Index to Volume 16 Susan B. Felker A Arkansas Territory, 111 Abernethy, Thomas Perkins, 92 Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Abingdon, Va., 4, 17, 19, 28, I 0 I Union, 102 accommodations for guests, 8-9, 15, 18-20 Aspenvale Cemetery, I 0 I Adams, John, 3, 19 Aspenvale property, 91 Adams, President John, 52 Atlanta, Ga., battle at, 28 Africa, 108 Atlantic African-American(s), 6, 7, 17, 23, 41, 106, larger world of the, 82 108 Ocean, 109 migration, I 09 Atlantic seaboard, 46 out migration of free persons from Attakullakulla, 92 Virginia, I 09, 110 Cherokee leader, 93 Alabama, I 05, I 09 Augusta County, Va., 78, 90, 93, 95 Albemarle County, Va., 112 Austin, Oscar P., 81, 103, 105, 106 Albion sSeed, 92 Austin, Stephen F., 111, 112 Alexandria, Va., 7 Austinville, Va., 111 Allegheny Mountains, 16, 72, 75 Austria, 3 Alps, 11, 15, 16 Ambler, Charles H., 45 B Amelia County, Va., 88 bacon,42 America, I, 3-5, 7, 16, 18, 77-79, 81, 85, Baedecker, 113 90,92,97-99, 102, 107 Bahamas, 63 American experiment, I 02 Ball, Colonel American heartland, routes to, 86 cousin of George Washington, 8 American Revolution, 28, 45, 51, 98, 99, egalitarian behavior, 9 101-104 host to the French royals, 8-9 American Revolution, Western Lands and, Bancroft, Frederic, I 08 92 banditti, I 02 Americas, the, 82 baptism, 39, 40 Amherst County, Va., 46-48 by sprinkling or immersion, 39 Amsterdam, 50, 53 Baptist Church, 39 Anabaptists, 7 Bardstown, Ky., l Andover, Mass., 51 Bartley, Captain, 13, 14 Appalachian Bath County, Va., 78 barrier, 86 Batte, Thomas, 86 Mountains, 86, 98-100 Battle of Blue Licks, 113 perspective, 80 Battle of Chattanooga, 27 region, 82, 85, I 09, 113 Battle of Chickamauga, 41 residents, I 09 Battle of Gettysburg, 4 I river valleys, 90 casualties known to Hyltons, 38 Trail, 80 Battle of King's Mountain, 99, IOI, 112 Appalachians, Museum of the Middle, I 14 Battle of Nashville, 28 Arkansas, 105, 106, 110, 112 124 Beale, Lucy Preston, 71-74 Breckinridge, John C., Vice President ofthe Beaudoin, I, 3, 4, 6, 7, 13, 17 U.S., 112 as source of infonnation, 6, 7 Bridenbaugh, Carl, 96, 99 Beaujolais, Louis Charles, Monsieur de, 3, Bristol, Va. and Tenn., 78, 113 4, 17 Britain, 95, 97 Bedford County, Va., 78, 89 British, I 02, I 03 Bell's Bridge, 35, 40 acquired halfa billion acres, 97 Bermuda, 63 Anny, 45 Beverley Manor grant, 91 Board ofAdmiralty, 56 Beverley, William, 91 Board ofTrade, 87, 90 Bingham, William, 58, 60, 61, 62 ceded vast areas of land to new nation, Continental agent in Martinique, 50 103 role in privateering voyages, 51 colonies, 9 Birrel, Andrew D., 86 Empire, 87 Blacks. See African-American(s), slaves government, l 00 Blacksburg, Va., 74, 91 Imperial Crisis, 1763-1776, 98 Blackwater River, 30, 33 merchant ships, 46 Blue Grass country, I 00 merchants, debt owed to, 98 Blue Ridge Mountains, 9, 11, 15, 23, 77, 80, military officers, I 00 87 Navy, 45, 46, 55 Bluefield, Va. and W. Va., 83 Ohio campaign in French and Indian Boone, Daniel, 48, 77, 78, I 00 War, 95 Boone, Jemima, 48 plantations in the Colonies, 87 Boonesborough, Ky., 48, 100 soldiers, 70, 74, 95 Borden tract, 91 Buchanan, Jane. See Floyd, Jane Buchanan Borden, Benjamin, 91 Buchanan, John, Col., 47, 91 