AGENDA ITEM COMMITTEE: DEVELOPMENT CONTROL 9 DATE: 28th MAY 2020 SUBJECT: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS WITHIN THE APPLICATION BOUNDARY AND ERECTION OF COLLEGE ACCOMMODATION (USE CLASS D1) AND ASSOCIATED ACCESS, CAR PARKING AND LANDSCAPING INCLUDING MARKING OUT OF SPORTS AREA, IMPROVEMENTS TO EXISTING GRASSED AREA PARALLEL TO NEW BEDFORD ROAD AND MAKING GOOD THE NEWLY EXPOSED GABLE OF THE EXISTING COLLEGE FOLLOWING DEMOLITION OF ADJOINING STRUCTURE. (APPLICANT: WEST HERTS COLLEGE) (APPLICATION NO: 20/00111/FUL) LOCATION: BARNFIELD COLLEGE, NEW BEDFORD ROAD, LUTON REPORT BY: HEAD OF DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CONTACT OFFICER: CLIVE INWARDS 01582 546287 IMPLICATIONS: LEGAL COMMUNITY SAFETY EQUALITIES ENVIRONMENT FINANCIAL CONSULTATIONS STAFFING OTHER WARDS AFFECTED: BARNFIELD PURPOSE 1. To advise Members of a current application for planning permission and to seek their decision. RECOMMENDATION(S) It is recommended that: 2. The reasons for approval set out in this report are agreed; 3. That planning permission is granted, subject to the conditions as set out within ‘Appendix A’; 4. That planning permission is granted, subject to the satisfactory completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure delivery of local labour during construction and a monitoring fee of £5,000. 5. That delegated authority is granted to the Head of Development Management to make minor alterations to the conditions, including adding and deleting conditions, following any Committee resolution to grant permission (should any be required); 6. That following any grant of permission that delegated authority is granted to the Head of Development Management to determine any subsequent planning applications related to this development both seeking minor material amendments to the development (Section 73 applications) or minor variations to the accompanying legal agreement (Section 106A applications): Conditions (‘Appendix A’) i. Time Limit for Commencement; ii. Approved Plans and Documents; iii. Construction Method Statement; iv. External Materials; v. Landscaping; vi. Tree Protection; vii. Landscape Management; viii. Surface Water Drainage Scheme; ix. Infiltration in Contaminated Ground; x. Surface and Foul Water Systems; xi. Travel Plan; xii. Off-site Highway Works; xiii. Electric Vehicle Charging Points; xiv. Remediation Strategy; xv. Validation Report; xvi. Contamination; xvii. Air Extraction; xviii. External Lighting; xix. Noise Mitigation; xx. Noise Limits; xxi. Construction of Sports Pitch; xxii. Use of Sports Pitch; xxiii. Community Use Agreement; xxiv. BREEAM ‘Good’ Rating; xxv. Interceptors; xxvi. Notification to Affinity Water; xxvii. CFA Piling; xxviii. Boundary Treatment; xxix. Ecological Mitigation; and xxx. Removal of PD Rights for Telecommunications Equipment REPORT The Site and Surroundings 7. The overall Barnfield College site comprises a roughly rectangular shaped area of land which is situated in the Barnfield area of the town, approximately 3km to the north of the town centre. The college site is bounded to the north by Barnfield Avenue, to the east by Old Bedford Road, to the south by residential properties in Kingsdown Avenue and to the west by New Bedford Road. Existing vehicular access is taken off of Barnfield Avenue. The application site itself comprises an ‘L’ shaped area of land which comprises some of the existing college buildings, the existing car park, part of the College’s playing fields and a strip of land at the western side of the site adjacent to New Bedford Road. The application site comprises an area of approximately 6.22 hectares. 8. There are a number of existing college buildings on the site, including the Caretaker’s House at the front of the site, and a significant amount of car parking on the northern part of the site. The existing playing fields extend to the east of the existing buildings up to Old Bedford Road. Fig. 1: Site Location Plan Relevant Planning History 9. A number of planning applications have been submitted on the College site relating to minor works, works to the car park, temporary classrooms and advertisement consent applications. However, the most significant applications are set out below. 10. 08/00172/OUT ‘Demolition of existing college and erection of new further education college with associated sports facilities, parking and access.’ Planning permission granted July 2008. This proposal incorporated new college buildings to the east of the existing built form, with five playing pitches laid out on a reduced area of playing field to the east and an extensive area of new landscaping with a stepped design, which included daylighting the River Lea, to the west of the new college buildings. The proposal was considered to be acceptable to Sport England and was considered to accord with the Luton Local Plan 2001-2011 in policy terms. It is understood that the planning permission was not implemented due to the financial crisis at the time and the permission therefore lapsed. 11. 