THE SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL Subscription Price VOL. 34, No. 5 60 Oests a Year. JOSEPH HOFFMAN COHN, Editor JANUARY, 1951 "If God Himself Were To Come Down" By H. KOSER «T T OW CAN YOU, a Jew, believe in differently? I mind my own business." God. There was always the minority— this Jesus ?" a Jewish woman ARE YOU A SHEEP the faithful few who obeyed Him. Elijah, angrily cried. I replied, "If I the Prophet cried, As she spoke, I was reminded of Isaiah can prove from our own Old Testament I have been very jealous for the Lord God that Jesus Christ alone fulfills every 53:6, "All we like sheep have gone a- of hosts: because the children of Israel have promise given concerning the Messiah, stray." Sheep are lovely animals to look forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine al- and is without doubt the One of whom at, but they are noted for their stupidity. tars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; If the leader should jump off a cliff, the and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my Moses and the Prophets did write, will life to take it away...And the Lord said unto you accept Him ?" others would soon follow suit. Even him Yet I have left me seven thousand in "No I" she blurted out. "Even, if God though it means their death, they just Israel. all the knees which have not bowed' have to follow the crowd. Today, many down to Baal, and every mouth which bath Himself were to come down and tell me not kissed him. this Jesus Christ was my Saviour, I of our people have rejected the Lord 1 Kings 19:14,16,18. would not believe it." Jesus Christ, not because they have In their distress Israel cried out, "0 "God Himself did come down," I re- searched for the truth themselves, but God, why hast thou cast us off for ever? plied. "He came in the form of man to they are just following the multitudes, Why doth thine anger smoke against the suffer and die so that you and I might and like the stupid sheep, are jumping off sheep of the pasture ?" (Psa. 74:1). And receive forgiveness of sin, and be recon- life's cliff to eternal death. The Prophet the Lord their God, in love, replied ciled to God." Ezekiel gives us a picture of the plight through the mouth of the Prophet Isaiah, She turned to me shouting in a harsh of our people : All we like sheep have gone astray; we have voice, "I won't listen any more. Even if My sheep wandered through all the moun- turned everyone to his own way; and The you showed it to me in black and white, tains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock Lord bath laid on Him (Jesus, the Messiah) I won't believe it !" Turning from me, was scattered upon all the face of the earth, the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6. still shouting, she walked off. and none did-search or seek after them...Thus smith the Lord God: Behold, I, even I, will both David, the Psalmist of old, cried out, "1 MIND MY OWN BUSINESS"' search my sheep, and seek them out. I Ezeklal 84:6,11. have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek As she did so, I noticed another woman thy servant. Psalm 119:176. standing near by. She had, no doubt, been Our people today are the lost sheep, When Israel acknowledges that she is listening to the entire conversation. groping to find some ray of light. They lost and nee& a Saviour, then she will be Walking up to me, she said, "Don't mind have drifted into many cults and isms; ready to hear the Lord Jesus Christ, Is- her. She is a bigoted person." Seeing that but few have found the True Way. The rael's Redeemer, the One who came "un- this woman was also Jewish, I asked, Lord Jesus Christ, Israel's Messiah to His own," as He cries, "Do you believe in the Lord Jesus cried, Christ ?" "Oh, no," she replied. "Why I am the Good Shepherd: the Good Shepherd • , don't you believe in Him ?" I questioned. I am the way, the truth, and the life: no giveth His life for the sheep. John 10:11. man cometh unto the Father, but by me. She shook her head and said, "I'm the John 14:6. The Lord Jesus Christ did give His life kind of a person that minds her own busi- for you and for me. He was willing to ness. If everyone would believe in Him, I As I continued speaking to this woman have men nail Him to the cross. He was would too. But why should I be differ- in Israel, I tried to show her through the willing to have men pierce His hands and ent? Everyone says He is not the Holy Scriptures that never in the history His feet. He was willing to bear the Messiah, so why should I believe dif- of our people did the majority follow shame and the agony of dying alone—for- saken by all. He bore it all for you and for me. To Both the Houses of Israel! As I once again turned to the woman standing by my side, I asked, "He was Ever since the advent of so-called Reformed Judaism, the Jewish willing to do all that for you. Are you willing to accept Him as your own per- people have been divided into two sects, as it was in the days of Rehoboam sonal Saviour right now ?" She humbly the son of Solomon. This division leads only to bewilderment and confusion. replied, "I have much to ask God to for- Would you know more about why Jews are so hopelessly divided? Mail us 50 give me for. But I thank Him that He in stamps and ask for a copy of our booklet, "To Both the Houses of Israel." permitted me to eavesdrop on your con- versation today. Had I not, I don't know THE SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL, 236 West 72d Street, New York 23, N. Y. whether or not I would have ever heard the Good News that Jesus is my Saviour Published Monthly, except bi-monthly during July and August, by the American Board of Missions to the Jews, 236 West 72nd Street, New York 23, N. Y. Entered as Second Class Matter November 20, 1945, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. PRINTED IN U.S.A. SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL come to seek and to save that which was and Messiah. He was willing to bear all AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS that suffering and Anguish for me. Now, lost." Today, God is calling you, TO THE JEWS, Inc. I am willing to accept Him as my Lord Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends and Messiah." of the earth. Isaiah 45:22. Established by Leopold Cohn in 1894 Dear Reader: As you read this brief experience, won't you as this dear eaves- Don't look at your neighbors or dropper did, confess your sin and ack- friends. Look unto the One who loved nowledge Him who is the Good Shep- you and freely gave His life a ransom HEADQUARTERS herd. Jesus said, "The Son of man is for you. Believe and live; doubt and die. LEOPOLD COHN Is This Jerusalem Rabbi Mad? MEMORIAL SLIM 236 WEST 72nd STREET Here is the actual story by Daniel Zion, formerly chief Rabbi of Bulgaria, NEW YORK 23, N. Y. now living in Jerusalem, and approaching 70 years of age. He wrote this confession, under the title of "How I received Jesus the Messiah." The Manuscript is in the Bulgarian language, and was so delivered by Rabbi Zion to our missionary in Jerusalem, Mr. Haim Haimoff. We now present the translation by Mr. Haimoff from the original Bulgarian manuscript. COME TO OUR MEETINGS AT 27 THROOP AVENUE, BROOKLYN was born in Salonica, Greece, and day stronger and stronger. Special') was brought up by my parents of when my guide sent me to Jerusalem, Tuesday 7:45 P.M.—Adult Bible Class Rabbinical origin, who were preju- and I was left entirely alone for a whole Friday 7:46 P.M.—Gospel Meeting I month. I had been living in Tel Aviv, but diced concerning Jesus and the New now for a month, I was to live all alone Testament. When I first bought a Bible AT 236 WEST 72nd ST.. NEW YORK in French with the New Testament con- in Jerusalem. As I was fully separated tained within, they tore out the New from the outside world, I deepened my- Sunday 4:00 P.M.—Gospel Meeting Testament part; for we were not allowed self in the New Testament writings and Monday 8:00 P.M.—Bible Study for German-speaking Jews to have the New Testament in our home. at the end of the month I received a reve- Later, when I came to Sofia, the capital lation by the Holy Spirit, who told me : of Bulgaria, I had the chance to talk "You must go to Tel Aviv and tell two with some Bulgarians who quoted verses persons of the chief Rabbinate, that you VISIT OUR OTHER MISSIONS from the New Testament. I was surprised believe in Jesus as the Messiah and that to find in it great contents and high mor- He offered Himself for the Jewish na- Coney Island, N.
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