.--...The OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY JANUARYIFEBRUARY DETROIT'S RENAISSANCE CENTER z « o<t: :E: Z • Z •• ~ I>: WI­ </) :t: </) w Z 1-:>:0 1>:«1­ \JJ-,z tIl ::> or'" « I>: N I- THE JOHN P. BRAUN AGENCY, INC. 625 - 57th Street, Suite 800 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140 414-657-3193 (3194) in conjunction with THE MARYLAND CASUALTY COMPANY Baltimore, Maryland is proud to provide the I nsurance needs for The Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. For over twelve years it has been our privilege to service your chapters with public liability and surety bond insurance; we have also provided the International Office with fire, theft, and auto insurance. Let us together, continue to have a friendly and harmonious business relationship in the future. May you continue to find our insurance service the best that is available. John P. Braun Barry Kennedy David P. Braun Peter J. Braun Glenn Braun Pat Blank (fJ/armonizerThe JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1981 VOL. XLI No.1 A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF SPEBSQSA. INC.• IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY. The HARMON IZE R {[SSN 0017-78491 is the official publication of the Society for tho Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing In America. Inc. (S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A.l. It Is pub· IIshed In the months of January. March, May. July. September and November at 6316 - 3rd Avonue, Box 575, Konosha, Wisconsin 53141. Second-class postage paid at Kenosha, WisconsIn. Editorial and Advertising offices are at the International Office. AdvertIsing rates avalleblo upon request. Publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art\'IIork. Notice of change of address should be submitted to the editorial offices of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 - THI AD AVE., Box 575. KENOSHA, WISCONSIN 53141. at least thirty days before tho next publication date. Subscription price to non-members Is $3.50 yearly or $ 1 an issue. Copyright, 1979, by the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet SingIng In America, Inc. Features Comment 4 WE'RE HAVING A PARTY! An in­ 2 THINKING ALOUD vitation from our Detroit hosts to join them this summer. 10 THE PRESIDENT SPEAKS 8 ANOTHER "GOTCHA" FOR THE Departments "DUKES" AT S. L. C. Enthusiasm 3 LETTERS and desire were important to Scar­ borough as they won their second 22 NEW MUSIC NOTES chorus crown. 24 HISTORICAL NOTES 12 THE UNCOMMON BOSTON COM­ MON. The story behind a unique champion quartet. Miscellaneous 28 LOGOPEDICS CONTRIBUTIONS - Contact: 14 THE COPYRIGHT LAW AND YOU! NEW CHAPTERS BARGAIN Spence Graves Bob Johnson explains in simple BASEMENT 132 S.Carousel terms how to live within the copy­ Anaheim, Ca. 92806 right law. (714) 630-7276 16 1980 DISTRICT QUARTET CHAMPS. Pictures and personnel in the new district champion quartets. 18 A "HOORAY" SONG BORN OF SADNESS AND GLOOM. An inter­ Contributors esting account of how a famous song Burt Huish. Hugh Ingraham . was written. Bob Johnson ... John Lents. III . Ruth Perry .. Jim Smith Dean 26 MEET FRANKLIN SHERMAN. Snyder ... "Stasch" Sperl ... Dave "B.B_O.T.Y." The story of an un­ Stevens usual Barbershopper and his many accomplishments. r------------------------, KEN GUNDERSON JIM CURTIS Convention Calendar Tenor Bari INTERNATIONAL DENNIS EVANS VANCE HARRIS lead Bass 1981 Detroit. Mich. July 5-12 w:~£ 1982 Pittsburgh. Pa. June 27-July 4 1983 Seattle. Wash. July 3-10 ~zzurunce 1984 SI. Louis. Mo. July 1-8 "ounn MIDWINTER 1980 NED CHAMPS 1981 San Diego. Cal. Jan 28-31 1982 Tucson, Ariz. Jan. 27-30 CONTACT JIM CURTIS 203·600-1810 1983 Sarasota, Fla. Jan. 26-29 29 TAYLOR ST. WINDSOR. CT 06095 THE HARMONIZER/JANUARY·FEBRUARY/1981 International Officers President, Burt HuIsh, P.O. Box 1925. Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 Immediate Past PresIdent, Leslie HeSketh, Jr., Thinking 7467 Clifton Road, Clifton, VirgInIa 22024 Vice President, Merrltt F. Auman, 604 Sher­ wood St., Shillington, Pennsylvania 19607 VIce President. Dr, Hank Vomacka, 18Bl Rose Street, Sarasota, Florida 33579 VIce PresIdent-Treasurer, John T. Gillespie, Aloud 712 Newgate Rd., Kalamazoo. Michigan • • • 49007 Board Members In November I attended the annual about S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., what it does and Cardinal, Robert Christie, 1890 Midway, convention of the Public Relations Soc­ what it means. His brother-in·law is in Columbus, Indiana 47201 Central States, Jerry Easter, 2426 W. 7th. iety of America, of which I've been a Europe with Time·Life-Fortune. Then Waterloo, Iowa 50702 member for some years. One morning there's Don Reid of Arlington Heights, Dixie, Ralph Delano, P.O. Box 9, Benson, North Carolina 27504 when I was getting on the elevator for who was talking to a fellow investment Evergreen, Harry Neuwirth, 1109 Maple St., by Silverton, Oregon 97381 that day's ses!