NATO UNCLASSIFIED and EXEMPLAIRE 1 DISCLOSED N" PUB CO,*P V 530 ORIGINAL :- ENG-LIGH -NATO OEORET 23rd April, 1953 SUMMARY"RECORD C-R(53)20 ! Summary Record.of a meeting of the Council held at the Palais de Chaillot, Paris, on Thursday, 23rd April at 11 a.m. PRESENT Chairman: The Lord Ismay BELGIUM' H.E. Mr, P, van Zeeland 'Minister for Foreign.Affairs) Mr. A.E, Janssen Minister of Finance)- - Col. B.E.M.E. de Greef Minister of National Defence) Mr. A. de Staercke kPermanent Representative) CANADA The Hon. L.B. Pearson (Secretary of State for External Affairs) The Hon. Brooke Claxton ^Minister of National Defence) The-Hon, D.C. Ahhott Minister of Finance) The Hon, A.D.P. Heeney .Permanent Representative) DENMARK H.E, Mr. de Steensen-Leth (Permanent Representative) PRANCE H.E. Mr. Georges Bidault I Minister for Foreign Affairs) Mr. René Pleven Minister of -National Defence) Mr. Bourges-Maunoury (Minister .of Finance) H.E. Mr. Hervé Alphand .Permanent Representative) GREECE H.E. Mr. Stefanos Stefanopoulos (Minister for Foreign Affairs DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED H.E. Mr. Panayotis Kanellopoulos(Minister'of'National Defence H.E. Mr. Georges Exintaris (Permanent Representative) ICELAND Mr. Bjarni Benediktsson (Minister for Foreign Affairs) Mr . Hermann Jona s s on ('Minister for Agriculture and •..Communications; Mr. Gunnlaugur Pétursson (permanent Representative) .. ITALY •The Hon. Alcide de Gasperi (Prime Minister & Minister for- Foreign Affairs) The Hon. Randolfo Pacciardi [Defence Minister) The Hon; Giuseppe Pella ^vIinister of Treasury) H.E. Mr. Alherto Rossi Longhi .Permanent Representative) LUXEMBOURG H.E. Mr. J. Bech >Minister for Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. M, Rasquin Minister of Economic Affairs Mr, N, Hommel- ,Permanent Representative) NETHERLANDS Mr. J.W. Beyen . [Minister for Foreign Affairs) Mr. C. Staf .Minister of Defence) Mr. J.A. van de Kieft minister of Finance) H.E. Jonkheer A.W.L. Tjarda van Starkenhorgh Stachouwer (Permanent Representative ) NORWAY Mr. H. Lange • • 'Minister for Foreign Affairs) Mr. N. Langhelle ^Minister of Defence) H.E. Mr. Arne Skaug .Permanent Representative) PORTUGAL Dr. Paulo Cunha [Minister for Foreign Affairs) Col, Santos Costa ^Minister of. Defence) Dr. Pinto Barhosa ^Secretary of Treasury) H.E. Comte de Tovar .Permanent Representative) TURKEY Prof. Fäat Köprülu (Minister for Foreign Affairs) H.E. Mr. Fatin R. Zorlu (Permanent Representative) UNITED KINGDOM The Rt. Hon. R.A. Butler, M.P. (Chancellor of the Exchequer). The Rt. Hon* Earl Alexander of Tunis [Minister of Defence) The Rt. Hon Selwyn.Lloyd >Minister of State) The Rt. Hon.'Duncan Sandys Minister of Supply) Sir Frederick Hotter Millar ^Permanent Representative) DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED UNITED STATES The Hon4 John Foster Dulles [Secretary of State). The Hon. George M. Humnhrey (Secretary of Treasury) The Hon. Charles E'. Wilson [Secretary of Defence) The Hon, Harold E, Stassen Director of Mutual Security) The Hon. William H. Draper, Jr. ,US Special Representative in Europe) INTERNATIONAL STAFF Mr. H. van Vredenburch (Deputy Secretary General) Mr. S. Penoaitea (Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs) Mr. D. Luke Hopkins (Assistant Secretary General for Production & Logistics) Mr. R, Sergent (Assistant Secretary General for Economic Affairs) Mr. R.D. Coleridge (Executive Secretary) CONTENTS Item Subject Page No, I- Chairmanship of the Council ; 1 II. Message from President Eisenhower 1 III. Communique Drafting Group 2 IV. Report by the Secretary General, including progress made on Article II problemsand non-military aspects of defence 2 V. Soviet Policys including a review of 8 recent developments I DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED -1- NATO SECRET Zfbtoi LlTlz Jil Jliiw C-R(53)20 N/ nat.o. unclassified , - I. CHAIRMANSHIP OF THE COUNCIL ; 1. THE DANISH PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE said that he had been asked by his Government to express to the Council their sincere regret that the political situation in Denmark had prevented .them from sending ministerial representatives to the present meeting. He had also been asked by the Chairman of the Council, . Mr. Kraft, to express his personal regrets and those of Mr, Kristensen at their inability to be present to. meet their colleagues. Mr. Kraft had asked him to remind the Council of the decision "taken at Lisbon which read as follows: "The Secretary General should serve as Vice-Chairman of the Council and should preside in the absence of the . Chairman.18 2. Subject, therefore, to the approval of the Council, Mr. Kraft hoped that this rule would be applied on this occasion and that Lord Ismay would take the chair.. 