

1 noo11wnlltsndtad 5 puu tsrnbl.ru34r .tttj'o'l tunJu)ru1ruS lslnblltJ tr) '.sortDl "rJ$o-lwntDtuapaS HSTllcxpC D d(i^rllrl\ HITuos)rrj'J HJxe llanli\lC),t/ora S ' '(scrccds Jg d wnptDJlD) S t au u) Luntota)Dnir4r4,f;g rrllr.r1"^nyujclsalN lo tsc,t-qlnos € uotFl.tstt;t Lu,uJ P,'\'u l\. l Jrlrsr tllo'111.t,^ttutltptl.(ls serceds,\\eu oqJ erleJlsnvujelse^d lo acur^.ordlDcruElo{ uceurcrg aqt Jo t.utsr(I uounqqsv Z -^:llrcqull]{ cqt ol pelclJlsersI wnvtactp g sctcads,4ou eql eJrq,rsuorfereseql qloq ur rnccolsrnb1.rr:3 ttu.rottEuo1 S puc zrt,^\qcs O wntoqdoloLac wntyl{15 ltoluelurequoN }or{lrouJrl pur rrll-llsnv ujalse/i\ -iouor8cr trci:cqul; 1 :s^\olloJsu \rrlurlsnV urolsa/!\ puE urequou ur wntplJfla) snue8qnsr./r?p4{ls ur pezruSooor,rou eru sercedsue; '( ruuoJ sJedseuml H S :6t61 scurrfT lleilrC) snue8qns srql ur papJoJeJueeq e^uq fl pue I l Jo sjeqtUnueuosororq3 protduH rru8qse{rl-qsnrq atulrdrls 'uoDlsod e pu€ pero88ulelecuoc eql ol uonrsodles xaluoc eql uro{ unlnqrunJ e Jo luaue^crru 'urnrqturd,(r1 a,rrlrsucsaq1 ,{q lnq snsorolpe8urq a,rqrsues e fq tou paonpo.rd,{1rlrqotu urnruretsou,{3 esoqolS€ e^uq( I t :8061FErqplry{) snue8qnssrql Jo sraqrueruIIV €roqpaqucsaperr (eDocrrprt{tS) 'rqpllhl ( lFul'l) wntpuual Sqns ampu{lg ur 8ur3uo1cqlur1drc3fr.4.lo sorrads .,(?u ecrqJ uoJlJnpoJluI 'uxal JoJpepr^oJd sr ,{eI V uel ot snue?qnssrql ur u,{\oul serJedsJo J3qurnuplol oql Sur8uuq'rqplrt{ ( lpur1) wnlpuga) snueSqnsairrprl&g or 3uolcqXaql pelurlsnllrpuc peqrrrsap 'anNJaJn 'serceds er€ ,{llueuua) T ou,ro-1 lllotwUaa$ S pue wnlDJnlp S ullp4(lg uullvrlsnv uratsad\.reuearrf,L (8661)902- L6I:(Z)Zl D^rJKnNErlE\ sny ure1se16ruo.r1 ("vaartptltts) Lunlpl!ruaJ snua8qns arrrprJ&5 ur serceds1ue1d:e?3u1 ,reu eerqJ j ur^e>I 'xlll?euua) pu€ uellv'cu,{\o-I lJ€Jlsqv g869 lrrterlsnvluotserlA'erlue) fuo^rt.C trelluafi '62 ?Dg pel.o-l lui(rcffeuut\l purl 'uorsr^rC pu? uole^resuo) Jo luanr]lndac suortrlouctprodroJ !run suortmrlqndoruarrsi 'Sryrrun( 'a.ut.t €209 err€llsnv uralsa/ uu.lC 9 z,{llueuue) C ur^e) put reu,^\o-I uallv sllBrlsnv urolsaa\ruo{ (auaJElpll,{ls) Mn!p!4ua3 sltruoBqnsMft!rutts u! salredstuBldra88lrl a{au aaJqf (8661)902/61:(z)z I ,7]l,,(']N N,r)hid Vol. 12, No. 2 (1998) Taxonomy Key to the speciesof Stylidium subgents Centridium I: Appendage(s)present on gynostcmium......... ..............2 1 Appendage(s)absent on 9ynostemium........................ ................................6 2: Gynostemiumwith 2 appendages;corolla prcdominately orangc on adaxialsurface .................. S.diceratum 2 Gynostcmiumwith l appcndage;corolla white or pink on adaxialsurfacc...............................3 3: Gynostemiumbearing a recurvedhorn shaped appcndage on thebend....................................4 3 Gynostemiumappcndage not horn-shaped .. 5 4: Throat appendages2; labellumclliptic, apexnot emarginatc, irregularlyserrate .....S. calcaratum 4 Throatappendages 4; labellumlagcniforrn, apex emarginatc, not serrate.............. S. weeliwolli 5: Gynostemiumappendlge reniform, recurved from thebend; nectaryspur prominent, cradled by the horizontalposterior sepal........................ S.mimeticum 5 Gynostcmium appcndagcsquare, recurved from the bend, apex irregularly scrrate;ncctary spur absentor very poorly developed and hiddenbehind the alwaysvertical posterior sepal....... ...........S. ecorne 6: Corolla orangc; posterior corolla lobes each deeply dividcd into 2 (soas to appearas 4 individuallobes).................... ...........S.ceratophorum 6 Corolla white to pink; postcriorcorolla lobes undivided ...........................7 7: Plantsmostly 1.5-2.5crn high; nectaryspur abscnt............ S.perpusillum 7 Plantsmostly 4.5 25 cm high; ncctaryspur present .. 8 8: Posteriorcorolla lobcs cuncale, the apexobtuse and unlobcd,with a distinctiveblunt lateraltooth at the basc....................... .........S. edenlatum 8 Posterior corolla lobes either cuneatewith a tridentateapex or obovate with a crenateapex, lacking basal tooth............. .........................................9 9: Plantsmostly 5 9 cm talli postcriorcorolla lobes cuneatc, apex tridentate; nectaryspur shortcr than the posteriorsepal ....................... .......S. aceratum 9 Plantsmostly l0-25 cm tall; postedorcorolla lobes obovate, apex crenate; nectaryspur longcr than thc posteliorsepal ....................... ....S.longicornu Stylidium aceratum Lowrie & Kenneally,qr. /lor. Stylidio calcqrqto R. Br. affinis sed cornu appendicise flexo gynostemii absenti. ?ypus. Great Northem Highway, north of Bullsbrook fpreciselocality withheld], Wcstern Australia, 9 Novcmber 1991,A. Lowrie 496 (.holo: PERTH 04980336;lso: MEL). A fibrous-rooted annual herb 5 9 cm high (including infloresccnce);stem translucent white, 2.54 mm long, 0.8 I mm diam.; basal rosetteof leavesflat, 5-12 mm diam. Leayes spathulate, 3 6 mm long, 0.7 1.5 mm widc nearapex, 0.3-0.6 mm wide at the base,flat in section,glabrous. Inflorescenceusually a simpledichasium but alsothc beginningsof a compounddichasium in older plants,5-9cm long(including peduncle), glandular. Brqcts and. bracteole.r lanceolate, 1.5-2mmlons, '0noqnnolqt eleJras,{l oqs xede un1leqe1)eprs Jeqlrestueru8es eleuos rotrorls rltr^\ ctuprdsnoxodu tunlleqpl puu:(ulnrluelsou^3 eql lo pueq eql lu lueserdeScpuedd|) urn ruretsou^3 orlt Jo pu.q aqt tUo-UluesqE e8upuedde:(Fdas rouelsod ?ql ucqlre8uol) lrdes roualsod eqt uuqlieuoqs inds ,{rrlJou:(ruJo]rueJ sa8epucddeleorql Z) saqolllloror rouelsodeqt lo estq eql lt seSrpuaddetuorql lt;rruol Z Surlcrl ,{q (slseqlueredur ue,lrFare srelcp.ruqcSurlsurluoc csoq,lr) wnlDtDJlD) S uror:ls.lcl.lrp Lunu)JaJDS 'I I = UJO requnu eruosouroJqcl?puB seqol rlloJor ror:olsodctctuopr.rt Puu sccioll?llojor rorjotuB elelnctue8o,\sq serceds qlo1 wnnn)lDJ S sr wnJp.la)panlpllf,iS ot elrlulor lseJcauaqJ saqluu| 'urnrtuelsou,{3 eql Jo puoqcql uo c8upuaddruu Jo.i)ucsqu eql ol ecueJeler uruJorl- sDtal puu 3ur1ce1- r xrjc:d 4eer9 eq1uro:; sr wntofi)t) terprdecrgrceds aq1 tSolow&g 'pepueuruoto: sr a^Jesorarntuu crDueeql relo ezrs uoqelndod ltlol oql qsrlqcls?rl1 ,(c,uns y 'elresar ernleu crl]Jo suorlrodureqlnos eqt Ja^o sltnpr^rpu I perapucspuu slur td 06 1 o1g7 Suueqrunu ',(trlvool seluolor llBrus urog fluo u,rou) e^reserernluu € uo srqtrq,r .}uo,(luo urel.lu,{\ouI sl selJcds 'snwls aqJ o^l; ,{1t.tot:4:e:o1g u€rlprsnv urelsod\.rol sepoJ uor}1?