In Section 2 In Sports There's a Football An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper reason suffers to stick first defeat around page B 10 Newark page B I Non-profit Org. FREE U.S. Postage Pazd TUESDAY Newark, DE Permit No. 26 Volume 122, Number 21 250 Student Center, University a~ Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 November 14, 1995 T_he players may not have been the only losers Saturday University asks state gov't for$87.2M The annual budget request for fiscal year 1997 is4 percent more than last year BY KRISTIN COLLINS the state wi ll give at least as much as Adminislrtllh·e Nt!W.'i Editor th e previous year, and asks the DOVER - The university made its university to present only the special first play in th e annual budget game Jines increases they are seeking. Thursday, aski ng the state for a total The uni versity's requests for of $87.2 million in o perati o ns special lines increases, whi ch do no( funding for fiscal year 1997. include the general operations sum, Administrators expect the school were divided into four areas : to receive an approx imate 4 percent sc holarships, teaching, research and - or $3.4 million - increase over service to the community and state. last year's state funding. The requests must be prioritized Senior Vice President David because the state rarely gives Hollowell said there is more reason everything the to be optimi stic thi s year because the univers it y asks state normally predicts an increase of for, and a THE REVIEW I A li sa Colley only 3 percent. What's more, for the specific amount During Saturday's march of the brigade, Delaware mascot YoUDee steals a cap from a Navy midshipman, an act first time the state budget office of increase mu t viewed by a majority of the booing crowd as a glaring faux pas. The ceremony took place prior to the Veterans Day asked the university to s ub mit be requested for Delaware-Navy football game, the Hens' first loss of the season. funding requests for an additional 2 each program. percent, in case they are able to give The top a 6 percent increase. budget priority "We' re hoping there's a little w a s more money to send o ur way thi s scholarships, for Roselle year," Ho ll owell said. "but we' re not w hi ch they taking it to the bank yet." requested a $298.800 increase. Of Dole dogs Delaware, favors New Hampshire State funding composes that s um . $100 ,000 will go to approximately 20 pe rcent of the scholarships for women· s athletics. university budget. Hollowell said the President Davi d P. Roselle said in Only 4 of 10 Republican presidential candidates will visit the First State for the primary amount has fallen from about 33 his presentation to the state budget percent because of the state's fai lure BY DEREK HARPER Delaware is at the losing end of H am p sh ire primary. The announcement, Merrill gave his director that the university was to keep up with inflation and National/Stare Neu s Ed /lor an ongoing skirmish with New govern or of New H ampshire, official support to the Dole attempting to comply with Title IX , university expansion. Sen. Bob Dole has become the Hampshire over the timing of the Stephen Merrill, had complained campaign . The Manches ter which requires equal athletic Hollowell said most of the state's latest in a growing field of primary. about the date of D e laware's Union Leader reported his money is used for general see BUDGET page A9 Republican presidential Dole's announcement annoyed voting, claiming New Hampshire support came with a promise by operations, which means_ it is given candidates who have forsaken many local po litical figures who needs a full week to ensure their Dole not to enter into the to the universit) in a lump sum with campaigning in Dclawarc· s Feb. do not like DelawaTe being st::1t1; " •' r;.··t primary of the Delaware primary. Ri <.:Is denies no mandated use. The uni versity 24 presidential primary in favor unappreciated as an earl y pre ~,de r,u,, <~m pm gn . this. uses this mo ney mostly for of New Hamp hire 's Feb. 20 p nmary. New H aP1pshire state officials .. That is absolutely false ," Student professors ' salaries a nd gene ra l pnmary. " I think Delaware will be a have "'id th, y would not support Rivers said ... There is no deal instructional support. Wedne day·s announceme nt place that you really need to a candi date that campaigned between Dole and Merrill. Do le This year, the general operati ons put Dole ( R - Kan . ) in the win," said Basil Battaglia, state