FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1 M | Avungo Daily Net Preae Ran The Woather iltat^irfisti^r lEWhinigi' F o r O w JR kkk Itaded r o n e u s t of U. B. W e u t h s r Oetsbsr tl, 1 M 4 ’workem to collect pledge card Knights eif'Oohimbua will Ladiea of S t James ' wUl m obMTvanee of tholr 4Sth which have been dietrlbUted and Sunny and mIM today, high sponsor at Eather and Son meet Sunday at 7:45 a.m. in •nnivonaiy, th« Polish Ameri­ retum them to the fund office. C»mmunk>n Breakfast Sunday. the lower, church to attend can Club will sponaor a ban- WOODLAND 14,101 near 60; M r , cool tonight, lew $8- Communion In a body at the [uet and dance tomorrow at United Fund Short The drive is scheduled to bo 40; sunny. m O d again tsMierrow, They will receive Communion cleaned up by the end of this k t the Audit high In 60s. O out O aart Cad«t Neil at the 7 a.m. Mass at St. James’ 8 a.m. Maas. Ths Maas la in :S0 p.m. at 106 ainton S t sf Ctrentaaou W li^ m oC Mr. end Mra. J. Church. After Mass, breakfast memory of deceased members WMik. DARDENS Manchtuter^A City of Village Charm jM k Wtoe of 1 mutop Dr., wm will be served at the K of C of the organisation. Loyal Circle of King’s By Third of Goal a member of the all-«nn*d Home, Main St. The St. Rev. Daughters will mset Monday MTVioe honor oordon for the M ^ . Bldward J. Reardon will Color Guard of ths VFW at 7:45 p.m. in the fellowship VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 33 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION—SUBURBIA TODAY) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1964 (Classified Advertising on P a g e 9) PRICE SEVEN CENTS state funeral of formef Presi­ be guest speaker. Tickets may will participate In the Veter­ room of Center Congregational The 1964-66 United Fund hasf Robert Fuller, general chair achieved two-thirds of its goal man of the fund drive, noted this dent Herbert <1 Hoover. be obtained at the K of C. ans Day Parade Sunday In Church. Hostesses will be Mrs. G e o r ^ K . _ _ « Home. Rockville. Members may con­ David Muldoon and Mrs. Mar­ A total of 176,740.54 of the fund’s week that' many townspeople Coast Ouard l>t (J.g.) Har­ tact Commander Edwards for garet Kottke. anticipated $115,000 has been may sUIl not have been con­ Converse vey L. Wahnqulst Jr., son of Geoffrey S. Morris, son of further details. celved. The Initial Gifts division, tacted by fund canvassers. SHOP Policy Review Expected Mr. and Mra Harvey U Wahn- Mrs. Lillian E. Morris of 58 Steamers, cherrystone clams charged with bringing in $80,000 "We urge those people who PAINTING AND qutat of 270 Autumn St. is par­ Hilltop Dr.; Louis A. Melesko, Peter J. McCarUn, eon of and clam chowder will be served of the total, haa eb far rung up have not t^an contacted to send DECO RA TIN G Rusk Opens Meetings ticipating In Operation Deep- son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Mrs. Ceclfe McCartan, 253 tonight from 7 to 9 at the Elks $68,801. » • their contributions to the Unit­ HERE freeae while s e n ^ aboard the Melesko of 224 E. Middle Tpke., School S t, recently completed Club, Bissell St. Members, their Leading the other divisions is ed Fund office, 71A E. Center .PHONE 948-2804 FOR Coast Guard Icebreaker East- and Patrirk C. Cawley, son of basic training at the Naval wives and guests are welcome. the industrial employes drive, St., or to can the office to ar­ Call Evenings — 6 to 9 wind, In Antarctica. This oper­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Caw­ Training Center, Great Lakes, which has now tallied $8,964.45. range to contribute.” The resldenUal drive has Fuller also asked campaign Taylor Due ation supports the Antarctic ley of 117 Cooper St., have be­ HI. Mothers Ohib of Center Con­ gregational Church will meet brought In $5,067, and the busi­ Research Progrram which is un­ gun basic training at the Naval ness employes drive $125. ChrysantlMmaHi On Alliance Future Monday at 7:45 p.m. at the home der the National Research Pro­ Training Center, Great Lakes, Robert D. Fregin, son of Mr. Town employes have contribu­ gram. ni. and Mrs. Robert Fregin, 116 N. Of Mrs. Jon Marx, 67 Schaller Rd. A home decoraUng tour on ted $4,232.75 and board of edu­ WASHINGTON (A P )— '^■>P*’hne Minister Harold Wilson ls<^Oermany from partnership with School St.; Victor L. Losler, eon expected to come to Washington Rotarian Harry Maldment, 09 Members of the Manchester