www.slaas.lk Vol.14 No. 2 May—Aug 2019 Biotechnology Symposia Series The applications of biotechnology are broad, and the advan- trial Technology Institute followed by presentations Culture tages compelling, so that developments are underway in a vs. nature or nature in culture: a historical review on Biology multiplicity of areas. Therefore, awareness and dissemination related activities in Sri Lanka by Prof. Raj Somadeva of knowledge of the vast potential of biotechnological appli- (Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of Ke- cations is of utmost importance. The Sri Lankan National laniya), Our genetic resources and traditional medicine by Biotechnology Dr. Danister Perera (Ayurveda Physician), Traditional knowl- Policy adopted edge and organic agriculture by Prof. P. I. Yapa (Professor in in 2010, also Ecological Agriculture, University of Sabaragamuwa), Conven- highlights the tional biotechnology: application of prebiotics and probiot- need to create ics in the food industry by Dr. Ilmi Hewajulige (Senior Deputy awareness on Director, Food Technology Section, ITI). The legal and socio- biotechnology logical aspects were discussed by Dr. Sampath Punchihewa among the (Faculty of Law, University of Colombo) - Intellectual property public, to en- rights of traditional knowledge based biotechnology: a Sri hance oppor- Lankan perspective and by Prof. Subhangi Herath tunities for (Department of Sociology, University of Colombo) - Sociologi- local industries through biotechnology, to build human re- cal aspects concerning traditional knowledge based biotech- sources, establish centers of excellence in biotechnology and nology. biotechnology parks, and to establish a National Biotechnol- The second symposium on the theme “Research and applica- ogy Council. tions of Reproductive Biotechnology in Sri Lanka” was held on June 11th 2019 at the Auditorium of the National Blood With all this in view, in 2019, the year that the SLAAS cele- Transfusion Services, Colombo 5. Emeritus Prof Harshalal Se- brates 75 years of excellence and endeavor in promoting sci- neviratne from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecol- ence in Sri Lanka declared the theme of the year as ogy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo addressed “Biotechnology for a sustainable future”. the gathering as the key note speaker on In line with this timely theme, a series of symposia focusing the timely topic, on the main branches of Biotechnology have been planned in Research and appli- order to create awareness on this interdisciplinary branch of cations of repro- Science and Technology, to build a dialogue between biotech- ductive biotechnol- nologists and the industry, and to take account of the gaps ogy in Sri Lanka: that need to be addressed in the future. The symposia have past perspectives, been organized by the Science & Technology Advisory Com- current status & mittee (STAC), and the Sectional Committees A, B, D, E2 and F future trends. Prof of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Seneviratne also shared his experiences in Ethical, Legal, So- and co-organized by the Ministry of Science, Technology and cial and Religious issues of human reproductive biotechnol- Research. ogy. A panel comprising of local experts in the field of Repro- The first symposium was held on 30th May 2019 at the ITI ductive Biotechnology who also shared their knowledge and Auditorium on the theme “Research and applications of tra- expertise with the participants were Prof. Basil Alexander ditional knowledge based biotechnologies in Sri Lanka: past (Department of Farm Animal Production and Health, Faculty perspectives, current status and future trends”. The key note of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science, University of address was by Dr Sirimal Premakumara, Faculty of Nursing, Peradeniya) on Recent Advances in Animal Reproductive Bio- University of Colombo. Former Director General on the Indus- technologies, Prof. Sumedha Wijeratne (Laboratory Director, SLAAS "Vidya Mandiraya" 120/10, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07. Tel: 2688740/2691681 Fax: (+94) 0112691681 Edited by Prof. Nelum Deshapriya & Sajani Dias; Designed by Kasun Jayasinghe; Printed by Sarangi Printers Vindana Reproductive Center) on Development in human From Research to Industry by Ms Vajirapani de Silva (Senior reproductive biotechnologies in Sri Lanka: a saga of 20 Scientist/ Technical Manager, Genetech Molecular Diagnos- years, Prof. Sharaine Fernando (Department of Physiology, tics & Head, School of Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewar- Gene Technology), denepura) on Exogenous and endogenous factors affecting Anti-cancer effects of the sperm and Dr. Manoj Bandara (Department of Pre- natural products by Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kothalawala