Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88335-1 — Diogenes Laertius: Lives of Eminent Philosophers Edited and translated by Stephen White Index More Information Index of Biographies: Lives Recounted in the Lives Philosopher Home Affiliation Lives Aeschines Athens Socratic 2.60–4 Alcmaeon Croton Pythagorean (?) 8.83 Alexinus Elis Socratic: Megaric 2.109–10 Anacharsis Scythia Sage 1.101–5 Anaxagoras Clazomenae early Ionian 2.6–15 Anaxarchus Abdera Democritean 9.58–60 Anaximander Miletus early Ionian 2.1–2 Anaximenes Miletus early Ionian 2.3–5 Antisthenes Athens Socratic: Cynic forerunner 6.1–19 Arcesilaus Pitane Academic: skeptic 4.28–45 Archelaus Athens? early Ionian 2.16–17 Archytas Tarentum Pythagorean 8.79–83 Aristippus Cyrene Socratic: Cyrenaic 2.65–85 Aristo Chios Stoic: dissenting 7.160–4 Aristotle Stagira Peripatetic 5.1–35 Bias Priene Sage 1.82–8 Bion Borysthenes Academic: sophist 4.46–58 Carneades Cyrene Academic: skeptic 4.62–6 Cebes Thebes Socratic 2.125 Chilon Sparta Sage 1.68–73 Chrysippus Soloi Stoic 7.179–202 Cleanthes Assos Stoic 7.168–76 Cleobulus Lindos Sage 1.89–93 Clitomachus Carthage Academic: skeptic 4.67 Crantor Soloi Academic 4.24–7 Crates Athens Academic 4.21–3 Crates Thebes Cynic 6.85–93 Crito Athens Socratic 2.121 Demetrius Phalerum Peripatetic 5.75–85 Democritus Abdera Atomist 9.34–49 Diodorus Iasos Socratic: Megaric 2.111–12 Diogenes Apollonia Democritean 9.57 Diogenes Sinope Cynic 6.20–81 Dionysius Heraclea Stoic: dissenting 7.166–7 Empedocles Acragas Pythagorean (?) 8.51–77 Epicharmus Syracuse Pythagorean (?) 8.78 Epicurus Athens Epicurean 10.1–154 (all) Epimenides Crete Sage 1.109–15 482 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88335-1 — Diogenes Laertius: Lives of Eminent Philosophers Edited and translated by Stephen White Index More Information Index of Biographies Philosopher Home Affiliation Lives Euboulides Miletus Socratic: Megaric 2.108–9 Euclides Megara Socratic: Megaric 2.106–8 Eudoxus Cnidos Pythagorean (?) 8.86–91 Euphantus Olynthus Socratic: Megaric 2.110 Glaucon Athens Socratic 2.124 Heraclides Heraclea (Pontus) Academic & Peripatetic 5.86–94 Heraclitus Ephesus “isolated” 9.1–17 Herillus Calchedon Stoic: dissenting 7.165–6 Hermarchus Mytilene Epicurean 10.24–5 Hipparchia Maroneia Cynic 6.96–8 Hippasus Metapontum Pythagorean 8.84 Lacydes Cyrene Academic: skeptic 4.59–61 Leucippus ? Atomist 9.30–3 Lycon Alexandria Troas Peripatetic 5.65–74 Melissus Samos Eleatic 9.24 Menedemus Eretria Socratic: Eretric 2.125–44 Menedemus ? Cynic 6.102 Menippus Gadara Cynic 6.99–101 Metrocles Maroneia Cynic 6.94–5 Metrodorus Lampsacus Epicurean 10.22–4 Monimus Syracuse Cynic 6.82–3 Myson Khên Sage 1.106–8 Onesicrates Aegina or Astypalaea Cynic 6.84 Parmenides Elea Eleatic 9.21–3 Periander Corinth Sage 1.94–100 Persaeus Citium Stoic 7.36 Phaedo Elis Socratic: Eliac 2.105 Pherecydes Syros Sage; cf. Pythagoras 1.116–22 Philo Athens Pyrrhonian 9.67–9 Philolaos Croton Pythagorean 8.84–5 Pittacus Mytilene Sage 1.74–81 