RFE/RL INC. DAIL, 3ROADCAST 1(2; BROADCAST ARCHIVE ANALYSES Rgc-R RADIO LIBERTY DAILY.BROADCAST ANALYSIS NO. 234 (A summary of the news coverage by the Russian- language programming appears at the end of the DBA.) Russian Daily Broadcast Analysis No. 234 for Saturday and Sunday, 1 and 2 October 1977 M. Gelischanow A. SOVIET TOPICS - POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, AND CULTURAL: 1. French Prime Minister Barre's Visit to the Soviet Union was the subject of WORLD THIS WEEK No. 371 (Salkazanova, P 6) of October 1. Both sides have stressed that they are aiming for a deepening of Soviet -French collaboration in industry and trade. The major problem in trade relations is that up to now a balance of payments has never been reached between France and the Soviet Union and the latter's debts are constantly growing. Another major topic of discussion was France's desire to have Air France's new airliner "air bus" fly Paris-Moscow, on which the Soviet Union has:' placed a series of conditions. In the political sphere the problems of detente and disarmament were discussed butthe situation in Africa a subject they both disagree on, was ignored. 2. Soviet-Chinese Relations. WORLD THIS WEEK No. 371 (Bykovsky, NY 4) of October 1 referred to the addresses of ,Foreign Ministers Andrei Gromyko and Huang Hua at the plenary meeting of the 32nd session of the UNGA. It was noted that Gromyko's speech was de- voted largely to detente and contained very little polemical material on China, while Huang Hua once again denounced the Soviet Union's imperialistic schemes in Africa, the Indian Ocean, and Europe. 3. Dissidents and Human Rights. SAMIZDAT REVIEW No. 295 (Fedoseyeva, M 29:30) of October I read the text of a document by lawyer Sofiya Kallistratova entitled "Some Remarks on the Occasion of the USSR Draft Constitution." SAMIZDAT REVIEW No. 296 (Fedoseyeva, M 27) of October 2 featured Larisa Bogaraz' and Anatoly Marchenko's "Letter to the Newspaper" and a humorous sketch by Pinkhas Podrabinek "On the Eve to Belgrade, on the Threshhold of.a Better Constitution in the World." These documents!were included in the appeal signed by 12 Soviet citizens and sent to the CPSU CC Politburo in connection with the nationwide discus'sion of the new Soviet draft constitution. Podrabinek's Punitive Medicine continued to be read in DOCUMENTS OF OUR TIME No. 135 (Burshtein, M 27) of October 1. Venedikt Yerofeyev's Moscow-Petushki continued to be read in UNPUBLISHED WORKS OF SOVIET AUTHORS No. 755 (Kunta, M 20:30) of October 1. 'Bulat Okudzhava's twa'songsThreei-Loves And The Song About the Moscow Subway were sung in Polish by Bogdan Lazuka and Woiciech Mlynarski in THEY SING No. 567 -(Mitina, M. 4:30) of October 1. 4. Soviet -American Relations wwere the subject of WORLD THIS WEEK No. 371 (Savemark, W 3) of October l'Which noted Gromyko's and President Carter's meeting in Washington and the apparent progress that has been made in the discussions on arms limitations, and excerpted parts of their announcements to the press. PANORAMA (Davydov, NY. 5) Ofbetqber 2 gave the substance of an article by Herbert Mayer in The New Leader .examining the Course. of US -Soviet relations, The author concluded that for the first time in past years the-Kremliis in need of the White House more than the White HOuse:pee4sthe,-KreMlin 5. SALT Negotiations.'. 'SIGNAL No. 113.11.(Predtechevsky, M 12) of October 2 discussed the possibilities of the.qualitativeasPects of the limitation of Soyiet-and.AmexiCan strategic weapons. -It was noted that the qualitative limitations were the Main elements of the plan -proposed by-Tresident:_Carter,for-it has become obvious with the years that the armsrade:hasbecome transformed from the sphere of the: quantitative:O.-the qualitative. The, program referred to the fact that both sides possess advantages in those fields in which thelOIAVe-COricentrated.their efforts, and if the eXisting.armS.stockSwere to be frozen, neither side would possess preemptive first -strike capability. 6. The Absurdity of Soviet Jubilee Celebrations was featured in - RADIO JOURNAL: THE. SOVIET UNION NO:.186:(Bplotserkovsky, M.6:30) of. October 1. As an example-cf Soviet', fetishism the case of 'Semen Tsvigun, first deputy .to the chairman of, 'the KGB who 'was awarded Hero of Socialist Labor in Connection with his. 60th birth- day,' was given. According to Soviet handbooks published before 1974, Tsvigun is actually 61, but as a gift 'to him (to be honored with the same age as the .0ctober.Revolutionsvig,un was rejuvenated by one year, The. program- noted 'that during the past 15 years . the' jubilee mania has readied ridiculous proportions and .analyzed the main reason for this. phenomenpn:diting:Floris Shragin.and Valentin Turchin's_Inertia,pf Fear,- These celebrations are designed to serve the purpose of detraCting.:attention from the everyday humdrum of life and filling peoples consciousness so that no.rooM:remains thbught’s.!’ .It is not by chance that the jubilee mania Coincicle'a with the anniversary of the dis- sident movement, 'the agricUlturaiarisis and 'a' slower pace of .economic growth:. -3- 7. Agriculture. RADIO. 'JOURNAL: THE SOVIET UNION No. .186 (Belotserkovsky and Kroncher, M 7) of .October 1 discussed the rather unexpected line taken .by the Soviet authorities increasing the recognition that the private sector plays. an important role in Soviet agriculture. Up tO .now the Soviet leaders have attempted to conceal the true economic importance of the private sector; namely, that the productiOnOfa fourth of. all agricultural gross output comes from private farms. KOmabmolskaya Praxda and Izvestiya stated that s.a. phrase noting.the.necessity of developing the support of private farms should be included in the.constitution'as a testimony to the long-range significance accorded to these farms. _This.newattitude means that the. Soviet regime has admitted that.the:governMent section by itself is. not capable of supplying the demands of its citizens, and noted that praOtice sometimes causes a.retreat from dogmatic theory, that in this case may become a:serious liability, -but that the . attitude May again changa.underrthe influence of party dogmatism. 8. The Launching of the Soviet Space Station Salyut -6, most. .probably a.saluta to the 20th anniversary. of the space era and- the 60th anniversary of the. October revolution, was reported on WORLD .THIS WEEK No. 371 '(Muaiin;..MY:4) Of October 1. 9. CPSU-East German CP Relations was the topic of PROBLEMS OF INTERNATIONALISM No. 24 (Silnitsky, NY 9) 'Of October 2. The program recalled the history of the, East German CP, noting the purges and the process of "bolshevization" in the party. Melvin Krone, who analyzed the results of socialist construction in East Germany, 'published in Communist States in Disorder, was cited. 10 A Review of the .New Edition of BorisScUvarine's Book "Stalin" .which appeared in Le Monde Diplothatique was featured in PANORAMA (Mirsky, P 5) of October 2. 'Boris Souvarine was one of the founders and later secretary, of the Third International from which he.was later excluded; li. History.. FIFTY YEARS AGO .THIS WEEK No. 157 (Gendler, NY 13:30) of October 2' examined and compared' the enormous changes in the connotation of.historial events, people and .terms in the Bolshaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya of 1927 to the same topics listed in the subsequent twO editions. of this encyclopedia. .The ..prOgram noted that at first glance the latest. edition Of the Bolshaya Sovetskaya EntsiklopediYa seems to show the greatest reserve and deliberation in the wording, but upon closer inspection the careful planning is seen to' be of the kind that denies the readers the so-called objective truth. THE STATE OF SOCIETY IN .TOTALITARIAN COUNTRIES No. 62 (Agursky, Isr 6:30) of October -1 presented an interpretation of Soviet history .which analyzes. it as a continuous network of conspiracies, parti- cularly flourishing during the Stalinist period of Soviet history and culminating in the trials of the 19.30s.. The program was based .on Robert Tucker's book Sviet Political Thought.. Tucker. analyzed Stalin's tendency to imagine himself surrounded by spies and enemies as a paranoia that Sawany.opposition to or criticism of him as evidence:.of.deepseated,treachery:.: 'RETURNING TO :HISTORYNa. 13 Menkina, M. 29) of October 1. recalled the events in Russia during the thitd week of September sixty years ago focusing on the_lagt days.of.the.Democratic Conference in Petrograd. The Democratic COhference formed the Russian Democratic Council apre-parliament,to which the Provisional. Government had to reply government staff. From Finland Lenin insisted that the Bolsheviks boycott the pre- parliament and propagated the immediate seizure of PoWer. The program excerpted from ConteMporaivnewspapers and passages from books concerning that period 12. :The Emigre Press REVIEW OF THE RUSSIAN -LANGUAGE FOREIGN PRESS No. 57 :(SchajoVici,::M 13). of'DCtober'l presented the con- siderably abridged text ofGyuzel Amalrik's reminiscences of her meeting in a prison. camp in. the-areafof Magadan with her husband Andrei. Amalrik in the winter,of.1.971.;'.published in Kontinent Nr. 11140 B. CROSS -REPORTING: AND. OTHER TOPICS OF COMMUNIST AFFAIRS: 1. Eurocommunism was featutedon:ROUND-TABLE TALK. No. 317 (Matusevich,:A..Vardy, Raht; and:Bensi, M 20) of October 1 which discussed the following asPects.of'EuraCommUnisM: the forthcoming trip of Spanish CPSecretary,.Santiagb,Cartillo to Moscow, the crisis of the left coalition in France, and the rejection of the "Marxist-Leninist" dogma by, one 'of the leaders of the PCI. 2. The. CPR. .-PEKING AND; ITS 'POLICY No. 438 .(Shilaeff, of October .2 examined the revised charter 'adopted at the Eleventh Party Congress and ComPared'some points of this charter to the one of 1969.
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