GENERAL INDEX See also separate Stratigraphic Index and Chestnut Ridge anticline, 144 Authors' Index Chimney (Candle Stick) rocks, PIs. LXVII, LXVIII Agawam Station section, 29 Chinn calcite mine, 390 Allegheny-Cumberland structural front, 137 Cincinnati arch, 34, 97,132, 137,155, PIs. II, Allegheny peneplain, 156, 183 VIII, XXXI, XXXIII, XXXVI . Alluvium-filled valleys of western Ken- Claxton Station section (Caldwell Co.), 151 tucky, 161,164,203, PI. LUI Clay, 396, PI. CXVI, (tests and analyses), Barite, 388, 389, PI. XXXIV 404 Barrens (Pennyroyal), 187; (Purchase), 205 Cloverport salt industry, 429 Between the Rivers, 205 Coal, 250. See under mineral resources. Big Black Mountain, 180, PI. XXIV Conglomerate uplift, 355. See Paint Creek Big Bone Lick, 241,425, PI. LXX uplift. Big Bottoms (Purchase), 205 Creek Bottom Settlements (Eastern Coal Big Sandy River, 161, 162, 258, PI. LXXVI Field),175 Blue Grass, 166,167, 170, 231, 237, 389, CreelsboroNatural Bridge, 221, PI. LX 391, PIs. XXXV, XXXVII, Cryptovolcanic structures, 151, 393 XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL, XLIX, LI Cumberland arch, 152 Blue Lick, 245, 429, 431 Cumberland Falls, 238, PI. LXIX Boone's Cave, 231 Cumberland Gap, 143, 216, PIs. XLIII, LIX Bowling Green Is., 409, 412 Cumberland Gap topographic sheet, PI. Breaks of the Sandy, 182, 238, PIs. XLIV, XLIII LXIX Cumberland Mountain, 141,180, PIs. II, Breaks of the Tennessee, 205, 207, PI. II XXXVI, XLIII, LIX, LXIX Brines, 425, 430 "Cumberland Mountains," 175, 180 Brush Creek Hills, 189, 201 Cumberland overthrust (Pine Mountain Building Stone, 408, 409 fault, Cumberland thrust block, etc.), Burdett Knob, 135, 149, 174, 197, 390, 395, 140, 141, 142, 155, 347, PIs. PIs. XXIX, XXXIV, XXXV XXXVI, XLIII, XLIV, LIX Burnside topographic sheet, PI. XLVI Cumberland Plateau (Eastern Kentucky Cairo topographic sheet, PI. LV Mountains). See Eastern Coal Field. Calcite, 388, 390, PI. XXXIV Cumberland River, 180, 189, 216, PIs. Calhoun topographic sheet, PI. LIII XLVI, XLVII, LIV Callixylon newberryi, PI. XIII Diamond Caverns, PI. LXV Cane Hills, (Purchase), 205 Dikes, (eastern Kentucky) 130; (western Caney dome, PI. XC Kentucky) 130, 388 Canoe Creek plain, 158, 160, 201 Dix Dam, 235, PIs. III, LXVI Carter Caves, 225, PI. LX Dix River, 235, PIs. XXXIX, LXVI Carter Caves Natural Bridge, 221 Dolomite, 413 Cascade Cavern, 225 Drennon Lick, 429 Caves of the Blue Grass, 231 Dripping Springs Escarpment, 184, 191, Cement, 413 223, PIs. II, XXXVI, XLVIII Central Kentucky mineral veins, 389 505 506 GENERAL INDEX Eastern Coal Field (Cumberland Plateau), Taxable property (valuation), PI. LVI 136, 175, 250, PIs. II, XIX, XLI, Temperature, PI. LVIII Timber, XLII, XLIII, XLIV, XLVI, LXXIX. PI. LVI See also under coal. Geologic history, 155 Eastern Kentucky Glass sand, 422 -- -- Geosyncline, 137, 257, 317, PI. XXXII Glen Cairn fault (Irvine fault), PI. XXXV -- -- Isopach map, (Corniferous) 311; Glen Font salt works, 431 (Silurian-Devonian) PI. CV Gold Hill fault (Illinois), 145 -- -- Mountains, 175. See Eastern Goose Creek salt works, 429, 431 Coal Field. Great Onyx Cave, 224, PI. LXII -- -- Structure map, PI. XXXII Green River knob, 187 Eden shale belt, 167, PI. XXXIX Hall's Gap, PI. XLIX Edestus (shark jaw), PI. LII Harlan, PI. XLII Elk Lick Falls, 233, PI. LXVIII Harrisburg peneplain. See Lexington plain. Elliott County peridotite dikes, 130 Harrodsburg topographic