0-0 Is ruo.t6or6 lD!)!JJO B?6t 2t Lprery Kopung ffi /- AnmpeedS --;------------ rolow Pic$upH OgffiV rp) $!10 dp{suoldrsot4} =x3vH lpuo!*nN "w e\Tffi@ffiffiW-WS' snuuE puz f rymsaqd@p f i l0lololclolDttrtolototolDlororDlDluto ItLrlLrtDtulDlDtDtDlDlDttrlDtf]lorDrDlDtorDlflIolDlD sror.{dBrooloqf,xol ycvt ,uf yuvd ,tNtH3 SAvo,sf uuol stNNf c '=NotoNoul- 808 'ANOHVW I-]VM r{m Oursrllanpy olppu B AI- - - -Vtg3ti{ .UI! ssarppv cllqnd- - - -c33U AONVS se;eg Luel6ord-: - - -NVINVpV9V SIUHC oreuotssecuoc- .3.9.v sleOeueyl aclllO- - -sNolss3cNoS .O'O pre^ als.{;e:ouo1..;- - -A:lNNly NOSI/UOHI NVO PUV'Ur'NVINVIV9V'C'N rcsrnledng lcerl- -yNVgHCUVtj jtNNOE I1rcr1qn4- - -N:tyNVUl -lV suorle:edg ooupuolurplil talqO- -ZNnUlS AUUf I rclcel61 Ilrcr;qn4- suorlB:ado sotes - - -NA-.1-1V SINNOU t ]alctl- -t-l3UU=lW o-loUVH ra3unouuv- _ _o33U AONVS JAUA O lsPll- lolcalt6 uet6ol6- - -;1llSVE NOO NV|NVTVoV 't- 'r l.8 q3lNestud rarocs rorurl .lssv- yvI ? - - tHcnf NNSy ra^rasqo totrtc- -NOSNHOT tnvd rarocs ? raurl lalqc- _ _ll3gnly s=-l aatlruuroS "qcal ueull!eq3_ _ _NvlluSElls .v .s pre/v\als l!d- _ rauels- - -StBnuIs Noc rolcallc ,{teJes- -gNly yOlO - - -3NOlVtl ti{tHs ;ejlsroag ? pre/\^ols- 3]UOM NVIS 'ururoc .qcal ueurjleqS ocln _ _ _AOUl30 yNvul - -- .qcal eaiojeu- -uu=ly ttvHsuvl^t oallrurutoc ueurleqc actn_ _uSNUVe pre^ NOO els Jatqc- -NNtnocW AHUVH ,SyNVg uorlrledtuo3 Jo rolcal6 AUN3H .M cvsn luoprsard "ouolNtS SVr{OHt_ 896t'Lt HCUVT/! z-Hc 'lnv3'ouolNVH . VCNNS 'oN NOtIcNVS AVMC3SdS UO10n OHOJNVH ooovt ornw d2tlsuordluotlc lauottol(, cvsn orrw-ooz srvtStJJo 'Cofifornio 200" lndionopolis Auto Rocing Returns To The Son Jooquin Volley bV Everett Feoy High-speed driving returns to the San Joaquin The fuelproblem looms big in the driversr Vllley. big, iear-engine ricers open'the minds. nationrs": Ilg AII_ar_e gambling on g_oing all the way on one load 1968 championship Uattte with the Cal_ of fuel--about 70 gattonl. ifornia 200 in Hanfbrd. itral means a loi of careful driving as rvell as dare-devil Eamblinp Ior tiem to make it without a refuelingistop. Last-year lnore than 20, 000 fans turned out for the first J. C. Agajanian-sponsored 200 witnessed and Tires will offer no problem. Tire,companies a thrilling race ttit was not decided have developed them-so untilthe final fewlaps when that thev can tai<e the Gordon .fonncolt oi 200-mile.giina easiry. T-til stops Hastings, Mich., wds able to come ttrrough wiih ;# for tire the record. checks'nrill be the m-andator on"es aiter a ca" required checkto see if the spin JcrlpeA any:!i_"*:? flat spots on the tires. J_ohncock will be back this year to defend his title. But there will be a change. tte-wifl-Ue shorrld driving a Turbo-Charged |p""-dq beabove last year's. Not only do offenha:us"" *frii" ir"i the driver' s have the experi.inc year he drove a Ford Vg. e of ttre tirst iaCe behind them but thpy aiso have toneA up th"i, cars better. Speeds of over 1b0 miles Heisnotthao+yo!