Ninth Series, Vol. VII; No. 52 Wednesday, May30, 1990 Jyaistha 9,1912 (Saka} LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Second Session (Ninth Lok Sabha) ( Yol. VII eontain.r NoJ. 51 IO 60) LO.K SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Prlr� · R.6, 6.00 CONTENTS [Ninth Series, Vol. VII, Second Session. 199011912 (Saka)} No. 52, Wednesday, May 30, 1990/Jyaistha 9,1912 (Saka) CoLUMNS Papers Laid on the Table 3-26 312 Message from Rajya Sabha 27 Committee on Absence of Members from the Sittings of the House 27 Minutes-Laid Coal India (Regulation of Transfers and Validation) Bill-Introduced 27-28 Salaries and Allowances of Officers of Parliament 28-29 (Amendment) am-Introduced Matters Under Rule 377 29-44 (i) Need to allot more rice to Kerala for distribution through 29-30 'Public Distribution System' Prof. K. V. Thomas (ii) Need to relax the Foreigners (Protected Areas) Order, 31 1958 to promote tourism in M8ghalaya Shri Peter G. Marbaniang (iii) Need to allow Land Development Banks to resort to functional 31-32 improvements as permitted under the Banking Regulations Act,1949 Shri Sudhir Grj (ji) CoLUMNS (iv) Need to look into cases of harassment to drug manufacturers 32-33 Shri Vasant Sathe (\I) Need to announce more incentives to sugarcane gorwers, 33 particularly of Maharashtra Shri Balasaheb Vikhe Patil (vi) Need to provide more facilities at Gaya railway Station 33-34 Shri Ishwar Chaudhary (vii) Need to set up small and cottage industries in Malihabad, 35-36 Unar Pradesh, and to provide credit facilities there at low rate of Interest Shri Sarju Prasad Saroj (viii) Neet to set up a separate subsidiary coal company for 36 the State of Orissa Shri Ravi Narayan Pani (ix) Need to provide financial assistance to the Government 37 of Rajasthan for drought relief and to relax the Forest Law to enable the Scheduled Tribes and farmers to earn their livelihood Shri Guman Mal Lodha Constitution (Sixty·Sixth Amendment) Bill 44-116 Motion to consider 248-300 Shri Guman Mal Lodha 45-46 74--87 Prof. P.J. Kurian 47 87--95 Shri Shopa1 Singh Makkasar 95-100 (iii) CoLUMNS Shri Yamuna Prasad Shastri 100-102 Shri Bhogendra Jha 103-107 Shri Ram Krishan Yadav 110-112 Shri B. Shankaranand 112-114 Shri Devi Lal 114-116 Clauses 2 and 1 248-300 Motio to Pass Shri Upendra Nath Verma 265-283 Constitution (Sixty-Eighth Amendment) Bill 116-247 Motion to consider Clauses 2 and 1 132-247 Motion to Pass Shri Ram Vilas Pas wan 135 139-142 Welcome to Shri S. Solarz, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs 248 Committee of the U.S. Congress National Commission for Women Bill 300-312 Motion to consider Shrimati Usha Sinha 300-303 Shrimati Jayanti Navinchandra Mehta 303-310 Shri Harish Rawat 31 0-312 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA a wrong statement in the House? (Interrup- tions) THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS Wednesday, May 30 19901 Jyaistha AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- 9, 1912 (Saka) TRY OF TOURISM (SHRI SATYA PAL MALIK): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like to make a submission through you that h was scheduled for today but it could not be circu- lated to the members. Being ~ so the mem- The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock bers would have objected to it. It has been discussed with you ... (Interruptions) [MR. SPEAKER in the Chai~ SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: You may [ Translation] distribute n now with the permission of the House. It was said on the 12th April that it SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA (South would be presented within 1-2 days. Since Delhi): Mr. Speaker, Sir, an assurance had then many days have passed by but nothing been given to grant statehood to Delhi but to has been done in this regard. Tomorrow is this date nothing has been done in this the last day of the session. Now, when will regard. What a fun? (Interruptions) you take it up? MR.SPEAKER: Mr. Khurana, please SHAI KALKA DAS: Yesterday hon. take your seat for a while. Home Minister had said that nwould be done but nothing has been done. It is to betray the SHRI KALKA DAS (Karol 8agh): Mr. people of Delhi. Speaker, Sir, hon. Home Minister had said it in your presence that they would do Hvery SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: If you soon, buy nothing has been done so far. He introduce it today, tomorrow you can have a has misled the House ... (Interruptions) discussion on h. For that, you can issue a supplementary agenda. (Int'ffuptions) MR. SPEAKER: Please speak one by one. THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI VISH· WANATH PRATAP SINGH): Mr. Speaker, Sir, Wthe House agrees, the Government is SHRI HARIN PATHAK (Ahmedabad): ready to bring h today itself. There is