ASSISTANT PRO — experienced — desires assistant's job. Age 24 single. Attended PGA school. Excellent Classified Ads references. Will relocate. Address Ad 125 c/o Golfdom Professional — fine golf instructor, with personality, integrity. Experience in management and greens su- Rates: Minimum insertion $4.00 for 20 words; pervision. Wife can assist or manage food "operation Address Ad 12b c/o Golfdom additional words 20< each. Bold face type, 25e per word. Classified cols, reserved for help or AGENT CALLING ON OHIO GOLF COURSES services wanted and for sale of used equipment. C/O GOL FDOMTIONAL LINE ADnRESS AD 127 -NO CLASSIFIED ADS ACCEPTED AFTER THE TOP SUPERINTENDENT AVAILABLE. SPEC I 22nd of MONTH PRECEDING DATE OF ISSUE. 1ST IN TROUBLE SHOOTING ALL GOLF , UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE WE PERMITTED COURSE MAINTENANCE. SHORT OR LONG TERM, OPERATION. YOUR REQUIREMENTS TO DIVULGE THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF Fl LULLED. REASONABLE. WRITE BOX 502 THOSE PLACING THE BLIND ADVERTISEMENTS 1 RONTON, MINNESOTA. Response to all box number ads should be ad- Greenkeeper desires assistant or superintendent job — dressed to the box number, mail to GOLFDOM, Age 20 — married — Stockbridge Turf Graduate of 407 S. Dearborn, Chicago 5. Replies are promptly University of Massachusetts — excellent references. Experienced in all phases of golf course maintenance. forwarded to advertisers. Southern or west coastal area — others acceptable Address Ad 128 c/o Golfdom PRO OR GREENKEEPER OR COMBINATION JOBS WANTED EASTERN OR SOI THERN LOC ATION PRE- FERRED. MODERATE INCOME SATISFACTORY. Golf Pro-Manager and Wife team, 10 years experience ADDRESS AD 129 c/o GOLFDOM efficient operation all private club departments — golf, golf course, clubhouse. Excellent golf instructor, mer- Professional — 17 years operating Range, wants Range chandiser, food and beverage manager. Now at Mid- with Pro Shop & Miniature. Lessons & Club repair , west club; will relocate. Address Ad 101 c/o Golfdom 111V specialty. Address Ad 130 c/o Golfdom Golf Superintendent desires winter employment. 10 GADDYMASTER SEEKS POSITION AT FINE years experience all phases. 1962 turf grass manage- CLUB. EXCELLENT REFERENCES. ADDRESS AD ment graduate. Would consider good year around 131 c/o GOLFDOM position as Superintendent or Assistant or related Country club manager with excellent experience su- field. Will relocate. Address Ad 102 c/o Golfdom r - pervising grtlf course, restaurant, bar. all operations. GOLF PRO - MANAGER, FIVE YEARS EXPERI- Write Lambert, 2045 Contra Costa Hwy., Pleasant ENCE PRO SHOP MANAGEMENT, INSTRl C- Hill, California TION, GRF,ENKFEPER. DRIVING RANGE AND COURSE OPERATION. EXCELLENT REFERENC- Young married golf professional with seven years ex- ES. RELOCATE. DAN DESMOND, 275 E. MON- perience in all phases of Golf Shop operation desires , TEREY, CORONA, CALIF. change for 1963 season. Address Ad 133 c/o Golfdom CLUB MANAGER AVAILABLE for Miami. Florida Golf Professional, Greens Superintendent, and Curling, area only. Available after February 10th for interview. Icemaker. available for 1963 season. Canadian Profcs- Relinquishing executive control of 2500 member club sonal Golf Assn. member. Presently employed. Would of own volition to resettle in Miami. Can wait for like change. Highest references and credit. Address position. Address Ad 103 c/o Golfdom Ad 134 c/o Golfdom SUPERINTENDENT, GCSA MEMBER. 16 years experience in resort and semi-private operation, desires Pro-Greenkeeper for 20 years wants change. Well quali- change for 1963. Married, two children, age 43. Good fied in all phases of golf. PCA member, good teacher. \ teacher and player. Will consider pro-superintendent. Prefer 9 hole country club or just greenkeeping. Good Eastern location preferred. Address Ad 104 c/o Golf- references. Address Ad 136 c/o Golfdom dom Pro and/or Manager, wife, desire club in south. Pro JOBS OPEN 29 years old, 10 years teaching and managing. Wife 10 years sec. experience. Address Ad 10f> c/o Golfdom Greens Supt. 32 years experience, age 55. Expert with Pro-Manager or Manager wanted for Northern Michi- 328 Bermuda greens. Guarantee no transition period. gan Golf Club. Main duties, bartendering. May 1 to -Will consider Pro-Supt. position. Prefer south. Address Oct. 15th. Salary $550.00 monthly plus concessions Ad 106 c/o Golfdom and commissions. Address inquiries through Golfdom Golf Professional: Class A PGA Member — married, Ad No. 114. * no children. Two college degrees, best references. Nine Experienced couple wanted to manage Bar and Dining years at circuit tournament site — six years at large Room of small Midwestern Country Club. Assume exclusive club. Want to make change to Northeast $2,000.0(1 inventory. Position open immediately. Ad- or Eastern U.S.A. Address Ad 107 c/o Golfdom dress Ad 115 c/o Golfdom PGA Member — 12 years experience desires employ- ment as Pro or assistant radius 100 miles from New Wanted: Greenkeeper for 9-hole course in Southern York Citv. Address Ad 108 c/o Golfdom Illinois; job open immediately; salary open. Mail re- plies to Jackson Country Club. Rt. 2, Murphysboro. ("lass A PGA member 59 years of age. At present Pro-Supt. with southern year-round Country Club. 111^ Would like teaching connection with northern coun- MANAGER wanted must be experienced. 