.^-^^ l)eatl)*0 flDobern XanguaGC Seric0 AN INTRODUCTION TO VULGAR LATIN BY C. H. GRANDGENT Professor of Romance Languages in Harvard University BOSTON, U. S. A. D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS 1907 LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Coofes Received MAY 2ai9or ^ Copyright Entry CLASS (/ /\ XXc., No. Copyright, 1907, By D. C. Heath & Co. — r PREFACE. Ik '^HILE this book is intended primarily for students of Romance Philology, it will, I hope, be of some interest to Classical scholars as well. Although it has been long in the making, I have endeavored to keep it, at every stage, abreast of current scholarship. I have tried, furthermore, to treat all portions of the subject, not exhaustively, but with even fulness; I fear, however, that the Syntax — perhaps unavoidably is somewhat scanty as compared with the other parts. It will be seen that I have continually furnished abundant references for the guidance of those who wish to look further into special topics. My principal authorities are listed in the Biblio- graphy; others are cited in the appropriate places in the text. C. H. Grandgent. Ill TABLE OF CONTENTS. Pages MAPS x,xi The Roman Empire x The Neo-Latin Territory in Europe ...... xi BIBLIOGRAPHY, with Abbreviations xiii-xvi PHONETIC ALPHABET and Other Symbols .... xvii INTRODUCTION 1-5 VOCABULARY 6-29 Words and Their Meanings 6-12 Words used alike in Classic and in Vulgar Latin ... 6 Words used differently in Classic and in Vulgar Latin . 7-8 Sense Restricted 7 Sense Extended 7-8 Words used in Classic but not in Vulgar Latin .... 8-9 Synonyms 9 Substitutes . , 9-10 Particles 10 Words used in Vulgar but not in Classic Latin .... 10-12 Native Words 11-12 Foreign Words 12 Derivation 13-29 Post-Verbal Nouns 13 Prefixes 13-16 Prefixes used with Nouns, Adjectives, and Pronouns . 13-14 Prefixes used with Verbs 14-16 Suffixes 16-28 Suffixes for Verbs 16-17 Suffixes for Nouns 18-23 Suffixes for Adjectives 23-25 Suffixes for Adverbs • • • . 25-26 Change of Suffix 27-28 iv Table of Contents. v Pages Compounds 28-29 Nouns 28 Adjectives 28 Pronouns 28 Verbs 28 Adverbs 28-29 Prepositions 29 Conjunctions 29 SYNTAX 30-59 Order of Words 30-32 Use of Words 32-41 Nou7ts and Adjectives 32-34 Comparison 33 Numerals 33-34 Pronouns 34-38 Personal and Possessive Pronouns 34 * Demonstratives 35-36 Interrogatives and Relatives 36-37 Indefinite Pronouns 37-38 Verbs 38 Adverbs 38-39 Prepositions 39-41 Conjunctions 41 Use of Inflections 42-59 Cases 42-48 Locative 42-43 Vocative 43 Genitive 43-44 Dative 44-45 Ablative 45-47 Accusative 48 Fall of Declension 48 Verb-Forms 48 Impersonal Parts 48-51 Supi7ie 48-49 Gerund 49 Gerundive 49 Future Active Participle 49 vi Table of Contents. Pages Present Participle 50 Perfect Participle ..'..,.....,. 50 Infinitive 50~5i Voice 51-52 Mood 52-54 Imperative . 52 Subjunctive 52-54 Tense 54-59 The Perfect Tenses 54~56 Future and Conditional 5^59 PHONOLOGY 60-143 Syllabication . 60-61 Accent 61-68 Primary Stress 61-66 Vowels in Hiatus 61-62 Compound Verbs 62-63 Iliac, Illic . 63 Ficatum^ 63 Numerals 64 Greek Words 64-66 Greek Oxytones 64 Greek Paroxytones 64-65 Greek Proparoxytones 65-66 Other Foreign Words 66 Secondary Stress 4 (y^y-^i"] Unstressed Words .... * 67-68 Quantity 68-77 Position . 