no Mr. Speaker, Sir, nothing has been done in hinderance on the part of the Government. this regard so far. After all, when will you We are ready to bring it today itself. (Inter- bring h? ruptions) SHRt KALKA DAS: Why do they make MR. SPEAKER: In this connection, I 3 Papers Laid MAY 30,1990 Papers Laid 4 would like to say only this much that it should Projects Construction Corpo- reach in the hands of all the Members. The ration Limited, New Delhi, for Minister had talked to me in my Chamber the year 1988-89 along w~h and I would like to say that tomorrow morn- Audited Accounts and com· ing you will be getting the copy of this Bill ments of the Comptroller and which will be introduced tomorrow. If you so Auditor General thereon. desire, it can be passed tomorrow. (2) A statement (Hindi and English SHAt MADAN LAL KHURANA: I would versions) showing reasons for like to say that you may get it introduced by delay in laying the papers men- the evening after getting supplementary tioned at (1) above. [Placed in agenda issued to that effed. Library. See No. LT -1038190] SHRI KALKA DAS: You may get it Review. on the working of and Annual introduced by the evening after getting a Raportsof Regional Engineering College, supplementary agenda issued to that effed. Kurakshatra, Regional Engineering col· lege, Rewrkela, Regional Institute of SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: How Technology. Jamshedpur for 1988-89 etc can it be done tomorrow as it is the last day etc. of the session. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMEN: (SHRI CHIMANBHAI 11.05 1/2 hrs. MEHTA): I beg to lay on the Table- P;~PERS LAID ON THE TABLE (1) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (Hindi and English versions) [English] of the Regional Engineering College, Kurukshetra, for the Review on the working of and Annual year 1988-89. Report of National Projects Construction Corporation Ltd. New Deihl for 1988·89 (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi . and statement for delay In laying these and English versions) by the papers Governmenl on the working of the Regional Engineering THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE College, Kurukshetra, for the MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES (SHRI year 1988-89. MANUBHAI KOTADIA): i beg to lay on the Table- (2) A statement (Hindi and English versions) showing reasons for (1) A copy each of the following pa- delay in laying the papers men- pers (Hindi and English versions) tioned at (1) above. [Placed in under sub-section (1) of section Library. See No. LT -1039190] 619AofthecompaniesAct,1956:- (3) (i) A copy of the Annual Report (i) Review by the Government (Hindi and English versions) on the working of the Na- of the Regional Engineering tional Projects Construction College, Rourkela, for the Corporation Limited, New year 1988·89. Delhi, for the year 1988~89. (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi (ii) An nual Report of the National and English versions) by the 5 Papers Laid JYAISTHA 9, 1912 (SAKA) Papers Laid 6 Government on the working University, Act, 1985. of the Regional Engineering College, Rourkela, for the (10) A statement (Hindi and English year 1988-89. versions) showing reasons for delay in laying the papers minuted (4) A statement (Hindi and English at (9) above. [Placed in Library. versions) showing reasons for See No. LT -1043190] delay in laying the papers men- tioned at (3) above. [Placed in (11 ) A copy of the Annual Accounts Library. See No. l T-1040190] (Hindi and English versions) of the University of Delhi, Delhi, for (5) (i) A copy of the Annual Report the year 1988-89 together w~h (Hindi and English versions) Audit Report thereon. of the Regional Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, for (12) A statement (Hindi and English the year 1988-89. versions) showing reasons for delay in laying the papers me~- (ii) A copy of the Review (Hindi tioned at (11) above. [Placed in and English versions) by the Library. See No. LT-1044l90] Government on the working of the Regional Institute of (13) (i) A copy-of the Annual Report Technology, Jamshedpur, for (Hindi and English versions) the year 1988-89. of the Indian Council of Philo- sophical Research, New (6) A statement (Hindi and English Delhi, for the year 1988-89 versions) showing reasons for along with Audited Accounts. delay in laying the papers men- (ij) A copy of the Review (Hindi tioned at (5) above. [Placed in and English versions) by the Library. See No. LT -1041/90) Governmer'\t on the working of the Indian Council of philo- (7) A copy of the Annual Accounts sophical Research. New (Hindi and English versions) of Delhi, for the year 1988-89 the Aligarh Muslim University, [Placed in Library.
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