Defense Prof. Priya Weeras- University) on Stem Cells in Reproductive Biotechnology: inghe (Assistant Pro- Current and Future Perspectives and challenges. fessor , Director Mor- pho-proteomics re- The third symposium was held on 25th July 2019 at the Audi- search lab, University torium of the Institute of Architects on the theme “Research of Texas, USA), Stem and applications of Medical Biotechnology in Sri Lanka: cell research in disease biology by Dr. Hemali Goonasekera past perspectives, current status & future trends”. The key (Consultant Haematologist & Senior Lecturer, Faculty of note speaker was Prof. Charani Ranasinghe, Associate Pro- Medicine, University of Colombo) and Use of hybridoma fessor and Group Leader at the Molecular Mucosal Vaccine technology for vivax malaria vaccine development by Prof. Immunol- Preethi Udagama (Senior Professor in Zoology University of ogy, Austra- Colombo and General President, SLAAS). lian Na- tional Uni- The symposia were attended by many senior academics and versity fol- undergraduate and post graduate students from state and lowed by non-state universities and institutions facilitating the aware- presenta- ness needed to use Biotechnology towards sustainable de- tions by velopment of Sri Lanka. eminent Symposia on agricultural, industrial, environmental biotech- local and nology and nanobiotechlogy as well as on bioinformatics and foreign ex- two workshops on Biotech entrepreneurship and Biotech perts in the methods (sponsored by The Nations Trust Bank and BioRad field of Medical Biotechnology on The impact of advances respectively) will be organised in the near future and the in genome sequencing technologies on medicine by Prof. culmination would be the theme seminar on Biotechnology Vajira H W Dissanayake (Head & Chair and Sen- to be held during the annual sessions. ior Professor of Anatomy and Director, Human Genetics Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo), GENETECH- Section A Thalassemia awareness and screening programme was conducted on 27.06.2019 at Mahamaya Balika Vidya- The following paper articles were published laya mahara Kadawatha. Over 300 school children ( A/ L). Participated. The activity was coordinated and con- Ayurveda Neuro nutrient (Rasayana) Therapy for ducted by Dr. Shiromi Perera. Brain Aging, Suwaya Magazine, April issue, 2019. A lecture discussion on Prevent of non-communicable Written by Dr. Kamal Perera diseases in antenatal period was conducted on Ayurveda Management for Auto Immune Disorders 01/07/2019 from 9.30 am to 12.30 noon. At the Na- (Managing Ojo Visramsa)for Ceylon digest magazine, tional Institute on Traditional Medicine, Navinna, Ma- Written by Dr. Kamal Perera, haragama. Seventy Six Ayurveda community medical Ayurveda view on emesis gravidarum for Tharuni officers participated in this. Activity coordinated by Newspaper, Written by Dr. Kaumadi Karunagoda department of Ayurveda and conducted by Dr Kaumadi Ayurveda view on common gynecological condition Karunagoda for Mavbima Sunday paper published on 26th of May 2019 by wrttein by Dr. Kaumadi Karuna- The following Radio programm/s were conducted goda Published on 13th of May 2019 Radio program on scientific background of Ayurveda Breast milk for Divayina newspaper published on 03rd daily routine on 04/07/2019 from 9 – 10 pm (one-hour of June, 2019 radio program). Venue: SLBC. Activity coordinated by Nutrition at 2nd trimester of pregnancy for Tharuni SLAAS and conducted by Dr. Kaumadi Karunagoda News paper, by Dr. Kaumadi Karunagoda Published Newsletter th on 10 of June 2019 The e-Newsletter of Section A was circulated all members in May. “Biotechnology for a Sustainable Future” Section B mango. In order to address the problem, two experts of SLAAS section B comittee, Dr.R.M. Dharmadasa and Section B collaborated with the University of Kelaniya to Mr.Sumith Sisira Kumara visited the affected sites at establish a medicinal plant garden with the aims of inte- grating scientific research, species conservation, and public education. Initial site visit was made on May 15, 2019, necessary plants were identified and site preparation activities were finalized Dr. GGT Chandrathilake (President), Dr. R.M.Dharmadasa (Vice-President), Dr. Rangika Bandara (Committee member), Meegahajadura, Hambanthota, District. Necessary in- Dr. R.P. Wanigathunge (Committee member) and Mr. structions were given to the Mango farmers in the area Mr.N.M. Aruna Shantha (Curator, University of Kelaniya) at- in order to mitigate the problem. Also the farmers were tended for the event. given organic pest control formulae for application. In recent past the most of the TJC mango cultivated in dry zone area were badly affected from newly emerged pest and disease problems by downgrading quality of
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