SSiviliivili EnjinierengEnjiniereng January/February 2017 Vol 25 No 1 SSundranundran NNaickeraicker PPresidentialresidential AddressAddress SSAICEAICE 22017017 PPresidentresident NNumbersumbers aandnd NeedsNeeds uupdatepdate YOUR QUALITY MARK IN PRECAST CONCRETE Obtain your mark of approval from the leading authority in the precast concrete industry. TRUST THE INDUSTRY EXPERTS Address: Office 0400, Standard Plaza Building, 440 Hilda Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083 Tel: (011) 805 6742 • Email: [email protected] • Website: www.cma.org.za FROM THE CEO’S DESK Tick tick tick You can fool some of the people all of the Th e second symptom – ECSA is an an option. If ECSA continues down this time, and all of the people some of the administrative organisation that sets the path, my view is that ECSA will implode, time, but you cannot fool all of the people standards and outcomes for individual and its politically driven agenda will all of the time. professional registration and university render the value of professional registra- Although it’s a great time to be alive accreditation, but in recent times ECSA tion worthless. Professional registration in South Africa, the deteriorating vital wishes to do the testing as well, thus being will no longer carry the prestige of ex- signs of the health department are dis- player and referee simultaneously. Th e perience, competence and skill. A direct tressing – politicians are doing what they third symptom is that ECSA recognises outcome of what is currently happening do best, i.e. scurry from that meaningless Voluntary Associations, but themselves at ECSA is the delivery of unsafe and word “accountability”. And mind you, one wish to off er CPD training. Th e fourth insecure infrastructure in South Africa. cannot sidestep accountability over some symptom is that ECSA has forgotten its Time is a-ticking, and my advice is misdemeanours by simply resigning. Th e governing act of parliament and now that SAICE reconsiders its role in relation deaths of 94 innocent people is one such wishes to be the voice of the engineering to the process of professional registration misdemeanour. profession. Th ese are the ludicrous utter- (not registration itself – this must always Our very own beloved ECSA is also ances and procedures initiated by their reside with ECSA). We need to position showing weakening vital signs – my diag- most senior administrator and their presi- ourselves with a higher-order licensing nosis is political schizophrenia. Common dent – so it’s not quite the organisation that separates the doyens from the symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or that is busy losing its marbles. herd – very similar to the CA and PR for confused thinking and hearing voices that Th e new registration process, for accountants. Th e Chartered Accountant others do not. One notable cause is the example, is aimed at limiting industry accreditation is a much more prestigious use of cannabis. I am out of line. I apolo- peer-review involvement, thereby jeopar- off ering than the PR, even though it is not gise. ECSA is, in fact, a worthy institution. dising our international recognition in compulsory. I hope I am wrong, because I, SAICE continues to seek collaboration terms of the Washington, Sydney and too, am a professionally registered person. and sharing of responsibilities with ECSA Dublin Accords. Th e new process is But I think it’s only a matter of time in the interest of the profession and safe neither as rigorous nor as thorough as before this thing goes kaboom! We must infrastructure in South Africa. SAICE its historical version. Th e famous new be ready. believes in a functional and profi cient online system reeks of an administrative ECSA and is part of a group of Voluntary tick box system, devoid of trustworthy Associations that are currently working quality assurance. Furthermore, the same together to alleviate some of the chal- procedure is applied wholesale to all lenges at ECSA. engineering disciplines, irrespective of In the goings on at ECSA, however, the nuances and variety of practice in the I have noticed that ECSA has become a diff erent engineering disciplines. Written mechanism for individual parochial and and spoken communication is critical for political interest. Th e fi rst symptom of civil engineering, for example, but the schizophrenia is that ECSA is a govern- essay component is removed from the ment institution reporting to the Minister testing process, much to the chagrin of of Public Works via the Engineering civil engineering professionals. Profession Act (46 of 2000), but ECSA I like the shenanigans, because there’s is entirely subsidised by private sector more work for us to do in the interest individual funding. One would think an of building South Africa. Or, in total organisation would work with goodwill exasperation, we throw our hands in the towards its sponsors rather than do air and say, “Th is is it! I am going to New the bidding of its political masters, and Zealand.” I’ve just returned from there – against those that sustain its existence. it’s not as green as they say, so that’s not Civil Engineering January/February 2017 1 Sivili Enjiniereng January/February 2017 Vol 25 No 1 Sundran Naicker Presidential Address SAICE 2017 President Numbers and Needs update Sivili Enjiniereng = Sepedi P28 Hydraulic fi ll and dredger discharge point, East Sitra Reclamation Project – a major ON THE COVER and challenging project that was executed on the eastern coastline of Bahrain Sundran Naicker SAICE 2017 President FROM THE CEO’S DESK Page 5 Tick tick tick . 