Year 2, Vol. 27 • Oct. 2 - Nov. 5, 2008 The www.therainbowtimesnews.com FREE! Street Sense: Will Hillary Grants available for ainbowTimes supporters vote for Palin? Northampton artists R p. p. Your LGBT News in Western MA, the Capital District of NY, Northern CT, & Southern VT 26 p. 10 AAIIKKEENN IISS GGAAYY && aa NNEEWW FFAATTHHEERR!! P. 12 NY’’S CCDDGGLLCCCC’’S NEW DIIRECTOR P. 28 SSAME--SEX WEDDIING RESOURCES P. 15/B1 SSTAND UP && OUT:: GAY && LESBIIAN COMEDY P. 25 IIS PALIIN THE GOP’’S DRAG QUEEN?? P. 24 CHUCK GRIIFFIITH:: GAY CIINEMA ‘‘UNIIMPRESSIIVE’’ P. 14 AP Photo/Danny Moloshok 2 • Oct. 2 - Nov. 5, 2008 • The Rainbow Times • www.therainbowtimesnews.com Opinions Economics & same-sex marriage The Controversial Couch By: Nicole Lashomb*/TRT Editor-in-Chief August 2nd edition stated that, “The New York Lie back and listen. Then get up and do something n this edition of TRT, we have a special City comptroller’s office estimated in a June section titled Same-sex Wedding 2007 report that allowing gay marriage could By: Suzan Ambrose*/TRT Columnist The stock market is crashing. Jobs bring $142 million to the local economy in the IResources. If you are planning to get mar- e are living in a cartoon are disappearing. The dollar is plum- first three years. The state would collect an ried in Massachusetts, we have the resources moment. I’m talking meting. About the only thing still up for you to help make your wedding day fabu- additional $8 million in taxes and the city is the price of gold nuggets and all the gay would collect an additional $7 million, and Wabout this nation’s political land- lous! scape, of course. men at the White Party. As many of you are already aware, on July companies in New York would benefit from a And who does the Republican Party present wider pool of possible employees attracted by Does anyone else see the parallels between 29, 2008, the Massachusetts House voted to George Bush’s recent speech on the financial to America to help save us from our financial repeal a 1913 state law that prohibited almost the change in marriage laws, the report project- bail out and any South Park episode? It was woes, our economic slide into despair? Why, all out-of-state same-sex couples from legally ed.” all there—except for the laughter. There was Cat Woman and The Joker. You may know marrying in the state. In lieu of the repeal, In addition, a June analysis by the Williams Institute at the U.C.L.A. School of Law, esti- King George, a major defender of free mar- them better by their daytime alter egos: Sarah neighboring gay coupled New Yorkers, Palin and John McCain. amongst others, have begun flocking to the lib- mated that Massachusetts could add $111 mil- kets and removing governmental oversight, lion to the economy over three years by taking asking the public to pay almost a trillion dol- During these turbulent times, we look erated state to unify their relationships across toward our presidential hopefuls for leader- the border, as opposed to flying across the the step it did this week to allow out-of-state lars so that the fat cats could continue their ship (not that we’ve had much of it in either country to California. couples to marry there. The report also sug- lifestyle choices (now there’s a lifestyle one political party for the last 8 years.) But instead In May 2008, NY Governor Patterson gested that the move could result in 330 new could change that is ethically questionable!) instructed New York State agencies to recog- jobs and increase state and local revenues by of ideas or plans, what we have been subject- nize same-sex marriages performed in other $5.1 million. ed to hear from these candidates is drivel. jurisdictions. This opens up a wealth of legal According to the Gay and Lesbian Advocates Letters to the Editor “Government isn’t doing enough for the rights to lesbian and gay couples, including and Defenders, GLAD, Gov. Patterson’s deci- average American.” Or “When we’re in state health insurance, state tax breaks, hospi- sion places NY on par with Rhode Island and Dear Editor, charge, we’ll bring that maverick style to talization/visitation rights, pension survivor New Mexico for honoring same-sex marriages My name is Tinker Donnelly and I am a New Washington.” Ok, great … except we’ve benefits, amongst others. performed in Massachusetts. Thought (Religious Science/Science of Mind) heard it all before. All we want to know is: The business of same sex-marriage is also Is it possible that even those who oppose minister. My partner and I have recently relo- “Are you a friend or foe of Gotham City?” proving beneficial for local economies, accord- same-sex