ppp PRELATE FLAYS ANTI-CATHOLIC STAND ON SCHOOLS Rtfiater Has the {ntemational Newa Service (Wire and Mail), the N. C. W. C. Newi e (Includinf Cablet), Its Own Special Service and All the Smaller Catholic Services; also International Illustrated News and Ca W*. Ca Picture Servicca CATHOLIC BOY * BISHOP GIVES Local Th«re is hardly anything Local that can happen in human FIRST IN ESSAY Edition Edition PUBLIC REBUKE life which has not been dis­ cussed in the Cath­ THE olic moral theolo­ n gies. A good deal of SCIENCE TESTS AT CLEVELAND printers’ ink was recently spilled when a con­ demned California prisoner President Roosevelt Receives Milwaukee Says Citizens’ League Attacked Catholic asked for whisky to solace Lad at White House, Praises Him REGISTER Candidates in Educational Election the last hours of his life. Ob­ (Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) viously some of the editors Washington.— President Franklin D. Roosevelt set Cleveland.— An appeal to the voters of Cleveland to thought he wanted enough aside the cares of the recovery program for a few mo­ VOL. IX. No. 46. DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, NOV. 12, 19;33 TWO CENTS "put an end once and for all to the damnable practices of to make his passage into the self-constituted bodies like the Citizens’ league,” which, ments Nov. 2 and interrupted the daily series of confer­ next world an unconscious ences with mighty men of the world to pay honor to a he said, attempt to dictate the election of city officials and one. They believed that im­ Presi(ient Greets EssajI Victor publish “ preferred lists” of candidates, was made by the 17-year-old Catholic high school student from Milwaukee. portant officials were willing Most Rev. Joseph Schrembs, Bishop of Cleveland, in an The boy is Joseph S. Brendler of Messmer high school, SCIIHCI DINIIS that this should happen. The open letter here. winner of the national essay contest conducted by the fact is that though the man Gorgas Memorial institute. The Bishop’s, letter was issued following circulation was given the intoxicant, he Joseph was escorted to the pointed out, are the solution to of a message to voters, purporting to come from the was not given an excessive White House promptly at noon by the problem of insect extermina­ CIILOBEH'S 'LIES' Citizens’ league, advocating the defeat of Catholic candi­ amount. The Catholic moral Admiral Cary T. Grayson, presi­ tion. “ However," he said in con­ dates for membership on the school board. Officials of teaching on the point is: "It clusion, “ humanity must still be the league denied authorship of the message and asserted dent of the institute; Dr. Franklin is not lawful to administer, educated to a point where it will that it was "merely a coincidence that we placed no Cath­ H. Martin, chairman of the board realize the seriousness of this AIIE BEIE 'L IB S ' such medicines" as morphia olics on our preferred list for the board of education.” of directors, and Mrs. Henry L. problem. The Gorgas Memorial or brandy "in order to de­ institute has accomplished much In his open letter. Bishop Doherty, wife of the donor of the IS sa ia ^ prive a dying man of the use prize. For his prize-winning essay, toward this end.” Washington, D. C.— If a report Schrembs said which was chosen from ISrOOO of psychologist^ of the Catholic “ ‘No taxation without repre­ of reason, so that he may die Joseph, one of a family of seven lO *» "f submitted by students of high children, was paying his first visit University of America is to be ac­ sentation’ is a fundamental prin- while unconscious. The time cepted, “ lying” among children ciple of Amjerican politics. Strange . just before death is very schools all over the country, Jos­ to the nation’s capital. Asked eph received ?500 and f200 for may not deserve that title in all to say when there is a question of precious; a sinner may then travel expenses. The assigned cases.' The report sets forth the the public schools certain self- be reconciled with God and subject was "The Problem of the results of a test made by the appointed bodies like the Citizens’ save his soul; one who is in Mosquito and Other Insect Life in psychologists with regard to the league recommend to the public “ eidetic image,” ' or that outward that Catholics be absolutely ostra­ the state of grace may very Relation to Sanitation, Health and Industry.” projection of memory images, cized from any representation on much increase his merit by which makes the products of the the public school board. Complimented by President a good use of that time.” imagination seem as real to the Brands Chargas False (Father Slater, vol. 1, page President Roosevelt, in present­ subject as anything in objective “ When