September 19, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 29881 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS NATIONAL HISPANIC HERITAGE troducing Hispanic artists and covering top­ "This may well be the case. But what 1s WEEK IN CONNECTICUT ics of national interest. at stake for the nation is not the adequacy We trust that we can count on your sup­ of current profits by business standards-it port both at the Capitol and with your con­ is rather the rate of drllling and production. stituency here in Connecticut. As a re­ "Even if proposed pricing structures pro­ HON. WILLIAM R. COTTER vided for sufficient profit, is the price struc­ OF CONNECTICUT source, we know your office is invaluable to us; and 1! we can be o! any assistance to ture adequate to generate the level of cash IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES you, in terms o! disseminating information, fiow necessary to mount and sustain the drilling effort required to meet the planned Monday, September 19, 1977 please don't hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, 1985 oil and gas production goals? We con­ Mr. COTTER. Mr. Speaker, September FRANK MARRERO, clude ... that it is not, and that 1985 na­ 11 through 17 was National Hispanic Executive Producer, Project Officer. tional oil and gas production will be as much as five million barrels a day below the NEP Heritage Week, an event that recognized goal." the important role of Hispanic-Ameri­ They said $699 blllion in 1976 prices must cans in our Nation's life. Connecticut, be invested to fulfill production and con­ where the Hispanic community numbers UNITED STATES-MORE OIL AND servation targets o! NEP. approximately 300,000, marked the oc­ GAS casion with a legislative proclamation. Connecticut public television aired a special series of programs during the HON. JAMES M. COLLINS OIL AND PANAMA week, with both the Hispanic and Anglo OF TEXAS communities in mind. A recent letter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES from Frank Marrero of CPTV explains Monday, September 19, 1977 HON. ROBERT E. BAUMAN the bilingual series and other Spanish OF MARYLAND programs produced by public television. I Mr. COLLINS of Texas. Mr. Speaker, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES would like to share this letter with my here is an excellent summary of energy colleagues. prospects for the United States. It was Monday, September 19, 1977 MUNDO REAL, an Associated Press article quoting the Mr. BAUMAN. Mr. Speaker, during the Hartford, Conn., September 6,1977. report of Walt Rostow, William Fisher, debate on the President's proposed Pan­ Hon. WILLIAM R. COTTER and Herbert Woodson. The emphatic ama Canal Treaty, Mr. Carter and his Rayburn House Office Building, conclusion was that 50 percent more supporters have constantly told the Washington, D.C. money must be spent now on domestic American people that the canal is a "de­ DEAR CONGRESSMAN COTTER: With the ad­ exploration and development. clining asset" in the world of the future. vent of the Carter Administration's focus on our relations with the countries of Latin They believe that the drain on the cap­ Because of the canal's declining value America, there has been a rejuvenation of ital of the oil industry will prevent the to America, the President tells us, we our awareness of the responsibllity we share drilling effort that is required to meet should not hesitate to give the interna­ in meeting the needs of our own 11.7 million the planned 1985 oil and gas production tional waterway to the Panamanian dic­ Hispanic citizens. Publlc dialogue is an un­ requirements. tator, Torrijos. questionable necessity to emphasize not only As the Senate continues to debate the In its issue of August 5, 1977, one of the richness and value of our cultural dif­ the largest daily newspapers in my dis­ ferences, but also to stress the overwhelm­ energy bill, they must include the essen­ ing similarities which tie us together. Ob­ tial p1owback provision. Then they can trict, the Banner, pointed an important viously, this responsib111ty is not uni­ continue to improve the bill by elim­ reason why the President is simply wrong directional, and the Hispanic community inating the punitive crude oil equaliza­ about the future value of the Panama. also shares in the responsibility to enllghten tion tax. Canal to our country. After noting that the non-Hispanic to its Latin past and pres­ Mr. Carter had decided against allowing ent. Any move toward meeting these goals The article follows: PROFESSORS URGE ALL-OUT ENERGY EFFORT the oil companies to sell Alaskan oil to must be a joint effort. Japan, the editorialist for the Banner We are fortunate here in Connecticut to AusTI.N.