12/00751/OUT ‘Proposed phased redevelopment to provide replacement college facility, new primary school, a new 88-bed care home facility, and up to 39 residential units together with associated parking and landscaping works’. Planning application withdrawn September 2012. This proposal incorporated residential development along the boundary of the site with Old Bedford Road and Barnfield Avenue, including a car home and primary school on the northern boundary. The proposal would have delivered seven new playing pitches in total, along with two artificial cricket wickets and changing facilities, on a reduced area of playing field. The reduced area of playing field was understood to have been acceptable to Sport England on the basis that the development would have brought significant benefits to sport. 12. However, the application was not supported by planning officers on the basis of housing density, loss of open space, over-provision of parking and lack of demonstrated need for the care home and primary school amongst other matters. 13. Pre-application advice was provided prior to the submission of the current planning applications. The Proposal 14. The proposed development comprises the demolition of existing buildings within the application boundary and the erection of new college accommodation (use class D1) and associated access, car parking and landscaping including marking out of a sports area, improvements to the existing grassed area parallel to New Bedford Road and making good the newly exposed gable of the existing college building following the demolition of the adjoining structure. 15. This full planning application seeks approval for two phases of works, referred to as Phase 1a and Phase 1c. 16. The development of the Phase 1a college building will necessitate the demolition of 907m2 of existing buildings prior to the erection of 4,400m2 of new college accommodation. Phase 1c would extend the building to the east by a further 6m, providing an additional 800m2 of teaching accommodation. The visual appearance of the eastern elevation would remain the same for both options 1a and 1c. The north and south elevations would remain consistent apart from the addition of another bay of classrooms to each side and a uniform architectural approach would be used across both phases. As part of this full planning application, the existing health and beauty building is also to be demolished as part of the creation of the linear park. Fig. 2: Proposed Site Plan 17. The redevelopment of the college facility will only be able to proceed with the provision of capital receipts for the applicant from the release of land for residential development (subject to the separate outline planning application 20/00108/OUT, which does not form part of the consideration of this application) as well as with external funding from the Local Enterprise Partnership. The applicant has stated that this two stage phasing strategy presents a more resilient approach reflecting potential funding timelines, whilst providing more certainty to the first stages of the transformation of the Barnfield College campus. All calculations, modelling and consultation have been based upon the larger footprint of 1a and 1c, including assessment of transport issues. 18. It is envisaged that Phase 1a and 1c would be followed by two further stages of redevelopment. The overall masterplan for the college site includes provision for a Phase 2 and potentially Phase 3 (located to the south of Phase 1a and 1c, following the demolition of the remaining existing accommodation). These would be subject to future planning applications and do not form part of this application. Phase 2 would provide teaching accommodation for construction and engineering students. Fig. 3: Proposed Phasing Plan (1a and 1c) 19. The site area for Phase 1 extends to 6.22ha which includes 2.6ha of the former playing field and 0.96ha of existing open space (the Linear Park), which would increase to 1.6ha following improvements and the removal of hardstanding. 20. The proposed Phase 1 building would be 5,200m2 (gross internal floor area) across a three to four storey building, which would extend to some 17.2m in height. 21. A total of 179 parking spaces would be provided on site, which would comprise a net reduction of 188 spaces, from the 367 car parking spaces currently available. This is intended to meet the requirements of the existing and future students and staff without encouraging access by the car due to an excess of parking provision. A total of 74 covered cycle parking spaces are currently provided on site and these would be retained as part of the redevelopment. The main vehicular access to the site would be from Barnfield Avenue, although further to the east than the existing access point. Existing accesses currently used would cease to be needed and the pavements would be made good in these locations. The proposed car park would serve staff and students and would provide for one-way circulation in a clockwise direction, to improve flow. It would also provide for a lay-by drop-off. 22. A new football pitch would be marked out on an area of former playing field to the east of the access road, with the intention that this pitch would be available for community bookings outside of College hours.
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