CRAFTSMAN° 27715 e Instruction manual Manuel d'instructions Manuale di istruzioni Please read these instaJ_ons care- Memi de lire tr_s attentivemant le Pnma di utilizzare la macchina leggeta fully and make sure you understand manuel d'instructions. Assurez-vous quaste istruzioni con attenzicoe ed ac- them before using this machine. d'avoir tout compds avant d'utiliser ce cedatevi di aveds compress bene. tracteur. Anleitungshandbuch Instructieboekje Bitta lesan Sis diese Anleitungen sorg- Manual de las instrucciones Lees deze instructies aandachtig an f_iltigdutch und vergewissem Sie sich, Pot favor lea cui_dasamente y com- zorg dat u ze begdjpt voordat u deze dab Sis diese verstehen, bevor Sie die prenda estas intrucciones antes machine gebruikt. Maschine in Betdeb nehmen. de usar asta maquina. Safety rules. Reglas de seguridad. 1 Sicherheitsvorschdften. Norme antinfortunistiche. Rbgles de s6curit_. Veiligheidsregels. 3 Assembly. Montaje. 2 Zusammenbau. Montaggio. Montage. Montering. 18 Functional description. Descripci6n del funcionamiento. 3 Funktionsbeschreibung. Funzionamento. Description du fonctionnement. Beschrijving van functies. 26 Before starting. Antes del arranque. 4 MaBnahmen vor dem Anlassen. Prima dell'awiamento. Avant de d_marrer. Maatregelen v66r het starten. 34 Driving. Conducci6n. 5 Betrieb. Guida. Conduite. Rijden. 37 Maintenance, adjustment. Mantenimiento, ajuste. 6 Wartung (Instandhaltung), Einstellung. Manutenzione. Entretien, r_glages. Onderhoud, afstelling. 44 Troubleshooting. Bdsqueda de averfas. 7 St6rungssuche. Ricerca guasti. Recherche des pannes. Het Iocaliseren van fouten. 60 Storage. Conservaci6n. 8 Aufbewahrung. Rismessaggio. Remisage. Stallen. 63 We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice. Anderungen ohne vorherige Mitteilung sind vorbehalten. Nous nous r6servons le droit d'apporter des modifications sans avis prdalable. Nos reservamos el derecho a introducir modificaciones sin previo aviso. Ci riserviamo il diritto di modifiche o cambiamenti senza preavviso. Wij houden ons het recht voor om veranderingen aan te brengen zonder voorafgaande mededeling. 2 1. Safety Rules Safe Operation Practices for Ride-On Mowers IMPORTANT: THIS CUI-rlNG MACHINE IS CAPABLE OF AMPUTATING HANDS AND FEET AND THROWING OBJECTS. FAILURE TO OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. @ I. Training IlL Operation Readtheinstrueitonscarefully.Befamiliarwiththecontrots Do not operate the engine in a confined space where andthe properuseof the equipment. dangerous carbon monoxide fumes can collect. • Neverallowchildrenorpeopleunfamiliarwiththeinstruc- Mow only in daylight or in good artfficial light. tionstousethelawnmower.Localregulationsmayrestdct Before attempting to start the engine, disengage all blade the age of the operator. attachment clutches end shift into neutral. • Nevermowwhilepeople,especiallychildren,orpetsare DO not use on slopes of more than 10 °. nearby. Remember there is no such thing as a =safe" slope. Travel • Keepinmindthat the operatoror useris responsible_r on grassslopes requires particular care. To guard against accidentsor hazardsoccurringto otherpeopleor their property. oveduming; - do not stop or atart suddenly when goiog up ordown- • Do notcarrypassengers. hill; Alldriversshouldseekandobtainprofessionalandprac- - engage clutch slowly, always keep machine in gear, ticalinstruction.Suchinstructionshouldemphasize: especially when traveling downhill; - the need forcare and concentrationwhenworking - machine speeds should be kept low on slopes and withride-onmachines; during tight turns; - controlof a ride-onmachinesliding on a slopewill - stay alert for humps and hollows and other hidden notbe regainedbythe applicationof the brake. hazards; The mainreasonsfor lossof controlare: - never mow across the face of the slope, unless the a) insufficientwheelgrip; lawnmower is designed for this purpose. b) beingdriventoofast; Use care when pulling loads or using heavy equipment. c) inadequatebraking; - Use only approved drawbar hitch points° d) thetype of machine is unsuitableforitstask; - Limit loads to those you can safely control e) lack of awareness of the effect of ground - Do not turn sharply. Use care when reversing. conditfens,especiallyslopes; - Use counterweight(s) or wheel weights when sug- f) incorrecthitchingandloaddistribution. gested in the instruction handbook. Watch out for traffic when crossing or near roadways. II. Preparation Stop the blades from rotating before crossing surfaces • While mowing, alwayswear substantialfootwearandlong other than grass. trousers. Do nut operate the equipment when barefoot When using any attachments, never direct discharge of or wearing open sandals. material toward bystanders nor allow anyone near the • Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is