_e switching to the Offy. Such i" li;; drivers were common in tire testing, the highest being as Bobby Unser and BiU Vut<ovii:tr trive over 157 m.p.h. made the switch. Enough drivers switched so that th"T." may be mor e Otti?s ttta" f orOs on ttrJirict The drivers rate the Hanford track second ---the opposite was tfue last year. Indy's. to -But, they feel, the tans geii LJti""'O"t tn Hanrorct as the cars tend to stay bunched while the cars string out at Indy. That will qetup aduel to determine which is the Detter not only for the Hanford track -motor, but Bunched or not, all are planning to start chare_ possibly also the Memorial Day SOO i" mg lndianapolis. Several{or lrom the outset and keep "Iead-footing" it fuivers are testins the all the way, figuring thereis no engrne(suspension and afew other items) iri tfris oUrer way tdwin. race for possible use at the Big One. Racing will be hot and fast from start to finish. 'plro/r eql ul sratJr-p-qseq eq;sJ1i*od lpqt ,{upduroc aql'.truodtuo3 Euruqag ? FO elqurng o,tv taft,r'CntC ""*ors Ot,*n ,dffi .oor,se3Dreseq}ro}so.,, ffi "'.Tjt:?:i"'{g:i: W,eoDr eqr reuD puv W lD euecs eql uo eq no,{. edoq e16 +l "roj"*ddo 1prrr, ' , IIIia rpc rnol 'ubrs ocu3 .qr r$,,J"]r 4i.: o' 'bo1; pe:e>rrer{r oq} o{DI/T '6uor1s puD uDelc buruu-nrseur6dS o} srellrp do} aq} ;o .duour burre-rvtod ++ '(elqurng deel ot pepuolq s,+l prp pq,i. 6u1cor .d.q perlddns len] 6urcr:; lorceds) buruurzv' eq1 ,tlddns oq/vr efdoptf$uins 'arer{} sr rabtg oruf, ar{} puv 'llorl eqt ,i'g pepuelq s,li 'euIIos"O naq oruf, dlqsuorduroq3 qnlS olnv 'S n aql uo lueiu 'sJpc roFuesspd :o; re6r; 1o$eds Jno -ellJxa ./v!eu'1as eq ol spJoceJ.nneu 'satJol ,,d{upJ m611 ur rebrl o lna*Jffi( adoq e.$: ,."..,";:'-1,'-. -3IA /v\ou supeur uosDes 6utcp.r /v\eu V .lrI orilqurtr u w is shown receiving his trophy from (center) and trophy sponsor-paul (Don Boone photo) naod nau palol satlw lta^a pue / ou suoldwetl) / au lPlsut'lpue1su1 109[] olHo'00ll0r A00'01 gntd )tuvds N0ldlAlvl{c INVdhtoc 'suold(u!ttrC d;rceds s[em1Y NOldnvHf, assel roJ elilas nT-/l pForls ,(qm, ieut8ue Jo e>lutu frene uI Surpuelslno JeArlep -ecuetuJoJJed suoldrueqC osn!ceQ s,l!{; is8nld 4reds mtdffi=q3 osottrc suoldtusqc Suner;o dlrrotetu Eunuleq/NeAo aql 'L961ur ute8y imfd@m{-3 dtqsuoldueLlC s,le^u0 0r0qsll0 pUoiyl palrurrlu{l Butceg lty drqsuoldureq3 'S'n drqsuordueqS uolufl 0l Jocel.ueeto Eurceg peog s,VCCS ol l0l0r^0qC-?101 perarttod r(aultq/vt Suneoqrolotll leuolleuralu Lo ol lesleog 8-l ocouns s,anqouog 11e61 lreds suotdueqS vvN paii,uoo-iriiianr s,/!\ouolv uo6 4eds suoldueqg terieoi s,raiureuaarg 1fure6 lreds suordueqg itit$it$f$,'*.e ":,"" I .', """-1"'.". "j'l N*'':",:,.::q-; il.fttu'* "":m\T;.;r: '. ffi drqsuotdueqX xud Puerg VCOS drqsuordureqS leuolleN drqsuotdueq3 l?uollPN Puel9 s,uosrqclnH sng suotdueqS ii8B1 suotduLeq3 prol-snlol Ireds suotdueqg VOUV oi aBpoo s,euoleY lreds VWV ol tldunul s,uoxrp dteg lreds pusje pUoM 0l puel0 dtqsuorduleqC s,ro^u0 xlrd oi lals8elp drqsuordureq3 leuorteN UVCSVN Joleululll dol sleuolleN VUHN s,atu1 n g,(uuag lleds suotdueq3 qlnoudld s,{11a4 pleqrrg 1.reds suoldueqg ueqqeri-bcoig pararrroO-eApo6-,sllUe5 uo0 lleds suotdueq3 ot FINAL t1t67 U$AG cPoint Standings 1' A' J' Fovt' {{gug!on, Tg*. 