borderers. See Virginia backcountry Buchanan, Margaret, 47 populace. Buckingham road, 89 Boston Harbor, 51 Burnett, Josiah, 31 Boston Tea Party, 98 Burwell, Lewis, 93 Boston, Mass., 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 63 Byrd, William II, 88 Bostonians, 99 Byrd, William III, 95, 96 Botetourt County Court, 47 Botetourt County, Va., 78, 89 c Bound Away: Virginia and the Westward Cabell, William Jr., Col., 46, 50 Movement, 81, 108, 110, 112, 113 introduced Floyd to Col. Preston, 4 7 boundary line California, 105, 111 between Virginia and North Carolina, 88 Calloway sisters, 48 Boylston, Elizabeth, 52 Camp Jackson, 33 Boylston, Susannah (Adams), 52 Camp Knoxville, Tenn, 33 Braddock, British General, 79 Campbell, Arthur, 17, 18, 19, 24, 112 Braddock, Gen. Edward, 49 Campbell, James, 19, 20 Braxton, Carter, 49-55, 58, 61, 62 Canada, 87, 94 instructions to Captain Cunningham Canadian maritime coast, 84 of Phoenix, 62-63 Carolina settlement, 92 breastworks, 37, 39 Cartlidge, Anna M., 45 Breckinridge, John, 112 Cash, Wilbur J., 81, 113 125 cattle drives colonists on Great Valley Road, 88 Anglo-American, 99, 100 census, 1850, 109 colonization Challiot, France, 59 period of, 84 Charles II, King of England, 90 Colston, Rawleigh, 53, 63 Charles Town (Charleston), W. Va., 12 commissary, Knoxville Confederate Charleston, S.C., 87, 95 captured by Yankees, 35 Charlotte, N .C., 81 Concord, Mass., 45, 46 Chartres, Duke of. See Louis Philippe Confederacy, 27 Chattanooga, Tenn., 27, 43 Confederate Cherbourg, France, 60 army, 28 Cherokee, 1, 4, 17, 22, 86-88, 93, 96, 100, Cavalry, 35 101 equipage scant, for Tullahoma "ethnic cleansing" of, 95 excursion, 36 homelands and capital, 95 Knoxville Commissary captured, 35 in French and Indian War, 95 money, 42, 43 relations with Virginians, 95 Confederate soldiers, 37 Cherokee Nation, 88 dissatisfaction among, 36 Cherokee War, 95, 96 food, 31 Pincers of the, 96 laying in the rain and mud to rest, 37 Treaty of Paris of 1763, 95 Connecticut, 103 Chesapeake Bay, 54, 55, 85 Constitution, United States, 102 Chesapeake, Va., 83 Continental and British prisoners Chicago, Ill., 114 committee to arrange exchange, 50 Chickamauga, Ga., Battle of, 27 Continental Chilhowie, Va., 80, 82, 83, 89, 9I-93, 93, Army, 75 96 Commissioners, 58, 59, 61 archeological excavations in, 84 Congress, 45, 46, 48-50, 52, 56, 58, Chota (Chote), 95 61, 62 Christian, William, Col., 4 7, 48, I I 2 Marine Committee, 45, 50, 5 I, 58 Christiansburg Mountain, 97 Navy, 45, 56 Christiansburg, Va., 15, 16, 74 com, 38, 42 Churchill, Winston, 94 Cornstalk, Shawnee Chief Cincinnati, Ohio, I I 0 battle at Point Pleasant on Ohio River, City Point (now Hopewell), 34 48 Civil War, I2, 27-44, 28, 29, 104 cotton Clack, et al., 105, I 07 belt, map ofthe, 108 Clark, General George Rogers, 62 gin, invention of, I 07 Clay, Henry, I 06 impact of production on slavery, 107-9 Claytor Lake, 93 price of a barrel of, 35 Clinch River, 48 production In United States, 107 Clinch Valley, 83 Cotton South, the, 106 Clinchfield Railroad, 114 cowboys and Indians, 88 Clingmans Dome Coyle, Carolyn 8., 29 highest point in Tennessee, 80 Craig family, 19 Coal River, 47 Croghan, George, 51 Culpeper Courthouse, 