sheet, PI. Elizabethtown area of the XXXIX Pennyroyal, 187 Henderson plain, 158 Empire fault, PI. LII Hidden River Cave, 224, PI. LXV Entrenched meanders of the Kentucky Highland Rim Peneplain (= Lexington), 158, River, 233 189 Evolution of Kentucky landscape (diagram), Holly Springs clay, 400, 406 PI. XXXVI High Bridge, 233, PIs. LXVI, LXVII Faircloth mine (fluorspar), 390 Howell cryptovolcanic structure (Tenn.), 153 Falls-of-the-Ohio, 235, PIs. I, X Hunter Valley fault (Va.), 142 Fall Zone peneplain, 155 Igneous rocks, 130 Faults crossing Lake Herrington, 237, PI Illinoian glaciation, 160, 163, 164 XXXV Illinois Basin. See Western Coal Basin. Faults of the Blue Grass, 237, 391, PIs. Inner Blue Grass, 169, 170, PIs. XXXVIII, XXXV, XXXIX XXXIX Iron, 433, 434 Faults of the western Kentucky fluorspar . Irvine clays, 122, 125, 397 region, 150, 155, PIs. XXXI, CX Irvine-Paint Creek fault (Irvine-Paint Creek Fensters of the Cumberland overthrust, 141, uplift, Irvine-Paint CreekWarfield 142 anticline), 144, 155, 357, 366, PIs. Flatwoods (Purchase), 205, 207 XXXV, LXXXVIII, XC Floyd Collins Crystal Cave, 224, PIs. LXIII, Isopach maps Boyd LXIV County = Ashland gas field Fluorspar, 387, 390, PIs. XXXIV, CXV (Ohio-Bedford-Berea), PI. CIX Flynn Creek cryptovolcanic structure Eastern Kentucky (Corniferous), 311, (Tenn.), 153 PI. CV Livermore pool Galena, 387, 389 (Barlow sand), PI. Geographic charts, PIs. LVI, LVII, LVIII CXIII Livermore pool City water supply, PI. LVIII Farm (Bethel sand), PI. products, PIs. LVI, LVII Land use, CXIII PI. LVI Navigable streams, PI. LVIII Population densities, PI. LVI Jacksboro fault, 140, 142. See Cumberland Precipitation, PI. LVIII State overthrust. forests, PI. LVI GENERAL INDEX 507 Jackson Purchase, 118, 204, 396, 400, PI. Mammoth Onyx Cave, 224, Pls. LXIII, LIV LXIV Jeptha Knob, 152, 153, 154, 174 Mann Lick, 429 Jessamine dome. See Cincinnati arch. Marion area (Mississippian Plateaus), 191 Joe Lick Knob, 197, PI. L Mastodon, PI. LXX Kentland cryptovolcanic structure (Ind.), McCreary County Natural Bridge, 221, PI. 153 LIX Kentucky Geologic map, PI. II Mid-Devonian overlap, 135, PI. XXXIII ---- Physiographic diagram, PI. II Middlesboro Basin, (structural) 141,143; ---- Structure maps, PIs. XXXI, XXXII (physiographic) 175, 180, Pls. Kentucky River, 149, 158, 162, 163, 170, XXXVI, XLIII 231, 260, PIs. XXXIX, LXVII, Mineral resources, 248 Barite, 389, LXXVIII PI. XXXIV Brines, 425, 430 ---- Fault, 144, 145, 149, 155, 170, 233, Pis. Building stone, 408, 409 Calcite, XXXIV, XXXV, XXXIX 389, 390, PI. XXXIV Cement, 413 ---- Gorge. See Kentucky River. Clay, 396, PI. CXVI, (tests and ---- Marble (Oregon Is.), 408 analyses), 404, 416 Kenwood Hill, PI. L Coal, 250 Analyses, 251, Kinney oil mine (Ravenna), 315, PI. 278-282 Benham district LXXXVIII (Harlan Co.), 262 Knobs, 194, Pis. II, XXXIX, XL, XLI, Breathitt County, 260 XLIX, L, LI Cannel coal, 257 Kosmosdale (cement), 413 Carbondale, coals of, Kosmosdale topographic sheet, PI. XL 272 Caseyville, coals of, Lake Herrington, 235, 237, Pis. XXXV, 271 LXVI, LXVIII Cincinnati Southern district (Mc- Lawrence County (subsurface structure),366 Creary Co.), 261 Lead, 387, 389 Clay County, 260 Levisa Fork of Big Sandy, PI. XLII Cumberland River, Lexington-Maysville fault = West Hickman 261 fault, 150, 155, 174, 391, PI. XXXIX Elkhorn district (Pike and Letcher Lexington plain (peneplain), 135, 158, 167, cos.), 259 183, 194, 201, 