pcscrtptions of r ttW' Oreens Rules,of flie (isnie Byc-L'atvs of Hie Links RepiatioiiH'Jor' Star CioSS'tn^ Khymcs Ac, &c, '• I- ABVKimSISMUNTS. R. FORGAN W & SON, Coif Club Mailers to %s^t^ H.R.H, Prince of Wales ST ANDREWS, FIFE. Gold Medal—Highest Award for GOLF CLUBS and BALLS, International Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1886, A Large Stock of Well-Selected and Seasoned CLUHS and BALLS always on hand. Club Boxes and Waterproof Covers, Golfing Gloves, and every Requisite for the Game kept in Stock. Wholesale and Export Terms on Application. Makers of the Famous AGRI PPA GOLF BALLS (Under arrangement with the Agrippa Golf Ball Coy., Coventry). Used by the Best Players (both Amateur and Pro- fessional) all over the World. Sole Makers of Weber's Patent Waterproof Beech Heads. TOM MORRIS, golf Club <% ^all jtfaqufacturer (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL), THE LINKS, ST ANDREWS. Club Covers ano all "(Requisites for tbc (Bame of (Bolt MORRIS'S MACHINE-MADE BALLS. OLD BALLS RE-MADE. Repairs Executed by Experienced Workmen. ADVERTISEMENTS. D. & W. A.UCHTERLONIE (W. Auchterlonie, Winner of Open Golf Championship, August 1893), GOLF CLUB SPECIALISTS AND BALL MAKERS, ALBANY PLAGE—(Workshop, Union St.), ST Auehterlonle's Special Patent Approaching' Cleek kept In Stock, Price 6s 6tl.,i SPECIAL CLUBS. In Wood or Iron, made to order, or any Club Leather-Faoed to suit individual taste, REPAIRING. This Department is in charge of an Expert, and all work of this nature shall have prompt and careful attention. Grosifpaiie Si LorimBr, 6olf Club and Ball ittakm, 146 NORTH STREET (Opposite IMPERIAL HOTEL), ST AN DREWS. NOTE.—All our Clubs are made by Practical Clubmakers, and therefore Unsurpassed for either Quality or "Workmanship. fl LCN3GE Variety of Well-Seasoned. Balls Kept irj StoeK, ADVERTISEMENTS. Charles Donaldson, Gentlemen's Darter, fcoster, (35lover, ant> Sbfrtmafter. SILK HATS, 10/6, 13/6, IB/6, FtLT HATS, 3/C, 4/0. C/B, 710, Ladles' and Boys' and Gentlemen's Girls' STRAW HATS. STRAW HATS. TWEED CAPS, Stf, //-, 7/0, 210, 4/8. The Largest Assortment and the Best Value In Ladles' and Gentlemen's NECK TIBS, in all the Latest Styles. REQUISITES. GOLPINC; GLOVES, HAND I/6, 2/6, 3/-, & 4/- per pr. STCK T LEF -HAND GI.OVKS, Now Pmmrnii, a/d u 7/1. - 1/6 and 2/-. C'lVlflC ICI' Sill KI'ST.|/fi t GOLFING JACKETS, Cill.KINCi SLIIKTS 3/6 to 18/6. ,<&- GOLFING CAFS, 6d lo 4/6. 7/fi. BELTS, HIJACKS, GARTENS I'liH.KKT I'HOUSI'.KS, THE GOL KKH'S nf UnshiinkuWi: Kin: mcl, UMHKKI.LA, 10/6, I •-• /<*i, iiml 1.1/6 pt: Extra Strong Make,35/6. ui- Mmlu in Mi-usii GENT.'S DRESSING GOWNS, NKiHT SHIRTS, ami I'VJAMA SUITS, I.UMHAdO HKI/I'S. Summep and "Winter Underolothlng1. I GKNT.'S DNI^SS SIMIM-S, : ladies' and Gentlemen's , ;is yd, r,s 6<l, ;nul 74 6t\. | I.nilies' and (iu-nlU'invn' UMltlilu.l.AS. (iKNi'.'s DKKSS G i.o\i:s,i WATKKI'KOOJ'S. UMBRELLAS Re-Covered is, is fid, and -js 6tl. C VCI.INT; ( and Repaired, GliNT.'s I.INICN I'nuctlKK A J ACK'ICTS, The Ne p Travelling Rugs, Hold-Alls, Rufr Straps, Gladstone Bags, Hand Bags, Purses, Walking-SUcks, &c. CHARLES DONALDSON, Outfitter, 21 BELL STREET, ST ANDREWS. Plan of Qolf Courses THE MECCA OF GOLF. Telegrams-" RUSACK, ST ANDREWS." Telephone HOI. Parties Boarded. Special Terms to Golfers and Families. Reduced Winter Tariff from 1st October till 1st July. PASSENGER ELEVATOR. 'BUS ATTENDS ALL TRAINS. The Marine Hotel is under the Personal Management of the Proprietor, W. RTJSAOK. THE BOOK OF ST ANDREWS LINKS CONTAINING PLAN OF GOLF COURSES DESCRIPTIONS OF THE GREENS RULES OF THE GAME BYE-LAWS OF THE LINKS REGULATIONS FOR STARTING GOLFING RHYMES, &c. ST ANDREWS : J. & G. INN-KS, Cilhen Office KDINllURGII : J. MEN/.IKS & Co. I 8 9 8 PREFACE HERE are already hosts of books in existence T which profess to teach the art of Golf. The present book does not meddle with that subject. All it professes to do is to bring together, in a form convenient for the Golfing Visitor, serviceable information as to the circumstances under which the game is prosecuted on St Andrews Links, along with a few details regarding the achievements of golfers, past and present, on the green. History has only been hinted at in passing. A very much larger volume would be required to do justice to the claims of the Links in this respect. Considerable pains have been taken to make the information trustworthy and accurate. Every point that a Visitor could be supposed to be curious about has been briefly mentioned, und a Plan has been specially prepared to show the route of the various Courses find the position of their holes. The character of the Courses can only be properly understood by actual experience, and the description given here in not set forward as more than an atlempt to indicate what is to be encountered. The various scores given should enable a golfer to estimate pretty accurately the i|uality of his own game, and the perfection which lias been demonstrated as attainable, ft is probable that interesting and suitable material may have been overlooked, in ease of a future edition, suggestions with a view to remedying such defects would bo welcomed by the Publishers. MAY /S!)S. CONTENTS PAUU THE GOIJ? COURSES, ...... i Oharactcristios of the Old Course, - - 4 The Landscape, - - - - . 