to machine while in operation. be usedancl remove all objectswhich may be thrown by Never operate the lawnmower with defective guards, the machine. shields or without safety protective devices in place. WARNING - Petrol is highly flammable. Do notchange the engine governor settings or overspeed - Store fuel in containers specifically designed for this the engine. Operating the engine at excessive speed may purpose. increase the hazard of personal injury. Refuel outdoors only and do not smoke while rafu- Before leaving the operator's position: sling. - disengage the power take-off and lower the attach- - Add fuel before star'dngthe engine. Never remove ments; the cap.of the fuel tank oradd petrol while the engine - change into neutral and set the parking brake; is mnmng or when the engine is hot. - stop the engine and remove the key. - If petrol is spilled do not attempt to start the engine but move the mechine away from the arsa of sp age Disengage drive to attachments, stop the engine, and and avoid creating any source of ignition until petrol disconnect the spark plug wire(s) or remove the ignition vapors have dissipated. key. - Replace all fuel tanks and container caps securely. before cleaning blockages or unclogging chute; Replace faulty silencers. before checking, cleaning or working on the lawn- mower; Before using, always visually inspect to see that the blades, blade bolts and cutter assembly are not worn or - afterstrikingaforeignobject. Inspectthelawnmower damaged. Replace worn or damaged blades and bolts for damage and make repairs before restading and in sets to preserve balance. operating the equipment; if the machine starts to vibrate abnormally (check On multi-bladed machines, takecars as rotating one blade can cause other blades to rotate. immediately). Disengage drive to attachments when transporting or not in use. Stop the engine and disengage drive to attachment - before refueling; - before removing the grass catcher; - before making height adjustment unless adjustment can be made from the operator's position. 3 • Reducethethrottiosettingduringenginerun-outand, if the engineis providedwitha shut-offvalve,tum the fuel offatthe conclusionof mowing. IV. Maintenance and Storage • Keep all nuts, boltsand screws tight to be sure the equip mant is in safe working condition. • Never store the equipment with patrol in the tank inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame or spark. • Allow the engine to cool before storing in any enclo- sure. • To reduce the fire hazard, keep the engine, silencer, bat- tery compartment and patrol storage area free of grass, leaves, or excessive grease. • Check the grass catcher frequently for wear or dete- rioration. • Replace worn or damaged parts for safety. • If the fuel tank has to be drained, this should be done outdoors. • On multi-bladedmachines,take care as rotatingone bladecan cause otherbladesto rotate. • When machine isto be parked, stored or leftunattended, lower the cuffing means unless a positive mechanical WARNING:lock is used.Always disconnect spark plug wire and place wire where it cannot contact spark plug in order to prevent accidental starting when setting up, transporting, adjusting or making repairs. 4 1. Sicherheitsvorschriften & Regeln for die sichere Bedienung von Rasentraktoren WICHTIG: DIESE M_HMASCHINE KANN HANDE UND FOSSE ABTRENNEN U ND GEGENSTANDE MIT HOHER GESCHWlND GKEIT SCHLEUDERN. NICHTBEACHTUNG DER FOLGENDEN SICHERHEITSVORSCHRIFTEN KONNTE SCHWERE ODER T(_)DLICHE VERLETZUNGEN ZUR FOLGE HABEN. I. SCHULUNG • Vordem Gebrauch immermiteiner SichtprOfungsicherstek • DieAnleitungensorgf_itigdurchlesen. Mitden Bedien- =an,dab Mt_=hmeeser,Meeserschrauben und die IVl_ein- ungselementenunddervorschriftsmABigenBedienung he.it nicht abgenut_., oder besch_digt sind. Abgenutzte derMaschinevertrautmachen. ooer Desch_digte Meeser und Schrauben ersetzen, um • Auf keinen Fall Kindern oder Erwachsenen, die mit der Auswuchtung zu gew_hrleisten. Bedienungsanlaltung des M_hers nicht vertraut sind, • Bei Maschinen mit mehreren M&hmessem ist Vorsicht den Betrieb der Meschine gestatten.Das Mindestalter _e_ten, da beim Drehen alnes M_hmeesers die endemn van Fahrern ist wom6glich gesetznch geregelt. messer sich womlSglichmit drehen. • Auf keinen Fall m_hen, solange sich andere, besonders Kinder oder Haustiere, im Arbeitsbereich befinden. III. BETRIEB • Bitte denken Sie damn, dab der Fahrer oder Benutzer MeschinenichtinalnemgeschloesenenBemichbetmiben, for jegliche Unf_lle oder Gefahren, denen endere oder indemdiegefShdichenKohlenmoxydgasesichsammeln deren Eigentum ausgesetzt werden, vemntwort]ich ist. k6nnen. • Bef6rdem Sie keine Passagiere. Nur bei Tageslicht oder guter kitnstlicher Beleuchtung
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