bindex.qxd 3/14/06 11:58 AM Page 501 index Ableman v. Booth, 23 Arlington Saloon and Gambling Hall Ackerson, Jerome E. “Jerry,” 130 (Silverton, Colorado), 334 Acosta, Simon, 250 Armijo, Perfecto, 270 Adams Express Company, 114 Arnett, Alex, 165 Alamo Saloon (Dodge City, Kansas), Arnold, Alex, 271 92, 333 arson, Elder, Kate, 86–87 Albuquerque Evening Review Arthur, Chester A., 232, 256, (newspaper), 270, 280, 281, 306 275–276, 279 Albuquerque Morning Journal Ashton, Scott, 357 (newspaper), 223, 268, 281 Aspen Times (newspaper), 362 Albuquerque, New Mexico, 121, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe 268–272 Railroad, 269, 311 alcohol, Holliday, John Henry “Doc,” Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe/Rio 94, 341, 410 Grande Railroads dispute, Alhambra Saloon (Tombstone, 103–108, 324–325 Arizona), 127, 129, 134, 159, 183 Atlanta, Georgia, 30, 33–34, 35, Allen, Cyrus, 326, 341, 342, 344, 349, 53–54, 57–58 350, 353, 354, 357 Atlanta Constitution (newspaper), Allen, Jack, 119 53, 320, 321 Allen, James, 117–118 Atlanta Post-Appeal (newspaper), Allen, John, 284 321 Allen, William G., 180, 190, 206, 207, Austin, Charles W., 72–73 210, 211 Axtell, A. E., 403 Allen, William J., 344–345, 346, Ayers, J. B., 241 346–360, 362–363, 369, 410 Ayes, T.W., 166 Altman, Jack,COPYRIGHTED 230 MATERIAL American Revolution, 10 Babb, John A., 77 Ames, Andrew, 127, 130 Babb’s Variety House (Denver, anesthesia, medical science, 17–19 Colorado), 80 anti-Semitism, 272 Baca, Epifanio, 112 Apache people, 179–180, 364. See also Baggs, Charles “Doc,” 269–270 native Americans; specific native Bagsby, Charley, 268 American people Bailey, Ed, 86–88, 380, 398 Appomattox Courthouse, surrender Bakewell, Charles E., 345 at, 36 Baldwin, Sam, 85–86 501 bindex.qxd 3/14/06 11:58 AM Page 502 502 index Bank Exchange Saloon (Tombstone, politics, 235 Arizona), 130 Prescott, Arizona, 121 Barnes, Johnny, 165 prison break, 183 Barnum, I. E., 308, 309 Purdy, Sam, 296, 321 Bartholomew, Charley, 235, 240 Ringo, John Peters, 239 Bartholomew, Ed, 398–399 stagecoach robbery, 142–143, 144, Barton, Jerry, 247, 248 145, 154 Bassett, Charles E., 90, 134, 335, 336, Stilwell, Frank, shooting, 249–250 337 Stilwell, William H., 239 Bear River riot (1867), 107 Stilwell-Spence hearing, 180 Bechdolt, Frederick, 158 threats against, 228 Becker, Pete, 329 Tombstone, Arizona sheriff, 133, Beecher’s Island fight, 265 135, 136, 137 Bee Hive Saloon and Dance Hall (Fort Tritle, Frederick A., 296–297, 298 Griffin Flat, Texas), 74,75, 83 Tucson, Arizona, 122 Beeson, Chalkney, 91, 97, 127, 137, Bell, Tall, 165 148, 333 Bell, William, 174, 250 Behan, Albert, 123 Bennett, James, 128 Behan, John H., 123 Bennett, W. H., 333 Clanton inquest, 202–203 Benson stage robbery, 142–152, Cow-Boys, 164, 174, 176, 193, 194, 154–158, 175 195–196, 220, 251 Berry, George A. B., 244–245 Cow-Boys posse, 251–253, Bertholf, B. O., 113 260–261, 298 Biddle, James, 261, 266 criticism of, 241, 251, 257, 307 Biertzhoff, Sigmund, 151 Earp, Virgil, 176 Big Bonanza Saloon (Atlanta, Earp, Wyatt, 147, 149–150, Georgia), 58 170–171, 205, 225, 229, Bigelow, Henry J., 17 249–250, 282, 292, 312 Biggers, Don H., 74 Earp/Clanton imbroglio, 192–193, Bilicke, A. C., 203 195–196 Bilicke, C. G., 133 Earp/Clanton shootout, 199, 200, Billy the Kid, 113, 190, 290, 374 