An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner FRIDAY March 10, 2000 • Volume 126 THE • Number 37 Review Online Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage Paid www. review. udel. edu Newark, DE Permit No. 26 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 FREE Fraternity suspended for hazing BY LIZ JOHNSON . The letters, Wilson said, were Lumberton police force . said. Ediwr in Chiej sent by five as pirants of Alp ha The Lumberton police officers Senio r Oluwafe mi Ogunsola, The university's chapter of the Phi Alpha. Aspirants are similar realized a ll the letters had a president of the fraternity, stated Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity wa to pledges - they are interested un iv ers ity return address, a nd in an e-mail message that he had suspended for five years after people who wish to become contacted Wilson, who received no comment on the content of the pleading guilty to a hazing members of the fraternity. them on Feb. 22 and started hi s le tters o r whether he considered charge. The letters were sent to a man investigation. the s u spen io n to be a fa ir A representative of the who was believed to be a 1996 Wilson said he then contacted sentence. fraternity pled gui lty on behalf of university graduate and alumnus the Dean of Students' Office. Ogunsola also said he had no the organization in the student of the fraternity . He was al so Brooks s aid, " Tw o o f the co mment o n why the fraternity judicial system on March 2. believed to have had recently letters indicated that the hazing decided to enter a g uilty plea or The suspension is effective visited the univers ity. Wilson that was occurring was disrupting o n who was involved wi th the immediately. said. the academic pro gress of the mailing of the letters . Dean of Students Timothy F. However, he said, the letters students [involved]. Brooks said the fratern ity could Brooks said the university found were instead sent to a different "One in particular indicated decide to appeal the decisio n in out about the hazing incident from man with the s ame name in there might be physical hazing.'" one year and ask for a reduction letters sent by five people Lumberton, N.J. Wilson and Brooks both said o f the length of the suspension. involved with the fraternity. The man was deceased, so his that as far as they kn o w, the If the fra t erni ty d ecides t o University Police Sgt. Charles 85-year-old widow opened the students who sent the le tters are appea l , he sai d, he and t he Wilson said he was the officer in letters . Wilson said she thought in good health now. appell a te b o a rd wou ld d ecide charge of the investigation. the letters were a form of However, Wilson said, he has whet her to reduce the suspens ion. "My investigation c learly harassment since they were no idea why the letters were sent Brooks said there have been showed what I believe to be addressed to her dead husband, so at all. hazing," he said. she turned them over to the "That' s a mystery to me," he see ORGANIZATION page A I 0 THE REVIEW/ Amy Shapiro Green Party presidential candidate and consumer activist Ralph University unaffected by Nader spoke in the Trabant University Center Wednesday. recent water concerns Green Party's BY CARLA CORREA AND JEN LEMOS He said officials were concerned that single­ Ciry Ne11·s Editors celled organisms, primarily the species giaria and Nader addresses Despite rumors circulating among students, cryptosporidium, would be able to enter the pipes Newark's water is not believed to have been during the 20 minutes the filter was down. contaminated by a recent filteration failure at Anthony Langley, general manager for United United Water. Water, said workers discovered that part of the 400 in Trabant After two days of testing, no results indicated plant's process control equipment was not that the Monday morning equipment failure at the functioning properly Monday morning. plant released any toxic bacteria into the water The equipment adds a polymer to the water that BY STEVE RUBENSTEIN s tro nghold, Nader said big supply, officials said. enlarges water particles, he said. Small Managing Ne11s Editor business has interfe red with all Ed Hallock, program administrator for the contaminants are then easier to filter away from The g reed and powe r of aspects of life. Division of Public Health's Office of Drinking the larger water particles. corporate America has corrupted "This is a university," he said, Water, said most residents in the Newark area are Without this polymer, harmful bacteria can the federal governme nt, Green "not a corporate trade school." served by the White Clay Creek and well water. remain unfiltered in the water, Langley said. Party presidential candidate Ralph He told the crowd that Only a small portion of them receive United These organisms can cause diarrhea. cramps Nader s aid Wed nesday at the companies donate large su ms of THE REVIEW/ Mike Louie Water. and nausea approximately one week after Water from United is no longer required Trabant Univer3i ty Center. money for research solely for the Those who are served by United Water were ingestion. to be boiled before drinking. Nader, a long ti me consume r purpose of fu rthe ring their own advised to boil their water before use. Cynthia Collier, communication director for advocate, offi cially ki cked off his · industries. "A breakdown in the treatment process allowed Delaware H ealth and Social Services, said able to stop it. campaign last month and said he Nader said his views on politics [unfiltered] water to get into the system," he said. residents were warned about the incident because "The city limits were not affected." wants to restore order to a system set him apart from the Democratic ''We alerted people about the problem and cut off United Water provides water to the city when it Of the I 00,000 people that are served by the of democracy in crisis. and Rep ubl ican preside ntial the connection on Monday afternoon." experiences shortages. · company, Col\ier said, the majority reside in th e "The people breathe justice, but candidates because of the role each Hallock said the advisory was lifted at 3:30p.m. "United Water was able to notify the city in Claymont area. She said none of the customers' when power is in the hands of the wants to play in the White House. Wednesday, ·although United Water said the time," she said. "They were able to shut the valve water was contaminated. few, there are p redictable "I a m running .o n the Green problem was fixed by 4 p.m. Monday. where the water comes in to the city, so they· were conseque nces," he said. Party [ticket) because I see civil see TESTS page A 7 "Corporations like to use the air society as being closed out," he and water as their own personal said. sewers:· "[Vice President] AI Gore says, The Green Party's key values 'I want to work for you.' I want to Do you agree with the center aroun d g rassroots work with you. university's policy to ban Students democracy, social j ustice a nd "George [W.] Bush says he is a ecological wisdom. Nader ran in real reformer. But if he stretches smoking in on-campus 1996 as the party's presidential the truth any further , it'll snap candidate. back and hit hi m in the eye." housing? · " We have lost o ur political Nader also c riticized the react to system," he sai'd. "It is a captive of candidates for waffling o n ke y the corporate o ligarchy in every issues. Gore has changed his views Yes-38.46 percent conceivable way." on the envdonment, Nader said, Before an audience of more than while Bush has ta ken credit fo r 400, Nad er addressed issues legislation which was passed that smoking ranging f ro m D e laware's No- 42.35 percent he initially vetoed. env iro nmenta l prob lems to the He said the absense of a quality trouble with public universities. candidate. combi ned with t he Undecided- 18.80 " Y ou have courses at this cur rent state of justice, have policy university," he said. "But really, jeopardized the future o f percent you have to educate yourselves." democracy. Accusing public institutions of BY MARCEY MAGEN THOMAS "There is a strong discontinuity being under corporate America's CufJY Edito r see PRESIDENTIAL page A II From a Review poll of 118 students The ne w housing poli cy, whic h bans students from smoking in residence halls THE REVIEW/ Mike Louie a nd takes e ffect nex t semester, has Students will no longer be able to generated controversy among students. Student expelled smoke in their rooms next year. Marcus Lynch, a resi dent assistant in Dickinson A , said he t hinks the new po li c y will affect both s m okers a nd nonsmokers. Lighting up at universities Lync h. who does not smoke, said he after gun incident pe rsonally does not have a problem with BY SHANNON CANTON the ban on smoking , but admits it may BY JENNA R. PORTNOY rate amon g college students is ns1ng. Student Affairs Editor Srajf Report<r Uni versity of Delaware survey have found oppo se the rig hts of those w ho d o Former Continuing Education student Ernest Willard received a The stale odor of cigarettes is a familiar this to be true here as well.
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