here, s..ty ing they have a tradition has not campaigned in Delaware, stabbed on request amounted to $70.5 million. company of three other Republican chairman. He said to uph o ld that goes back 75 has not a ppeared in Delaware, The university must s how a Republicans who ha\'e said they the s tate has a diverse mix o f years. and Merrill's endorsement has pecific need for any extra money wi II not campaign in the state people from around the country "New Hampshire has pledged nothing to do with that." Academy and explain in its proposal which when Delaware holds its first who have s uccessfully voted for to keep their primary first in th e Neither s tate can offer much in programs, call ed special lines, A 20-year-old male universi ty presidential primary next year. the winner of every presidential nation. Now, you can take that the overa ll reckoning of require thi s addi ti onal funding, student was stabbed while walking Additionally , Dole has n ot contes t si nce 1948. whatever way you want to," said delegates. Of the I ,98 1 wh ich comprises $ 10.2 mi Ilion of past the Academy Street basketball filed in the s tate to be on the Delaware 's primary IS Jim Rivers. Gov. M e rrill 's press Republican delegates, Delaware thi s year's request. courts early Saturday morning, ballot and will not be on th e scheduled to be the second in the se<. retary. has only 12 , or 0.6 percent of the Hollowell said the board assumes according to Capt. Jim Flatley of On the same d ay as Dole ' s primary ticket in February. nat io n, four days after the New see DOLE page A8 Universi ty Police. According to Flat ley. at approxi mate ly I :20 a.m. the victim was walking a lo ne past the UMass basketball courts when he heard running footsteps behind him. He watched a male suspect pass We'll be him and then fe lt a pain in his upper speech arm, Flatley said. As the uspect walked away, the victim realized he there for TV, was bleeding. proposal The victim proceeded to the corner of Amstel Avenue and hanging out Orchard Road where he encount ered three passers-by who notified under fire police. he said. The victim was transported to and java Christi ana Emergency Room with BY PHILIP SHOZDA an apparen t knife stab wound, Sran Reporter Flatley said. A proposal at the University of With a 40% lead, 'Friends' . ' . Po li ce gave the fo llowing Mas achusetts at Amherst designed - surprzse, surprzse - zs description of the suspect: a 6-foot to b roaden protection agai nst white male with a thi n build and hara s ment has been criti cized as the university's favorite straight brown hair. The uspect was unconstitutional and stining of free wearing a red sh irt and jeans at the peech. BY MATT MANOCHIO Adminisrmtivt! News Ediror time of the incident. If adopted. the policy, written by a The TV lo unge in the basement of Police a re continuin g to graduate student collective Sypherd Hall reeks of pizza buried deep in investigate the incident. bargaining unit and a small group of admini s trato rs, would expand the carpet. This is where about I 0 students THE REVIEW I Dominic Savini have gathered to watch their favorite show, "Friends'' dea ls with s tx fl ock to, "The Simpsons .. is o ne of the -Amanda Talley existing federal definitions of those "Friends." twentysomethings who Jive in New York favorites. who could seek punishment against City and go through the trials and trouble The show captured about 30 percent o f harassment. When "Friends"' Ross and Rachel finally .------ INDEX ----. of life together. To pping o ut a t number th e most popular show vote around campus, According to the proposal, which locked lips. college students across the Campus Calendar ................. A2 seven on the Nielsen Chart. it is one of the mostly because of its sarcastic humor and was drawn up by UMass' Graduate nation watched with undivided attention. Police Reports ... ................... A2 most watched shows on TV and has even satire on American culture. Employment Organization, the new People barricaded themselves into their World ews ......................... A3 rooms and refused to talk. Take-out orders logged its way into an Internet newsgroup. "The Simpsons pokes fun at Americans," guide lines would penalize "any Ediroriai ........ ... ................... A I 0 were placed. Schoolwork was a distant Dr. Elizabeth Perse, professor of said Bruce Mackay (EG SO), a native of conduct which hinders free Comics .............
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