3,. IßR. BIDAULT (Prance) supported the proposal by the Danish Representative, which.was in conformity with the rüles of the Organization, and proposed that Lord Ismay should take the chair forthwith. A* LORD ISMAY then took the chair. He said that he was sure that the Council would share his regrets at the absence of their Danish friends. They would particularly miss their Chairman, Mr. Kraft, who had guided their deliberations at the last Conference with so much patience and skill. 3. THE DANISH PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE said that he had been instructed to state that the Danish Government fully appreciated the importance of the decisions which the present Conference iwould• take, and that they certainly had no intention of making the Council's task more difficult. He hoped, nevertheless, that it would be ^ realised that he must reserve an opportunity for the Danish • Government that was to be formed to make-known at a later stage their final position with regard to such decisions as might involve action by Denmark. TIiE COUNCIL: took note of the. statement by the. Danish Representative., i N.ÄXO UMCl AScURFH - ÏÏ. lIESSiTGE FROIvrPRESIDENT EISENHOWER 1 6. MR. DULLES (.United States) read to the Council a message DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED from President Eisenhower .(for text of this message, see Press Release ). 7. THE COUNCIL: took note of President Eisenhower's message. r-rm N.A.T.O. UNCLASSiFiED III, COMMUNIQUE' DRAFTING' GROUP 8. THE CHAIRMAN reminded the Council of the difficulties which invariably attended the drafting of the final communique at Ministerial Meetings. To.minimise those difficulties, he suggested that preliminary drafts should he prepared after each session of the Council, dealing with the work carried out at that session. He invited each delegation to nominate one representative to sit on this drafting group. 9. THE COUNCIL approved the Chairman's proposal. IV 4 REPORT BY THE SECRETARY GENERAL. INCLUDING PROGRESS MADE ON . ARTICLE II PROBLEMS, AND NON-MILITARY ASPECTS OF DEFENCE • Document: C-M (53 )^-5 and Addendum, f 10. • THE CHAIRMAN, speaking as Secretary General, pointed out that though only four and a half months had elapsed since, his last .' report, hé thought that the present Conference would provide him with an opportunity of telling Ministers of the progress that had been made since the December meeting. Though there had been no startling developments- since his last report, there were two or three particular points which he wished to ventilate. " 11. The first related to the site for NATO Headquarters. In paragraphs 7 to 11 he regretted to have to report that the Council -had changed its mind about the site of the new Headquarters for NATO, which the French Government, at the request of the Council, had so generously purchased. Since drafting the report, he had seen the Prime Minister of France, Mr. René Mayer, and told him , that it was the earnest wish of the Council that a further effort should be made to find some suitable site nearer the centre of Paris. Mr. Mayer had agreed to discuss the matter with his colleagues in the Cabinet, as well as with the Paris Municipal Authorities. 12. Meanwhile, certain facts had to be recognised: (a) for. practical and political reasons,NATO could not remain indefinitely in the Palais de Chaillot; (b) the selection of any site in Paris would mean further delay and increased-expenditure (c) if no site in Paris could be found NATO would DECLASSIFIED - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ - MISE EN LECTURE PUBLIQUE LECTURE EN - MISE / DÉCLASSIFIÉ DISCLOSURE - PUBLIC DECLASSIFIED have to mov e to Bol-Air : -. (d) if this should be necessary it would, -in his opinion, be deplorable from the point of view of team-work if all, or at least most, of the delegations did not move to the same offices • as the International Staff, 15. His second point' related to off -sIioi,a.^m.c.ur .e.ment... After he had circulated his report, he had been: able to complete . the paragraph on off-shore procurement circulated as an addendum to he inserted as paragraph 21A. The paragraph spoke for itself, but he wanted to emphasise that this was the first occasion.on which the International Staff had been used for this kind of work, and to express the hope that it would not he.the last, l"v , a» r 14. Thirdly, he had a point to make with regard to information in paragraphs 23 and 2k of the Report. He" referred. ',» to the indisputable fact that the general public in most, if not all, member countries were very ignorant of what NATO was about. Men and women could not be expected to make exertions .and sacrifices for a cause that they did not understand and in which they did not necessarily believe. Many people appeared to imagine that the present ignorance and apathy was d.ue to the failure of the International Staff, particularly the Public Relations Staff, and himself.
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