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, Bird Cage Theater (Tombstone, 214, 218, 220, 240, 242 Arizona), 230 Elder, Kate, 154, 155 Bisbee Brewery Gulch Gazette gambling feud, 129 (newspaper), 391, 392, 393 Gosper, John J., 225 Bisbee stage robbery, 177–178 Holliday, John Henry “Doc,” 171, Blackburn, Leslie, 136, 234 272, 296–297, 305 Black Hills gold rush, 77, 79 Joyce, Milton E., 129, 149, 227 Black Jack Bill, 335 Mallon, Perry, 294, 295, 304–305 Blaylock, Mattie, 114, 133 McLaury, Robert Findley “Frank,” Bliemel, Emerson, 34 195 Blinn, Lewis W., 230, 234 Paul, Robert H. “Bob,” 251–252 Blonger, Lou, 270 Peel, Martin R., 257 Blonger, Sam, 270 bindex.qxd 3/14/06 11:58 AM Page 503 index 503 Blount, Allen, 328, 330 media, 277–278 Board of Trade (Leadville, Colorado), White, Fred, killing, 130–131, 168 343, 346, 351 Bronk, A.G., 171, 186 Bode, Frederick W., “Freis,” 248 Browder, J. S., 251 Bolds, George D., 108 Brower, George, 334 books. See also media; movies; specific Brown, Clara, 123, 124, 146, 153, names of newspapers and 173, 202, 219, 229, 243, magazines 249–250, 251 Earp, Virgil, 398 Brown, Hoodoo. See Neill, Hyman Earp, Wyatt, 386, 387–392, 398 G. “Hoodoo Brown” Elder, Kate, 380, 392–398 Brown, John (abolitionist), 23 Holliday, John Henry “Doc,” Brown, John (policeman), 90 386–406 Brown, Joseph E., 23, 24, 26, 35, 37 Bork, Arthur W., 394–397 Brown, Neal, 335, 336 Borland, Addie, 214–216 Buchanan, James, 22 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 17 buffalo trade, 73–74 Boston Post (newspaper), 338–339 Bullock, Rufus, 48 Boyer, Glenn G., 395 Burge, Wayne, 403 Boyle, Ned, 186, 229 Burns, Daniel (alias Denny McCann), Brackett, Texas, 87–88 152 Bradbury, Edward, 348, 349–350, Burns, Walter Noble, 140, 157, 306, 351, 352, 353 388–390, 392 Brady, William, 332 Burr, Samuel, 106 Bragg, Braxton, 29–30 Burroughs, Rebecca, 10 Breakenridge, William M., 142, 144, Bust, Mary Virginia, 78 158, 164, 177, 182–183, 227, Buzzard, Thomas, 18 230, 237, 249, 251, 257, 261, Byers, Billy, 172, 173, 175, 242 271, 386 Byers, Sid, 299 Breckenridge, Texas, 82 Byrnes, Big Ed, 171, 179, 213 Breen, Timothy, 331 Brocius, Curly Bill, 232 Cady, Frank, 111 acquittal of, for Fred White killing, Calhoun, John, 46 134 Calhoun, Jonathan, 335 Cow-Boys, 129, 165, 205, 230 Campbell, Bryan, 285 Cow-Boys posse, 251 Campbell, Ernest L., 330 death of, 253, 255 Campbell, G. W., 73 Earp, Morgan, shooting by, 250 Campbell, Rezin J., 188, 189 Earp, Virgil, 180, 233 Campbell & Hatch Saloon Earp, Wyatt, 136, 252, 255, 259, (Tombstone, Arizona), 244 260, 262, 382 Carbonate Chronicle (newspaper), 344 Earp, Wyatt, killing of, 255, 264, Carland, L. H., 355 271 Carr, John, 230, 234, 239 Fort Griffin Flat, Texas, 76 Carr, T. J. “Jeff,” 329 Holliday, John Henry “Doc,” 290, Carson, Joe, 111, 117 302, 303, 320 Cash, W. J., 7, 12, 22 bindex.qxd 3/14/06 11:58 AM Page 504 504 index Castello, Joseph, 117 outbreak of, 24, 25 Catholicism, Holliday, Martha Anne Southern frontier, 8, 11, 20 (Mattie) (cousin), 62, 63, 340–341, Claiborne, William, 168, 190–191, 402 195, 197, 198, 203, 209–210, cattle drives, 73–74, 91–92 211 Central College for Young Women Clanton, Billy, 183 (Griffin, Georgia), 57 Clanton/McLaury shootout, 193, Chaffee, Jerome B., 329–330 194–195, 196–199, 211, 216, Chambers, Robert, 379 217, 218, 242 Chandler, Jack, 183, 257 coroner’s inquest, 202–203 