r I > TODAY: TOP GOVT MAN ACCUSED OF ASSAuLT • NIIC'S $AKKIE TO GO? • GEINGOB PRAISES '~AMLISH' • I ~-.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I Man appears. over incest A MAN accused of sexu­ ally molesting his'biologi­ cal minor daughter for six years appeared in the Windhoek ' Magistrates Court yesterday. Magi) Behr, a Windhoek Nam boat shoots resident, faces charges of incest or attempting to commit an immoral or in­ decent act with a girl under I. Spanish pirates the age of 16 years. It is .alleged that Behr IS TIDS' THE PIRATE? ... One of two boats photo­ had sexual intercourse with graphed on July 2S where Hermanos Carrido and his daughter between 1984 Globe may sink vessel Egunsentia were both seen fishing illegally. Hermaiios Carrido had painted its name out to disguise itself. continued on page 2 TOM MINNEV LAST night Namibia was facing the agoniz­ ing decision of whether to try and sink a Spanish fishing boat caught fishing illegally off Namibia. Minister of Fisheries and terday afternoon made it Marine Resources Helmuth across the Angolan mari­ Angula said a Namibian time borc;Ier .. patroi vessel, Globe, was Latest news is that the still following a Spanish Spanish crew are below deck pirate now off Angolan and sailing on automatic waters,and they would pilot, and Globe is still tail­ decide whether to shoot to ing it waiting for further sink if the Spanish captain orders from the Minister. still refused to stop. Spanish ambassador Car­ The Globe blasted a los Sanchez de Boado said number of shots at the Her­ he could understand the' manos Garrido yesterday Namibian indignation, ~ut morning when it surprised added he was against vio­ the Spanish boat fishing in lence, pointing out there Namibia's exclusive eco­ could be 30 to 40 people on nomic zone. board the Spanish boat. ' Two shots hit the wheel­ When last reported, they TROUBLED MAN ••• house and set it ablaze, but were more than 150 kilom- Spain's Ambassador to the Spanish sailors managed Namibia, Carlos Sanchez to put the fire out and yes- continued on page 2 de Boado 'Beaten by Govt man' bush'. I got upset." He said TOM MINNEV Kaindjee had pushed him and he pushed her back. A NURSE is off work, Under civil service rules, her face stitched up and Nambabu could be sus­ badly bruiSed after a top pended without pay for Government official . , misconduct. The N amibian assaulted her while she tried and failed to get com­ was on duty in her ward. ment from pennanent sec­ Sister Francina Kaindjee, retary for Education and . aged 24 and in charge of a Culture Vitalis Ankama, ward at Windboek's Katu­ who is also in Ongwediva, tura hospital, says the man or the acting pennanent held her hands and smashed secretary. her repeatedly in the head A spokesperson for the and face with his fist on hospital confinned the inci­ Saturday morning after FRANCINA Kaindjee dent and said the police are ALSO AVAILABLE asking for a friend who was received six stitches on her investigating and the sister IN SUPERIOR MILD on her ward. face. has been booked off sick for Deputy director of Cul­ Contacted in Ongwediva three days. ture for the Windboek re­ where he is at a conference The police' were asked Cream of the Crop 0..7 gion, IS Nambahu (he re­ on English language, he said about the case but under the fused to reveal his first the nurse had been arrogant new infonnation order from name), said "it is one of and IlIlIrlpful. "She said 'you those unlucky things". look like someone from the continued on page 2 AVA 299/'2JEU _;L_ 2 Tuesday June 23 1992 . THE NAMIBiAN STANDING FIRM ON CRIME ... Some of the anti­ crime protesters who marched down Independence Avenue on Saturday to make their feelings known over the rising crime rate. Photograph: Jean Sutherland THE Namibian Police Spanish clampdown yesterday reported that SPANISH ambassador Carlos San~hez de Boado totally opposed to it. a three-year-old girl was .told The Namibian last night the captJlin of the Her­ He added Spain is trying snatched from her par­ manos Garrido had earlier been fined R800 000 for to change its own laws to PROFESSIONAL nurse FrandDa Kaindjee, aged 24, ents' home without per­ "illegal activities". make prosecutions possible showing the blood-stained uniform after she was alleg­ mission on June 8. of boats which commit of­ edly beaten on Saturday morning by a top official of the According to yesterday's De Boado added tough court. fences ip another country's Ministry of Education and Culture. crime report, the toddler action was hampered by lack He called for a