68-70 Vowel Quantity , 71-77 Vowels in Hiatus 72-73 Lengthening before Consonants 73-75 Disappearance of the Old Quantity 75-76 Development of a New Quantity 76-77 Vowels 77-i04 Greek Vowels 78-82 Acce7tted Vowels 82-91 Single Vowels 82-87 a , . 82-83 Table of Contents. vii Pages e 83-84 / . 84 t 84 ^ 84-85 o 85-86 o 86 u 86-87 u 87 Diphthongs . 88-90 CB 88-89 au , , , , 89-90 eu 90 ce 90 ui 90 Influence of Labials 91 Clerical Latin 91 Unaccented Vowels 91-104 Unaccented Vowels in Hiatus 93-96 Initial Syllable 96-98 Intertonic Syllable 98-99 Penult '. 99-102 Final Syllable 102-104 Consonants . .• 104-143 Latin Consonants 106-137 Aspirate 106-107 Gutturals 107-114 Q, and Q before Front Vowels 1 09-1 12 C and G before Back Vowels 112 Q and Q: Final and before Consonants 11 2-1 14 Palatals 114-118 Dentals 118-121 Liquids 121-124 L . 121-123 R 123-124 Sibilants 124-126 Nasals 127-132 Labials 132-137 P 132-133 viii Table of Contents. Pages B • • 133-135 ^ 135 V 135-137 U 137 Greek Consonants . » . 1 37-141 B, r,A 138 K, n, T 138 e,*,x 138-139 Liquids, Nasals, and Sibilants 140 Z ...,....,,,, 140-141 Germanic Consonants , 1 41-143 MORPHOLOGY . 144-187 Nouns and Adjectives 1 44-1 61 Gender 144-147 Masculine and Feminine 144 Masculine and Neuter 145-146 Feminine and Neuter , 146-147 Declension of Nouns 147-156 First Declension 149-151 Second Declension 1 51-152 Third Declension 152-156 Loss of Declension ..156 Declension of Adjectives , 157-158 Comparison 158-159 Numerals 1 59-161 Pronouns and Pronominal Adjectives 161-165 Personal Pronouns • . ^ 1 61-162 Possessives ,•......,, 162-163 Demonstratives 163-164 Interrogative and Relative Pronouns 165 Indefinite Pronouns and Adjectives 165 Verbs 166-187 The Four Conjugations 166-170 First Conjugation 166-167 Second Conjugation 167 Third Conjugation 167-170 Fourth Conjugation 170 Fundamental Changes in Inflection 170-173 Table of Contents. ix Pages Inchoative Verbs 173-174 Present Stems . 174-176 Imperfect 176-177 Perfect . 177-182 Weak Perfects 177-180 Strong Perfects 180-182 Pluperfect and Future Perfect 1 83 Perfect Participle 183-185 Personal Endings 186-187 INDEX 189-219 . BIBLIOGRAPHY WITH ABBREVIATIONS. App. Pr. : Die Appendix Probi^ ed. W. Heraeus, 1899. A Latin list of correct and incorrect spellings, possibly as early as the third century. Qi, Melanges . Renier 301-309; Melanges Boissier 5-9; Wiener Studien XIV, 278 ff.; Romanische Forschungen VII, 145 ff. Archiv: Archiv fUr lateinische Lexicographie und Grammatik mit Ein- schluss des dlte7'en Mittellateins. Quarterly, Leipzig. Audollent: A. AudoUent, Defixionum Tabellae^ 1904. Bausteine: Bausteine zur romanischen Philologies 1905* A volume of mis- cellaneous studies issued in honor of A. Mussafia. Bayard: L. Bayard, Le latin de saint Cyprien^ 1902. Bechtel : E. A. Bechtel, S, Silviae Peregrination The Text and a Study of the Latinityy 1^02. Cf. Per. Bon. : M. Bonnet, Le latin de Gregoire de Tours, 1890. i Carnoy: A. Carnoy, Le latin d'^Espagne d^apres les inscriptions, 1902-03. Chronologie : F. G. Mohl, Introduction h, la chronologie du latin vulgaire, 1899. C. I. L. : Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, 1863 — • New ed. (Vol. I, Part i), 1893— Claussen : T. Claussen, Die griechischen Wdrter im Franzbsischen, in Roma- nische Forschungen XV, 774. Cohn : G. Cohn, Die