oi.uchicago.edu/OI/DEPT/PUB/SRC/CHD/S2/CHDS2.html THE HITTITE DICTIONARY OF THE ORIENTAL INSTITUTE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Edited by HANS G. GÜTERBOCK†, HARRY A. HOFFNER, AND THEO P. J. VAN DEN HOUT VOLUME Å FASCICLE 2 åaptamenzu to -åi- Published by THE ORIENTAL INSTITUTE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 2005 oi.uchicago.edu/OI/DEPT/PUB/SRC/CHD/S2/CHDS2.html VOLUME Å, FASCICLE 2 Editorial Staff Theo P. J. van den Hout, Executive Editor Harry A. Hoffner, Jr., Senior Editor Hans G. Güterbock†, Senior Editor Richard H. Beal, Billie Jean Collins, Hripsime Haroutunian, Silvia Luraghi, Kathleen R. Mineck, O©uz Soysal, and Ahmet Ünal, Assistants Gary M. Beckman, H. Craig Melchert, and Gernot Wilhelm, Consultants ISBN 1-885923-37-6 (Set 0-918986-26-5) Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 79-53554 The Oriental Institute ©2005 by The University of Chicago • All Rights Reserved The preparation of this volume of the Chicago Hittite Dictionary was made possible in part by grants from the Program for Research Tools and Reference Works of the National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent Federal Agency, as well as gifts from the Salus Mundi Foundation, Tucson, AZ, and Mr. Howard Hallengren, New York, NY. Printed and bound in the United States of America by Cushing-Malloy, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Seal on cover and title page copyright Prof. Schaeffer-Forrer, Ugaritica III (1956) 89. Used with permission. ADDITIONS TO LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ALASP Abhandlungen zur Literatur Alt-Syriens, DBH 1 A. Hagenbuchner-Dresel, Massangaben Palästinas und Mesopotamiens — Münster bei hethitischen Backwaren — Dresden Alp, Song S. Alp, Song, Music and Dance of Hittites 2002 — Ankara 2000 —— 2 D. Groddek, Hethitische Texte in Tran- AS 26 H. G. Güterbock, Perspectives on Hittite skription KBo 30 — 2002 Civilization: Selected Writings — Chi- —— 4 ____, Hethitische Texte in Transkription cago 1997 KUB 55 — 2002 Catsanicos, VocabFaute J. Catsanicos, Recherches sur le Vo- —— 6 ____, A. Hagenbuchner and I. Hoffmann, cabulaire de la Faute, Cahiers de NABU 2 Hethitische Texte in Transkription VS NS — Paris 1991 12 — 2002 CHLI Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscrip- —— 10 see GsForrer tions. Untersuchungen zur indoger- —— 11 D. Groddek, Hethitische Texte in Tran- manischen Sprach- und Kulturwissen- skription KBo 39 — 2004 schaft N.F. 8 — Berlin —— 12 K.K. Riemschneider†, Die akkadischen —— 1 J. D. Hawkins, Inscriptions of the Iron und hethitischen Omentexte aus Bo©azköy Age — 2000 — Dresden 2004 —— 2 H. Çambel, Karatepe-Aslanta® — 1999 —— 13 D. Groddek, Hethitische Texte in Tran- CHS I/3-2 I. Wegner, Hurritische Opferlisten aus skription KUB 20 — 2004 hethitischen Festbeschreibungen II: Texte —— 14 ____, Hethitische Texte in Transkription für Teååub, Æebat und weitere Gottheiten KUB 59 — 2004 — Rome 2002 —— 15 ____, Hethitische Texte in Transkription DBH Dresdner Beiträge zur Hethitologie — KUB 51 — 2004 Dresden —— 16 H. Roszkowska-Mutschler, Hethitische Texte in Transkription KBo 45 — 2005 