5 At the Club-House,- - 6 The Carties, ------ 7 Links Hunger, -...._ ,s Order oC Starting, 8 HOUND TIIR OLD COURSE— On the Teeing-Grouud —(lotting Oil',, - 9 How l;o Negotiate Knoh Hole, - - 12 The Second Edition of the Old Course, - - 22 HOUND TIIU NICW COUIIMU, - 28 Tun THIRD (IOI.K COUUMIO, - - - • '!") r]'ii,l)le showing at what link's Mlvoltes are to he taken in the Queen Victoria Jubilee Vase (lldep.) Tournament, - .'Hi Length of Holes on the Three Courses, - 37 KKUOUDH OK TIFR (JNISUN, The Old Course, . - - - . ;}8 The New ('ourse, - 11 iidies' Putting ('ourse, - - 'II " .Par" Seores, - •!•'! vi. Contents BYE-LAWS OF THE LINKS AND RROULATIONS von STARTING— PAOK Regulations for Uso of Old and New Courses, 43 General Regulations for the Whole Links, 45 Regulations for Starting, 46 Regulations for Employment of Golf Cadies and Professional Golfers, - 48 RULES FOR THE GAME, adopted by the Iloyal and Ancient Golf Club of St, Andrews, - 51 Special Rules for Medal Play, • - 58 Local Rules for St Andrews Links, - 60 Etiquette of Golf, ----- 02 GOLF CLUBS IN ST ANDREWS— Royal and Ancient Golf Club, - - (!:) St Andrews Golf Club, - - (>4 St Andrews University Golf Club, - - (>4 Thistle Golf Club, - - - G4 St Andrews Ladies' Golf Club, (if) i St Andrews Foresters' Gulf Club, (if St Andrews Children's Golf Club, (15 TOM MORRIS, . (|(; Gol.FINIi RllYMHN, .----.. (is ADVERTISEMENTS D. Anderson & Sons, golf Club <$ $all ST Sole Makers of the famous TEXA Ash Club. Drivers 6/-, Brassies 6/6, Carriage Paid. We claim for these Clubs greater driving power, as the Shafts are extremely light, which throws all the weight to the head and which ensures a better-balanced Club. They have a much finer spring, and are altogether much superior to the ordinary Club. We have a large number of Testimonials from Leading Tlayers as to the farther driving power of these Clubs. CAUTION.—Owing to the popularity of our TEXA Ash Clubs several Firms have been palming off the Ordinary Ash. See that our Name and TEXA is Stamped on every Club. Our Special "St Andrews " Ball, 11/- per Dozen, Carriage Paid. Wholesale & Export Terms on Application. VISITORS TO ST .A.NDREWS are respectfully reminded that the Place to procure Souoenirs, Presents, $ Views or tbe Citp IS AT The CITIZEN Artistic Stationery & Printing Warehouse, 1O7 SOUTH STREET (J. & G. INNES, Proprietors). Complete Sto(_k of VALLNTINK'S and WILSON & Co.'s VIEWS OF ST ANDREWS AND NEIQHBOURHOOD in Scrap, Medallion, and (ilass I'anel Slylcs. ALBUMS Ol1' VIEWS at Gd, Is, and 2S 6d Kiich, ADVKttTISBJIBNTS VISITORS, NOTE! The*Citizen'Office, 107 SOUTH STREET, IS THE HEAD OFFICE of the ST ANDREWS CITIZEN Published every Friday Afternoon (The Only Paper Printed for St Andrews). ALL VISITORS TO ST ANDREWS should sn-ure si Copy WK.I'.KI.V of the ST ANDREWS CITIZEN, which, in ndilition to giving tlm Kull Local Intelligence, publishes iluriiif; 1 hi'Summer Moiilhsa List of the Visitors In l lu: Oity, iind is laken ailvanla^e of liy all lln: Shop- kowpoi'B ami Tradfismen l"f l)iin»ing their Announce- ments liflore (in: Public. Price Id. "CITIZEN" ABC TIME-TABLES, Published Monthly -Price Id. Km1 List of Guido - Books anil oilier I'ubliralions nhiiiiu; in the Ancient City, ^s well as Guide-Books in Ora.il, Blio and Barlsfei-ry, ami Leven And Largo, i,-e A'lvei'liseinenti al cml o! Imok. Select Slock of Plain and Fancy Stationery for Private and Commercial Purposes. /'//'i//'",:; i'f i'// h'iiiJs ,\'i-ii//y and ICxpiuiilionsly done 0)1 llh' /'/'I'J/IISt'X, 3 P o THE GOLF COURSES THE MECCA OF GOLF " Would you like to see a city given over Soul and body to a tyrannising game? If you would, there's little need to be a. rover, 3?or St Andrews is that abject city's name. "It is surely quite superfluous to mention To a person who has been here half an hour, That golf is what engrosses the attention Of the people with an all-absorbing power.
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