Vol. 47(3) June 1996 ISSN 0541-4938 Newsletter of the Mycological Society of America About this lssue The abstracts of papers for the MSA Annual Meeting are included in this issue of Inoculum. "Mycology Online" has moved to the front page for this issue to In This lssue highlight the debut of the MSA Home Page. Other important electronic information Mycology Online ................... 1 resources are also announced and several new meetings and workshops have been TRED Survey Reminder ........ 2 added to the calendar. MSA Official Business .......... 3 The deadline for the next issue is July 15. The editor needs your help. Think Minutes-Executive ahead to the upcoming school term, the fall collecting season, important meetings Council ............................... 3 and workshops and send me the news! See the masthead on page 10 for details. Mycological News Ellen Farr News of Mycologists .......... 4 News for Biologists ............ 5 Calendar of Events ................ 6 Mycological Classifieds ........ 8 Mycology Online Change of Address ................ 9 Abstracts .............................. 13 MSA Home Page The MSA now has a home page! Turn to it for easy access to our Directory, the MSA Bulletin Board, back issues of Inoculum beginning with volume 46, Reminders Instructions to Authors for Mycologia, information on our upcoming meeting and Items for MSA Auction all manner of other bits of information. Also browse the links for information on contact Meridith Blackwell commercial mushroom sites, access to GenBank, national granting agencies in the Photo at MSA Meeting US and Canada, plus lots of information that we hope will be fun and useful for contact Don Hemmes teaching mycology. The site was set up by Linda Kohn, MSA Secretary, assisted by-. Raphael Chow. Raphael is a talented undergraduate with a flair for Internet communication. Linda will update approximately every other month. [Editors Note: Members can use the links from MSA home page to access MSA Important Dates resources maintained on other servers. Gopher client software can still access the July 15 - Deadline for next MSA Bulletin Board (<gopher:llhuh.harvard.edu/1m/project~information/msa- Inoculum. bbs>) or back issues of Inoculum (<gopher:I/nmnhgoph.si.edu/lIl.botany/.myco July 27-3 1, 1996 - MSA l.inoculum>) directly. Announcements are posted to the MSA Bulletin Board by Annual Meeting with submitting news as an e-mail message to <[email protected]>.] American Phytopathological Society (Indianapolis) Index to the Names in Index of Fungi An index to the Index of Fungi as been made available by The International Mycological Institute. World Wide Web access is being provided by the Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Visit the Lab's home page at <http:Nnt.ars-grin.gov/> and look under "databases and documents." ING Online The Canadian equivalent of related to these fungi. [Mel Fuller USBGN maintains a more detailed <[email protected]>] For many years I have been one of the gazetteer of that country at: < http:// editors of the Index Nominum Generi- ellesmere.ccm.emr.ca~cgndb/english/H corum (ING), an index of generic ome.htm1 >. [condensed from a mes- names in all plant and fungal groups. sage submitted to Taracom by A. F. NSF Home Page. News releases and ING was published in 1979 and a sup- Newton] tipsheets are also available electroni- plement followed in 1986. Now using cally on NSFnews. To subscribe, send the World Wide Web you can search an e- mail message to listman- the database online. The URL is: URLs Briefly Noted [email protected]. In the body of the mes- <http://nmnh.www.si.edu/ingP. sage, type "subscribe nsfnews" and ING is a project of the Intema- then type your name. tional Association for Plant Taxonomy and the Smithsonian Institution and Those of you looking for information <http://users.caribnet.net/-lec has had over 100 participating col- about fungi on the WWW can proba- /mycrg.html > laborators. Please take time to read bly find what you need through my ING's home page where the history web pages, which form a branch of the The University of the West Indies and limitations of the index are de- World-Wide Web Virtual Library. If Mycorrhizae Research Group. scribed and be sure to notify us of you know of an Internet mycological errors and omissions. [Ellen Farr] resource that is not listed on my pages, please do let me know. [Kathie T. <http:/lix.un.uni-heidelberg. Hodge <khl [email protected]>] del-tsteinl/dgfm.html> Online Geographic The German Mycological Society Databases <http://userwww.sfsu.edu/-ded> (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Mykolo- gie, DGfM). Most of the information There are now several excellent Web page on the Agaricales of the is written in German, but some infor- sources of geographical data available