Index Abbreviations and contractions: a[rch]b[isho]p; br[other]; ch[urch]; c[oun]tess; c[oun]ty; d[aughter]; dioc[ese]; el[ect]; inf[anta/e]; k[in]gdom; v[is]c[oun]t; q[ueen]; s[on] Abbasid dynasty 64, 146, 148 al-Azraq, rebellion of 80–1 Abbeville, Cardinal John of, papal al-Idrcsc, geographer 21 legate 49, 64, 77 al-Mustangir, Almohad caliph 62 Abd al–Mu’min, Almohad caliph 34 al-Nagir, Almohad caliph 46 Abrahem el Barchilón, Jewish tax- al-Riqetc 135 farmer 88 al-Rundc, poet 70 Abe Bakr, qA’id of Xàtiva 68, 81–2 al-Suyejc 132n Abe Ya‘qeb, Marcnid sultan 222–3, al-Wathiq 69 226 Alagón, Blasco de, Aragonese Abe Yesuf, Marcnid sultan 144, 170, nobleman 63–4, 67 181, 193 Alarcos, battle of (1195) 37, 40 Abe Zayd, wAlC of Valencia 64, 77 Albarracín 90 Abulafia, Todros ben Yehudah ha-Levi lordship of 12, 146, 182, 215, 228 119 Alberic of Trois Fontaines, chronicler Afonso Henriques, kg of Portugal 11, 11, 42, 55, 59n, 61 17, 18, 32 Albert de la Tour-du-Pin 142 Afonso II, kg of Portugal 173 Albertus Magnus 180 Afonso III, kg of Portugal 109, 159 Alcalá de Henares Africa 107,COPYRIGHTED 108, 185 episcopal MATERIAL meeting at (1257) 115 Agnes of Poitou, wife of Ramiro II studium at 226–7 (the Monk) of Aragón 18 Alcaraz, treaty of (1243) 69 Agreda, treaty of (1281) 182, 186 Alexander the Great 48, 134–5, 163 Aguilar de Campóo 122 Alexander III, pope 10 Ahones, Pedro de 64 bull ‘Manifestis probatum’ 35 Aigues-Mortes 83 Alexander IV, pope 108, 113, 129, Aimeric de Peguilhan, troubadour 41 142 Index 271 Alexander of Roes, political theorist 6 and succession 172–7 Alfaro 219–20 will of 193–4 Alfons see Alfonso Alfonso X, kg of Castile, works Alfonso I (the Battler), kg of Aragón Astronomical Tables 180 23n Cantigas d’escarnho e de maldezir pseudo- 19 158, 169, 195 Alfonso II, kg of Aragón (Alfons I, ct of Cantigas de Santa María 93, 152, Barcelona) 16, 17, 19, 37–8, 44 154, 160, 172, 181, 183 Alfonso II, kg at Oviedo 4 Espéculo 122n, 124–5, 130, 133, Alfonso III, kg of Aragón (Alfons II, 172 ct of Barcelona) 102, 216–20, Estoria de España 93n, 105, 138, 230–1 160, 162–4 as infante 176, 200 F. Real 89n, 122–5, 127, 177 Alfonso VI, kg of Castile–León 51 General Estoria 138, 141, 162–4, Alfonso VII, ‘emperor’ of Castile– 195 León 7, 9, 10, 12 ‘Libro del Candado’ attributed to imperial coronation 61 136n Alfonso VIII, kg of Castile 11, 24–57, Setenario 73, 122, 133n, 197 91 Siete Partidas 92, 98, 110n, 130, alleged will 57 137, 144, 153, 160, 172, 174, will 45 194n, 234 Alfonso IX, kg of León 9, 23, 39, 41, ‘Versión crítica’ 195–6 42, 45, 54, 58 Alfonso X, kg of Castile, vernacular Alfonso X, kg of Castile 6, 37, 100 translations alleged heterodoxy 179, 205, 208 Calila e Dimna 104n and Aristotle 130, 134–5, 163 Estrellas fixas 141 astronomy and astrology 140, 149, Lapidario 104n, 134–5, 136n, 140, 180 180 as avatar of former worthies 135, Liber Razielis 143, 180 163 Libro de la açafeha 141 death of 203 Libro de astromagia 