40 126 Culpeper, Lord John, 90 Duncan, Anna, 30 Cumberland area, 23 Dunkard Church, 42 Cumberland Gap, 49, 77, 83, 86, 100, 101, Dunkard's Bottom, 93 105 Dunkards, 38, 41 Cumberland Gap turnpike, 105 Dunmore's War, 46 Cunningham, Captain Joseph, 51-55, 62 Dutch colonies, 85 Cunningham, James, 52 Cura9ao, 50, 53, 63 E Custis family, 6 eastern continental divide, 4, 14, 15 Eaton, Capt. William F., 30, 31 D education d'Orleans, Louis Philippe. See Louis of Louis Philippe and his siblings, 2 Philippe egalitarianism, 5, 10, 24 Dandridge, Alexander Spottswood, 47 Elizabethton, Tenn., 99 Daughters of the American Revolution Elkton, Va., 87 Long Island (Tenn.) Chapter, 83 Encountering the First American West de Beaujolais. See Beaujolais website, 82 de LaFayette, George Washington England,2, 10,45,48,56 son of Marquis de LaFayette, 5 English de Montpensier. See Montpensier advance into the South, 87 de Soto, Hernando, 83 areas settled in 1650, 85 de Tocqueville, Alexis, 7 nation, 89 de Warville, Brissot, 103 English officers. See British soldiers Deane, Silas, 58, 59 English's [Ingles] Ferry, 14, 89 Declaration of Independence, 50, 58 Enlightenment, philosophy of, 2 Deep South, 104, 105, 107 epidemics new states of, 113 among Indians during Contact Period, 84 Delaware Bay, 55 Essex County, Va., 91 Denver, James, 111 Eurocentrism, 6 Department of State, U.S., 99 Europe,2, 12, 16, 18, 19,23,24,81,84 deserters, 28, 33 European, 82, 84 Desmoulins, Camille, 18 descendants, 106 Dickerson, Len, 42 diseases, 84 Dinwiddie, Robert, Governor, 94, 95 factions, 85 Directory (Directoire) government of imperial powers, I 02 France, 3 land claims in North America in 1650, disease and colonization, period of, 84-87 85 Dobyns, Capt. Thomas P., 30, 31 manufactured goods, 84 Dobyns, Frazer, 38 nations, 85 Donelson expedition, I 04 settlement in Virginia, 81 Donelson, John, 100 struggle for eastern North America, 97 Dorr, Ebenezer, 52 Evesham. See Wytheville Dover, England, 58 Draper Manuscripts, 71 F Draper, Lyman C., 45 Fairfax Grant, 91 Draper's Meadows, 91 Fairfax, Lord Thomas, 90 Dunaway, Wilma, 108 Falls of the Ohio, 104 127 Fanning, The Memoirs ofthe Life of Floyd, Va., 28 Nathaniel, 57 Floyd's Station, 62 Fann, 1740s American, 90 food in backcountry Virginia Fauquier, Francis, Governor, 90 spring scarcity of, 20 Ferguson, Patrick, I 0 I Forbes, British General, 79 Filson Historical Society, 68 Forks of the Ohio. See Pittsburgh Fincastle, 14, 15 Fort Attakullakulla, 92 formerly a Virginia county, 47, 53, 59, Fort Chiswell, 17, 94 78, 99, 104 Fort Duquesne, 49 Resolutions of I775, 112, 113 Fort Frederick, 94, 95 Fincastle, Va., 48 Fort Henry, 86 Fischer, David Hackett, 11, 81, 92, I 08, Fort Lewis, 94 109, 111-113 Fort Robinson, 95, 96 Fleming, William, 95 Fort Vause, 15, 94 Flinchum, Deena, 114 Historic Marker, 94 Florida, 84, 97, 105, 106, 114 Forton Prison, 45, 55, 56, 58, 60 eastern and western provinces, 97 France, 2-5, 6, 8, 18, 19, 97 Floyd County Historical Society Museum, Franklin privateer, 52 27,28 Franklin, Benjamin, 57-61 Floyd County, Va., 27-29, 37, 40 sent aid for American prisoners in Floyd, Jane Buchanan, 62 Britain, 57 Floyd,
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