1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 9093 services -and facilities of the county during the prese!lt that, with tender pity and compassion, Thou wouldst look emergency; to the Committee on Military Affairs. down upon the nations of the earth in this hottr of their 8919. Also, petition of the Italian Progressive Club, of troubled confusion and great uncertainty. Instead of fear, Asbury Park, N. J., condemning Premier Mussolini _and the give us faith; instead of despair, give us hope to meet vic­ Italian Government for becoming involved in the European toriously the problems of our world crisis. War; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Teach us to know that war, social injustice, and the suffer­ 8920. By Mr. THOMASON: Petition of the Wink (Tex.) ing of the innocent are unholy conditions which prevail today, Lions Club and other residents of Wink, urging that in not according to Thine own blessed will and purpose but that view of the challenge that is being hurled at American war and turmoil are the results of our racial hatreds, our democracy Congress remain in session throughout the crisis; unspeakable selfishness, and our cruel intolerance. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. As cola borers with God and as brethren one of another, 8921. By Mr. WHEAT: Resolution of the Harry G. Maxted may we work together to right wrong, and to establish in­ Post, No. 154, the American Legion, Department of Illinois, ternational brotherhood. May we recognize our responsi­ located at Western Springs, TIL, urging action to expedite bility to keep peace at home and to assist in restoring the initial orders for tool-made material accepted by the War peace of the world. ' Department, etc.; to the Committee on Military Affairs. That we may find inspiration and strength for our task, 8922. By the SPEAKER: Petition of R. B. Mortensen and grant unto us a vision of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, that in others, of Chicago, TIL, urging consideration of their reso­ His light we may see light, and in His wisdom may not ·lution with reference to the national-defense program; to stumble; so shall we ourselves enter and bring many others the Committee on Military Affairs. into the experience of that abundant life of happiness, peace, 8923. Also, petition of Women's Auxiliary, No. 1, to the and prosperity, which it is Thine alone, 0 God, to give, Maritime Federation, San Francisco, Calif., urging con­ through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. sideration of their resolution with reference to foreign THE JOURNAL affairs; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 8924. Also, petition of the Workers Alliance, Oroville, Calif., On request of Mr. HARRISON, and by unanimous consent, urging consideration of their resolution with reference to the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar foreign affairs; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. day of Saturday, June 22, 1940, was dispensed with, and the 8925. Also, petition of C. E. Camek and others of Chicago, Journal was approved. TIL, urging consideration of their resolution with reference ORDER FOR RECESS TO WEDNESDAY to the national-defense program; to the Committee on Mili­ Mr. HARRISON. I ask unanimous consent that .when the tary Affairs. Senate concludes its business today it take a recess until 8926. Also, petition of the Minneapolis Building Trades 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday next. Council, Minneapolis, Minn., urging consideration of their The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, it is so resolution with reference to the national-defense program; ordered. to the Committee on Military Affairs. ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS SIGNED DURING 8927. Also, petition of the Bergen County Women's Repub­ ADJOURNMENT lican Club, Hackensack, N. J., urging consideration of their Under authority of the order of the Senate pf June 22, resolution with reference to the adjournment of this session 1940, of Congress of the United States; to the Committee on the Subsequent to the adjournment of the Senate on the above­ Judiciary. mentioned date, the Vice President signed the following en­ 8928. Also, petition of the Ninth Ward Improvement and rolled bills and joint resolutions, which had been signed pre­ Protective Association, New Orleans, La., urging consideration viously by the Speaker of the House of Representatives: of their resolution with reference to the national-defense pro­ H. R. 159. An act to amend an act entitled "An act relating gram; to the Committee on Military Affairs. to the naturalization of certain women born in Hawaii,'' ap­ 8929. Also, petition of the Ninth Ward Improvement and proved