424 ( NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 424 Guide to the Leptocephali (Elopiformes, Anguilliformes, and Notacanthiformes) David G. Smith July 1979 u.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad ministration National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA TECH ALREPORT National Marine Fisherie Service, ircular 3(",\. I'r0re. "ng f.;"STH 1'/\' tll'AI temperlltm~ lind uhlllt\ ctlOn b\ <omput r and Kennt·th A BII" Fchruan '972. 1\ sale I)v thl' ;';uperwtl'ndcnt of [) un ent flee. \\ ash.ngton, n l' 2().1).! "" h. \ to held, lPlll f. at ':1 .169 Field j{uide t(l thl' lingl,'fo hel' (I'oms onlhlfl ('I m th .. t m Atlantic B\' Henn' A Feddern., 'o,cmb r 1 ~2, III 10 P 17 rl r r sale bv the ~'upen~tendent of Documenlll, L' G 'emment PnntHl Of focI', Washington, DC 2Q.I(Y.! 370. Collecting and proce, Ing dota nn fi h eg nnd Ian ftc m th Cahfornia Currl'nt regIOn By David Kramer, M n J Kal n Ehz G Stevens, James R Thrailkill, and Jamc, R. Zweifel ,'oHmb r 1 n, 1\ + J8 p.. figs 1 table .. For HIe b\ the -'u!lt'nntendent f Dncuments. L' S Government Printing Office, \\ a hlngt('" D (' 204 ~ :171 Ocean fishery management: Discu IOn and re,earch 1:1\ dam Sokoloski (editor) (17 papers, :!4 author> I April 1"/,'. \I t- III p figs :12 tables, -; app. table•. 372. Fishery publications, calendar war 19i I' LI. t and md"xe, H\ HI« Thomas A ;\1anar October 197~, IV + 24 p I 1'1: For 'all' b\ the . III + Superintendent of Documents, L' F Government Prmtmg Offi e, GO\f Washingt,1n, 0 C zn-l02 37-1. :\larine flora and fauna of the northeastern L'OIted "Iale FI,hen pubhc-BlIons, calendar HBr 197 _ LI I and mdex B, Annelida, Oligochaeta, By David G Cook and Ralph 0 BnnkhuNl ;\1a\ ThorS<'n and \Ion Ellen ~:ngett :\o\emhf.r 197 ,1\ + ?3 P , 1 fi« 1973. Iii + 23 p., 82 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, ,all' b\ the ~uperlnlendpnl of 0 ument" L S GOH'rnment Pnnttn« US. Guvernment Printing Office, Washington, 0 C 20402 (I t', \\'n hml!ton, [) C :!().I _ 375. :-.Jew Polychaeta from Beaufort, with a key to all speries recorded '\ ;\Iannp nora nd fauna of the northeastern l'nllpd ~tat~ from :-.Jorth Carolina. By John H. Day July 1971, xiii + 140 p., I figs, 1 nogonlda B\ Ln"rence R \lc loske, • eptemhf.r 1973, 111 + 12 P , I table For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. L' S. Government For -all' b\ the ~uperlntt>ndenl of Oocuments, L' ~ GO\ernment Print Printing Office. Washington. DC 20402. OllieI', \\'a,hlngton DC. 2040:! 376. Bottom·water temperatures on the continental shelf. :-':o\'a S\cotia 3H7. ;\Ianne nora and launa or the northeastern l'nlled 'Iat to New Jersey, By John B. Colton. Jr, and Ruth R Stoddard. June 1973, Crustacea Sttlmalllpoda B\ Ra~'m(lnd B :'.1annlnll . February 1974. ii iii + 55 p .. 15 figs., 12 app. tables. For sale by the Supenntendent of h p .. III hl(s For .ale by the ~uperlntendent of Document&. L' , Cove Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington. D.C. 21402 ment Pnntln!! Oflice. Washington, D.C. 20402 . Continuf'd nn inSide back c('wer NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 424 Guide to the Leptocephali (Elopiformes, Anguilliformes, and Notacanthiformes) David G. Smith July 1979 u.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Juanita M Kreps Seue f1 National Oceanic and Atmospherrc Administration RIc' arc A Fran Ao'" C;' a or National Marine F shenes Service -;- e L Le.ze A. s s n The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec­ ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro­ motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. CONTENTS Page Introduction .................................................................... 1 Characteristics of leptocephali ...................................................... 1 Identification of leptocephali ................................................. ...... 2 Methods ...... ........ ....... ....... .. .. .............. ..... ..... ...... .... 2 Key to orders of leptocephali . 3 Elopiformes . 3 Key to elopiform leptocephali ............................................ .... .... 3 Albulidae: A lbula Linnaeus . 3· Albulidae: Pterothrissus Hilgendorf ......... ... ............ ..................... 4 Elopidae: M ega lops Lacepede . 4 Elopidae: Elops Linnaeus . ... ..... ............................................. 5 Anguilliformes . 6 Key to anguilliform leptocephali . 6 Synaphobranchidae: Dysomminae ........................................... .... 7 Synaphobranchidae: Synaphobranchinae . 8 Synaphobranchidae: Simenchelyinae . 9 Saccopharyngoidei . 9 Moringuidae . 10 Nettastomatidae ..... ..... ..... ... ................. .. ....................... 11 Cyemidae . 12 Ophichthidae . 14 Anguillidae . 17 Derichthyidae: Nessorhamphus Schmidt. .. .. ... .. .. 