of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Lo­ film will be the feature of the cation employes have so far giv­ CUT FLOWERS From Saigon Secretary of State Dean France and he is stepping up meeting. en $3,847. for talks with President Johnson pressure lor reshaping NA'TO. Robert Rd., will show slides and Auxiliary of Children’s Services zier, 4614 Summer St.; Richard Rusk today begin discus­ on allied nuclear policy. speak of his trip to the Hawai­ will sponsor a workshop Mon­ A. Sobielo, son of Mr. and Mrs. The United Fund Is collecting AH Colare sions with European for­ Recently he sent two of his ian Islands at TOesday’s meet­ day from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Albert C. Sobielo, 226 School St.; this year for 11 town service WASHINGTON (AP)—Ambassador Maxwell D. Nuclear weapons manage­ top aides. Premier Georges ing of the Manchester RoUry home of Mrs. Robert C. Denni­ and Forest R. Williams, son of agencies, which otherwise must eign policy chiefs to find ment and control Is at the heart Pompidou and Foreign Minister Grange Confers mount their own fund drives. ONLY Taylor probably will return from Saigon in a week or of the crisis facing the North Maurice Couve de Murville, into Club at «:80 p.m. at the Coun­ son, 704 Spring St. They will Mr. and Mrs. Forrest N. Wil LET’S HAVE A PARTY! out if there still is a chance try Club. Maldment and his wife decorate cookie containers for Hams, 42 Amott Rd.; recently so for consultations on South Viet Nam with President of salvaging the late Presi­ Atlantic Treaty Cffganization. the frontline. They blasted tha have Just returned from a the forthcoming annual Christ­ completed basic training at Degrees on 14 Royals Fine Cott’s (contents only) Johnson and top advisers. State Department yofficials The diplomatic traffic will not U.S.-proposed Multilateral Nu­ Be modern with ICE CREAM OINOERALE and dent John F, Kennedy’s be one-way entirely. clear Fleet and hinted that month’s visit to the Islands. mas Cookie Tea. Naval Training Center, Great CLUB SODA said today. • Lakes, III. Fourteen new members of 79o ■/, OmI. ment headed by Premier Tran grand design of a trans- George W. Ball, Ru.sk’s depu­ France might turn Us back on 5 bots. $1.00 $ A broad review of the Unifed Atlantic partnership. ty at the State Department, will NATO if Washington insists on Brian E. Seifert, son of Mrs. Manchester Grange received the A Real Special! Van Huong. U.S. officials are Anne Seifert of 131 Deepwood Manchester Rod and Gun third and fourth degrees A Good Buy! States’ Southeast Asia policy is reluctant to say how seriously Rusk is scheduled to meet meet with Schroeder in Berlin creating the controversial being undertaken in the wake of with Jo.seph M. A. H. Luns. the •Thunsday and with German mixed- manned force. Dr., will be inducted into Epsi­ Club will sponsor Ladies Night Wednesday at a meeting at YELLOW I Indian River the election. No lessening of the they consider the opposition to lon Alpha Zeta, an honorary tomorrow at the oiub, Daley Orange Hall. A Harvest Supper CUKES SQUASH I GRAPEFRUIT 1.79 the Infant civilian government, foreign minister of the Nether­ Chancellor Ludwig Erhard in U.S. officials .said the United WANTED strong support being given the Bonn Nov. 16. business fraternity at the Uni­ Rd., Coventry. CockUils wiU was held before the meeting. S for 25e 2 lbs. 35o 6 for 49c formed only last Wed*- ssday. lands. Monday, he will confer States is determined to go be served at 6:30 p.m. with I Gtnoraut Bunch South Viet Nam government in with Foreign Minl.ster Paul- The primary object of all ahead with this plan and that CUBAN LATE MODEL versity of Hartford, Tuesday at Mrs. Gustaf Anderson re­ its fight to overcome the Com­ The next few days may tell the 6:30 p.m. at the Stone Haven dinner catered by Garden ceived a gold star National story, they said. Henri Spaak of Belgium and these se.ssions is to find a way to the angry accusations In Paris .Restaurant, Farmington. Mem­ Grove Caterers at 7. There will munist Viet Cong is expected. If Friday, faced with the pros Nov. 22 with Gerhard Schroe- shore up the Atlantic communi­ did not affect Washington'9 t' r i - USED C A R S Grange lecturer’A award and • FRESH FROM THE COOLERS! • th^re is any change in U.S. der, the foreign minister of ty, how showing signs of dLsin- position in this re.spect.
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