July 2, 1932; Protective Association, New Orleans, La., urging consideration H. R. 382. An act fa: the relief of Gus Roth; of their resolution with reference to foreign affairs; to the H. R.1167. An act for the relief of the Black Hills Methodist Committee on Foreign Affairs. Hospital of Rapid City, S.Dak.; 8930. Also, petition of the Newport Lions International Club, H. R. 1178. An act for the relief of Lester R. Taylor; Newport, N. H., urging consideration of their resolution with H. R. 1846. An act for the relief of Malachy Ryan; reference to the national-defense program; to the Committee H. R. 2014. An act for the relief of Margaret Redmond; on Military Affairs. H. R. 2070. An act for the relief of Edwin Forsman; 8931. Also, petition of the Ribault Woman's Club of the H. R. 2083. An act for the.relief of Dan Yancey; Beaches, urging consideration of their resolution with refer­ H. R. 2106. An act for the relief of Charles Flack; ence to the national-defense program; to the Committee on H. R. 2151. An act for the relief of James P. Bruce, Jr.: Military Affairs. H. R. 2489. An act for the relief of Angie Ward; 8932. Also, petition of the Oil Workers' International Union, H. R. 2513. An act for the relief of C. B. Reagh; Quincy Local, No. 366, East Braintree, Mass., urging con­ H. R. 2628. An act for the relief of John Engblom; sideration of their resolution with reference to the United H. R. 2946. An act for the relief of Naoma Kinder, a minor; States Housing Authority; to the Committee on Banking and H. R. 3142. An act for the relief of Leland G. Myers; Currency. H. R. 3163. An act for the relief of Rose Bilatis; H. R. 3402. An act to authorize the appropriation for pay­ SENATE ment of the cost of providing additional water for the Wapato Indian irrigation project, Washington; MONDAY, JULY 1, 1940 H. R. 3713. An act for the relief of Joe Carter; · In accordance with the provisions of House Concurrent H. R. 3925. An act for the relief of Evelyn L. Ratcliffe; Resolution 83, adopted June 22, 1940, the Senate met at 12 H. R. 4113. An act for the relief of Maude Sullivan; o'clock meridian. H. R. 4142. An act for the relief of Mary Reid Hudson; Rev. Elnathan Tartt, Jr., rector of Grace Church, Canton, H. R. 4148. An act for the relief of MaryS. Arthur, as execu­ Miss., offered the following prayer: trix of the estate of Richard M. Arthur, deceased; 0 Eternal God and Heavenly Father, Thou who hast made H. R. 4185. An act to repatriate native-born women resi­ all nations of mankind to· dwell on the face of the whole earth dents of the United States who have heretofore lost their and who dost will for all Thy children that peace of God citizenship by marriage to an alien; which passeth all understanding: We humbly beseech Thee H. R. 4412. An act for the relief of Beatrice Lois Rucker; 9094 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JULY 1 H. R. 4587. An act to give the Supreme Court of the United road, Territory of Alaska, who are citizens of the United States authority to prescribe rules of pleading, practice, and States," approved June 29, 1936; procedure with respect to proceedings in criminal cases prior H. R. 8099. An act for the relief of James L. Kinney; to and including verdict, or finding or plea of guilty; H. R. 8172. An act to amend section 5 of the act of Congress H. R. 5138. An act to prohibit certain subversive activities; · approved June 26, 1906, relative to the Alaska salmon fishery; to amend certain provisions of law with respect to the admis­ H. R. 8202. An act making appropriations for the Depart­ sion and deportation of aliens; to require the fingerprinting ment of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941, and registration of aliens; and for other purposes; and for other purposes; H. R. 5156. An act for the relief of Adolph Ernest Helms; H. R. 8252. An act for the relief of John Owen; H. R. 5297. An act for the relief of Stanley V. Smith; H. R. 8285. An act to limit the importation of products H. R. 5388. An act for the relief of Thomas Lewellyn and made, produced, processed, or mined tinder process covered Drusilla Lewellyn; by unexpired valid United States patents, and for other pur­ H. R. 5424. An act for the relief of Mrs. E. J. McCardle; poses; H. R. 5569. An act for the relief of Stuart Bastow; H. R. 8316. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior H. R. 5592. An act for the relief of Vernon Atkison; to sell certain land to the Conconully Cemetery Association; H. R. 5823. An act for the relief of Morrissey Construction H. R. 8350. An act permitting official mail of the Pan Amer­ Co.; ican Sanitary Bureau to be transmitted in penalty envelopes; H. R. 6145. An act for the relief of Elizabeth L.
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