17 Derichthyidae: Derichthys Gill .................................................. 18 Serrivomeridae . 18 Muraenidae .... ..... .. .. ............ ..................................... 19 Nemichthyidae ........... .... .. .. .......................... .. .............. 22 Xenocongridae . 24 Heterenchelyidae . 25 Congridae (including Muraenesocidae) . 25 Bathymyrinae . 26 Congrinae . 28 Heterocongrinae . 31 Muraenesocidae . 31 Other congridlike eels . 32 Macrocephenchelyidae ............................... ........ ... .. ........ ... 32 Myrocongridae . 32 Unidentified leptocephali ................ ................. .................... 32 I. Unnamed. 32 II. Unnamed.............................. ........ ............ ... ........ 33 ill. Ascomana Castle . 33 IV. Thalassenchelys Castle and Raju . ...................... .. ............... 34 V. Leptocephalus thorianus Schmidt· . 34 Notacanthiformes . 34 Acknowledgments . 36 Literature cited . 36 Appendix . 38 Figures 1. Albulidae: Albula uulpes Linnaeus . 4 2. Albulidae: Pterothrissus belloci Cad en at . 4 3. Elopidae: Megalops atlantica Valenciennes. 5 4. Elopidae: Elops saurus Linnaeus ........................... .. ................... 5 5. Dysomminae, without rostral filament. 8 111 6. Dysomminae, with rostral lilament: Leptocephalus problJ~cidl'us Lea ............ 7. Synaphobranchinae ............................ ..................... 9 8. Saccopharyngoidei, Eurypharyngidae: Eurypharynx prll'c(lnuides Vaillant . • . 9 9. Saccopharyngoidei. Monognathidae ......... ..... ................... 10 10. Moringuidae: Monngua edu'ordsi (Jordan and Holiman) .............•.•.. •. • 11 11. Moringuidae: Neoconger mu('ronatu~ C;irard. ................. ..' . 11 12. Nettastomatidae: Nettalituma·Ml'lop()myctt'r group. .. 11 13. Nettastomatidae Hoplunnis macrura (,in burg . .. ... 12 14. Nettastomatidae Faccwlella sp. ........ • . .. 13 15. Cyemidae: Cyema atrum (Junther ..... ............... ............ 13 16. Cyemidae(?l: Leptocephalus holti 'chmidt . .. 13 17. Ophichthidae: Myrophis punctatu . Lutken .................................. 14 18. Ophichthidae' Ahlw egmontt.\ (.Jordan). ................... ............ 15 19. Ophichthidae' (Jphichthus sp. ........ .............................. ... 15 20. Ophichthidae' Pisodonophi, cruenti! r Goode and B 'an. .. ....•............ 1 21. Ophichthidae: unidentified ........ .... ... ....... ................... H) 22. Anguillidae: Anguilla T'U.,trata (Lesueur) . ........ .. ................. 17 23. Derichthyidae: NesiSorhamphu.\ mgol!rurw ('chmielt l . .. ...... 24. Derichthyidae: Denchthy., .\erpentinu, Gill. .............. 25. Serrivomeridae............ ...... ... ....... 26. Muraemdae: Anarchia., yoshwe Kanazawo ....... ........•. 27. Muraemdae: Channomuraena L ittata (RIchard on I .. .. ...•..... 28. Muraemdae: G)mnothorax nigromorgtnatu « Jlrard). ...... ...... 29. Muraenidae: G)mnothorax mormga ( uvier) ..................... 30. Muraenidae: Muraena miliaris (Kaupl (?) .................•...... 31. ~eml(hthYldae: Nemrchth.\~ I>colopaceu Richard n........ .......... 22 32. Nem,chthyidae: z.,ocettina infaniS (Gunther) .. ....... ...... .. 3 33. Xenocongridae: Kauprchth.\s hyopromrde ( tromman)...... 24 34. Xenocongridae: Chrlorhtnwuemoni Lutken .............. _4 35. Heterenchelyidae: PythonLchth)., mrcrophthalmu (Regan) 25 36. Congridae, Bathymyrinae: Ario'oma baleaneum (Delaro he) . ~6 37. Congrldae, Bathymyrmae: Leptocephalus sealam l a,.,tl ..... '!I 38. Congndae. Bathymynnae: Leptocephalu maerenteron I)'Ancona . .. .............. ~ 7 39. Congridae, Bathymynnae; Paraconger eaudilimbatw Woey) .. ........•. ............ 21 40. Congrldae, Congrinae: Conger oceanicu, (~litchill) . .. ............ 2 41. Congridae, Congrinae: Gnathophis p. ........................................... 29 42. Congridae, Congrinae: Uroconger synngrnu Gin burg ............................... 29 43. Congridae, Congrmae. Rhechia guttulata (Gunther) ................................ _9 44. Congridae, Congrinae. HrldebrandiaflaL'a (Goode and Bean) .......................... 30 45. Congridae, Congrinae. Pseudophrchthys ~plendens (Lea) ............................. 30 46. Congridae, Heterocongrinae: NystactiehthyiS hQ'i~ (Bohlke). ......................... 31 47. Muraenesocidae: Paraxenomystax sp ............. '" . ...... ... .......... 31 48. Unidentified I ............................................ 33 49. Unidentified II ............................................. ... ... .... 33 50. Unidentified III: Ascomana enmLa Castle. 29 mm TL . .. ... .... 34 51. Unidentified III: Ascomana eXLmra Castle, 700 mm TL .... 34 52. Unidentified IV: Thalassenchelys coheni Castle and Raju . ..
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