Hawaiian Islands project, designed mation - the tables of contents of the to those with WWW access. The mas- and operated by Dennis E. Desjardin Journal of the German Mycological sive data set of place names and other and Brian Peny. Includes an introduc- Society (Zeitschrift fuer Mykologie, features of the world maintained by tion to the NSF-funded project, Tables ZfM) is also available in English. the U.S. Board on Geographic Names of taxa reported from the region, and is available through the U.S.G.S. Geo- numerous photographs and commen- graphic Names Information system taries on Hawaiian agarics, boletes and home page at <http://www-nmd.usgs. other fleshy hymenomycetes. gov/www/gnis/index.html>.The U.S. A trial web page for Matsushima My- data are available online through the cological Memoirs No. 8. It is part of a "GNIS Online Data Base", maintained <http://zoosporic-fungi.dmc. very useful WWW server of the by USGS, and data for all other coun- maine.edub WFCC World Data Centre for Micro- tries are available through the organisms <http://www.wdcm.riken. We now have replaced the Newsletter "GEONET Names Server", main- go.jp/>. [Gen Okada <okada@ulmus. of Zoosporic Fungi with a web site tained by the Defense Mapping riken.go.jp>] Agency. that will be updated weekly. Have a look and send us news and other items TRED Suwey Responses due 30 June 1996 Taxonomic Resources & Expertise Directory (TRED) is collecting data on taxonomists for an on-line database of taxonomic experts. The project, headed by the Association of Systematics Collections (ASC), will analyze the data to help government agencies assess gaps in out taxonomic knowledge and human resource needs. A strategy to fill the gaps should be one result! The questionnaire should take 10 min- utes to complete. It can be filled out on-line at <http://www.ascoll.orflREDP or the form can be obtained from <[email protected]> (put the word TRED in the subject line). ASC is trying to publicize the need for taxonomists and you can help by filing the form. Please seriously consider completing the questionnaire. [Jim Ginnsl MSA Official BI Minutes that Sandi Frank should run Past Edi- for an article on Helen Smith to be tor-in-Chief McLaughlin's bills, ap- prepared for Inoculum. MSA Executive Council prox. $2,500, through the Mycologia 4. A proposal was received from Mid-Year Meeting budget. Sandi Frank will write up a David and Ellen Farr to produce a procedure for postage reimbursements The meeting took place on March 9 hardcopy Membership Directory each for Associate Editors with the assis- under unusual conditions dictated by year. Since David and Ellen have been tance of Editor-in-Chief Griffin. Page the difficult winter of 1996. Present at putting up an online version, it will be charges will be made mandatory with the Farlow Herbarium, Harvard Uni- easy and economical for them to pro- an option of waiving; the policy will versity, were President Donald Pfister, duce photo ready copy that can be be outlined in a future issue of My- President Elect James Ginns, and rep- printed by Allen Press. They project cologia. Those voting were dead- resenting the New York Botanical an approximately 39 page booklet locked on the issue of whether page Garden, publishers of Mycologia in produced like Inoculum. Allen Press charges should be mandatory for con- collaboration with the MSA, Sandi provided an informal quote (based on tributed papers; see addenda for sub- Frank and Patricia Holmgren. Due to 36 pages) of $1 171.40. This was ap- sequent Council Vote. As of July 1, the closing of Logan Airport on March proved with the understanding that 1996, Sandi Frank will serve as Man- 8, three members were stranded to- phone and email would be included. aging Editor; she is now revising the gether in Philadelphia and participated The first of these would not be until job description for this position. Roy by phone: Vice President Mary Palm, February, 1997. The idea of substitut- Halling was approved as Index Editor. Treasurer Richard Howard and Past ing the directory for an issue of In- A report from Editor-in-Chief Griffin President Amy Rossman. Secretary oculum was discussed. Jim Ginns will was received. Computer expenditures Linda Kohn was unable to depart from follow up. Pierson Airport in Toronto and re- for the Editor-in-Chief were approved. 5. A report from Endowment Com- turned to home and hearth. Notes 3. A report from Inoculum Editor El- mittee Chair Jeffrey Stone was re- taken by Jim Ginns and Don Pfister len Farr was received. Deadlines for ceived. Donations so far this year total have been modified by Linda Kohn submission to Inoculum are now on $4,897.96, of which $2,325.00 repre- following consultation and subsequent the 15" of the odd-numbered months.
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