1 PROFILE OF SAICE 2017 PRESIDENT South African Institution of Civil Engineering Leading with quiet strength . 5 The SAICE 2017 Presidential Team . 8 SSiviliivili EEnjinierengnjiniereng J a n u a r y / F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 7 V o l 2 5 N o 1 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS PUBLISHED BY SAICE Developing a Code of Best Practice for Block 19, Thornhill Offi ce Park, Bekker Street, Vorna Valley, Midrand Private Bag X200, Halfway House, 1685 Tel 011 805 5947/8, Fax 011 805 5971 Civil Engineering Education at Tertiary Institutions . 9 http://www.saice.org.za | [email protected] CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Manglin Pillay Pr Eng [email protected] Tel 011 805 5947/8 NUMBERS AND NEEDS EDITOR Verelene de Koker [email protected] . Tel 011 805 5947/8, Cell 083 378 3996 Numbers and Needs in Local Government – where are we now? 15 EDITORIAL PANEL Marco van Dijk (chairman), Irvin Luker (vice-chairman), Sundran Naicker (president), Manglin Pillay (CEO), Steven Kaplan (COO), Johan de Koker, Andile Gqaji, INTERNATIONAL Gerhard Heymann, Jeffrey Mahachi, Avi Menon, Jones Moloisane, Lorato Ntsie, Beate Scharfetter, Phuti Seopa (corresponding), Marie Ashpole, Verelene de Koker (editor), Elsabé Maree (editor’s assistant), . Barbara Spence (advertising) The East Sitra Reclamation Project – Bahrain 28 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATE SA R675.00 (VAT included), International US$140.00 Mapping the informal public transport network in Kampala with smartphones. 35 ADVERTISING Barbara Spence, Avenue Advertising [email protected] Tel 011 463 7940, Fax 011 463 7939 Cell 082 881 3454 LEGAL AND MANAGEMENT DESIGN AND REPRODUCTION Marketing Support Services, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria PRINTING Adjudicator appointments under the NEC Option W1 – Fishwicks, Pretoria The South African Institution of Civil Engineering accepts no responsibility for any statements made or when do the time lines start to run? . 41 opinions expressed in this publication. Consequently nobody connected with the publication of the magazine, in particular the proprietors, the publishers and the editors, will be liable for any loss or damage sustained by any reader as a result of his or her action upon any Tendering and Administering Activity Schedule-based NEC3 Contracts. 43 statement or opinion published in this magazine. ISSN 1021-2000 Design of a molten slag waste disposal facility to meet NEMA and NEM:WA requirements . 50 P65 SAICE YMP delegates and members of a Peruvian construction team visiting a construction site in Lima, Peru, while attending the WFEO Conference in December 2016 KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER Professional Registration Support Mentoring and the emergence of the professional cyber-sage . 55 SAICE AND PROFESSIONAL NEWS SAICE Honorary Fellowship bestowed on Dr Pine Pienaar . .59 P35 New SAICE Fellows. 60 SAICE past-president honoured. 60 Obituaries Dr Keeve Steyn . 62 Ronnie Immelman . 63 Joan von Willich . 64 P50 Young Members’ Pages SAICE YMP represents South Africa internationally . 65 SAICE Training Calendar 2017 . .70 CARTOONS Civillain by Jonah Ptak. .52 P59 Cartoon caption competition . .61 Civil Engineering January/February 2017 3 PROFILE OF SAICE 2017 PRESIDENT Insightful, curious and focused, and someone who draws Leading with strength from his family – these qualities have seen Sundran Naicker become the judicious and discerning cornerstone his quiet strength friends and colleagues look to. Here he refl ects on his unassuming beginnings, what education has meant for him and the importance of taking responsibility for developing yourself in your own way – all of which have led to his role as one of SAICE’s younger presidents (the 114th). BEGINNINGS “I was born and grew up in Northdale, Pietermaritzburg, which was established under the Group Areas Act as an Indian settlement. In the pre-1994 era, living in an Indian community and going to Indian schools, you didn’t see much of a future for yourself without an educa- tion. It was an education and career in civil engineering which gave me a life which I can be proud of. And if I take an introspective look at my life, I feel that it’s right to give back; for me that means being involved and trying to make a diff erence.” It was his parents who valued the power of education – education which they couldn’t have for themselves, which opened fi rst doors for Sundran, his two Sundran in a relaxed mood at SAICE’s offices brothers, and sister.
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