1963 · CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 12019 a Paris interview, Lindbergh.said, "I am an the operation of the tel~graph between The bad pr9phets have not been restricted ·air mail pilot and expect -to fly the mall Washington and Baltimore had not satisfied to the :field of communications. As late as again." And, as a matter of fact, he later him that under any rate of postage that 1901, ~ilbur Wright doubted that man would did -fly his old route between Chicago and could be adopted, its revenues could. be ma.de :fly "within a. thousand years." St. Louis once again. equal to its expenditures." We need not feel superior to the bad gues­ Although the- Post Office Department Postmaster General Johnson's crystal ball sers of times pa.st. Wilbur Wright, despite actually carried mall up to August 1927, it was a mite clouded, but so were the crystal his own skepticism, went on to fly the first gradually surrendered its operations as soon balls of later seers. Here is a story that heavier-than-air ma.chine with his brother as contractors with the abil1ty and sufficient appeared in a Boston newspaper about three­ only 2 yea.rs later. We have a. copious share financial backing to perform the service quarters of a century ago: of the timid and unimaginative amongst us could be secured. The Department fostered "A man about 46 years of age, giving the today. and nurtured commercial aviation and then name of Joshua Coppersmith, has been ar­ There a.re those who are against the at­ turned it over to private enterprise. rested in New York for attempting to ex­ tempt to :fly a. man to the moon because We have other examples of a similar pat­ tort funds from ignorant and superstitious they say it would cost too much. There are tern in Post Office history. In most indus­ people by exhibiting a device which he says those who oppose renewed efforts to reach a. trialized foreign countries, telephone, tele­ will convey the human voice over metallic test-ban agreement on the grounds that we graph, and broadcasting fac111ties are owned wires. He calls the instrument a 'telephone' have failed before. There are those whose by the government. In the United States, which is obviously intended to imitate the only answer 100 years after the Emancipation we feel that these functions are best left 1n word 'telegraph' and win the confidence of Proclamation to the demands for equality. private hands. However, the ~elegra.ph began those who know the success of the latter and Justice of Negro Americans is more pa­ as a Government-fostered enterprise in this instrument. Well-informed people know tience and further delay.'. The following country. that it is impossible tc transmit the human words were written by Abraham Lincoln 1n voice over wires as may be done with dots 1862: A telegraph line was opened between and dashes and signals of the Morse Code, "The dogmas of the quiet pa.st are inade­ Washington and Baltimore in 1845. It was and that, even were it possible to do so, the quate to the stormy present. • • • As our built at Government expense by its inventor, thing would be of no practical value. The case ls new, so we must think a.new and act Samuel F. B. Morse. Postmaster General authorities who apprehended this criminal a.new . We must disenthrall ourselves." Cave Johnson fixed the cost at 1 cent for a.re to be congratulated, and it is hoped that Today, we must, once again, disenthrall every four characters. his punishment will be prompt and fitting, ourselves. When Morse offered his patent to the Gov­ that it may i;erve as an example to other I wish the Civil Aeronautics Board a happy ernment for $100,000, the Post Office Depart­ conscienceless schemers who enrich them­ birthday and continued success in guiding ment turned it down as unpromising. Post­ selves at the expense of their fellow crea­ the aviation industry. master General Johnson advised Morse "that tures." Happy landings to all of you. July 7-we especially invoke Thee to look the concurrence of the House is re­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES down upon the 2 million citizens, Amer­ quested: icans of Slovak descent, who, enriched . MONDAY, JULY S. 280. An act for the relief of Etsuko Mat­ 1, 1963 with the heritage of these saintly broth­ suo McClellan; The House met at 12 o'clock noon. ers, have contributed to the material and S. 296. An act for the relief of Anne Marie spiritual well-being of America. Kee Tham; As we approach the celebration of the S. 538. An act for the relief of Henry Bang DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Williams; Declaration of Independence of our own S. 546. An act to authorize the Secretary TEMPORE country, look down, we humbly