S/13000 S/13000 ELEVENTH REPORT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED IN PURSUANCE OF RESOLUTION 253 (1968) CONCERNING THE QUESTION OF SOUTHERN RHODESIA SECURITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT No. 2 Volume I UNITED NATIONS New York, 1979 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are complosed of capital letters combined T'jii figsures. 1-ention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United iJations udCui.aIejiu. Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/... ) are normally published in quarterly Supplements of the Official :cords of thu ecurity Council. The date of t.- document indicates the suiiTlement in -7hich it appears or in w.hich information about it is given. The resolutions of the Security Council, numbered in accordance w.Tith a system adopted in 1964, are published in yearly volumes of Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council. The new system, which has been applied retroactively to resolutions adopted before 1 January l96), became fully operative on that date. S/13000 11 January 1979 CO1TEI'TS Parvupra; hs IAT2ODUCTIOH . ..... .... ..... .... ..... Chater I. WORt OF TIiE COi lITTEE ............... A. OrCanization and rrocranme of '.or. ........ (a) Working procedures ..... ............. (b) Consideration of general subjects .... B. Question of the visit to the United States of America of Ian Smith and other members of the illegal r6gime in Southeru Ehocesia ..... C. Consideration of cases carried over from rrevious reports and of new cases of possible violation of sanctions . ..... (a) General cases .............. 1 -3 4 - 123 5 - 32 11 - 19 20 32 33 35 3 o 119 b 2 -i100 (b) Cases opened on the basis of information supplied by individuals and non-governmental organizations (Case Jo. ITGO-) . 101 - 115 (c) Imports of chrome, nickel and other materials from Southern Rhodesia into the United States of America (Case 'To. USI-) 11C-119 D. Other activities involvina the Committee aimed at promoting more effective implementation of sanctions ....... ................... ...120 - 129 (a) Co-operation with the Organization of African Unity .............. (b) Co-oieration with the Commonwealth Secretariat . ........... (c) lHonetary donation from Canadian University Student Body ...... ................ II. THE SUPPLY OF OIL AI1 OIL PRODUCTS TO SOUTHERN' RHODESIA (Case No. INGO-17) ............ 120 . 124 125 - 127 123 1on - 11. Appendix I. Full account of the action tuhen during 1977 on Case Ho. IGO-17, Supply of oil and oil products to Southern Rhodesia .......... Appendix II. Excerpt from Rerort on the Surrnly of Petroleum and Petroleum Products to Rhodesia, by T. H. Bingham, Q.C. and S. ii. Gray, F.C.A., Chapter 14: Conclusions ............. -iii- "P'hr 1 CO iTE- IITS (continited) Chanter Pararaphs TII.'vC.I 3Ty C,\ DVSVE -II'T I FI T9I TIiPL Lf TATTO TOF SA:'CTinS. ... A. Actions talren by GTo2ernr-nts ithtr inderenllently or with resmect to s-ecific cases in response tu inquiries addresser to them t' the B. Transactions reflect-d in foreirn trade fi-ures submittil by rermortina overn'-ents ....... C. Actions taken bry Governments and tie ComTittee with respect to SecuritCouncil resolution 4.O0 (1977) ......... PV, C07 ,JLAP A I'D OT1 RE'PESETTATIO-T TN SOI'TLR1ERN PTTODESA APD OEESZ-ITATIQI QF THE ILLEGAL 1SEGT!7'TV OTHER COUTRTES .......... A. Consular relations with Southern Rhodesia B. Southern Rhodesian representational offices abroad . .. ... 149 - 155 150-- 153 * 154 -155 156 -i58 156 157 - 158 V. AIPLIPTTS OPRATING TO AP- FPO"i SOUTHLRN RHODESIA Relevant cases examined by the Cor'DLttee . (a) Flights by private conpanies (Case '!o. 15! Tctio roneo) (b) Flights to and from Soithern Phodesia and IATA agreements involving Air Rhodesia (Case TTos. 213 and !MGO-4) .... IT. I i:IfRATTN] AND TOURIf! ............. A. Timi-ration (a) General information . (b) Population . .. B. Tourism .................. (a) Grecific cases concerning tourism (b) Admissions into countries of persons travellinr on Southern Rhodesian nassnorts .. ....... ..... 159 164 . 1(0 - i1(3 . 1614 165 174 102 165 - 160 169 - 174 171 172 .- 17 104 -iv- Page 99 99 101 102 102 166 1S" 102 i04 io4 CO.TTrTITS (continue 1) Ai.i ,_ S T. Report of the Chairman on his personal meetincs With the Permanent L-,-re- sentntives of Govern,"tents in default of rerilies after three reminders Ii Cases carried over from previous renorts and new cases III, Import of chrome., nic':el and other mr.terial from Southern Rhodesia into the United States of America IV. Cases of transactions reflected in forein trade figures submitted by reporting Governments V. Cases opened on the basis of information supplied by individuals and non-governmental organizations VI. Study prepared by the Secretariat oo Southern Rhodesian trade for 1977 The annexes to the present report will be issued separately, INTRODUCTILIT 1. The present report covers the period bdtwe-ne 1$ December 1977 and 15 December 1978. It follows as a whole the format of previous rer,orts in its body and annexes, but for the sake of or tity, it does not include some of th back-round information already covered in the Previous retorts. 