STORY BY TOM DUNKET PHOTOGRAPHS BY BRYAN ANSELM/REDUX HAtF MOON AFTER THE REV. MOON DIED IN 2OI2, HIS CHURCH SPLIT APART TWO OF HIS SONS ESTABLISHED A NEW CONGREGATION THEIR FOLLOWERS ARE EAGERLY AWAITING THE END TIMES. AND THEYARE ARMED *.17 t 7 Is Sanctuary Church - whose proper name is World Peace and Unification Sanctu- ary, but which also goes by the more muscular-sounding Rod of Iron Minis- tries - stands inconspicuously on a country road that winds through the village of Nev{oundland, Pa., 25 miles southeast of Scranton. The one-story low-slung building used to be St. Antho- ny's CatholicChurch. Beforethat, itwas a community theater, which is why there are no pews, only a semicircle of tiered seats facing the old stage, now an altar. On a Sunday morning in late Febru- ary, 38-year-old Pastor HyungJin "Sean" Moon, son of the late Rev. Sun Mlnrng Moon, entered stage right wearing a white hoodie and cargo pants. He strapped on a leather headband and picked up a microphone. "Okay, take it away," he said to the electric pianist and two female vocalists who function as the choir. Theylaunched into the first offour songs: "O, light ofgrace, shining above / lighting mydim shadowed way..." The 2oo-plus congregants packed into the room sang along with gusto. Pastor Sean stood by his front-row seat with his wife at his side, wringing his hands like an orchestra conductor. The song cycle ended and, after abriefprayer, he took center stage. "Look at all these crowns of sovereignty!" he exclaimed, gazing upon his audience. One tenet of the Sanctuary Church is that all people are independent kings and queens in God's Kingdom - akind of dont-tread- on-me notion of personal sovereignty. Previous pages: Church members during a blessing ceremony at the Sanctuary Church in February. Left: Church attendants hold their assault rifles during the sermon. Hence, s)rmbolic gold and silver crowns hell out of that guy. This is the first time swarrn upon sleepy New4oundland for bobbed on row after row ofheads. weVe heard a president talk like that. the wedding-blessing ceremony - pro- This crowd was about twice the usual This is God's grace, folks." fessional gawkers lured by the incongru- size because this service was the wafin-up Virtually the entire congregation was ous coupling of semiautomatic rifles and for a renewal-of-marriage-vows cer- coming back on Wednesday for the big a house of worship. But the media circus emony scheduled for Wednesday morn- blessing ceremony, so he reviewed some also would quickly move on, without ing. Scores ofcouples alreadyhad arrived safety precautions, like securing rifle fully answering questions left dangling. fromJapan and Korea. That ceremony - triggers with a zip tie: "Remember, folks, Who, exactly, are these Sanctuarians? officially, the "Cosmic True Parents of you can never take back a bullet." That And, with their injection of guns into the Heaven, Earth and Humanity Cheon Il was not to say worshipers couldnt pack country's already divisive mix of politics Guk Book of Life Registration Blessing' heat. Anyone with a concealed-carry and religion, what do theywant? - would cap aweekofactivities thatthus permit was welcome to bring their load- far had included an arts festival, a survival ed pistol Wednesday (their "mini rod of skills contest and a goat-butchering dem- iron") in addition to their AR-15. You onstration. never know, 'there may be a wolf in The wedding-blessing event was gen- sheep's clothing who tries to make trou- w erating nationwide attention - some- ble," said Pastor Sean. I thing new for Sanctuary Church, which, After delivering a few social announce- until now, hadnt even registered on the ments (parents seekjng marriage partners radar of the Pocono Record, the local for their adult children were meeting at 3 WHEN THE REV. SUN MYUNG MOON daily newspaper. A key pillar of Sanctu- p.m.; tomorrow at 5 p.m. there would be died of complications from pneumonia in arydogmais the importance of owning a an AR-15 'trreakdown" tutorial on how to 20l.2 at age 92, it set offa power struggle gun, parficularly the lethal, lightweight properly disassemble the rifle), Pastor within his family. Sean, with backing AR-15 semiautomatic, which the Na- Sean delivered the meat ofhis sermon. He from older brother Kook Jin "Justin" tional Rifle Association has proclaimed plowed familiar ground at first, citing Moon, contends he was selected from "the most popular rifle in America." Last Bible passages where the "rod ofiron" was among his 10 adult siblings to inheritthe fall, Pastor Sean had studied the Book of used to smite evildoers. Pacing the altar, Unification Church mantle and be Revelation. It makes multiple references he then segued into a freewheeling, gun- crowned the