Archives of the University of Notre Dame Archives of the University of Notre Dame .. ~@~@@@@@~@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MUSIC, ENTERTAINMENT & MORE. .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o=oa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FOR THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT: ~ ~ in recorded sounds - ~ ~ JUST FOR THE RECORD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in live music - ~ Festival Staff ~ ~e ~ Chairman Tim Griffin ~ ~l( ~ Assistant Kevin Bauer Advertising ......................................................... .. Tom Rosshirt ~ UVlUSIC BOX AfB ~ Assistant Mike Mlynski Applications Jane Andersen Assistant Margie Smith ~ ~. ~ Graphics ........................................................... .. Sandy Pancoe Artists Pat Brunner, Jeff Loustau ~ in Mishawaka ~ High School Festival. ....................................... .. Bob O'Donnell, Joe Staudt ~ ~ ~ Master of Ceremonies .............................................. .. Barry Stevens @ Photography Cathy Donovan, Tim Griffin, Helen Odar . ~ ~ ~ Prizes ...................... James Dwyer Assistants. ........................................ .. Veronica Crosson, Vivian Sierra ~ Enjoy the best of both worlds, ! Production .. .......................................................... Kevin Magers Program Tom Krueger ~ with the best of people! --- ~ Assistants ........................ .. Scott Erbs, Tim Keyes, Scott O'Grady, Doug Ventura ~ ~ Publicity ....................................•........................ Mary Murphy ~ o Assistants Lynn Van Housen, John McBride, Lisa Scapellati ~ J F T R (1leUVlUSIC BOX ~ Security Ron Merriweather ~ ~ Assistants Bob Koch, Sean Manix ~ 100 Center 120 W Mish. Ave. ~ Stage Manager Michael Onufrak ~ ~ Assistant Mike Kiefer ~ ~ Stage Crew Mark Amstock, Bill Birsic, Dave Brassard, Tom Jackman, 259 -1813 256 -5440 Mark Kelley, Steve Kester, Dave Mandolini, Rich Nugent, Mark Rust, ~ ~ Dan Ryan, Tom Shilen, Paul Turgeon, Dave Wood ~@~@~~~~@@~~@@~~~~~~~@@@@@@@~~~~@~~~~ Typography Advertisers Aid Prioter Direct Mail Letter Service Faculty Advisor Fr. George Wiskirchen 3 Archives of the University of Notre Dame froDl our leader I would like to welcome you to the twenty-third truly deserve, and I would like to thank them here. behind the scenes annual Collegiate Jazz Festival. It is hard to believe First and foremost I would like to thank Father that the Festival is finally here, for it seems like only George Wiskirchen, without whom this Festival would Tim Griffin, a senior American yesterday when planning started after the last band not exist. He provides the much needed and appre­ Studies major from Bronxville, NY, packed up at last spring's festival. I think that I can ciated guidance, insight and humor. Dan Morgenstern is this year's CJF chairman. Volun­ speak for the entire staff in saying that everyone is another who deserves a great deal of credit for con­ teering his services last year because enjoyed helping create CJF XXIII. I will not say that tinually providing the k ys that unlock the doors of putting this Festival together was easy for anyone; it the music industry. The staff of the Festival also de­ he "had always wanted to get in­ wasn't. But I think that the amount of work put into serves a round of applause. Without them this Festival volved" in the festival, Tim served this year s: Festival is reflected in the quality of it ­ would not go on and the quality and quantity of jazz as assistant chairman. He admits the nothing good comes easy. This Festival required a which comes to Notre Dame would not either. I move to the chairman's job "re­ great deal of patience, dedication and commitment would also like to thank Jim, Bill, John, Linda, Pam quires a lot more than I thought it from everyone involved. CJF XXIII keeps with the and Martha who helped in their own way. Lastly I would or anybody told me it tradition of previous Festivals in presenting great would like to thank Ann, a very special person who music and good times. helped so much at the times it was needed most. would." Tim is also Vice-President of the Pre-Law Society and a for­ The Collegiate Jazz Festival attempts, and succeeds The Collegiate Jazz Festival is back this year and mer member of the ski team. His in, bringing quality jazz to Notre Dame and Michiana. hopefully will be for years to come as an integral part future plans include graduate study Many student musicians who performed at previous of the Notre Dame community. The Collegiate Jazz in law or business. Festivals have gone on to be prominent in the music Festival is presented by students for everyone who Sandy Pancoe industry. Indeed, two former student musicians are seeks a change from the monotony of computerized sitting at the Judge's Table this year. The Collegiate radio. The Festival is alive; it breath s. Absorb it, it Jazz Festival fosters jazz education and provides a is for you, so sit back, relax and enjoy. Graphics design coordinator Sandy place where individual musicians and college jazz Pancoe is a sophomore from Van­ bands can compete on a national scope. And I believe, Take