219, Pis. II, XXXVI, Eastern Coal Field, 250 XXXVII, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XL, Harlan district (Harlan Co.), 262 XLI Hazard district (Perry and south- Licking River, 162, 163, 260, PI. LXXVI western Knott cos.), 258, 260 Lillydale topographic sheet, PI. XLVII Jellico district, 261 Lime, 415, 419 Kenova-Thaker district (Martin and Limestone, 413, 419 eastern Pike cos.), 258 Louisville, 172, 194, 197, PIs. I, X, XL Kentucky River, 260 Mammoth, 128, PI. LXX Laurel County, 262 Mammoth Cave, 224, Pis. XLVIII, LXI, Lawrence County, 260 LXV Leslie County, 261 ---- Pleateau, 184, 185, 191, 223, PIs. Licking River, 260 XXXVI, XLV, XLVIII Lisman, coals of, 274 ---- Region, 223 Magoffin County, 260 ---- Topographic sheet, PI. XLVIII Morgan County, 260 Paintsville district (Johnson and Floyd cos.), 259 508 GENERAL INDEX Mineral resources, coal-continued. Mineral resources, coal-continued. Princess district (Boyd and Carter cos.), Dean = Fire Clay, 262, 264, PIs. 258 XXIII, XXIV, LXXV, Producing districts (map), PI. LXXVII LXXII "E". See Creech. Producing seams in eastern Kentucky Elkhorn = Upper Elkhorn = Upper (correlation chart), PI. LXXV Elkhorn Nos. 1, 2, 3, 97, 259, Producing seams in eastern Kentucky 260, 262, 264, PIs. XXII, XXIV, (correlation and production charts), LXXV, LXXVI PIs. LXXVI, LXXVII Fire Clay = Dean, 97, 101, 102, Producing seams in western Kentucky 136, 137, 260, 261, 262, 264, (correlation and production chart), PIs. XX-XXIV, LXXVLXXVII LXXX Fire Clay Rider = NO.4 Rider, Production (Kentucky), 252 264, PIs. XXI, XXIII, LXXV- by counties, PI. LXXIII LXXVII by counties (Eastern field), PI. Freeburn = Pond Creek = Lower LXXIV Elkhorn, XXII, LXXV, LXXVI by counties (Western field), PI. Harlan, 97, 102, 262, 265, Pis. LXXIV XX, XXIV, LXXV, LXXVII by states, PI. LXXIII Hazard coal, 260, 265, PIs. XXI, Reserves (Eastern Coal Field), 256 XXIII, LXXV, LXXVII High Southern Appalachian district (Bell and Splint, 97, 107, 260, PIs. Knox cos.), 262 Tradewater,271 XXIII, LXXV, LXXVII Hignite, Uses and character, 250, 256, 257, 258, 102, 103, 262, 265, PIs. PI. LXXVIII XX, LXXV, LXXVII Hudson = Western Coal Field, 268 NO.1 and I! (McCreary Co.), 100, Whitley County, 261 261, 265, Pis. XXIV, LXXV, LXXVII Jackson = Elkhorn, 260, PI. LXXVII Jellico, 97, 2fl2, 265, Pis. XXIV, Commercial coals LXXV, LXXVII Eastern Kentucky Kellioka, 97, 262, 265, PIs. Alma, 258, 263, Pis. XXII, XXIV, LXXV, LXXVII Keokee LXXVI = Kellioka, 265, PIs. Amburgy, 263, PIs. XXII, XXIV, XXIV, LXXV LXXV, LXXVI Laurel = Lily?, Pis. LXXV, "B", 263, PI. LXXVII LXXVII Barren Fork, 261, 263, XXIV, Lily, 260, 262, 266, Pis. XXIV, LXXV, LXXVII LXXV, LXXVII Beaver Creek = No. 2 (McCreary Limestone, 266, Pis. XXIII, Co.), 261, 263, PIs. XXIV, LXXV, LXXVII LXXV Low Splint, 260, 266, PIs. XXII, Bevins = Fire Clay, 264, PIs. XXIV, LXXV, LXXVI, XXII, LXXV, LXXVI LXXVII "C" See Keokee Lower Elkhorn = Pond Creek, etc., Creech = "E", 102, 262, PIs. 97, 259, XXII, LXXV, LXXVI XXIV, LXXV, LXXVII "D" = Darby, 97 Darby, 264, PIs. LXXV, LXXVII GENERAL INDEX 509 Mineral resources, coal-continued. Mineral resources, coal-continued. Mason, 262, PIs. LXXV, No.5, 260,268, PIs. XXI, LXXV, LXXVII LXXVII Millers Creek = Van Lear = Upper No. 5a, Pis. LXXV, LXXVII No. Elkhorn NO.1, 259, 260, PIs. (} (Carter and Boyd cos.), 268, PI. LXXV, LXXVI Mingo, 102, 262, XXI 266, PIs.
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