S70 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 8, 2019 Committee on Energy and Natural Re- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS mit an enrolled copy of this resolution to the sources. family of Richard Arvin Overton. f Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I am SENATE RESOLUTION 10—HON- once again introducing, along with my ORING THE LIFE OF RICHARD SENATE RESOLUTION 11—HON- colleagues Senator WHITEHOUSE, Sen- ARVIN OVERTON ORING THE 150TH ANNIVERSARY ator BLUMENTHAL, and Senator MUR- OF FORT SILL IN LAWTON, Mr. CORNYN (for himself and Mr. OKLAHOMA PHY, legislation to designate river seg- CRUZ) submitted the following resolu- ments within the Wood-Pawcatuck wa- tion; which was referred to the Com- Mr. INHOFE (for himself and Mr. tershed as part of the National Wild mittee on the Judiciary: LANKFORD) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the and Scenic Rivers System. S. RES. 10 Committee on Armed Services: Following more than three years of Whereas, on May 11, 1906, Richard Arvin S. RES. 11 intense study, this legislation would Overton was born to Gentry Overton, Sr., Whereas January 8, 2019, marks the 150th formally recognize the recreational, and Elizabeth ‘‘Lizzie’’ Overton in Bastrop County, Texas; anniversary of Fort Sill, a military installa- natural, and historical qualities of por- Whereas, in 1940, Richard Arvin Overton tion operating in the Lawton-Fort Sill re- tions of the Beaver, Chipuxet, Green enlisted in the Army and began his military gion of Oklahoma; Fall-Ashaway, Pawcatuck, Queen- service at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Whereas the site of Fort Sill was staked Usquepaugh, Shunock, and Wood Riv- Texas; out on January 8, 1869, by Major General Philip H. Sheridan, and the garrison was ers that flow through Rhode Island and Whereas, from 1942 to 1945, Richard Arvin Overton bravely served in the Pacific the- first called ‘‘Camp Wichita’’; Connecticut while providing access to ater, including in Guam, Palau, and Iwo Whereas Fort Sill is named after Brigadier Federal resources and promoting Jima, with the 1887th Engineer Aviation Bat- General Joshua W. Sill, who was killed in strong partnerships for their restora- talion, an all-African American unit, until the American Civil War and was a friend to tion and protection. the conclusion of World War II; Major General Philip H. Sheridan; Whereas Richard Arvin Overton attained Whereas the first post commander at Fort The Wood-Pawcatuck watershed is a the rank of corporal in the Army; Sill was Brevet Major General Benjamin National treasure that not only holds Whereas Richard Arvin Overton earned the Grierson; natural and scenic value, but also is an Combat Infantry Badge, the Meritorious Whereas, in 1877, Lieutenant Henry O. Flip- important economic driver for the Unit Commendation, the Army Good Con- per, the first African American to graduate from West Point, was assigned to the 10th area. Indeed, the 12 local river commu- duct Medal, the American Defense Service Medal, the American Campaign Medal, the Cavalry Regiment at Fort Sill; nities experience direct economic bene- Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, the World Whereas, in 1898, the Fort Sill garrison was fits from their proximity to these riv- War II Victory Medal, and the Expert Rifle down to 27 officers and soldiers as the cav- ers through increased recreation and Marksmanship Badge; alry left for battles in Cuba during the Span- tourism. The watershed provides many Whereas Richard Arvin Overton returned ish-American War, and Lieutenant Allyn opportunities for visitors to explore to Austin, Texas, after the end of World War Capron, Jr., who had joined the ‘‘Rough Rid- ers’’, was the first officer killed in Cuba; history and experience nature, includ- II and resided there until his death; Whereas, on November 11, 2013, Richard Whereas the last Indian land in Oklahoma ing viewing early industrial mill ruins, Arvin Overton was honored by former Presi- opened for settlement in 1901, and 29,000 trout fishing, bird watching, and dent Barack Obama at Arlington National homesteaders registered at Fort Sill during kayaking. Cemetery for his courage and commitment July of that year for the land lottery; Whereas Fort Sill played a major role in I have long been a supporter of pro- to service in combat zones such as Pearl Har- bor, the Marshall Islands, Guam, Palau, and expanding the nearby city of Lawton, which tecting and restoring these special riv- Iwo Jima; was named after Major General Henry W. ers, which is why I sponsored the Whereas, on January 3, 2015, Richard Arvin Lawton, a Fort Sill quartermaster who was Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Protec- Overton represented The Greatest Genera- killed in the Philippines in 1899 and was a tion Act in 2013. The process that was tion at the 2015 United States Army All- Medal of Honor recipient; American Bowl in San Antonio, Texas; Whereas, on