Secretary, Permanent Congo (Brazzaville) Mission to the United Nations in New York. Representants Mr. Richard McKinnon, First Secretary, Permanent S.E. M. Aloiise Moudileno, ministre plenipotentiaire Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva. (chefde la delegation) Mr. J. S. Stanford, Legal Division, Department of M. Sebastien Bikoutha, directeur de cabinet par interim External Affairs. au Ministere des affaires etrangeres. M. Gaston Yoyo, magistral, conseiller d'ambassade a Central African Republic Bonn. Representant Congo (Democratic Republic of) S.E. M. Francois Gon, president de la Cour supreme. Representants Ceylon M. Vincent Mutuale (chef de la delegation), premier Representative secretaire, Mission permanente aupres de I'Organisation des Nations Unies, New York. H.E. Sir Lalita Rajapakse, High Commissioner of M. Anatole-Pierre Youna, conseiller juridique au Ceylon in the United Kingdom. Ministere des affaires etrangeres et du commerce exte- Alternate rieur. Mr. Christopher W. Pinto, Legal Adviser, Ministry M. Cosma Phoba, conseiller juridique au Ministere of Defence and External Affairs. des affaires etrangeres et du commerce exterieur. Chile Costa Rica Representantes Representantes Sr. Pedro J. Rodriguez (Jefe de la Delegacion), Profe- Sr. Eugenic Jimenez Sancho (Jefe de la Delegacion), sor, Ex Ministro de Justicia. Representante alterno ante las Naciones Unidas. Sr. Erich Zeilinger, Embajador Extraordinario y Pleni- Secretaire de la delegation potenciario ante el Organismo International de Energia M. Uggi Engel, chef de section au Ministere des Atomica. affaires etrangeres. Cuba Dominican Republic Representante Representantes Excmo. Sr. Fernando Alvarez Tabio, Embajador. Excmo. Sr. Jose Maria Bonetti Burgos (Jefe de la Suplente Delegacion), Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipoten- ciario. Excmo. Sr. Luis Orlando Rodriguez, Embajador, Excmo. Sr. Mario Read Vittini, Embajador Extraor- Representante Permanente ante el Organismo Inter- dinario y Plenipotenciario. national de Energia Atomica. Excmo. Sr. Miguel Guerra Sanchez, Embajador Extra- ordinario y Plenipotenciario. Cyprus Excmo. Sr. Homero Hernandez Almanzar, Embajador Representatives Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario (Jefe de la Delegacion Mr. Criton Tornaritis, Attorney-General of the en ausencia del Sr. Bonetti Burgos). Republic (Chairman of the Delegation). Secretario de la Delegacion Mr. Andreas J. Jacovides, Counsellor, Director of Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Deputy-Chairman Sr. Theodor Schmidt, Consul General Honorario. of the Delegation). Mr. Elias Th. Ipsarides, First Secretary, Director of Ecuador Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Representantes Excmo. Sr. Leopoldo Benites-Vinueza (Jefe de la Czechoslovakia Delegacion), Embajador, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas. Representatives Excmo. Sr. Humberto Garcia-Ortiz, Embajador, H.E. Mr. Josef Smejkal, Ambassador Extraordinary Decano de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la Univer- and Plenipotentiary, Head of the Legal Department, sidad Central del Ecuador. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Excmo. Sr. Gonzalo Alcivar-Castillo, Embajador, Mr. Stanislav Myslil, Chief of Section, Legal Depart- Delegado ante la Comision Juridica de la Asamblea ment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. General de las Naciones Unidas. Mrs. Eva Beranova, Member of the Legal Department, Sr. Horacio Sevilla-Borja, Primer Secretario del Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Servicio Exterior, Jefe de la Section Naciones Unidas del Alternates Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Mr. Bohumil Vachata, Deputy Permanent Represen- tative to the International Atomic Energy
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