Suffixwandlungen im Vulgdrlatein und im vorlittera- risehen Franzbsisch nach ihren Spuren im, Neufranz'dsischen, 1891. Cooper: F. T. Cooper, Word Formation in the Roman Sermo Plebeius, 1895. Corssen: W. Corssen, Ueber Aussprache, Vocalismus und Betonung der lateinischen Sprache, 2^ ed., 1868-70. D'Arbois: H. d'Arbois de ] uhdLinviWef La decli7zaison en Gaule h Vepoque merovingienne, 1872. Densusianu: O. Densusianu, Histoire de la langue roumaine, Vol. I, 1901. Dottin: G. Dottin, Manuel potcr servir a Vetude de Vantiquite celtique, 1906. xiii . xiv Bibliography. Draeger : A. Draeger, Historische Syntax der lateinischen Sprache^ 2d ed., 1878. Dubois: A. Dubois, La latinite d^Ennodms, 1903. Eckinger : T. Eckinger, Die Orthographie lateinischer Wbrter in griechischen Inschriften^ 1892. Edon: G. Edon, Ecriture et prononciation du latin savant et du latin popu- / laire, 1882. ^ Einf . : W. Meyer-LUbke, EinfUhrung in das Studium der romanischen Sprachwissenschaft^ 1901. Facere: G. Rydberg, Le developpement de facere dans les langues romanes,, 1893. Reviewed by G. Paris in Rom. XXII, 569. Franz : W. Franz, Die lateinisch-romanischen Eleniente im Althochdeutscheny 1883. Franz, a: G. Rydberg, Zur Geschichte des franzbsischen ^, 1896 — Futurum: P. Thielmann, Habere mit dem Injiititiv und die Entstehung des romanischen Euturums, in Archiv II, 48, 157. G. : H. Goelzer, Etude lexicographique et grammaticale de la latinite de saint Jerome^ 1884. Gl. Cassel: Kasseler Glossen in Altfranzbsisches Uebungsbuch^ W. Foerster and E. Koschwitz, 2d ed., 1902. Made, probably in France, in the eighth or ninth century. Cf. Zs. XXVI, 521 ff. Gl. Reich.: Reichenauer Glossen in Altfranzbsisches Uebungsbuch, W. Foerster and E. Koschwitz, 2d ed., 1902. Made in France in the eighth century. Cf. P. Marchot in Romanisehe Eorschungen XII, 641 ff.; K. Hetzer, Die Reichenauer Glossen in Zj., Beiheft 7. Gram.: W. Meyer-LUbke, Grammaire des langues romanes, 3 vols., 1890- 1900. Grundriss: G. Grober, Grundriss der romanischen Philologie^ 2 vols., 1888- 1902; 2d ed. of Vol. I, 1904 — Haag: O. Haag, Die Latinitdt Eredegars, 1898. Hammer : M. Hammer, Die locale VerbreitungfrUhester romanischer Laut- wandlungen im alten Italien, 1894. Hoppe: H. Hoppe, Syntax und Stil des Tertullian^ 1903« Keil: H. Keil, Grammatici Latini^ 1857-1880. Kluge: F. Kluge, Romanen und Germanen in ihren Wechselbeziehungen, in Grundriss I^, 498. Korting: G. Korting, Lateinisch-romanisches Wbrterbuch^ 2d ed., 1 901. Koffmane : G. Koffmane, Entstehung' u?td Entwickelung des Kirchenlateins, 1879. Bibliography. xv Lat. Spr. : W. Meyer-Liibke, Die lateinische Sprache in den romanischen Ldnde7'n^ in Grundriss P, 451. Ciceron-, Lebreton : J. Lebreton, Etudes sur la langue et la grammaire de 1901. Lexique : F. G. Mohl, Etudes sur le lexique du latin vulgaire^ 1900. Lindsay: W. M. Lindsay, The Latin Language^ 1894. Loth: J. Loth, Les mots latins dans les langues brittoniques^ 1892. Ltblt. : Literaturblattfiir ger7nanischeu7idromanische Philologie, Monthly, Leipzig. Neue: Y,'^&\x^^ Formenlehre der lateinischen Sprache^ 3d ed., 1 892-1 902. Neumann: Franz Neumann, Verzeichniss der auf A ussprache und Recht- schreibung beziiglichen Eigenthilmlichkeiten in den Inschriften aus Gallia Narbonensis^ 1897.
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