August 6, 1901, the town of initiated by that law has been a crit- Lawton was established and quickly grew to ical tool for bringing together stake- Whereas, on May 3, 2016, Richard Arvin Overton became the oldest surviving veteran become the third largest city in Oklahoma, holders from Rhode Island and Con- of the Armed Forces after the death of Frank later becoming part of the greater Lawton- necticut including representatives Levingston, a fellow World War II veteran; Fort Sill community; from State agencies, local govern- Whereas, on May 11, 2016, Richard Arvin Whereas, with the disappearance of the ments, and conservation groups in Overton attained 110 years of age and became frontier, the mission of Fort Sill gradually changed from cavalry to field artillery, with order to develop a collaborative path a supercentenarian; Whereas, in Austin, Texas, May 11th of the first artillery battery arriving at Fort forward. The resulting Stewardship each year is designated as ‘‘Richard Overton Sill in 1902, and the last cavalry regiment de- Plan, which has been formally adopted Day’’ in honor of Richard Arvin Overton’s parting in May 1907; by the study committee and is sup- birthday; Whereas, the School of Fire for Field Artil- ported by all twelve local river commu- Whereas, in 2017, the city of Austin, Texas, lery was founded at Fort Sill in 1911 and con- nities, builds upon currently existing officially renamed the street on which Rich- tinues to operate as the United States Army Field Artillery School; efforts to preserve and manage the ard Arvin Overton resided to ‘‘Richard Overton Avenue’’; Whereas, throughout its history, Fort Sill river ecosystems while also considering Whereas Richard Arvin Overton died on has served as home to— what steps will need to be taken collec- December 27, 2018; (1) the Infantry School of Musketry, which tively in the future in order to protect Whereas Richard Arvin Overton will be was later renamed the Infantry School and laid to rest with full military honors at the moved to Camp Benning, Georgia; them. (2) the Gas Defense School; Texas State Cemetery in Austin, Texas; and I would like to commend Representa- (3) the School for Aerial Observers; Whereas Richard Arvin Overton is a United (4) the Artillery Officers Candidate School tives LANGEVIN, CICILLINE, and COURT- States hero who exemplified strength, sac- (Robinson Barracks); NEY for again introducing companion rifice, and service to the country: Now, (5) the Air Service Flying School; legislation. In October 2018 we com- therefore, be it (6) the Army Aviation School; memorated the 50th anniversary of the Resolved, That the Senate— (7) the School of Fire (now known as the landmark Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, (1) extends its heartfelt sympathy to the Field Artillery School); and family of Richard Arvin Overton on the occa- (8) the Air Defense Artillery School; and I am proud that after all these sion of his death; Whereas, in 1915, the first air unit in the years we are continuing our work to (2) honors the life of Richard Arvin history of the United States Armed Forces, protect such extraordinary places. I Overton and his service to the United States; the 1st Aero Squadron, was stationed at Fort look forward to working with all of my (3) honors and, on behalf of the United Sill for experiments in the aerial observation colleagues to pass this legislation so States, expresses deep appreciation for the of artillery fire and, in 1916, was sent into that we can preserve the rivers of the outstanding and important service of Rich- combat with General Jack Pershing on an ard Arvin Overton to the United States; and expedition into Mexico; Wood-Pawcatuck watershed for the en- (4) respectfully requests that the Secretary Whereas, in 1917, the Henry Post Army Air- joyment of current and future genera- of the Senate communicate this resolution field was constructed for aerial artillery ob- tions. to the House of Representatives and trans- servation and spotting; VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:14 Jan 09, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08JA6.032 S08JAPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE January 8, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S71 Whereas, with the start of World War I in Whereas other Field Artillery Officer Can- Whereas, during the Cold War, the 4th Bat- 1918, the post expanded quickly, and the didate School graduates have made an im- talion 31st Infantry ‘‘Polar Bears’’ was acti- Army established Camp Doniphan on the pact on history, including— vated at Fort Sill to help train artillerymen northwest edge of Fort Sill in order to as- (1) H. Malcolm Baldrige (Class of 91-44), a in joint-combat tactics; semble, house, and train entire divisions be- former Secretary of Commerce; Whereas, although the Polar Bears unit fore sending the divisions to Europe; (2) Martin R.
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