Chase, Ed, 304, 363 Cow-Boys, 170, 173 Chattanooga, Battle of, 30 Dake, Crawley P., 226 Chaves, Antonio, 166–167 death of, 173, 174 Cherokee Lottery of 1833, 9 Earp, Wyatt, 189, 191, 192 Cherokee people. See also native funeral of, 201–202 Americans; specific native Holliday, John Henry “Doc,” 190 American people horse and mule thefts, 136, Georgia, 8, 9 167–168 removal of, 9–11 reputation of, 163 Cherokee Phoenix (newspaper), 9 Clanton, Joseph Isaac “Ike,” 151, 158 Cheyenne people, 74, 100. See also arrest of, 199, 240, 241 native Americans; specific native Clanton/McLaury shootout, American people 196–199, 206, 207, 211, 212, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 77 213, 218, 219, 220–222 Chickamauga, Battle of, 30 coroner’s inquest testimony, 203 Chisholm, Joseph F., 391, 392, 396, Cow-Boys, 164–166, 170, 173 398 Cow-Boys posse, 265 Chisum, John, 163 Earp, Morgan, shooting death, 246 chloroform, medical science, 18–19 Earp, Virgil, shooting, 233 Choate, Rufus, 74 Earp, Wyatt, 149–150, 152, 170, Chucovitch, Vaso, 363 175, 178, 242 Chucovitch Saloon (Denver, funeral procession, 202 Colorado), 363 Holliday, John Henry “Doc,” Cincinnati Enquirer (newspaper), 314, 181–185 316, 374 Holliday/Earp feud, 186–189, 192, Citizens Safety Committee 193, 194–195, 230, 231, (Tombstone, Arizona), 228, 232, 242–243, 412 235, 241, 256 media, 381–382, 385 Civil War (U.S.), 409 murder trial of, 240–241 Confederate morale, 33 posse for arrest of, 239, 240 Confederate reversals, 29–30, reputation of, 132, 163 31–32, 34–36 Stilwell, Frank, shooting, 247 Confederate surrender, 36 Stilwell-Spence hearing, 180 Georgia, 25–26 Clanton, Newman Haynes “Old Holliday and McKey families, 37 Man,” 163, 164, 167, 172, 174 bindex.qxd 3/14/06 11:58 AM Page 505 index 505 Clanton, Phineas “Fin,” 163, 199, Comstock mine, 133 202, 239, 240, 251, 261 Confederate States of America, 24. Clanton/McLaury-Holliday/Earp See also Civil War (U.S.) shootout reaction, politics, 205 confidence games, Holliday, John Clapp, Milton, 256 Henry “Doc,” 92–94 Clark, Alvin B., 45 Congressional Record, 323 Clark, Richard, 127, 135, 148, 236 Constitutional Union Party, election Clarke, Elijah, 10 of 1860, 24 cleft palate consumption. See tuberculosis Holliday, John Henry “Doc,” 17 Cook, Benjamin, 127 medical science, 17–19 Cook, David J., 287, 293, 306 Cleveland, Grover, 366–367 Cooley, J., 55 Clift, J. W., 45–46 Cooley, Lew, 262, 267 Clintry, Charley, 291 Cooper Load mine, 125 Cloud, Joseph (maternal great Corbett, Jim, 380 grandfather), 15 Corrigan, Thomas H., 127 Clum, John P., 3, 121, 134, 153, 163, Costner, Kevin, 406 172, 174, 175, 176, 187, 200–201, cotton production, Georgia, 11 204, 205, 226–227, 228, 230, 232, Cowan, E. D., 330 274 Cow-Boys, 161–179 Cobb, Howell, 33 Allen, William, 190 Cochise County Behan, John H., 251–253, 321–322 Cow-Boys in, 169, 272–273, Clanton/McLaury shootout, 275–278 196–199, 200, 203, 204, 206, efforts to extradite Doc Holliday 207, 214–216, 219–220, 222, from Colorado, 293–298 224, 225 Joyce, Milton E., 153 courts and, 248 Tombstone, Arizona, county seat Cow-Boys posse, 253–255, 261, of, 137 292, 298, 303 Wyatt Earp’s desire to be sheriff, criminal activities, 140, 142, 149, 312 165–170, 171–174, 177–178, Cold Chuck Johnny, 335 255–257, 262, 269 Coleman, R.
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