^resuoJ1IJVJ 1lotlpt1-tasuoJ .g6v z1rdto1 v sr pJoJe.rpeqsrlqndun ,{lsnor,re:d srql JoJueurcads reqcno^ eqJ w lanJD umputtg to1 11 = u Jo lunoc Joqunu eruosourorqcu peulEtqosuq ( uLUor s.r;rd1s1ur11 HS Dqwltu auosowo)qJ 'Ji1qu.\ \LrN-.!JqotJO poua I 3u u ) ttol.! '(pJ alnlaw) s+rqradcd pup qlucg sapioliolncuJn S 'Mn)Uawlw 'tunpJDJlDJ S unqnl,llg t4t,{' puelqlreq duums uo slros ^purs \r s,.r'.oJ} tDllqDH 'uoquool ed,{1 eql uro.r1,{1uo u.i ou[ ltounqlJisle '(HJUAd) '8661 g6tl I t Dauuat !'X '^oN €'[plaqqtr,.!\XlrlEcol ?srca.rd] uoqEJoled{1:yy1y111gnv NUS,ISIL^Npauttuora uatutcads taq16 (l crn8rC) 'eso8nr' '8uol 'prosdrlle 'u,$olq 'urElp ru€rpEI 0-1 0 urur gZ0 Z 0 + ,{tsnr .rpaas' uu LZ-|'Z 'esoqo13 'sreqluc apsdn3 c)rl-qsniq xedB'8uol luru Z J cqt uec,{tcq clptrdus pru8rts:,ro11e,{ ua1lod ',{\olle,{ '3uo1 sraqluE:tunrurelsouf8 eq11o puaq oqt uro{ tuosqE(s)e8epuaddr ruur g l , unlnqeunc '3uo1 e,\rtrsuasoql'8uol urur g l J uurnlocIEseq e^rlrsues uou lJele eql urur t'J utnlwa$ou,(D 'JelnpuElS 'eprs '8uoJ 'elEprdsnc ,(lesreds Jeqlra slueuSas clErJasJoloqs qll,r ulur g 0 J xedE 'cndtllo 'a,\"Juoc 'esEq 'scqol iepr,&trlru 8 l J'8uol ruul Z , eltq,{\D qtr.are1d:nd ulloior touctuE ?rll Josnursaqteql,,!\oleq pauortrsod un11aqo7 seqol r llorocroriets^od oqt .lo l]srq cql tc 3uo1uru 9g r seSupueddelecruoo Z puE'spunoureqt ueemlaqsur3.rcur etcrurcr:y F1;eln8e.r.tr pur,{1deep q1t,n'seqo1 'spultolu 'rltq.r elloroc:oualsod pue Jor:aluu eql Jo snutseql le pauoqrsodqcua LltoorlrsZ Suuucq 'c 'epr^\ toottll pdes Mrc1sodeqt {q pelperc'Buol ulul g 0 .rttdsttoltalg ?lclueput xedf, uIuI Z-l l '8uol 'clEeunc 'epr,n '3uo1 'olulncruo8 urur/-g S seqolJouetsod :iteualJul + xedu urur g 1-g 1 Liru:1-g 'snorqu13'ecrlns seqolroueluB:peJred,{llucrue^soqol lurxuqruo lurd clnd'cJp,JlnslptyupE uo asEq 'lEluozuorl e1tq,tu q1r,r>1urd lrep DllotoJ 3uo1ruurg 1-g 1 IldcsJotJolsocl :8uol ntul 6 l g llJere 'seqol JIEd?lppru :3uolruvt g Z g'I ellorocrouc]up oql.repun spte^\tno pe,{r1ds puu luluozuoq rrud 'elEloecuEl'asuq 'g 'srs?qtue Jouetu€:rElnpu"lS cql ot ee4lJe s7rr1a5 :rzlnpuulS tl? urErpr![!r Z g l 'esogol8 'epr,n unlLFuDdKH :e1npuu13'3uo1urur g7-91 sJarrpaT ;u1npuu13,{leslrds ruul g 0-E 0 '{llriuu.) VA\ tuo{ r/rrrpr rS ^{.u :r:rllJ C ) 2p .oao-t V N/./)hizr Vol. 12, No. 2 (1998) *v I B A. Lowrie 1998 Figurc 1. .5/llidrr?rar.r'drrrr. A hrbit ol llolvcriDgplant; B - leaf, eDlafgedsecli{tr lelt; C hypanthium and sepals; D laleralview ol-corullir,gynoslcrrinrn and hypanlhium;E corollar F throat appcndagcs; G - tabellurniH - laloralviclv of gyrostemium,anthcrs and slipilalcst;gma in lhe set non triggefedposition Scaie bar for all = | nnn. DrarvD lrc.|' A. It^rriz 4')6. i 'DlloJipuatd 'DrnpDr "8ztlC Da t^argpuuotolltuustlqtg'nxopatDtl 61 Dt)soro A,^d 'wnJoUdopJal wndocsuqnt S M/ip4fJS:qlr,r {eetr lo s-ur8lrru cql uo slros {puus ut s,\\olD lrt?qrll 'uolluJoledll eqt uol1 ,{1uourrJuy uounqlJtsl1 (HJuEd) gEz 112.'!Dfi0 n't661 '[pteqqtr,ti 8nV ,{lrlucolesl..rd] uoilccoled,{a:yllylllgnV NUEISA,11pa ttnora uatuttadst atltll 'ru€lpgl ipro^o (Z orn8rC) peqqu^leurl ,(1leurpn1r8uol 0-1 0'8uol rlrurt 0 Z 0 pcssordruoc+ 'u,lroJq,{tsnJ 'asoqot8 'iuo1 ,srcqtue .tpaasuurp rurut g Z a1nsdo1a44 qsnlqxcdu urur 1 f, aql uee,,rlteqatB]rdts Bur8rts :urnrurelsou,{3

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