Timetable ONE RIDE $ ONE DAY PASS the Effective Period Is Longer! 10 4

Timetable ONE RIDE $ ONE DAY PASS the Effective Period Is Longer! 10 4

TWO LOVERS POINT Advance purchase by using a credit card! SHOPPING MALL HOTEL NIKKO GUAM ENGLISH 한국어 中文 Every 10 Minutes FLEA MARKET TUMON SHUTTLE 투몬 셔틀 버스 杜夢接送巴士 THE BEACH Passengers may use smart phone to show a ticket as they enter. KIKO HOLIDAY RESORT / CHAMORRO VILLAGE SHERATON LAGUNA GUAM PACIFIC ISLANDS タACROSS TUMON HYATT REGENCY SANDCASTLE / FIESTA RESORT AIRPORT SHUTTLE LOTTE HOTEL SANDS PLAZA K MART SHUTTLE YPAO PARK / OUTRIGGER / TUMON SHUTTLE HILTON Electronic tickets “e-ticket” GUAM THE PLAZA NIGHT SHUTTLE WESTIN / TICKET T GALLERIA (REEF) 전자티켓“e-티켓” CLUB GVB 电子车票 RED GUAHAN SHUTTLE Information ~ SHUTTLE start 17:00 e-Ticket SHUTTLE e-Ticket 티켓 안내 車票情報 SHUTTLE e-Ticket only! Effective for 3 hours from the first use! Download at below! The available routes are the same with those $ 3-hour pass <Time Pass> of the 1 day free pass ticket. 3 in bulk (up to 10). You may use them one at e-Ticket only! Effective for 6 hours from the first use! a time separately. Free for Under 6 years of age. ↕ HOTEL ROAD The available routes are the same with those 6-hour pass <Time Pass> of the 1 day free pass ticket. $6 PACIFIC PLACE The 1day Free Pass e-Ticket gains benefits worth $2! MICRONESIA MALL PACIFIC ISLANDS CLUB ACROSS FOUNTAIN PLAZA HYATT REGENCY ACROSS T GALLERIA by DFS JP SUPERSTORE HOLIDAY RESORT ACROSS (GRAND PLAZA) PACIFIC BAY PLAZA TUMON SANDS Effective for 24 hours from the first use! $ Timetable ONE RIDE $ ONE DAY PASS The effective period is longer! 10 4 BEACH RESORT ONWARD NO Two Lovers TWO DAYS PASS $ Point Admission 15 10.1.2018 3.31.2019 is included GUAM PREMIER ONE DAY PASS $12 OUTLETS FIVE DAYS PASS $25 MARINE DRIVE 시내 순환 트롤리 버스 시간표 巿內交通路線 CHILD PASS 6~11yrs $13 TWO DAYS PASS $15 NORTH bound <fr GPO to MMall> SOUTH bound <fr MMall to GPO> TWO LOVERS POINT SHUTTLE ROUNDTRIP TICKET $ NO Two Lovers Point Admission is included 7 Every 15 Minutes stop at ONWARD first transit 매15분 간격 last transit FIVE DAYS PASS $ bound fr MMall to GPO CHAMORRO VILLAGE NIGHT SHUTTLE TOKUTOKU TICKET $7 25 NORTH 每 15 分 鐘一班 Every 15 Minutes last transit ●22 MICRONESIA MALL(MMall) 10:30 19:45 21:00 FLEA MARKET TOKUTOKU TICKET $7 ●23 PACIFIC PLACE 9:23 19:53 21:08 CHILD PASS 6~11yrs $13 ●24 THE BEACH BAR & CULTURE PARK 11:40 19:55 21:10 AIRPORT SHUTTLE TICKET $7 ●1 HOTEL NIKKO GUAM 9:26 19:56 21:11 TWO LOVERS POINT SHUTTLE ●2 LOTTE HOTEL 9:28 19:58 21:13 $10 3 A call taxi get you right away. TOKUTOKU TICKET ●WESTIN / (REEF) 9:30 20:00 21:15 A Round Trip Bus Ticket + Admission A TokuToku Ticket Worth $11 in Use! ●4 OUTRIGGER / THE PLAZA 9:35 20:05 21:20 No worry since you can