Care dergrift, PA. Her musical interests as do many other individuals, that the Collegiate Jazz are wide, as she performs as a saxo­ Festival is one of the most prominent college music phonist for the marching band and Ron Merriweather events in the country. varsity band, sings in a folk duo, Handling CJF security is senior There are many people who have added to this year s Tim Griffin and for weekly masses. An Archi­ Ron Merriweather, a Chemical En­ Festival who will not get the recognition that they Chairman - Collegiate Jazz Festival XXIII tecture major, Sandy will study in gineering major from San Marcos, Rome next year. Her philosophy TX. Ron, for three years a running of life is "Nothing is done right back on the Notre Dame football unless it's done at the last possible team, is involved in the festival due moment." to an interest in jazz sparked by listening to his older brother's Tim Griffin combo in local clubs. A NEW STANDARD OF PERCUSSIVE EXCELLENCE lFtE PAT4TO MODEC CO~~ BY\df • 30" tall • Improved contour of shell for greater bass response and volume in Cuban tradition • Heads hand picked by percus­ sion experts. When Everything Counts TI'U§llhe IeMler«> The 1981 CJF Staff: First Row - Sandy Pancoe, Kevin Magers, Joe Staudt, John McBride; L1\TI~ PERfllSSI0~~ second row - Ron Merriweather, Jane Andersen, Bob O'Donnell, Mike Mylinski, Kevin . Send $2.00 For Catalog & Poster 160 BELMONT AVE· DEPT. ND • GARFIELD. N..J • 07026 Bauer, Mary Murphy; third row - Tim Griffin, Jim Dwyer, Tom Rosshirt. 4 5 Archives of the University of Notre Dame beh-nd t e scenes behind the scenes Bob O'Donnell and Joe Staudt head the revitalized High School Festival. Joe, a sophomore from Canton, OH, confesses his motive for joining Congratulations are in order for the festival staff was to "meet peo­ newlywed Mike Onufrak, the CJF ple and keep in trouble." Bob is an stage manager. Mike is a senior avid jazz fan who couldn't pass up from Westchester, PA, and serves the opportunity for first-hand in­ as editorials editor for the student volvement. A freshman from Glen­ newspaper, The Obseruer. Mike has wood, IL, Bob plays jazz guitar and served as stage director for both trombone, in addition to enjoying the CJF and the Midwest Blues the music at his favorite jazz spots Festival. Joe Staudt in nearby Chicago. Bob O'Donnell Jane Andersen, a senior civil engi­ "Hopefully the job will be a piece neer from Oklahoma City, OK, is of cake for next year's dude, after Tom Krueger in charge of applications, a job she all the hard work I put in" says "fluked onto" as a freshman. "Be­ advertising director Tom Rosshirt. "Some people watch TV. Some Jim Dwyer ing in a band in high school, I know Tom has a genuine concern for "the people sleep. Some people sing. what the band directors need to I do other things to keep busy," other guy," and plans to join the In charge of securing CJF prizes for hear." She also knows what they states CJF program editor Tom Peace Corps or teach when he grad­ the second year is Jim Dwyer, a don't need to hear, since her re­ Krueger, a senior Economics major uates. A senior, Tom has played senior from Garden City, NY. sponsibilities include notifying from Madison, WI. In addition varsity soccer, been a Bengal boxer, Majoring in English and Japanese, applicant bands not chosen for the to his festival duties, Tom works studied abroad, worked for the stu­ Jim spent his sophomore year CJF. Jane enjoys a wide range of full time as a student trainer, serves dent radio station and acted in two studying in Japan, and hopes to music, and since she runs the Stu­ as music director and announcer plays. Officially from Houston, return there soon. His future plans dent Union Record Store, her col­ at the student radio station, and is TX, he grew up in LaGrange, IL, include "something either in busi­ lection is diverse and extensive as a member of the local Amnesty spent three years in Iran, and for Mike Onufrak ness or academics in Japan." her tastes. She is one of two seniors the past four years, has lived in the International action group. Next who have worked on the CJF for shadow of the dome, majoring in year he will attand law school at four years. Philosophy and German. the University of Virginia, and later Jane Andersen will do graduate work in economics. Kevin Magers, CJF production man­ ager, has spent the last few weeks CJF publicity chief Mary Murphy arranging for a sound system, a is the quintessential Notre Dame piano, lights, chairs, electricity, Arts and Letters student. "Aca­ maintenance, and nearly everything demics are fally low on my priority else needed to make Stepan Center list here," she states. Her extra­ suitable for the festival. Despite a curriculars include participation in confessed lack of confidence ("I the Midwest Blues Festival, an R.A. have no business being in this job") position in Farley Hall and "hang­ and experience ("I have no idea ing out in LaFortune." The senior what I'm doing"), Kevin has coolly Psychology major from South Bend and methodically mastered the studied in Innsbruck, Austria her chaotic production job.
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