180 depictions of 134–5, 194 Libro de las Cruces 129, 134 estimate of 204–9 Libros del saber del astrologia 137 health of 173, 193 Picatrix 180 and history 105, 140, 181 Alfonso XI, kg of Castile 191n imperial objectives 104, 142–9 Alfonso de la Cerda 182, 212 see also as infante 69, 104–5, 133–4 la Cerda, infantes of intellectual and educational agenda Alfonso of Castile, inf. of Aragón 67, 136–41 85, 110, 146 law and legislation 117–27 Algeciras, siege of (1279) 181 political attitudes 164–7, 201 Alicante 157 prodigality 105–6 Almenara 68 on royal and imperial authority Almería 10, 14 130, 196–7 Poem of 14 272 Index Almohads, blackness of 99 Baghdad 146 Alonso de Palencia, annalist 106 Baldino Lancia, of Pisa 111 Alphonse of Poitiers, ct of Toulouse Balliol, John de 212 84 Balteira, Maria Pérez, courtesan 205n Álvarez, Cardinal Ordoño 178, 211 Bane‘Ashqilelah 67, 68, 157–9, 170, Anastasius IV, pope 15 181 anointing, royal see unsacral Bane ‘I¯sa 81–2 monarchy baptism ‘Anonymous Latin chronicle’ see Juan refused to Muslims 91 de Soria Barcelona 44, 102–3, 213n Aquinas, Thomas St Bp Guillem de Torroja 17 on conversion 97 Consell de Cent 66 on Jews and Muslims 95 Corts of (1283–4) 200–1 Aragón, kgdom of debate on Messiah 89–90 alleged fruitfulness of 100 Ramon de Caldes, dean 38 fueros of 157, 200 Barcelos, Ct of 189 Aragonese characterized 2, 20, 63, 201 Bartholomew of Messina, translator Arcos (de la Frontera) 109 136n Arias Núñez, troubadour 226 bathing Aristotle 52, 134–5 bath-house rules 90 reputed a Spaniard 139 enervating effects of 41 see also Alfonso X with non-Christians 88 Arnaldo, Master, medic of Alfonso Baybars, Mamluk sultan 148 VIII 54n Bayonne 182 Astorga, Bp Martín of 220 Béarn 15 Asturias, Alvar Díaz de 178 Beatrice of Provence 84 At de Mons, troubadour 150 Beatrice of Swabia, q. of Fernando III Aurembaix, ctess of Urgell 65 59, 80n Auto de los Reyes Magos 55 Beatriz, natural d. of Alfonso X, q. of automata 191n Dinis of Portugal 109, 189, 195, Avendauth, translator 53 203 Avicenna 52–3 Beaucaire 169 Ávila 21, 29, 33, 34, 91, 116 Benavente Aimar, bp-el. of 182 meeting of hermandad at (1283) Aza, García Garcés de 25 200 Azagra Benveniste de Saporta 90 Pedro Ruiz de, lord of Albarracín 12 Berenguela of Barcelona, q. of Alfonso Teresa Álvarez, de 13, 146 VII 20 Berenguela Fernández, mistress of Badajoz 159 Jaime I 217n siege of (1169) 32 Berenguela, infanta of Castile, q. of Baeza Alfonso IX 42, 45, 50, 57–62, 80 clergy of and Jews 88 character and reputation 59–60 fuero of 126–7 Bernardo de S. Eugenia 108n Index 273 Bertran de Born, troubadour 19 Cantar de Mio Cid 47, 79 Bilbao 102 Cape Orlando, battle of (1299) 233 birth control 153 capital cities 102, 214–15 Blanca, infanta of Castile, q. of Louis Cardona, Pere de 16, 48 VIII of France 58, 89 Carrión, Cortes of (1188) 39 Blancas, Gerónimo de, cronista of Cartagena 69 Aragón 44 Castro family 120 Blanche of France, wife of Fernando Fernando