INDEX TO THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS (A) FOR THE YEAR 1889. A. A bney (W. de W.). Total Eclipse of the San observed at Caroline Island, on 6th May, 1883, 119. A bney (W. de W.) and T horpe (T. E.). On the Determination of the Photometric Intensity of the Coronal Light during the Solar Eclipse of August 28-29, 1886, 363. Alcohol, a study of the thermal properties of propyl, 137 (see R amsay and Y oung). Archer (R. H.). Observations made by Newcomb’s Method on the Visibility of Extension of the Coronal Streamers at Hog Island, Grenada, Eclipse of August 28-29, 1886, 382. Atomic weight of gold, revision of the, 395 (see Mallet). B. B oys (C. V.). The Radio-Micrometer, 159. B ryan (G. H.). The Waves on a Rotating Liquid Spheroid of Finite Ellipticity, 187. C. Conroy (Sir J.). Some Observations on the Amount of Light Reflected and Transmitted by Certain 'Kinds of Glass, 245. Corona, on the photographs of the, obtained at Prickly Point and Carriacou Island, total solar eclipse, August 29, 1886, 347 (see W esley). Coronal light, on the determination of the, during the solar eclipse of August 28-29, 1886, 363 (see Abney and Thorpe). Coronal streamers, observations made by Newcomb’s Method on the Visibility of, Eclipse of August 28-29, 1886, 382 (see A rcher). Cosmogony, on the mechanical conditions of a swarm of meteorites, and on theories of, 1 (see Darwin). Currents induced in a spherical conductor by variation of an external magnetic potential, 513 (see Lamb). 520 INDEX. D. Darwin (G. H.). On the Mechanical Conditions of a Swarm of Meteorites, and on Theories of Cosmogony, 1. D arwin (L.), S chuster (A.), and Maunder (E. W.). On the Total Solar Eclipse of August 29, 1886, 291. Dissociation, on evaporation and.—Part VIII., 137 (see R amsay and Young). Diurnal variation of terrestrial magnetism, with an appendix by H. Lamb, 467 (see Sciiuster). E. Eclipse of August 28-29, 1886, on the determination of the photometric intensity of the coronal light during the solar, 363 (see A bney and Thorpe). Eclipse of August 29, 1886, on the total solar, 291 (see Darwin, Schuster, and Maunder). Eclipse of August 29, 1886, report of the observations of the total solar, made at Grenville, in the island of Grenada, 385 (see T urner). Eclipse of August 29, 1886, report of the observations of the total solar, made at the island of Carriacou, 351 (see P erry). Eclipse (total) of the sun observed at Caroline Island, on 6th May, 1883, 119 (see A bney). Eclipse (total) of the sun observed at Caroline Island, on 6th May, 1883, instructions to observers, 126. Evaporation and dissociation, on.—Part VIII., 137 (see R amsay and Y oung). E wing (J. A.) and Low (W.). On the Magnetisation of Iron and other Magnetic Metals in very Strong Fields, 221. F. F orsyth (A. R.). A Class of Functional Invariants, 71. Functional invariants, a class of, 71 (see F orsyth). G. Glass, some observations on the amount of light reflected and transmitted by certain kinds of, 245 (see Conroy). Gold, revision of the atomic weight of, 395 (see Mallet). H. H opkinson (J.). Magnetic and other Physical Properties of Iron at a High Temperature, 443. I. Invariants, a class of functional, 71 (see F orsyth). Iron, magnetic and other physical properties of, at a high temperature, 443 (see H opkinson). Iron, on the magnetisation of, and other magnetic metals, in very strong fields, 221 (see E wing and Low). INDEX. 521 L. Lamb (H.). On the Currents Induced in a Spherical Conductor by Variation of an External Magnetic Potential, 513 (see Schuster). L awrance (H. A.). Report of Work done during the Eclipse of 1883, 133. Light reflected and transmitted by certain Icinds of glass, some observations on the amount of, 245 (see Conroy). Low (W.) (see E wing and Low), M. Magnetic and other physical properties of iron at a high temperature, 443 (see H opkinson). Magnetic metals in very strong fields, on the magnetisation of iron and other, 221 (see E wing and Low). Magnetic potential, on the currents induced in a spherical conductor by variation of an external, 513 (see Lamb). Magnetisation of iron and other magnetic metals in very strong fields, 221 (see E wing and Low). Magnetism, the diurnal variation of terrestrial. With an appendix by H. L amb, 467 (see Schuster). Maling (I. C.). Description of the Eclipse of August 29, 1886, and drawing of the Corona, 346. Mallet (J. W.). Revision of the Atomic Weight of Gold, 395. Masterman (J.). Notes on the Solar Eclipse of 29th August, 1886, observed at Carriaeou, 360. Maunder (E. W.) (see Darwin, Schuster, and Maunder). Mechanical conditions of a swarm of meteorites, and on theories of cosmogony, 1 (see