joint. ini­ territory but this would take "He was holding my bands. was taken from Plot 2024, of definite proof from Na­ tiative of Spain, the Euro­ time and proof would still I was trying to hold my face Khomasdal, by her grand - mibia, which he said has so pean Community, Namibia­ be needed for convictions. down. He hit me twice on the mother. .far not even suppJied pho­ and Angola to try and stop British member of parlia­ head and then lifted my head A case of kidnapping is tographs or other evidence the illegal fishing and em­ ment ~ob Hughes de­ I . and hit me twice on the face." Ministry of Home Affairs a being investigated. that could ~ used in a law phasised that Spain was noqncedHennanos Garrido Another nurse tried to stop . reply may come today, tomor­ last August and lodged spe­ row or some time this week. him but could not. He alleg­ Speaking from her room edly pushed her to the ground cial complaints to the EEC , yesterday, small and slightly­ and left. She was taken to casu­ when it was photographed built Kaindjee who is in her alty where her badly bleeding fishing illegally with another second year of nursing after head received six stitches. boat, Egunsentia.,in Namib­ finishing a four-year diploma, Yesterday she said she still ian waters on July 25 1991. gave her account ofthe alleged feels her bruises and has head­ Both were also spotted 1n assault. She said she had got aches and a cracked tooth. October 1990. up early to start at 07hOO. At •Y esterday Nambahu denied, De Boado added that the about lOhOO Nambahu came he had beaten her but said he boat had left port with a had s~ply pushed back when into the ward to ask about his legal pennit to fish in An­ friend. She told him the man she tried to push him out of the was in another room and he ward. He said before his pres­ golan waters and there was asked her why he was not in ent job he had been a principal little the Government could the old room. "Itoldhim' Isay at Shifidi Secondary School do to stop it. The EC was he is in room 5'." for 10 years and had never asked last August not to . After . visiting his friend, beaten even a child. "I'm a allow boats to fish which Nambalru apparently came back father and that kid could have had violated Namibia's and said she ~ust learn how to been my child," he said. He wateIS. 'The ambassador said talk to people and said she was added that he had given a state­ he had already contacted his rude. She asked what was his ment to the police and claimed Foreign Affairs Ministry and : problem. "Do you know whom it hospital security guard had the boat's bankers "so that , you are talking to 7" she says told him the nurse often causes those vessels have no finan­ he said, "I'm Nambahu, I'm an trouble. -educated man, I'm more edu­ Kaindjee said she had wanted cial backing or support. cated than you ... to be a nurse all her life and That's probably the only Kaindjee said when she said was getting considerable sup­ message that those people he was not behaving like an port from fellow workers. She understand" educated man he came round added nurses do sometimes get to where she was standing and attacked but usually not seri­ der. fire observed on the wheeel­ grabbed her. ously. The Globe's captain rang house, which was extin­ fisheries director of opera­ guished. A further five shots Omega Seamaster Professio nal goldlstcd gt:nts' watch with tions Zeppy Ishitile at Q4h30 were later fired at the ves­ date. Scratch-resistant .etres off the coast. sapphire crystal. who immediately contacted sel". Water-resistant [0 2nOm. Namibia has not yet re­ the Minister. Angula said the boat had ~ro.a.~; made since IH4R. ceived any reply from Namibia has repeatedly already been spotted fish­ Angola to requests for help warIied that it would use ing illegally three times since in catching the boat or re­ weapons and could not be 1991 and complaints about turning it with its captain held respoIisible for injury it had already been lodged and crew. Angula said South or death after Spanish boats, with the Spanish govern­ Africa had also been asked including Hennanos Gar­ ment, the European Eco­ to send a warship and had rido, repeatedly violated its nomic Community and onIynot-done so because its rich fishing groundS. An­ Angola. ' bOat at Walvis Bay needed gula told the National As­ i . reluelliilg and would not , . sembly yesterday afternoon have been able to catch up. "I instructed Mr Lewis, ~ He didn~tfo~~ee aDyprob- inspector on board, to fire a warning shot.
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