Plato Athens Academic 3.1–109 (all) Polemo Athens Academic 4.16–20 Protagoras Abdera Democritean 9.50–6 Pyrrho Elis Pyrrhonian 9.61–9 Pythagoras Samos Pythagorean 8.1–50 Simmias Thebes Socratic 2.124 Simon Athens Socratic 2.122–3 Socrates Athens Socratic 2.18–47 Solon Athens Sage 1.45–67 Speusippus Athens Academic 4.1–5 Sphaerus Bosporus Stoic 7.177–8 Stilpo Megara Socratic: Megaric 2.113–20 Strato Lampsacus Peripatetic 5.58–64 Thales Miletus Sage: Ionian 1.22–44 Theano Croton Pythagorean 8.42–3 Theodorus Cyrene Socratic: Cyrenaic 2.97–104 483 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88335-1 — Diogenes Laertius: Lives of Eminent Philosophers Edited and translated by Stephen White Index More Information Index of Biographies Philosopher Home Affiliation Lives Theophrastus Eresos Peripatetic 5.36–57 Timon Phlius Pyrrhonian 9.109–16 Xenocrates Calchedon Academic 4.6–15 Xenophanes Colophon > Elea “isolated” 9.18–20 Xenophon Athens Socratic 2.48–59 Zeno Citium Stoic 7.1–35 Zeno Elea Eleatic 9.25–9 484 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88335-1 — Diogenes Laertius: Lives of Eminent Philosophers Edited and translated by Stephen White Index More Information Index of Citations: Authors Cited in the Lives All ancient writings cited in the Translation are listed here by author, including some who remain “Anonymous.” Only material ostensibly from an author’s writings is included; strictly oral remarks, even verbatim quotations, appear only when cited from a written work, and under the author’s name, not the speaker’s. Citations are normally flagged in the Translation by abbreviated references in square brackets, often by “F” for “frag- ments” or paraphrases. The collections and editions from which those references derive are indicated here following each author’s name. Citations from an author’s extant works appear first, then fragmentary material; citations found in different collections are listed on separate lines; and citations not found in the specified collections are listed last, sepa- rated by a semi-colon. The Index also lists the sources of fragmentary material for ancient authors cited only in the notes, but not citations found only there. Abbreviations CA Collectanea Alexandrina, ed. J. U. Powell (Oxford 1925) DK Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, ed. H. Diels and W. Kranz (Berlin 1951) FGE Further Greek Epigrams, ed. D. L. Page (Cambridge 1982) FGrH Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, ed. F. Jacoby (Berlin 1923–1930; Leiden 1940–1958) FGrHC Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, Continued, ed. G. Schepens et al. (Leiden 1998–) FHG Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum, ed. C. and T. Müller (Paris 1841–1870) HE The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, ed. A. S. F. Gow and D. L. Page (Cambridge 1965) LS The Hellenistic Philosophers, ed. A. A. Long and D. N. Sedley (Cambridge 1987) M Sextus Empiricus, Adversus Mathematicos: M 1–6 = Against Those in