VYTAUTAS MAGNUS UNIVERSITY MUSIC ACADEMY Piano Department JINHUI WANG An analysis of prominent contemporary Chinese pianists’ career Master thesis Žymių šiuolaikinių Kinijos pianistų karjeros analizė Magistro darbas Title of the study programme: Performing arts (6211PX027) Field of studies: MUSIC (C001) Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Justas Dvarionas ___________ 2020 06 09 Defended: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saulius Gerulis___________2020 06 09 Kaunas, 2020 SANTRAUKA Tyrimo aktualumas: Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais fortepijono atlikimo meno plėtra sulaukė vis didesnio dėmesio. Tačiau pianizmo raida Kinijoje nebuvo vienodai sklandi visuose socialiniuose sluoksniuose ir regionuose, todėl turime nustatyti bei įvardyti esamus trūkumus. Šis tyrimas analizuos garsių Kinijos pianistų karjerą siekiant suprasti dabartinę fortepijono meno situaciją ir būsimas Kinijos pianizmo plėtros tendencijas. Tyrimo problema: Fortepijono mokymas yra pati svarbiausia muzikos švietimo rinkos dalis Kinijoje, tačiau šioje srityje yra trūkumų. Tiriant garsių Kinijos pianistų karjeros ypatybes, šis darbas išsiaiškina ir apibūdina Kinijos fortepijono meno socialinės raidos problemas ir fortepijono kultūros ateities perspektyvos tendencijas. Tyrimo klausimai: Kokios yra kinų pianistų karjeros raidos ypatybės? Kokios yra garsių Kinijos pianistų karjeros patirties pamokos? Kuo garsių Kinijos pianistų karjeros patirtis reikšminga plėtojant šiuolaikinę kinų pianistų kultūrą? Kokios yra kinų fortepijono kultūros plėtros problemos ir galimybės? Tyrimo objektas: Kinijos fortepijono kultūros raidos būklės ir tendencijų analizė iš Kinijos pianistų karjeros plėtros patirties perspektyvos. Tyrimo tikslas: analizuojant Kinijos pianistų karjeros patirties ypatybes ištirti fortepijono kultūros raidos tendencijas ateities Kinijoje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: Apibūdinti sėkmingos kinų pianistų karjeros ypatybes; Išsiaiškinti dabartines kinų fortepijono kultūros problemas; Ištirti pianizmo kultūrą ir jos ateities plėtros tendencijas Kinijoje. Tyrimo metodai: Literatūros tyrimo metodas; Anketinės apklausos metodas. Tyrimo išvados: Kinijos fortepijono mokyme yra kokybinis atotrūkis dėl nepakankamo aukštos kokybės kompetentingų pedagogų skaičiaus ir nusistovėjusios švietimo sistemos trūkumo. Visų Kinijos visuomenės sluoksnių supratimas apie pianizmą ir jo vertinimas pagerės ateityje. Raktažodžiai: ateitis, charakteristikos, karjera, Kinija, pianistai, plėtra SUMMARY Relevance of the research:In recent decades, the expansion of piano performance has received increasing attention. However, the development of piano art in China has not been equally smooth in all social strata and regions, and we need to define the existing shortcomings. This study will analyse the careers of prominent Chinese pianists to understand the current situation of piano art and future development trends in China. The problem of the research: Piano teaching is the most substantial part of the music education market in China, but there are drawbacks in this area. Investigating the career characteristics of famous Chinese pianists, this work clarifies the problems of Chinese piano art social development and the future progress trends of piano culture. The research questions: What are the characteristics of the Chinese pianists’ career development? What are the lessons of the career experience of famous Chinese pianists? How significant is the career experience of Chinese pianists in the development of contemporary Chinese pianist culture? What are the problems and opportunities for the development of Chinese piano culture? The object of the research: analyses the state and trends of the piano culture development in China from the perspective of Chinese pianists' career development experience.. The aim of the research: throughout the analysis of Chinese pianists' career experience characteristics to research the development trend of piano culture in future China. The objectives of the research: To describe the characteristics of Chinese pianists’ successful career experience; To find the current problems in Chinese piano culture; To explore the piano culture and its future development trend in China. The methods of the research: Literature research method; Questionnaire survey method. Findings of the research: There is a qualitative gap in Chinese piano education because of an insufficient number of high-quality, competent teachers and established educational system. The level of piano art understanding and appreciation of all Chinese society strata will be improved in the future. Keywords: China; pianists; career; characteristics; development; future. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................5 1. Famous Contemporary Chinese Pianists Introduction..................................................................7 1.1. Famous Contemporary Chinese Pianists Analysis...................................................................15 1.2. Basic Personal Information Analysis.......................................................................................16 1.3. Career Development Analysis................................................................................................. 21 1.4. Summary of this chapter...........................................................................................................22 2. Questionnaire Analysis of the Acceptance of Piano Culture in China........................................24 2.1. Questionnaire Design...............................................................................................................24 2.2. Survey Results Analysis...........................................................................................................24 2.3. Summary of the Findings.........................................................................................................32 CONCLUSIONS.......... ..................................................................................................................34 REFERENCES................................................................................................................................36 APPENDICES.................................................................................................................................39 Annex 1. Questionnaire example (in English)..............................................................................39 Annex 2. Questionnaire example (in Chinese)................................................................................41 INTRODUCTION Relevance of the research: The piano originated in Europe in the 18th century and was invented by the Italian Bartolomeo Christofori. The clavichord is the forerunner of the modern piano. It first came to China during the Wanli period of the Ming dynasty (Tao, 2001). During the reign of emperor Kangxi of the Qing dynasty in the 17th century, Portuguese missionaries brought Harpsichord to China. Piano is a polyphonic instrument, while Chinese people's traditional aesthetic habit is single-tone linear thinking. Although western piano music has a strong cultural advantage, it is difficult for Chinese people to adapt to piano music culturally in a short time due to the inertia and constraints of traditional aesthetics. The opium war in 1840 tore open the solid door of China, forcing a large number of foreign missionaries into China, modern piano and modern piano music began to infiltrate into the life of the Chinese people. The piano really gained a certain social status in China, which was originated from the development of the "school music" movement at the beginning of last century, which was also a trend never seen in China's music road. From 1937 to 1949, the war of resistance against Japanese aggression and the civil war of liberation followed, which made the piano education in China have to slow down the pace of progress. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the state attached great importance to music education, which also made piano music creation rooted in the land. Under the guidance of chairman MAO's musical policy of "the past serves the present, the foreign serves the Chinese", western instruments to express the style and characteristics of the Chinese nation became the direction for composers and pianists to explore. In recent years, due to the sustained and steady growth of China's economy, the continuous expansion of the education market and the attention of government departments, art education has gradually been paid attention to (Li, 2019). As the king of Musical Instruments, piano has its unique charm and is deeply loved by the Chinese people. Piano education as the largest category in the music education market, occupies the largest share of the market. According to the China musicians association, at present, the proportion of piano learning in kindergartens is more than 60 per cent, and that in primary schools is 30 per cent. More than 30 million children are now learning the piano in China, and the number is growing by 10 per cent a year (Chen, 2019). The number of people learning piano is increasing, and a number of excellent pianists have emerged in Chinese society, such as Shikun Liu , Xiangdong Kong, Sa Chen, Lang Lang, Yundi Li, Yujia Wang, and Wenyu Shen. Although the development of piano art in Chinese society is very rapid, there are still some 5 problems. Piano culture was introduced into China relatively late, piano education resources are
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