Rodríguez de 26, 29, 31, de la Cerda 160, 220 33 Bodin, Jean 58 Gutierre Fernández de 25, 29 Boethius 137 Pedro Fernández de 40 Bonaventura of Siena, notary of Catalonia 4, 213 Alfonso X 160 Catalans characterized 2, 201 Boniface VIII, pope 230, 232–3 Cazola, treaty of (1179) 35, 84 Bordeaux 199–200 Cazorla, adelantamiento of 75 Borja 200 Celestine III, pope 40, 42 Burdet, Robert 14 Cervatos 123, 124 Burgos 100, 102–3, 112 Cerverí of Girona, troubadour 143, concejo of 121, 197–8 167 Cortes of (1169) 32, 39 Ceuta 69, 150, 154, 170 (1269) 159 chancery (royal), Castilian and (1272) 164 Leonese 77–8 (1274) 168, 177n Charlemagne 4, 11, 54, 55 (1276) 174 Charles of Anjou 84–5, 136n, 147, Fernando de Covarrubias, bp of 160, 216 187 Charles of Salerno 218, 231 Burriana 68, 70 Charles of Valois 198, 215, 233 child-bearing 153 caballería villana 127–8, 158 Chronicle of Alfonso III 8 Cabreros, treaty of (1206) 47 Chronicle of Alfonso VII 14, 18 Cádiz 154 Cid, The dean of 205 nose of 173n Çag de la Maleha, Jewish tax-farmer Cistercian Order 18–19 89, 119, 181 Ciudad Real 220 Calahorra 29 Ciudad Rodrigo 28–9 ch. of 60–1 Clement IV, pope 24n dioc. of 67, 79 clerical offspring 153 Calatrava 10 climate, Spanish 113–14, 142, 164 Order of 10, 109 clothes, Spanish 2 Caltabellota, treaty of (1302) 233 Coll i Alentorn, M. xn Calvo, Bonifaci, troubadour 114, 207 compadrazgo 67 Campillo, treaty of (1281) 182 Conrad of Hohenstaufen (in 1188) 59 Candavera 23 Conrad of Hohenstaufen (in 1254) Canfranc, treaty of (1288) 227 113 274 Index Conradin of Hohenstaufen 160, 168, Diego García, chancellor of Castile: see 177–8 Planeta Constança of Aragón, sister of Pedro Dinis, kg of Portugal 109, 159n, 176 II 44 ‘Division of Wamba’ 77 Constança of Aragón, sister of Pedro Dolça of Aragón, q. of Sancho I of III 228 Portugal 18 Constança of Moncada 175 Dolça, ctess of Provence 15 Constantinople 186n Domingo Gundisalvo, translator 53 Baldwin II, Latin emperor of 147 Dominican Order 51, 61, 94, 188 Emperor Manuel Comnenus of 111 and conversion of Jews 87–9 Emperor Michael Palaeologus of language schools 98 146, 147, 222 and learning 52 Constanza of Hohenstaufen, q. of and Spanish Crusade 170 Pedro III of Aragón 85, 146 Donin, Nicholas OP, converso 89 convivencia 24, 87–103 Corbeil, treaty of (1258) 84–5 earthquakes 114, 164 Córdoba 72 Eberhard, bp of Constance 112 clergy of and Jews 88 Écija 153, 207 reconquest of 69–71, 78 battle of (1275) 170 corona (crown) Edmund, prince of England 108 as national fisc 159, 201 education 48–9 as physical object 193 Edward I, kg of England 230 symbolism of 222 as heir 108, 110 coronation 43–4, 101 Egidius de Tebaldis 141, 209 imperial 112 Eleanor of England, q. of Alfonso III Corpus Christi, feast of 91 of Aragón 176 Crónica de Alfonso X 109n, 159, 166, Enrique I, kg of Castile 57 171, 174n, 202 Enrique I, kg of Navarre 174 Crónica de Sancho IV 213, 228 Enrique, inf.
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