the Disciplines 1–6, M 7–8 = Against the Logicians 1–2, M 9–10 = Against the Physicists 1–2, M 11 = Against the Ethicists Pal. Palatine Anthology, commonly called “Greek Anthology”: H. Beckby (1965–1966) PCG Poetae Comici Graeci, ed. R. Kassel and C. Austin (Berlin 1983–2001) PEG Poetarum Epicorum Graecorum, ed. A. Bernabé (Stuttgart 1996–2007) PMG Poetae Melici Graeci, ed. D. L. Page (Oxford 1962) PPF Poetarum Philosophorum Fragmenta, ed. H. Diels (Berlin 1901) SA Die Schule des Aristoteles, ed. F. Wehrli (Basel and Stuttgart 1967–1978) SH Supplementum Hellenisticum, ed. H. Lloyd-Jones and P. Parsons (Berlin 1983) SSR Socratis et Socraticorum reliquiae, ed. G. Giannantoni (Naples 1990) SVF Stoicorum veterum fragmenta, ed. J. von Arnim (Leipzig 1903–1905) TrGF Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, ed. B. Snell, R. Kannicht, S. Radt (Göt- tingen 1981–2004) 485 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88335-1 — Diogenes Laertius: Lives of Eminent Philosophers Edited and translated by Stephen White Index More Information Index of Citations Achaeus of Eretria: TrGF 1 Anonymous comic verse: PCG 8 F34 2.133 F149 2.108, F155 7.67 Achaïcus Anonymous epigrams: FGE 6.99 Anon. 93 8.49 Aenesidemus of Knossos: Polito (2014) Anonymous hexameters: Davies (1988) F5 9.106, F6 9.62, F17 9.87 F5 2.117 Aeschines of Sphettos (Athens): SSR VI A 7.27 F91 2.65 Anonymous tragic verse: TrGF 2 Agrippa F177 7.67, F 281 4.25, F282 4.35, F283 9.88–9 4.35, F285 6.95, F286 7.67 Alcaeus of Mytilene: Voigt (1971) Antagoras of Rhodes: CA; HE F360 1.31, F429 1.81 F1 4.26–7, F2 (Epigram 1) 4.21 Alcidamas of Elaea: Avezzù (1982) Anticlides of Athens: FGrH 140 F8 8.56, F12 9.54 F1 8.11 Alcimus of Sicily: FGrH 560 Antigonus of Carystus: Dorandi (1999a) F6 3.9–17 F2A 9.62–4, F3 9.62, F4B 9.66 n., F5 Alcmaeon of Croton: DK 24 9.110–11, F6 9.112, F7 9.112, F9B F1 8.83 4.17, F11B 4.24 n., F12 4.26 n., F14 Alexander of Myndus: FGrH 25 4.22, F15 4.21 n., F24 5.67, F25 F1 1.29 2.136, F26B 2.139–40 n., F27 2.143, Alexander Polyhistor: FGrH 273; cf. F32 7.12, F34B 7.13 n., F35B 7.13 Giannattasio Andria (1989) n., F36 7.14, F38B 7.19 n., F39 3.66, F85 1.116, F86 2.19, F87 2.106, F88 F46 7.188, F48 2.15, F49 9.49 3.4, F89 3.5, F90 4.62, F91 7.179, Antileon: FGrH 247 F92 9.61, F93 8.24–36 F1 3.3 Alexis of Thurii: PCG 2 Antipater of Sidon: HE F1 3.27, F151 3.27, F163 3.28, F185 Epigrams 35 7.29 3.28 Antipater of Tarsus: SVF 3.244–58 Ambryon F16 7.55, F18 7.54, F22 7.57, F23 7.60, 5.11 F32 7.150, F51 7.84, F49 7.159, F60 Ameipsias of Athens: CPG 2 7.92; 7.68 F9 2.28 Antipater of Tyre: cf. SVF 3.250 F43–5 Amphicrates of Athens: FHG 4 F43 7.140, F44 7.148, F45 7.142; 7.139 F2 2.101 Antiphon: FGrHC 1096 Amphis (of Andros?): PCG 2 F1 8.3 F6 3.27, F13 3.28 Antisthenes of Athens: SSR V A; cf. Anaxagoras of Clazomenae: DK 59 Prince (2015) F1 2.6 F98 6.104, F99 6.105, F148 3.35 Anaxandrides of Rhodes: PCG 2 Antisthenes of Rhodes: FGrH 508; cf.
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