Darwin). Metals, on the magnetisation of iron and other magnetic, in very strong fields, 221 (see Ewing and Low). Meteorites, on the mechanical conditions of a swarm of, and on theories of cosmogony, 1 (see Darwin). G. Osburn (F. W.). Description of Drawing made at the Total Solar Eclipse of August 29, 1886, 362. P. P erry (S. J.). Report of the Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of August 29, 1886, made at the Island of Carriacou, 351. Photometric intensity of the coronal light during the solar eclipse of August 28-29, 1886, od the determi­ nation of the, 363 (see Abney and Thorpe). Propyl alcohol, a study of the thermal properties of, 137 (see Ramsay and Young). R. Radio-micrometer, the, 159 (see Boys). R amsay (W.) and Y oung (S.). On Evaporation and Dissociation.—Part VIII. A Study of the Thermal Properties of Propyl Alcohol, 137. Rotating liquid spheroid of finite ellipticity, the waves on a, 187 (see B ryan). S. Schuster (A.). The Diurnal Variation of Terrestrial Magnetism. With an Appendix by H. Lamb, 467. Schuster (A.) (see Darwin, Schuster, and Maunder). MDCCCLXXXIX.--- A. 3 X 522 INDEX. Solar eclipse of August 28-29, 1886, on the determination of the photometric intensity of the coronal light during the, 3(>3 (see A bney and T horpe). Solar eclipse of August 29, 1886, on the total, 29 L (see D arwin, Schuster, and Maunder). Solar eclipse of August 29, 1886, report of the observations of the total, made at Grenville, in the island of Grenada, 385 (see T urner). Solar eclipse of August 29, 1886, report of the observations of the total, made at the island of Carriacou, 351 (see P erry). Spherical conductor, on the currents induced in a, by variation of an external magnetic potential, 513 (see Lamb). Spheroid of finite ellipticity, the waves on a rotating liquid,. 187 (see B ryan)., T„ Terrestrial magnetism,. the diurnal variation of. With an appendix by H. Lamb, 467 (see S chuster). Thermal properties of propyl ,alcohol a study of the, 137 (see R amsay and Y oung). Thorpe (T. E.) (see A bney and T horpe). Turner (H. H.). Report of the Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of August 29, 1886, made at Grenville, in the Island of Grenada* 385. W. Waves on a rotating liquid spheroid of finite* ellipticity, 187 (see B ryan). W esley (W. HA. On the Photographs of the Corona obtained at Prickly Point and Carriacou Island, total solar eclipse, August 29, 1886, 347. W oods (C. R.). Report of Work done during the Eclipse of 1883, 134. Y. Y oung (S.) (see R amsay and Y oung) „ HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN’S LANF. THE ROYAL SOCIETY, 30th N ovember, 1889. THE ROYAL SOCIETY. Nov. 30,1889 H er S acred M ajesty QUEEN VICTORIA, P atron. Date of Election. 1863. Feb. 12. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. 1865. Apr. 27. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS LOUIS PHILIPPE D’ORLEANS, COUNT OF PARIS. 1871. Nov. 23. HIS MAJESTY PEDRO II., EMPEROR OF BRAZIL, K.G. 1882, Hear. 16. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G. THE COUNCIL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. , ------ -------K>QO+- ------ — SIR GEORGE GABRIEL STOKES, Bart., M.A., D.C.L., LL.D.—P resident. PROF. E. RAY LANKESTER, M.A. JOHN EVANS, D.C.L., LL.D.—T reasurer and V ice-P resident. HUGO MULLER, Ph.D. PROF. MICHAEL FOSTER, M.A., M.D.— PROF.ALFREDNEWTON,M.A.—V ice P resident. S ecretary. Capt. ANDREW NOBLE, C.B. THE LORD RAYLEIGH, M.A., D.C.L.—Secre­ R ev. STEPHEN JOSEPH PERRY, D.Sc. tary. SIR HENRY E. ROSCOE, D.C.L.—V ice-P resident. ARCHIBALD GEIKIE, LL.D.—F oreign S ecre­ tary. EDWARD JOHN ROUTH, D.Sc. PROF. HENRY EDWARD ARMSTRONG, Pli.D. WILLIAM SCOVELL SAVORY. PROF. WILLTAM EDWARD AYRTON. PROF. JOSEPH JOHN THOMSON, M.A. CHARLES BARON CLARKE, M.A. PROF. ALEXANDER WILLIAM WILLIAM­ PROF. W. BOYD DAWKINS, M.A. SON, LL.D.—V ice-P resident. EDWARD EMANUEL KLEIN, M.D. SIR CHARLES WILLIAM WILSON, Col. R.E. * * This Council will continue till November 30, 1890. •sc* Assistant-Secretary and Librarian. HERBERT RIX, B.A. Clerk. THEODORE E. JAMES. Assistant Librarian. A. H. WHITE. Omissions havino occasionally occurred in tho Annual List of Deceased Fellows, as announced from the Chair at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society, it is requested that any information on that subject, as also Notice of Changes of Residence, be addressed to the Assistant Secretary. a 2 FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. NOVEMBER 30, 1889. (C) prefixed to a name indicates the award of the Copley Medal. j j ) ............................................................... Royal Medal.
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