PACLIC-27 Reduplication across Categories in Cantonese Charles Lam Linguistics Program, Purdue University Beering Hall, Room 1289 West Lafayette, IN 47907 [email protected] Abstract ity and quantization, the interpretations of redupli- cation are predictable. This paper investigates the formal seman- In what follows, section 2 lists out the distri- tics of reduplication in Cantonese, i.e. how bution and characteristics of reduplication in Can- the meaning of reduplicated forms are en- tonese. Section 3 reviews previous studies and coded and computed with the given mean- ing from the base forms. In particular, points out that they cannot account for the be- this paper argues that reduplication denotes haviour of reduplication across categories. Sec- a summation function that adds up argu- tion 4 discusses the formal property of cumula- ments (be they object-, event- or degree- tivity (Krifka, 1998; Rothstein, 2004), which pro- arguments) and return a collection of the el- vides a basis to account for the surface differences ements. The surface difference across cat- across categories. To test the hypothesis, section egories is accounted for in terms of cu- 5 provides the details of the proposal and shows mulativity and quantization (Krifka, 1998; how various interpretations can be handled by the Krifka, 2001; Rothstein, 2004). The present approach makes use of scalar structure and present cumulativity analysis. Section 6 discusses summation as formal tools to model the the advantage of this approach and also the theo- cross-categorial behaviour of reduplication. retical implications. It provides the advantage of a unified theory for lexical composition across categories 2 Data nouns, verbs and adjectives. This section makes a few observations on redupli- Keywords: reduplication, formal semantics, cation in Cantonese. We will first focus on adjec- cumulativity, cross-categorial behaviour tives, then include nouns and verbs, which share a similar surface pattern. Consider the sentence (1), 1 Introduction which provides a reduplicated adjectives denote a sense of hedging or diminution. Reduplication is found across syntactic categories noun, verb and adjective in Cantonese. They all (1) keoi5 gou1 gou1 dei2 share a similar surface order, but the interpreta- 3sg tall tall Prt tion can be quite differently. Nominal reduplica- ‘S/he is fairly tall.’ tion denotes an exhaustive list such as ‘everybody, every apple’. Verbal reduplication displays ei- Uttering (1) means that the person is considered ther durative or iterative reading, depending on the tall, but probably not the tallest person or not even telicity of the verbal predicate. Adjectival redupli- ‘very tall’. This can be seen in (2), which is in- cation shows a hedging and diminutive reading, as felicitous unless it is otherwise specified that all in ‘a little fat’ or ‘reddish’ other members of the group are simply short. The goal of this paper is to establish a unified (2) keoi5 gou1 gou1 dei2, so2ji5 keoi5 account for the cross-categorial reduplication that 3sg tall tall Prt, therefore 3sg can interpret the various meanings. We argue that zeoi3 gou1 the common thread behind these interpretations is SUPERLATIVE tall summation. Building on the notions of cumulativ- ‘#S/he is fairly tall, so s/he is the tallest.’ 277 Copyright 2013 by Charles Lam 27th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation pages 277-286 PACLIC-27 The reduplicated adjective form with the parti- reduplicated verbs denote a collection of homo- cle gou1 gou1 dei2 is in complementary distribu- geneous subevents, following the assumption that tion with (3), where an overt marker shows the atelic events have ‘subevental properties’ (Bennett magnitude of tallness. This requirement of de- and Partee, 1972; Krifka, 2001). This paper ap- gree marker in (3) is well-documented, see Grano plies the existing analysis of cumulativity to redu- (2011) for a recent discussion of its syntax and se- plication in the nominal and verbal domain and mantics. further extends the analysis to adjectival redupli- cation. We thus hypothesize the following: (3) keoi5 *(hou2 / gei2) gou1 3sg very / fairly tall (6) Reduplication in Cantonese denotes a ‘S/he is very / fairly tall.’ summation function. Third, adjective reduplication shows an inter- The hypothesis in (6) predicts that the result of esting parallelism on the surface with nominal (4) the function is always a sum of the input. If the and verbal (5) reduplication in Cantonese. result of the reduplication does not denote a sum or total of the given input, one may claim that hy- (4) go2 go2 sai3lo6 *(dou1) hou2 lek1 pothesis (6) is falsified. CL CL child DISTR very smart ‘Every child is very smart.’ 1 3 Previous studies 3.1 The complex nature of adjectives (5) ngo5 tai2 tai2 ha5 syu1 fan3 zo2 1sg read read Dur book sleep Perf In general, the denotation of adjectives or prop- ‘I fell asleep while reading.’ erties can be decomposed into semantic functions of dimension, scale and degree. A dimension is a The data above show that reduplication can ap- choice of measurement, such as height or weight. ply to lexical categories (i.e. nouns, verbs and ad- Scale is an linear ordered set within the same di- jectives). This parallelism is not unique to Can- mension, such as tall or short for the same dimen- tonese: Chakraborty and Bandyopadhyay (2009) sion of height and heavy or light for weight. A also report that reduplication in Bengali can de- degree specifies a point along the scale. The de- note repetition (e.g. ‘every year’), plurality (e.g. gree can bear specific value, as in full or empty ‘the houses’), emphasis (e.g. ‘deep red rose’) and in English. For example, whenever a speaker per- imperfective verbs (e.g. ‘Talking about something, ceives the water level in a cup to reach the max- suddenly he stopped.’), together with a few other imum value (i.e. 100%), then it would be felici- meanings. It is therefore plausible that reduplica- tous to say The cup is full. However, a degree can tion denotes some function that is more generic also bear a fuzzy value, which may vary depend- and applicable to different elements. This paper ing on the context. For instance, one would have does not attempt to account for cross-linguistic very different standard of ‘being tall’ for John is data, but instead focuses on Cantonese. The work- tall and The Willis tower is tall. This decom- ing hypothesis is that reduplicated forms have a posed adjective phrase analysis is also known as common semantic thread between them, and that the DegP-shell analysis. Based on this analysis that common thread is summation. What the sum- (Xiang, 2005; Grano and Kennedy, 2012), this pa- mation function does is ‘add up’ atomic elements per assumes that adjective phrases are internally into a collection. Reduplicated nouns denote an complex. In terms of syntax, there are multiple exhaustive group. For example, (4) refers to a heads within the traditional AdjP. group of children, which is equivalent to ‘every single child’ in English. Reduplicated verbs de- 3.2 Cross-categorial reduplication in various note a durative event, as in tai2 tai2 ha5 syu1 languages ‘reading (books)’ in (5). An interesting feature is There is little discussion specifically on adjectival that the predicates denoted by reduplicated verbs reduplication in the literature. Although adjectival must be an atelic event, which in turn suggests that reduplication is attested in many other languages, e.g. Basque (De Rijk and De Coene, 2008), Ben- 1Abbreviations: CL- classifier, DISTR- distributive marker, Dur- durative aspect, Perf- perfect aspect, 3sg- third gali (Chakraborty and Bandyopadhyay, 2009) and person singular pronoun, Prt- particle a handful of others (Rubino, 2011), little attention 278 PACLIC-27 is put on its formal semantic properties. Regier for size and shape adjectives bearing diminutive (1994) does provide a good summary of what reading, because the dispersive reading is impossi- reduplication can mean in various languages, but ble for size and shape adjectives. This paper takes does not include Cantonese. the intuition that reduplication denotes a sense of A recent study on adjective reduplication in multiplicity of elements, but does not assert that Mandarin (Liu, 2012) provides an informal prag- diminution comes from dispersion. Instead, this matic account of some restrictions on adjectives paper suggests that both diminutive and dispersive that can undergo reduplication. Liu’s account, like readings are the result of summation, as will be other works cited in this section, adopts an in- further discussed in section 5.3. formal cognitive grammar approach to the issue. The theory in Abraham (2005) and Kouwenberg Also, Liu did not attempt to handle reduplication and LaCharite´ (2005) treats iconicity as a central in nouns and verbs, thus the present analysis dif- property in reduplication. This paper takes the fers from Liu’s analysis both in terms of the formal multiplication as an intuition that there is a sum- approach and scope of study. mation process. In sections 4 and 5, we show that Based on crosslinguistic data, Abraham (2005) the formal properties of cumulativity and quanti- suggests ‘divisibility’ as a criterion for base forms zation can resolve the apparent contradiction that that undergo reduplication. He generalizes that the same predicate can denote the sum of a collec- reduplicated forms always denote predicates that tion and a subpart of the same collection. are divisible, so these divisible predicates must al- ways be a collection of some elements. Abraham 4 Cumulativity and Quantization (2005) also notes that this generalization would The central claim of this paper is that summation contradict the empirical data that some reduplica- is the underlying common thread in reduplication. tion forms actually denote diminutive adjectives. Before we move on to the implementation, it is Kouwenberg and LaCharite´ (2005) address the crucial to understand that cumulativity and quan- apparent contradiction of diminutive or ‘approxi- tization have a direct impact on the result of the el- mative’ interpretation of reduplication and suggest ements undergoing summation.
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