next-generation "Second to how Christ one day will rule his earthly fi re-and-brimstone diatribe. Kind' - not a full-fledged messiah like kingdom "with a rod of iron." Although 'You must shed the slave mentality and his father purported to be, but nonethe- Revelation was written long before the adopt the royal mentality. ... The Demo- less responsible for finishing the work of advent offirearms, Pastor Sean conclud- cratic Party has become the Communist building Gods Kingdom. Meanwhile, ed that "rod of iron" was Bible-speak for Party funded by Nazi collaborator C'eorge their mother, Hak Ja Han, claims the the AR-15 and that Christ, not being a Soros. ... The fake ministers and fake Rev. Moon, her husband of 52 yearc, "tyrant," will need armed sovereigns to priests are pushing a dictator-Christ." He passed the baton to her. help him keep the peace in his kingdom. took potshots at some favorite taxgets: The church they were fighting over As a result, a recent Sanctuary Church Hillary Clinton ("she was paying for the has roots in both Korea and America. news release had noted that 'blessed Russian dossier"), Pope Francis ('a social- The Rev. Moon - bornin 192o inwhatis couples are requested" to bring with them is! communist devil) and government now North Korea but was then part of to the upcoming Book of Life ceremony that gets too big for its britches. "Jesus Japan - said Jesus appeared to him an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle "or equiva- never centralized power. Jesus never cre- when he was 15 and asked him to take on lents." This was unfortunate timing for ated government," he said. 'The worst the "special mission" ofcompleting God's the Church: The next day a young man killer in all of humanity the last one Kingdom on earth, Cheon Il Guk in his walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas hundred years is centralized govemment." native Korean. First, however, he went High School in ParHand, Fla., and killed He showed a video clip of younger off to study electrical engineering in 1/ people with an AR-15. Shooters had Church members undergoing quasi para- Japan and got arrested (and tortured) used that same model rifle to carry out military training as Sanctuaqy's standby twice for his activity in the Korean inde- mass murders in Las Vegas; Orlando; Peace Police/Peace Militia. They shoot pendence movement. He returned San Bernardino, Calif.; and other cities. rifles on the run in the woods. They wear home, married and bfter World War II That latest tragedy was freshly im- camo for the Lord. They learn Filipino moved to Sonryang, where the commu- printed on millions of minds, among knife fighting. "It's not about being a nist government threw him in a labor them Pastor Sean's. He eased into his badass. It's about practicing to be deadly camp for preaching Christianity. When hour-long Sunday morning sermon by because you love people," Pastor Sean that camp was liberated near the end of reminding everyone of what President told his flock. '"The way ofthe rod ofiron is the KoreanWar, Moonheaded south. Trump had pointed out after the Park- thewayoflove." He established a church in Seoul in land shooting: "He said if the teachers In a few days, reporters, photogra- 1954,, dubbing it the Holy Spirit Associa- were armed, they would have shot the phers and TV camera crews would tion for the Unification ofWorld Christi- LO May27t2Ot8 anity. He codifiedhisbeliefs in atexttitled 'lT's Nor What's more, each one had written an "Divine Principle." One core construct endorsement letter from the Great Be- says Satan seduced Eve in the Garden of ABOUT BEING yond. "People ofAmerica, rise again. Re- Eden. This caused'the fall" ofhumankind A BADASS. turn to the nation's founding spirig" said by eontaminating the bloodlines she and Thomas Jefferson, once characterized as a Adam transmitted through Cain and IT'S ABOUT 'howling atheist" by political opponents. Abel. God sent Jesus to serve as a Second PRACTICING "Followthe teachings of Rev. Sun M1'ung Adam to find sin-free love and salvage the Moon, the Messiah to all people." family of man. But Jesus didnt live long TO BE DEADLY Jefferson was, of course, one of the enough to marry. It thus became Sun BEGAUSE architects ofAmerica's system of govern- Myung Moon's destiny to step in as a LOVE ment - whichwillbecome obsolete ifthe Third Adam and redeem the world. YOU Rev. Moon's vision of God's Kingdom on His ministry put a premium on the PEOPLE,' earth comes to pass. Pastor Sean is sanctity of traditional marriage and con- SAYS SEAN convinced thatwill happen, and in prep- demned premarital sex, divorce and aration, he has taken it upon himself to homosexuality. That conservative mes- MOON.
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