-Unless an all-out effort to pro­ have been awarded four consecutive grants duce energy is launched in 1977, the United noted that the only wav to move Al$lskan from the Department of Health, Education States "wlll !ace mortal risk to our economic oil to the east coast is through the canal. and Welfare, under the Emergency School prosperity," three University of Texas pro­ Obviously, such a situation can only mag­ Aid Act, to produce television programming fessors predicted last week. nify the strategic and economic impor­ designed to lessen minority group isolation "Every objective assessment," of President tance of the canal to our Nation, which (in our situation relating to Spanish-speak­ Carter's National Energy Polley NEP and so desperately needs that Alaskan oil. We ers). This June, "Mundo Real" was one of the House proposal patterned on the policy cq_nnot move the Alaskan production only two Regional Bilingual Projects to be indicate they "will fail to meet the 1985 en­ through continental U.S. pipelines and funded !or the 1977-78 fiscal year. The im­ ergy consumption, production and balance pact of the series can be shown not only in o! payments targets required 1n the national that -means we must have an assured the viewership throughout the Northeast­ interest," the professors said. canal route. ern Region of the country-both Hispanic They said the United States could be im­ I commend the Banner's important and Anglo, child and adult--but also in the porting as much as 15 mlllion barrels of oil a day by 1985, and added: thoughts on this issue to my colleagues: response from both public and commercial OIL AND PANAMA "Three independent estimates make it stations throughout the country, who have Bowing to political realities. President been or will be in the Fall airing the series. clear that a U.S. requirement o! this magni­ tude will create a major international eco­ Jimmy Carter has backed away !rom a pro­ The quality o! the series is "Vell-docu­ posal to sell Alaskan oil to Japan. The oil mented in the list o! national and interna­ nomic crisis." The report--by Walt Rostow, William industry has argued that refineries on the tional awards it has garnered and is an in­ West Coast cannot handle all the oil expected dication or the level o! talent available in Fisher and Herbert Woodson-also concludes that this country has enough oil and gas to to flow through the Alaska pipeline, and that our Hispanic citizenry. East and Gulf Coast refineries can be sup­ With an estimated 300,000 Hispanics in return production to the 1976 level-the NEP target, but up to 50 per cent more must plied at less cost with oil purchased in the the state o! Connecticut, the recent legis­ Middle East. lative nroclamatlon designating the week of be spent on exploration and development Sentember 11th through the 17th as a Na­ than set forth in the House proposal. We believe the president has made the cor­ tional Hispanic Heritag-e Week is of special "One must conclude," the professors' re­ rect decision. Americans simply would not import and should be celebrated. port said that there exists a reasonable ade­ accept sale o! Alaskan oil to Japan when, Connecticut Public Television, under the quate reserve and resource base o! oil and in Mr. Carter's own words, the country is en­ aegis o! the "Mundo Real" staff, will be pre­ gas which is suftlcient to support current gaged in a struggle !or energy independence senting a special selection of programs ad­ rates o! production !or more than 50 years. that is "the moral equivalent o! war." dressing the Hispanic and Anglo communi­ "It has been argued," the report added, The surplus Alaskan oil must be moved ties (bilingual) during the Hisnanic week. "that the price structure proposed in the east, however. Environmental restrictions in This week will renresent the beginning o! NEP and in HR--8444 is adeauate !or oil and California make it most unllkely that it wlll an ongoing monthly program schedule in- gas operators to reallze a sufncient profit. move by pipeline. Shipment by large tankers 29882 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 19, 1977 around Cape Horn is not economically feasi­ be demonstrated. It would have encouraged embodied in agreements that are ratified by ble. And that brings us to the Panama Canal higher rates for users during peak hours and member nations. The ILO's Committee of Ex­ and a water route that is both practical and peak seasons. And it would have expanded perts, a group of 18 legal specialists, has so cheap. consumer-complaint opportunities and lim­ far managed to do a capable job of monitor­ And there's the rub. A new Panama Canal ited the domination by bankers and business­ ing the extent to which member nations treaty is in the final stages of negotiation men of the boards of directors of utilities.
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