pay by credit card before getting in! CHAMORRO VILLAGE NIGHT SHUTTLE ●5 SANDCASTLE/ HYATT REGENCY 9:37 20:07 21:22 Call taxi spp-LAM CAR TOKUTOKU TICKET $7 ●6 ACROSS TUMON SANDS PLAZA 9:39 20:09 21:24 2 Way Shuttle Bus Ticket ●7 HOLIDAY RESORT/ FIESTA RESORT 9:43 20:13 21:28 콜택시 수배 어플 - LAM CAR FLEA MARKET 8 PACIFIC ISLANDS CLUB 9:47 20:17 21:32 打电话叫的出租车的车型是 LAM CAR ● LAM CAR TOKUTOKU TICKET $7 9 LAM CAR A TokuToku Ticket Worth $8 in Use! ●YPAO PARK / GVB 9:49 20:19 21:34 2 Way Shuttle Bus Ticket ●10 GUAM HILTON 9:52 20:22 21:37 ❶ Decide where to take taxi. 승차 장소설정 确认在哪儿上出租车。 ●11 SHERATON LAGUNA GUAM 10:00 20:30 21:45 ❷ Decide where to get off. 하차 장소설정 确认在哪儿下出租车。 AIRPORT SHUTTLE TICKET $7 ●12 ONWARD 10:03 20:33 21:48 ❸ The distance and fare are displayed. You may pay by credit card. A TokuToku Ticket Worth $8 in Use! ●13 GUAM PREMIER OUTLETS(GPO) 10:11 20:41 거리와 요금이 표시되고 신용카드로 지불 距离和车费就会显示出来。你可以用信用卡支付。 All you need to do now is just to get in the LAM CAR. $ “KAPIBARA” ORIGINAL BUS PASS CASE 2 Every 15 Minutes stop at LOTTE No additional payment like tip at all. bound first transit 매15분 간격 last transit SOUTH fr GPO to MMall ● 每 15 分 鐘一班 Every 15 Minutes last transit 남은 건 람카가 도착해서 타기만 하면 된다! 팁 등 나중에 붙는 가산금 일절 없음! Bus tickets may be purchased from the following: Ticket counter, Bus driver, Travel agent tour desk, Hotels and more. 你现在需要做的就是坐进LAM CAR。完全不必再支付小费等额外费用。 ●Please have the exact amount ready when purchasing your ticket.Please do not use coins when purchasing your ticket. TICKET ●13 GUAM PREMIER OUTLETS(GPO) 10:20 19:35 21:05 ●The tickes issued before Jan.1,2018 cannot be used. PURCHASE 12 ONWARD BEACH REORT 9:30 19:43 21:13 ●버스티켓은 티켓카운터, 버스 운전수, 여행사의 투어데스크, 호텔 등에서 구입 가능합니다. ● ●티케 구입시 정확한 금액을 준비해 주십시요. 티켓 구입시 동전 사용은 피해 주십시요. ●11 SHERATON LAGUNA GUAM 9:33 19:46 21:16 Let's Go South ! ●可在售票处、巴士驾驶员、旅行社接待处、酒店等地购买车票。 ●购买车票时请备好零钱。购票时请不要使用硬币。●2018 年 1 月 1 日前购买的票不能使用。 10 ●HILTON GUAM 9:41 19:54 21:24 Sightseeing tour SCHEDULE Time ●14 ACROSS PACIFC ISLAND CLUB 9:44 19:57 21:27 condensed sights of southern Guam dep. TRAVEL AGENT T-Galleria by DFS 10:00 CARDS ●15 FOUNTAIN PLAZA 9:46 19:59 21:29 It will go around 3.5 hours. Guam Premier Outlets 10:15 ●16 ACROSS HOLIDAY RESORT 9:48 20:01 21:31 FIT CARD Price Adult $30・Child (2-11yrs) $15 Sightseeing Point ❶Maria Cathedral (10 min) This card can be used 17 PACIFIC BAY (GRAND PLAZA) 9:50 20:03 21:33 ❷Asan Overlook with a range of travel ● Operation Day Daily (10 min) agents. ●18 TUMON SANDS PLAZA 9:54 20:07 21:37 ❸Asan Beach (10 min) Operation Number Minimum 2 Adults ●Please do not place arms or legs outside the bus. ●Children under 12 years must remain under parent supervision at all times. ●No 19 ACROSS HYATT REGENCY 9:56 20:09 21:39 ❹Cetti Bay Overlool (10 min) ● Hotel