invoke of the Navy to grant easements for the use The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be­ Thee, on the nation of Slovakia and all of lands in the Camp Joseph H. Pendleton fore the House the following communi­ nations, whose people have been deprived Naval Reservation, Calif., for a nuclear elec­ cation from the Speaker: of the blessings of freedom. Grant, we tric generating station; pray, that truth, justice, love, and free­ S. 568. An act for the relief of Denis Ryan; THE SPEAKER'S Roollll, dom may prevail in our own beloved S. 733. An act for the relief of Yung Yuen July 1, 1963. country and among all the peoples of Yau; I hereby designate the Honorable CARL AL­ S. 753. An a.ct for the relief of Mrs. Giu­ BERT to act as Speaker pro tempore today. the world. This we ask in the name of seppa Rafala Monarca; JOHN W. McCORMACK, Christ, our Lord. Amen. S. 879. An act to provide for the striking Speaker of the House of medals in commemoration of the 150th of Representatives. anniversary of the building of Perry's fleet THE JOURNAL and the Battle of Lake Erie; The Reverend Michael J. Churak, su­ S. 1082. An act to establish in the Treasury preme chaplain of the Slovak Catholic The J oumal of the proceedings of a correctional industries fund for the govern­ Federation of America, offered the fol­ Thursday, June 27, 1963, was read and ment ·of the District of Columbia, and for lowing prayer: approved. other purposes; S. 1125. An act to provide for the striking 0 Holy Lord, Father Almighty, eternal of medals in commemoration of the 100th an­ God, from Whom all authority proceeds, MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE niversary of the admission of Nevada to and under whose loving care nations statehood; prosper and flourish, deign to bless all A message from the Senate by Mr. S. 1201. An act for the relief of Dr. James assembled here for the opening of this McGown, one of its clerks, announced T. Maddux; ses.sion of the House of Representatives. that the Senate had passed without S. 1230. An act for the relief of Carlton M. Be present with us, 0 Holy Spirit, amendment bills of the House of the fol­ Richardson; throughout this session. Come to help S. 1401. An act to authorize the Commis­ lowing titles: sioners of the District of Columbia to ac­ us in our affairs and deign to enter into H.R. 1267. An ,act for the relief of Law­ quire, construct, operate, and regulate a pub­ our deliberations. rence E. Bird; lic off-street parking fac111ty; Direct us in our paths to seek the wel­ H.R. 1275. An act for the relief of Miss Ann S. 1489. An act for the relief of J. Arthur fare of all our citizens, without regard Super; Fields; and to race, color, or creed, to assure the H.R. 1292. An act for the relief of Carmela S.J. Res. 51. Joint resolution to authorize blessings of freedom for all peoples Calabrese DlVito; the presentation of an Air Force Medal of throughout the world even those who now H.R. 1332. An act for the relief of Mario Recognition to Maj. Gen. Benjamin D. Fou­ suffer from tyranny and oppression. Let nodrigues Fonseca; lois, retired. us strive to promote peace among all the H.R. 1736. An act !or the relief of Assunta nations of the world, a peace founded on DiLella Codella; the four pillars of "truth, justice, love, H.R. 3356. An act for the relief of Jose­ AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR AN ADDI­ and freedom"-"Pacem in Terris," Pope phine Maria (Bonaccorso) Bowtell; TIONAL ASSISTANT SECRETARY JohnXXID. H.R. 4773; An act for the relief of Leroy IN THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT Smallenberger, a referee in bankruptcy. In this 11th centennial year of the ar­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The rival of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Slo­ The message also announced that the Chair desires to announce that pursuant vakia and during the observance of SS. Senate had passed bills and a joint reso­ to the authority granted the Speaker on Cyril and Methodius Week-July 1 to iution of the following titles, in which Thursday, ~une 27, 1963, the Speaker did 12020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE July 1 on June 28, 1963, sign the following zation bills not yet enacted-in two in­ nue-inflation. As a result, the cost of enrolled bill of the Senate: stances, not even reported from the leg­ living qas.gone up. Every family today S. 1359. An act to provide for an additional islative committees. The Committee on is spending'over twice what they former­ Assistant Secretary in the Treasury Depart­ Appropriations cannot, under the rules ly spent to maintain themselves at the ment.
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