marriage will be avid supporters, not cated to Massachusetts from the west coast And I don’t feel the superhero love from the ing to many studies. because of altruistic reasons, but rather because and The Rainbow Times has been a wonderful Palin/McCain ticket. A report published in The New York Times, of individual economic vitality in a time when resource to us as we settle into our new com- “Government isn’t doing enough for the we are living in a fiscally futile nation? munity. average American.” Or “When we’re in In the September issue, I read with par- charge, C’mon Out – Just Ask! Advice column ticular interest an article written by Paul P. See Couch on Page 4 Jesup titled, "Faith, Family, and God: By: Tetty Gorfine* hurt. But here's the scoop. "Perspective". I felt Mr. Jesup clearly and While I don't know this My college age daughter's friend admitted that he accurately articulated the matter of religion - The Rainbow Times was confused about his sexual orientation. He young man and can't say for vs- spirituality and how that specifically 351 Pleasant St., #322 explained to me and my daughter that although he sure what is true for him, I relates to the GLBT community. He speaks to Northampton, MA 01060 has never acted on his desires, he felt perhaps he will say that sometimes it the idea of emancipating ourselves from para- www.therainbowtimesnews.com was gay. However, since meeting my daughter and takes years for people to digms and dictates that have no real relation- [email protected] becoming involved with her, he now feels perhaps come to terms with their sex- ship with our felt-sense of Truth. As a young [email protected] he is bisexual and not really gay. ual orientation. Depending lesbian, I rejected the church whose teachings TETTY GORFINE Phones: MA: 413-204-8959 • NY: 518-391-2617 He says this is really starting to make him uncom- upon the support available or rejected me for my natural orientation. I Fax: 866-310-8512 fortable because he feels he should either be gay or lack thereof, depending upon peer pressure, rejected the hypocracy I experienced where straight. He does not like the idea of being bisexual. one's religious upbringing, and many other fac- the concept of Love was espoused but only He seems to think this makes him weird. He also is tors too numerous to mention here, depends Publisher Deja N. Greenlaw conditionally practiced. Understanding the Gricel M. Ocasio Tetty Gorfine in the closet regarding his sexual orientation. He upon how easily a person can search their soul distinction between traditional dogma and an Editor-In-Chief Irene Monroe does not mind telling some friends, but really worries and come to terms with their sexual orienta- inner resonance with "Truth Principle" has about his family finding out about his sexuality tion. Additionally, there are bisexual people Nicole Lashomb Sales Associate: opened a door to exploring my own spiritual- SJ Seymour issues. and this too can make things unclear, especial- ity and developing a personal cosmology that Distribution As a parent, I worry about this young man. I sug- ly if the person is young. is authentic to my heart and mind. Ben Peterson Reporter: gested he seek counseling a few months ago. He I think your support of him is giving him Lindsay Wilson I look forward to future installments of Columnists: says he will, but has yet to do so. So far my daugh- time and space to just be himself. He may not Mr. Jesup's column, "In the Name of God". I Jack/ie Kennedy Webmaster: ter and I have spent a lot of time reassuring him, be coming out because he just doesn’t know. believe his message reflects the current pos- Suzan Ambrose Jarred Johnson offering support and just being a good friend to him. Your support is the best way to help him and ture of the queer community as poised and Paul P. Jesep I'm starting to become annoyed with him because this is quite a gift. ready for deepened empowerment and I feel he likes all the attention and support we show- It may very well be possible he is not trying enhanced self-understanding. The Rainbow Times is published by The Rainbow er him with and he has no real intention of moving to avoid the question of his sexual orientation. I appreciate The Rainbow Times for rec- Times, LLC. The articles written by the writers, forward to help himself. He is young and this question is a huge one for columnists, and correspondents express their opin- ognizing the multi-dimensional interests and ion, and do not represent the endorsement or opinion We have been talking to him about this issue anyone at any age.
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