HAURAKI DISTRICT COUNCIL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT DECISIONS MADE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY OF PLANNING AND REGULATORY DEPARTMENT FOR THE PERIOD 1ST OCTOBER to 1ST APRIL 2015 DELEGATED MATTERS 01/10/14 to 01/04/15 1. FRED_n1337432_v1_Decision_Sheet_Rust_landuse_10_Colebrook_Road_Waihi 1 2. FRED_n1335590_v1_Decision_Sheet_Goldfields_Railway_Inc_landuse 4 Minature_Railway_17_&_30_Wrigley_Street_Waih 3. FRED_n1333995_v1_Decision_Sheet_for_2015_Variation_to_Condition_No__7 6 Mahuta_Heights_Ltd_subdivision_113_Mahuta Road 4. FRED_n1334700_v1_Decision_Sheet_for_2015_Variation_to_Power_and_Telephone 10 Condition_Nichol_subdivision_478_Fe 5. Decision Sheet Paeroa BMX Club Inc land use Taylors Ave Paeroa 13 6. Decision Sheet Rural Trading Ltd (LJ Harrington) subdivision Corner Front Miranda Road 17 & State Highway 25 Waitakaruru 7. Decision Sheet van Woerden landuse 64 Dickey Flat Road Waitawheta 20 8. Decision Sheet Orr land use 42 Kon Tiki Road Whiritoa 23 9. Decision Sheet Pratt land use 7B Hill Street Paeroa 25 10. Decision Sheet Hansputtu Trust landuse 49 Haszard Street Waihi 27 11. Decision Sheet Duggan land use 24 Ohinemuri Place Paeroa 29 12. Decision Sheet for Variation to Delete Condtiion 3 Hone Enterprises Ltd subdivision 32 9499 State Highway 2 Waimata 13. Decision Sheet Baigent & Ransfield land use (yard encroachment) 2 Kingfisher Way 35 Whiritoa 14. Section 133A Decision Sheet for 2015 Variation to Stage Consent 38 Taylors Avenue 37 land use 38 Taylors Ave Paeroa 15. Decision Sheet Hunt & Torrey land use (yard encroachment) 36 Fisher Road Waihi 47 16. Decision Sheet Thompson land use (yard encroachment) 92 Hopai East Road Ngtea 49 17. Decison Sheet Madsen land use (yard encroachments) Golden Valley Road Waihi 51 18. Decision Sheet for Netherton Hall Assn landuse 7 School Road Netherton 53 19. FRED_n1294919_v1_Decision_Sheet_Davis_Two_Stage_Subdivision 55 Back_Miranda_Road Waitakaruru 20. FRED_n1297860_v1_Decision_Sheet_Gold_Town_Holdings_No_1_Ltd_subdivision 63 1-7_Victoria_Street_Waihi 21. FRED_n1290880_v1_Decision_Sheet_Teague_subdivision_193_Waitekauri_Road 67 Waihi 22. FRED_n1297913_v1_Decision_Sheet_Timanus_landuse_33B_Orchard_Road_Waihi 72 23. FRED_n1297793_v1_Decision_Sheet_Imagineering_Ltd__Bain__subdivision_9850 75 State_Highway_2_Waimata 24. FRED_n1297309_v1_Decision_Sheet_Spark_New_Zealand_Ltd_landuse 78 State_Highway_25, Orongo 25. FRED_n1294650_v1_Decision_Sheet_Lakewood_Estate_Company_landuse 80 29C_Mueller_Street_Waihi 26. FRED_n1294591_v1_Decision_Sheet_Rob_Johnston_Architecture_landuse 83 1153_Miranda_Road_Miranda 27. FRED_n1295165_v1_Decision_Sheet_Honey_Enterprises_Ltd_landuse__yard 86 encroachment__Proposed_Lot_1_9422_State_H 28. Decision Sheet for 2014 Variation Lewis & Gibbs subdivision 173 Heard Road Waihi 88 29. Decision Sheet Connaughton land use (yard encroachment) 82 Canal West Road 91 Waitakaruru 30. FRED_n1291148_v1_Decision_Sheet__for_Extension_of_Time_for_Hearing_Date_for 93 Gold_Town_Holdings_Ltd_subdivision 31. Decision Sheet Gold Town Holdings No 1 Ltd subdivision 1-7 Victoria Street Waihi 94 32. Decision Sheet for Extension of Time for Hearing Date for Objection Verrall & Daly 98 subdivision 50 Orchard Road Waihi 33. Decision Sheet Te Moananui land use 79 Rotokohu Road Paeroa 99 34. Decision Sheet Ambridge Ltd subdivision 1451AS & 1451B East Coast Road Kaiaua 101 35. Decision Sheet for Objection Thomas subdivision (Lot 4 DP 421991) Corner Orchard 104 & Waitete Roads Waihi 36. Decison Sheet Aitchison land use (yard encroachment) 33 Mangawara Road Patetonga 110 37. Decision Sheet Gasson subdivision 1334, 1342, 1434 & 1404 Miranda Road Kaiaua 112 38. Decision Sheet Paros Developments Ltd (Thomas) landuse 58 Orchard Road Waihi 114 39. Decision Sheet Cossey landuse 87 Kerepehi Town Road Kerepehi 117 40. Decision Sheet Paeroa Highland Games & Tattoo Temporary Signs for 14 February 2015 120 41. Decision Sheet Tretheway landuse 10A Orchard Road Waihi 122 42. Decision Sheet Verral & Daly subdivision 50 Orchard Road Waihi 124 43. Decision Sheet Martin land use 22 Taniwha Street Paeroa 129 44. Decision Sheet for Cancellation of Amalgamation Condition for River Bend Ranch Ltd 131 subdivision 26 Bradford Street Waihi 45. Decision Sheet Schnuriger land use (yard encroachment) 771 Hauraki Road Turua 132 46. Decision Sheet Honey Enterprises Limited subdivision 9499 State Highway 2 134 Waimata - October 47. Decision Sheet for Extension of Time G A & M L Garrett Ltd subdivision 137 43 & 119 Wharepoa Road Kerepehii 48. Decision Sheet Chrisoffersen & De Luca land use (yard encroachments) 138 12A Whiritoa Beach Road Whiritoa 49. Decision Sheet Temple land use 6 Settlers Drive Waihi 140 50. Decision Sheet for Variation to Condition No. 1 MacDonald subdivision 143 32 Rifle Range Road Waihi 