11.'. Art Pouard, Medford, ore. --------6bb 2. Mario Anoietu, N;;";th;' pa.---------3440 ----- s:i60 t a""i""r<ri,=1frer, Beleville, I[. ------b'b 3. Bobbv lJnser. Albuquerq'6, N.M.-- 8020 it: d"i:ifii1iii""; ffi;;ft? url.-----sss 4. Gord6n Jotrndocti, H;;tii'A-q Mi"d. vr"rk"rv"r,,'i"b;;;'iil::::-------b00 5' AI unser. Alb'.qrierqos, --t6e0 t!. N.M.------2b0b iq: lliiy-V;i;vicn,3'ff#ili; rresno, calif .------470 i1x'fl,lilid,[','ix'i?il?*l+T:::: #*i 8.i Roger Mccrus(ey,_ruisori, Ariz.---1620i?i8 il' d;ri"T;d;;'ilxl''ili# _ 9. Joe Leonara. sair'Jose, Citif.------1b?5 is. $;a;#, il?i:-_-__-gg 4zo 10' Bud -965 ig: Ir;litD"Iil;tach, Brunswick,N.J._--410 Tingelsfad, Hawth6rne,-catr. -- 20. prr""erri-.roti"s, Torrance, Calif. lDlolo'otortrrB'oltrloloaortrtDrolotDlDtultrrElDrclutolDtDtolDrolulurctorDtutDlornttrr -----400 ElElolDlololEloatrtotElolottrta Point system used For usAc championship Racing Length of Position at Finish RaceIZg4b6?891011t2 500 Miles 1000 s00 ?00 600 b00 400 300 Miles 600 300 2b0 200 1b0 100 50 480 420 360 t00 iqo ieo 1t0 720 60 250 Miles 500 400 350 300 250 90 30 200 Miles 400 iOO iso 1r5 i00 7; 50 25 320 280 240 t00 roo lr} i00 B0 40 20 150 Miles 300 240 210 180 ibo izo -90 -i6 60 100 Miles 200 160 60 4E s0 15 t40 120 i00 80 60 60 40 30 20 10 SPECIAL NorE: /n case .;;i:::i,:::;;::::;":',i:.or drivers " 'ij'."0,!j,l|Ji";"2:,;!,Ti:,;:r;:#j::1 in a sinsle car trlnlDlnltrltrtDlololDlDrllnlnlDl0l-trlDrorruornlDlt]lataloaoli ttlllBrDtLttot[JtlllLlr]tortrtctottrlotorcl6nt;u!i;*"-"-*,.", QtotoaclQrottrlotDt ^D.'". ' April 9^ 2?l7,*nclf,,alrr,piont-,":yphoenii,- Arizona rSg April Trenton, $i1ts r,joya'ir"ny Lloyd Ruby 23 -ry. J-. 150 Miles l,r"iio Andretti wtario Andretti May 30 Indianapolis, Ind. soo rvriiel M;;i; June Milwaukee, ffid;;iti ii.li" r,ovt 4 Wis. 1b0 Miles ft;;;; Johncock Gordon Johncock June 18 Ig,nghgrnq', p3. ioo June p-itds nrit"" Ai u;;;* Lloyd Ruby 25 e"{, colo. l2t/zMiles Bobby unser wes vanaervoort Julv 1 Mosport, canada ioo nait"i July 23 Indianapirtis,_Ind.'-pntgi-o, il;;i, iin""r. Bobbv unser July f SO nrii"I Li"yd nufy Mari6 Andretti 30 Langhoi'ne,'Pa. 1SO itr-ii"" d"ital"'"lohncock Mario Andretti August 6 St. Jov^ite,- C_anada ZO0 goiby-brrse" August Miles Mario Andretti le sp.ringrielir, _lU. i00 ilii;; L;;;tr bi"k"on A. ]l rovt August 20 Milwiut<ee, wis. zoo i,,iiiE! iwccluskey September Dueuoin, frffi1 - --" Mario Andretti 4 Iil. 100 Miles e.6by U_rr""" e. ]l rovt September 9 Indianapirli-s, InA. f OO September ivriiil ;ffi6 iVattup Mario Andretti 24 Trentoi, N.'J_. t00 Mitei M;i; enaie{u A. T. royt October 1 Sacram6nto, Catif. 100 Mites October 22 Hanford, CiUt. -- il;;; yrfEop A. J. Foyt November phoenix, ,OO vrii"i e"f-p-oifa"a Gordon Johncock 19 Arizona ZOO Vfiiei eonUy"iirr""" November 26 Riverside, Mario Andretti .
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