\iol1s, I was greeted the counselor who knew someone, who Far Western, Andy 0111. 4004 Galbrath, N. president of one of the largest public re­ knew someone else on Fortune. And Highlands, California 95660 IUlnois, JIm Vliet, B07 W. Springfield, Ur· lations agencies in the country. "Con­ Dick Bansal from Montclair, N.J., who bana, Illinois 61801 gratulations on the fine article on the pursued the story in the Mid-Atlantic Johnny Appleseed, Darryl Flinn. 7975 Cleve· land Ave. N.W., North Canton. Ohio 44720 Society in Fortune magazine," he said. District. As did Dale Thomas. And many Land O'Lakes, Don Challman, 916 West G Rd., And then he proceeded to introduce me others. G2, St. Paul, Minnesota 55112 Mid-Atlantic, William Park, Box 470G, RD 1. to another member of his firm. He, too, The result was a great story in the Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania 19317 Northeastern, Ronnie Menard, 50 Tufts Drive, had read the article and offered his con­ December 1, 1980 issue. The point of all Nashua, New HampshIre 03060 gratulations for the great public relations this, however, is that the 8arbershopper Ontario, Roy CunnIngham, 369 Painted Post Dr., Scarborough, Ontario M1G 2M6 job for the Society. These were the first at the local level should always be aware Pioneer, Doran McTaggart. 890 Buckingham, of a number of pats on the back for us of the public relations potential of bar· Windsor, Ontario, Canada NBS 2C8 Rocky Mountain. Jack Smith, 700 ValencIa for finding ourselves on the pages of one bershop harmony. We are unique. Never Drlve N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico of the nation's most prestigious maga­ 87108 be afraid to tell our story. Your seat· Seneca Land, Keith Clark. 2 Blvd. Parkway. zines. To say I was proud is putting it mate on the plane may be a magazine Rochester. New York 14612 Southwestern, Kent Cornwell. P.O. Box 7235, mildly. (Taking accolades on good public feature writer. Or a TV editor. Who Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105 relations when you're attending the p.r. kn,ows? And when you do latch onto Sunshine, Steward Nichols, 617 DeSoto Lane, Indian Harbour Beach, Florlda 32937 society's annual convention isn't ex­ such a contact, be sure to let Burt actly hard to take.1 Schindler know, so he can help follow up And Past International Presidents Then I got to thinking about how on your efforts. Samuel Aramlan, 7202 W. LIbby Ave., PeorIa, that article came into being. Sure, the Arizona 85345 You want another example of good Roger Thomas. 3720 St. Andrews Blvd., International Office helped. Soc. Comm. public relations at work? Anyone see the Racine. WisconsIn 53405 Ernie Hills. Box 66, Medford, Oklahoma Oir. Burt Schindler orchestrated much of great bit on the two-time international 73759 the comings and goings. The Society's champion "Vocal Majority" Chorus on Bob Johnson was interviewed. But "P.M. Magazine"? Well, it came about International Office mostly the article came about because of because a new member of the Dallas Executive Director Barbershoppers who had sufficient inter· Metro Chapter was so excited about HUGH A. INGRAHAM est to push their Society at the right time barbershopping t.hat he told his station Music Education and Services with the right people. The moment I start about it. (His name's Nick Alexander and ROBERT D. JOHNSON, Director JOE E. LILES, Assistant naming names I'm going to be in trouble, he's production manager of a TV station Music Services Assistants because so many people contributed over in Dallas.) First thing you know the DAVE L. LABAR a considerable length of time. The article chorus is on the Dallas segment of "P.M, LYLE E. PETTIGREW took many months to dE!velop. And on a Magazine," and then the segment is DAVID M. STEVENS Communications number of fronts. picked up to be presented nationally on BURT SCHINDLER, Director Here are some of the people who Thanksgiving Day. Whalla' break I Communications Assistant were involved. Don McAvoy of San National stories developed by local ROBe OLLETT Diego, who told his brother·in·law all Barbershoppers. We sure 'ppreciatc that. Editor LEO W. FOBAnT Administrator, Field Services D. WILLIAM FITZGERALD Field Representatives TOM P.COGAN RON ROCKWELL PAT WARREN Finance and Administration DALLAS A. LEMMEN, Director Accounting & Membership Services FRANK E. SANTARELLl,Manager Telephone: (414) 654·9111 Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday (Contral Time) 2 THE HARMONIZER/JANUARY·FEBRUARY/1981 steadily since the early '50s. Enough zinc blanketed his bed. My role was mes­ young men do not exist to replace mem­ senger to the printers with copy, and I bers who quit or die. also served as copy reader. Letters Second. There are increases in num­ Those were the days that make happy bers by birth or immigrations of some (Editor's Note: From time to timo we receivo memories.
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