18 hole try club for 5 or 6 month season. Formerly with Golf Course. 10 Bowling Alleys, Hall. Food and Bars. » midwestern clubs. Address Ad 109 c/o Golfdom _ Excellent living quarters. Good salary plus profit Pro-Supt. 25 years experience. Best of references. Class sharing incentive. Located on U. S. Hy. between Chi- A PGA Century member. Excellent instructor. 9 or cago and Milwaukee. Address Ad 116 c/o Golfdom 18 bole course. Address Ad 110 c/o Golfdom Smaller club Southern Illinois wants applications for College Graduate in business administration, 26, low Pro job. Married, semi-retired preferred. Some "handicap, limited experience in course and club ad- concessions. State qualifications in reply. Address ministration. married, veteran, reliable references. Ad 123 c/o Golfdom Prefer west-southwest U.S. Desire assistant pro or WANTED: PRO-MANAGER, ne^ iTiu imkTlunici- club manager position. Address Ad 111 c/o Golfdom pal Course. Write Tom Coffey, City Manager. Box Golf Club Manufacturer desires to expand existing /9. Sidney. Nebraska. golf club and clothing representation to Pro Shops in: - New York City and Long Island — Pennsylvania — GREENKEEPER wanted. Must have experience with New Jersey atid Delaware — Pacific Northwest — golf courses in southern climate, and soil conditions. Rocky Mountain States. Interested parties please reply Excellent opportunity. South Florida location. Write to: Post Office Box 1157, Beverly Hills. California full details. Address Ad 135 c/o Golfdom MISCELLANEOUS Want to lease golf course, country club or bar and restaurant operations. Write Lambert, 2045 Contra Costa Hwy., Pleasant Hill, California Nine hole golf course opened in July 1962 . 3400 yds. Par 36. Modern clubhouse with fine view of sur- Driving Range Floodlights wanted — used 1500 Watt rounc'ing hills. All maintenance equipment new in and other equipment. Address Ad 137 c/o Golfdom '62. Located in the Heart of the Berkshires. Price $192,000.00. Address Ad 117 c/o Golfdom FOR SALE: 41 Gas powered golf cars and parts. Part WE WILL REPAINT AND RELETTER YOUR or parcel. Being replaced by '63 models. Exc. cond. USED GOLF BALLS FOR 7* EACH. BADGER Ready for spring service. Rodney O. Slotten, 414 N GOLF CO. VVATERFORD, WIS. Garfield Street, Lombard, Illinois. Ph: LA 6-3262 For Sale: 10 used electric golf cars. Will sell reason- ably. Marketeers and Toughies — 24 and 36 volt Want Results? electric golf cars. Contact George Diamond Country Use Golfdom's Classified Ads Club McIIenry, 111. — Phone 395-0999 — Mr. Clunie, Mgr. Two Ryan Landscaping Officials WANTED: Equipment (new or used) lor new 9-hole course, driving range and miniature, clubs, balls, Die in Recent Months mats, maintenance machinery. Advise condition and price on whatever you have. Box 118 c/o Golfdom Two executives of the Ryan Landscaping FOR SALE — CUSHMAN 1961 model 36 volt electric Equipment Co., St. Paul, Minn., Peter Pfenning1* olf carts (used two seasons). Immediate delivery- and Grant E. Tigwell, f375.00. Contact Drake-Scruggs Equipment Company, 600 S. 31st Street, Springfield, Illinois. Phone code died in recent months. 217 528-2536. Mr. Pfenning, director of research and devel- , opment, died while WANTED FOR CASH playing golf. He had OLD GOLF BALLS — RETRIEVED FROM PONDS, been with Ryan for 15 GOLF COURSES ETC. Cut or bumped $0.24 per doz. Off brands and slightly nicked 1.56 per doz. Round and perfect $1.25 brands for refinishing 2.40 per doz. At above prices, freight to be prepaid by shipper. Send for shipping tags and instructions NOTE—No Golf Driving Range Culls wanted at present time. Tigwell We are nation-wide Distributors of the finest in Driving Range, PAR 3 and Miniature Course equip- ment — balls, clubs, mats etc. Send for our current years, serving in the supply catalogue sales field and then NORTHERN GOLF BALL CO. taking over in the re- 2350 W. Roscoe Street Chicago 18, Illinois search division wherc^ Pfenning he Pioneer work in developing sod trans- WE MANUFACTURE IRONS, WOODS, PUTTERS TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS AND TRADEMARK planting equipment. Mr. Tigwell was the firm's (JOBBING QUANTITIES). WRITE FERNQUEST sales manager at the time of his death which & JOHNSON GOLF COMPANY, COLMA, CALIF. was due to a heart ailment. He was well known FOR PARTICULARS. in the turf equipment field and was a member of For Sale — Resort area lighted Par 3 course and the advisory board of the Associated Landscape Range in the fastest growing area on the Eastern Contractors of America. He had been with Ryan Seaboard. 400 sq. foot pro shop. This course is on high land 1000' from the sound shore in the middle for eight years and was promoted to sales man? of an Atlantic Ocean beach resort area.
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