2. Since the issuance of the tenth report (l/529) 1/ ado-ted on 12 December 1977, the Committee has held 1) meetings and the 'Torl-in, -roup on Cases and the Working Group on the Manual on documentation and procedures have held 2 and 1 meetings, respectively (see uaras. 11 and 13 below). The -present report was adopted at the 321st meeting on 22 December 1978. 3. At the 303rd meetin' on 10 January 1978 the Committee elected Ambassador Rikhi Jaipal (India) Chairmian and at the same meeting the Committee elected the delegations of Venezuela and Nireria to provide the first and second vice-chairmen, respectively. I/ Official Records of the Security Council , Thirtr third Year Sn',ecial Supplement io. 2, vol. I. CHATIER I WORIK Or THE CO- - [ITTLE 4. General information concrnin toc Committee and its 7 orling rroccdures mar be fcund in c..apters I. A of the seventh (S/11594 and Revel) ei lt (S/l1927/Rev.l)2 ninto 0/1225) and tenth (S/1252) retorts of the Comittee. A. Cr anization and rrorranlc of ior' 5. Durirr 103, toe Comittee continued its rractice of holding eehI'r mo-tincs so long as tne proposed meetings did not coincide with meeting5 of the P. curity Council. It instituted a new crocedure b7 establishing a Nor]inz r-rour, on the hanual of documentacio- and procedures for goods orijirating in southern Africa. Information regarding the Committee's conduct of 7orK is given below under the subtitle .rinmg ce cedures". 6. [2&n the Coimittee bce-an its consileration of its *ro;ramrme of work for 197%, reference vas maue to the list of oneral subjects carried over frcm last esr s 1rcar e: as well as naditional mzronoals submitted by the delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist :epublics. At the end of the discussion, a list "as drain up consolidating, as <reed during the discussion, the general subjects an' proposals mentioned above. 7. Accoruinjly, the folloioL items iere included for consideration as subjects of a Leneral nature in the Committees programme of wor' for 1973: anual of documentation and procedures for {oods originating in southern Africa question of conflicting razorts of tnember States on the origin of goods declared to have been imtortd from Southern Rhodesia; ex-ansion of sanctions against Southern T: odesi" to the full extent of Article 41 of the Charter, overt violations of sanctions foreiZn companies and transnational corrorations most often mentioned in the proceedirgs and rumorts of the Committee, as well as those operating ithin Southern nhocsian torritory, countries to Thich 20 or more inquiries had been sent in connexion with suspected violations of sanctions, measures concerning suspected cases of the crime of mercenary activity, aiding and abettin' that crime or participating in it (see the general declaration of the International Conference on rIercenariec (S/12557) and the Pro rwmne of Action for the Liberation of ZimtabJe and ilamibia approved by the iaruto Conference (A/32/lO/Rev.lr annex V S/12344/Aev.l), corlete cessation by all States of the activities of any Southern hedesian offices within their territory other than an office or a7encr so established exclusively for pensions pur-oses, and any of their own offices in Southern Rhodesian territory information from the States concerned with regard to measures taken by them to imlc.ent the, Provisions of the relevant Security Council resolutions; definition of exceptions to the sanctions for medical, humanitarian or educational purposes (Security Council resolution 253 (1968), paras. 3 (d) and 4), discontinuance, except in essential cases, of the practice of holding closed meetings of the Committee and adoption of further measures to ensure that its work is given publicity; co-operation with the Committee established under Security Council resolution 421 (1977) to implement the embargo on the supply of arms to South Africa; co-operation with the Organization of African Unity and other relevant organizations and, where necessary, with individual persons; the raking of all sanctions against the illegal regime of Southern Rhodesia strictly mandatory. 8. The following item, although there was no consensus on its inclusion in the Committee's agenda, was, however, retained as a proposal for future consideration as to its suitability for inclusion in the programme of work; extension of sanctions against South Africa, and/or extension of sanctions to South Africa
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