Catholics seek a just surroundings. The tests were made 104). If the brandy or ing the prije, complimented the representation on the public school boy for his achievement and, after with twenty-three boys said to board we are at once told we are Manila, P. I. — (INS Cable.) — drugs were given to ease photographerr had taken their possess the faculty of seeing such enemies of the public schools. As governor-general o f the Philip­ pain, they would be lawfully picture, remarked: “ I know you I “ eidetic images.” Why are we enemies of the public pines Frank Murphy has developed administered. must have had lots of competi­ Fantastic story telling among schools? Just what have we done one trait that distinguishes him tion, Joe, right in your home town. children, it is pointed out, is only to deserve this stigma of the Citi­ from his predecessors. He has be­ )Vhen Auxiliary Bishop- I remember ' riding through the too common, much to the annoy­ zens’ league? Is the Citizens’ come a veritable nighthawk, usual­ streets of Milwaukee, in the cam­ ly making an automobile trip elect C. H. Winkelmann of ance of parents and other elders. league unaware of the fact that paign, and I never saw so many Spankings and scoldings most Joseph B. Brendler, student of the Messmer Catholic high school, there has been criminal extrava­ through Manila and its suburbs Milwaukee, photographed at the White Housg receiving congratula the St. Louis archdiocese, a school children gathered to­ often result from a child’s de­ gance in the management of the before he goes to bed each night. pastor in the see city, is con­ gether.” scription of “ a purple cow,” but Hons of President Roosevelt, who presented him with the Henry L. public schools? Does the Citizens’ The habit was started as a Di ’ ' ' * Following the visit to the White children possessing the “ eidetic oherty prize of $S00, awarded for the -best high school essay among league mean to deny to Catholic means of securing a breath of secrated on Thanksgiving 18,000 submitted in the fifth annual Gorgas esaay contest on the sub­ fresh air on the hot, sultry eve­ day as a successor of the House, the group \^ent to a broad­ image” may very well be defi­ citizens their right to representa­ casting studio, where a prog^ram nitely convinced of Gie objectivity ject of “ The Problem of the Mosquito and Other Insect Life in Rela­ tion on the public school board of nings that greeted his arrival here. tion to Sanitation, Health and Industry.” Mr. Brendler also received Apostles by the great Arch­ was sent out over a nation-wide of the image. The “ eidetic’ image” Cleveland for the protection and But after the novelty of tquring $200 travel allowance to Washington for the presentation. Photo bishop Glennon, he will be hookup of the National Broad­ ability disappears about the begin- proper management thereof? Let along Manila’s well-paved, brightly shows, left to fight,.Mrs. Henry L. Doherty, \^fe of the donor of the launched upon a career as a casting company. In the course of ning of adolescence,' lie the time when them point out even one single illuminated boulevards had worn prize, and Brendler shaking hands with the Pn^sident.— (Wide World the program, Joseph read excerpts the grotesque story telling invari­ outstanding instance of illegitim­ off, Governor-General Murphy be­ prelate in a city that has one photo.)___________ _____________________ , ^ ______________ gan to instruct his driver to take of the finest Catholic back­ from his essay and expressed his ably ends. " ate opposition to the public thanks to the donor of the prize schools. him to the poorer sections of the Declaring that “ sympathetic un­ city. grounds in America. St. and to the officials of the Gorgas derstanding of the make-believe “ It is about time that our Cath­ Louis will attain its 170th There he saw what most gover- Memorial-institute. ^ child,” rather than punishment, is Women of Spain Will olic citizens should wake up to the nors-general prefer to omit from birthday in 1934. Named Discussing, in his essay, 3 the a better remedy, the report says fact that they have certain rights their annual reports, the unsani­ for St. Louis, King of France, great loss to health and to in­ that “ as the child grows older, he guaranteed under the constitu­ tary and unhealthy conditions un­ it was founded in 1764 by dustry due to product-destroying , becomes aware of the disparity tion of the United States that not der which Manila’s poorer classes and disease-bearing insects, Jos­ Joseph brendler which exists between imagery and Decide Cortes Election even the Citizens’ league can deny Pierre Liquest Laclede, a of Meismer Catholic hifh school.
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