51. Decision Sheet Hudson land use (yard encroachment) 100 Orchard West Road Ngatea 144 Delegated Matters 01/10/14-01/04/15 Page 1 Decision Sheet Resource Management Act 1991 Event number: LUSE-202.2015.00000358.001 Decision number: 2014/15 - 102 Applicant: Thomas Peter Rust & Gabriella Carolina Rust Document reference: FRED Doc 1337432 To exceed the earthworks standards on Lot 15 DP 463449 at 10 Colebrook Road, Waihi in conjunction Subject: with the construction of a dwelling. Decision: That pursuant to Sections 104 and 104B of the Resource Management Act 1991, the Hauraki District Council grant consent to this non-notified, discretionary activity application to exceed the earthworks standards on Lot 15 DP 463449 at 10 Colebrook Road, Waihi, on the grounds that: • The earthworks would be relatively small scale and would not alter the overall character and amenity of the area; • With appropriate conditions in place the potential adverse effects on the environment would be less than minor, and no persons would be adversely affected by the lowering of the existing ground level; and • The proposal would be consistent with the policies and objectives of the Operative District Plan (2014). Subject to the following conditions: 1) That the earthworks are carried out in general accordance with the Site Plan and Elevations Plan prepared by Absolute Design, job no. 1446, dated 19/02/15 for Tom & Gabrielle Rust, at 10 Colebrook Road, Waihi, which have been signed and stamped approved. 2) That the consent holder shall implement the requirements of Environment Waikato as described in “Erosion and Sediment Control - Guidelines for Soil Disturbing Activities January 2009” to mitigate the dust, sedimentation and erosion. Note: In particular, the consent holder will need to: a. Control all surface runoff from the exposed bare surface areas associated with the building platform excavations to prevent silt contamination into the Waitete Stream. The simplest method of sediment control would be to erect a silt fence Delegated Matters 01/10/14-01/04/15 Page 2 along the fenceline of the site where it adjoins the Waitete Stream reserve at the lowest point of the natural gully system. b. Contact the HDC Development Engineer (07 862 8609) to organise an engineering site inspection of the silt control measures prior to the commencement of earthworks. c. Ensure all bare ground surface areas are treated to prevent dust during and after construction. 3) That all earthworks are to be undertaken in accordance with the Hauraki District Council Engineering Manual 2010 - Version 1. 4) That the consent holder shall make good any damage to the road infrastructure caused by construction machinery during the construction operations. This shall be to the satisfaction of the District Engineer. 5) That all cut to waste materials shall be disposed of to a location approved by the District Engineer. 6) That pursuant to Section 36(1)(b) of the Resource Management Act 1991, the applicant shall pay Hauraki District Council charges for receiving, processing and granting the Resource Consent. 7) That pursuant to Section 36(1)(c) of the Resource Management Act 1991 the applicant shall pay Hauraki District Council a fee of $110.00 for the administration associated with monitoring the consent, and thereafter shall pay to Hauraki District Council, all costs that arise for monitoring this consent, including all costs associated with site visits, and the consideration and certification of plans and details associated with the consent, as appropriate. Advice Notes • 24 Hours notice must be given for any engineering inspections that are required to be undertaken during engineering works. All requests in this regard must be directed to the Development Engineer on 07-8625609 (MOB 021 906244). • The consent holder shall take all measures, including the control of any contractors, during the earthworks and construction period, to ensure that: a. No earthworks or construction work are undertaken on Sundays or outside the hours between 7am to 6.00pm – Monday to Saturday. b. Noise levels are to comply with Section Construction Noise of the Hauraki District Plan. c. Dust emissions do not create adverse effects beyond the boundary of the site. The contractor shall supply a detailed mitigation plan to treat dust if this becomes a problem. • Construction Noise emanating from the site shall be in accordance with the New Zealand Standard NZS 6803:1999 Acoustics – Construction Noise, as detailed in section (3)(a) of the Hauraki District Council Proposed District Plan. • It is the responsibility of the owner of the property to ensure all silt and sediment control measures on site are maintained and kept in good condition until such time as the site is re-vegetated (re-grassed
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