Pick Up *see schedule food, drinks or smoking on board. ●Do not attempt to ride or get off the bus while it is moving. ●The bus might be delayed due to 20 T GALLERIA BY DFS 10:01 20:14 21:44 ❺Merizo Pier (10 min) traffic, accident and other conditions. ●If the bus is full, please wait for the next service. ●Please follow driver instructions at all times. ● Duration about 3.5 hours ●21 JP SUPER STORE 10:05 20:18 21:48 ❻Bear Rock (5 min) ●트롤리에 승차 중이실 때는 손, 발 및 신체를 밖으로 내밀지 마십시오. ●12세 이하의 어린이는 반드시 보호자와 동반하여 승차하십시오. ● 트롤리 안은 금연이며 *Please tell the ATTEN 음식은 금지하고 있습니다. ●내리실 때는 버스가 완전히 정차한 후에 내리시기 바랍니다. ●교통 사정, 기후 그 외의 현지 사정에 의해 운행 스케줄에 변동이 발생하는 ❼Chamoro Cultural Village (40 min) ●23 PACIFIC PLACE 10:07 20:20 21:50 driver where to TION 경우가 있습니다. ●손잡이 등을 꽉 잡아 주시기 바랍니다. ●만원 및 회송 차량의 경우, 버스 정류장을 통과하는 경우가 있습니다. 다음 투몬셔틀을 이용하시기 Micronesia Mall 13:45 ●1 HOTEL NIKKO GUAM 10:10 20:23 21:53 get off arr. ̃ 바랍니다. ● 안전 운전에 만전을 기하고 있습니다만, 어쩔 수 없이 급정차를 하는 경우가 있습니다. T-Galleria by DFS 13:50 ●请勿将手臂或腿伸出车外。 ●12 岁以下儿童必须有父母陪同。 ●禁止在车内饮食或吸烟。 ●车辆行驶期间,请勿尝试攀爬或下车。 ●因由交通状況及其他事因 , ●2 LOTTE HOTEL 10:12 20:25 21:55 *Arrival time is approximate ̃ This information is current as of September 30, 2018 and may be subject to change without notice. Guam Premier Outlets 14:00 接送巴士 有時會有遲到 , 敬請見諒。 ●如果车内满员,请等待下辆巴士。 ●请始终遵守驾驶员的要求。 ●22 MICRONESIA MALL(MMall) 10:20 20:33 ̃ 이 책에 게재된 정보는 2018년 9월 30일 현재 것으로, 예고 없이 변경될 경우가 있습니다. 本信息是 2018 年 9 月 30 日发布的,可能会有变动,恕不另行通知。 HAGATNA TUMON SHUTTLE-SOUTH bound RED GUAHAN SHUTTLE POINT TWO LOVERS 쇼핑 몰 셔틀 버스 購物中心接送巴士 Every 20 Minutes TUMON SHUTTLE-NORTH bound TWO LOVERS POINT SHUTTLE 사랑의 절벽 셔틀 버스 情人岬接送巴士 SHOPPING MALL SHUTTLE ←TO ASAN MARINE DRIVE SHOPPING MALL SHUTTLE last transit first transit last transit to GPO T GALLERIA↔K MART SHUTTLE ROUTE MAP 20 T GALLERIA by DFS 9:30 9:50 10:30 11:15 12:00* ― 13:30 to GPO (stop at ASC) ● TWO LOVERS POINT SHUTTLE TOKUTOKU TICKET ●13 GUAM PREMIER OUTLETS 10:00 10:20 10:40 19:20 19:40 20:00 20:20 20:40 CHAMORRO VILLAGE To Barrigada→ TUMON•TAMUNING ●21 JP SUPER STORE 9:33 9:53 10:33 11:18 12:03* ― 13:33 $ 차모로 빌리지 AIRPORT SHUTTLE A Round Trip Ticket + Admission 10 26 10:25 10:45 11:05 19:45 20:05 20:25 20:45 21:05 查莫洛村 22 MICRONESIA MALL ― 10:05 10:45 11:30 ― 13:00* 13:45 ● AGANA SHOPPING CENTER Every 20 Minutes CHAMORRO VILLAGE NIGHT SHUTTLE ● ●13 GUAM PREMIER OUTLETS 10:50 11:10 11:30 매20분 간격 20:10 20:30 20:50 ----- ----- TWO LOVERS POINT ● TWO LOVERS POINT 9:39 10:15 11:00 11:45 ― 13:15 14:00 每 20 分 鐘一班 AGANA FLEA MARKET SHUTTLE 사랑의 절벽 TO TAMUNING ●25 K-MART 11:00 11:20 11:40 20:20 20:40 21:00 21:20 ----- SHOPPING CENTER 情人岬 ●20 T GALLERIA by DFS 9:48 10:25 11:10 11:55 ― 13:25 14:10 T GALLERIA by DFS To LeoPalace THE BEACH 50min.

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