oi.uchicago.edu/OI/DEPT/PUB/SRC/CHD/S2/CHDS2.html Eothen 11 see Mem. Imparati Du Monde Babylonien au Monde Hellé- —— 12 Imparati, Studi sulla società e sulla reli- nistiqe — Montpellier 2000 gione degli ittiti — 2004 Masson, Douze Dieux E. Masson, Les douze dieux de Francia, Avverbiali R. Francia, Le funzioni sintattiche degli l’immortalité — Paris 1989 elementi avverbiali di luogo ittiti anda(n), Mazoyer, Télipinu M. Mazoyer, Télipinu, le dieu au marécage, Ωppa(n), katta(n), katti-, peran, parΩ, åer, Kubaba: Série Antiquité 2— Paris 2003 åarΩ, Studia Asiana 1 — Rome 2002 Mem. Carter The Asia Minor Connexion: Studies FsDeMeyer Cinquante-deux reflexions sur le Proche- on the Pre-Greek Languages in Memory Orient ancien offertes en hommage à of Charles Carter, Orbis Supplementa 13 Léon DeMeyer. Mesopotamian History — Leuven 2000 and Environment Occasional Publications Mem. Imparati Anatolia Antica, Studi in memoria di 2 — Leuven 1994 Fiorella Imparati, Eothen 11 — Florence FsHaas Kulturgeschichten: Altorientalische Stu- 2002 dien für Volkert Haas zum 65. Geburtstag Nakamura, Nuntarrijaåæa M. Nakamura, Das hethitische nuntar- — Saarbrücken 2001 rijaåæa-Fest, PIHANS 94 — Leiden 2002 FsHoffner Hittite Studies in Honor of Harry A. NHL Neues Handbuch der Literaturwissenschaft Hoffner, Jr. on the Occasion of His 65th OBO 129 B. Janowski, K. Koch, G. Wilhelm, eds., Birthday — Winona Lake 2003 Religionsgeschichtliche Beziehungen FsLebrun Studia Anatolica et Varia: Mélanges of- zwischen Kleinasien, Nordsyrien und dem ferts au Professeur René Lebrun, Collec- Alten Testament, OBO 129 — Freiburg/ tion Kubaba: Série Antiquité 5-6 — Paris Göttingen 1993 2004 Oettinger, “Indo-Hittite”- “Indo-Hittite”-Hypothese und Wort- FsPopko Silva Anatolica — Warsaw 2002 Hypothese bildung, IBS-VKS 37 — Innsbruck 1986 FsRamer The Linguist’s Linguist: a collection of OHP B. van Gessel, The Onomasticon of the papers in honour of Alexis Manaster Ra- Hittite Pantheon, HbOr I/33 — Leiden mer — Munich 2002 1998-2001 FsSzemerényi1 Studies in Diachronic, Synchronic, and PdP Parola del Passato — Naples Typological Linguistics: Festschrift for Popko, CTH 447 M. Popko, Das hethitische Ritual CTH Oswald Szemerényi on the occasion of 447 — Warsaw 2003 his 65th birthday — Amsterdam 1979 ——, Religions ____, Religions of Asia Minor — War- Furniture G. Herrmann (ed.), The Furniture of saw 1995 Western Asia: Ancient and Traditional Prechel, Iåæara D. Prechel, Die Göttin Iåæara, ALASP 11 — Mainz 1996 — Münster 1996 GsForrer Åarnikzel — Hethitologische Studien zum Singer see Hittite Prayers Gedenken an Emil Orgetorix Forrer, DBH SL Studia Linguarum: De omnibus linguae 10 — Dresden 2004 rebus scibilibus et quibusdam aliis — Haas, Materia V. Haas, Materia Magica et Medica Heth- Moscow itica — Berlin 2003 Soysal see HWHT Haase, Beobachtungen R. Haase, Beobachtungen zur hethitischen StBoT 45 G. Wilhelm, ed., Akten des IV. Inter- Rechtssatzung — Leonberg 1995 nationalen Kongresses für Hethitologie Hazenbos, Habil. J. Hazenbos, “Wir stellten eine Orakel- — 2001 frage”: Untersuchungen zu den hethiti- —— 46 J. Miller, Studies in the Origins, Develop- schen Orakeltexten — Leipzig 2003 ment and Interpretation of the ——, Organization The Organization of the Anatolian Local Kizzuwatna Rituals — 2004 Cults during the Thirteenth Century B.C.: StMed 12 St. de Martino, Annali e Res Gestae an- An appraisal of Hittite cult inventories. tico ittiti — Pavia 2003 Cuneiform Monographs 21 — Leiden —— 13 O. Carruba, Anittae Res Gestae — Pavia 2003 2003 HHB H. S. Schuster, Die hattisch-hethitisch- —— 14 F. Pecchioli Daddi, Il vincolo per i gover- en Bilinguen I/1 (DMOA 17/1), I/2-3 natori di provincia — Pavia 2003 (DMOA 17/2) — Leiden 1974, 2002 Tischler, HHwb J. Tischer, Hethitisches Handwörterbuch, hetkonk http://www.orient.uni.wuerzburg.de/ IBS 102 — Innsbruck, 2001 hetkonk/hetkonk_abfrage.html Trabazo, TextosRel. J. Trabazo, Textos religiosos hititas, Bib- HittitePrayers I. Singer, Hittite Prayers, WAW 11 — At- lioteca de Ciencias Bíblicas y Orientales 6 lanta 2002 — Madrid 2002 HWHT O. Soysal, Hattischer Wortschatz in he- von Bredow, I. von Bredow, Die altanatolischen thitischer Textüberlieferung, HbOr I/74 Altanat.Gotth. Gottheiten nach den althethitischen Tex- — Leiden, 2004 ten — Sofia 1995 ICH 4 (Würzburg 1999) see StBoT 45 — 2001 Wegner, Hurritisch I. Wegner, Hurritisch: Einführung in die Jin Jie, RetrGlos A Complete Retrograde Glossary of the Hit- hurritische Sprache—Wiesbaden 2000 tite Language, PIHANS 71 — Leiden 1994 Kassian, Zip. Kassian, Two Middle Hittite Rituals men- comm. comment, commentary, communication tioning ƒ Ziplantawija, sister of Hittite cun. cuneiform King µTuthalija II/I — Moscow 2000 ess. essive Kassian et al., Funerary A. Kassian, A. Korolëv, A. Sidel’tsev, imperf. imperfective Hittite Funerary Ritual åalliå waåtaiå, indir. indirect AOAT 288 — Münster 2002. obl. oblique Magie A. Moreau and J.-C. Turpin, eds. La > goes to Magie, Actes du Colloque International de Montpellier 25-27 Mars 1999 — I: oi.uchicago.edu/OI/DEPT/PUB/SRC/CHD/S2/CHDS2.html oi.uchicago.edu/OI/DEPT/PUB/SRC/CHD/S2/CHDS2.html åaptamenzu åappu- makes good sense but the lack of a DUG deter- 15-18, ed. StBoT 14:72f. | for æarziyalla- see Friedrich HW 61 minative makes ths doubtful. Alternatively, if one (“Eidechse”), Watkins, Kerns Mem. 345-48 followed by Puhvel, assumes a broader divergence or a divorce of the HED 3:209 (“snail”), and Siegelová, StBoT 14:41, 59 followed meaning of -enzu from the meaning “x-times” of by Collins, Diss. 265-268 (“salamander”), Miller, JCS 54:87-89 the Hierogl.-Luwian and Lycian -su, perhaps a åap~ (“gecko, salamander”). tamenzu was a vessel made up of seven parts (a c. part of an unknown animal or object: (In a septaplex vessel). This works well with Laroche’s list of materials subsequently used by the exorcist original translation of 8-inzu, “octuplex, octad” in a ritual:) lakarwan GIÅæatramiel […] / GIÅPÈÅ (JCS 1:205, followed by Friedrich, HW 303 (“achtfach?”), Kro- MUN GIÅÆAÅÆUR NA›ZÚ panku[r…] / ANÅE- nasser, EHS 1:363). Again, however, the lack of a DUG aå (or: GÌR-aå) åa-ap-pu-i tepu lipå[anza] / 1-EN weakens the argument. Perhaps then it was not the TÚG-TUM 1-ENN¨TUM KUÅNÍG.BÀ[R …] “la~ vessel holding the wine that is septaplex, but rather karwan, æatramiel, […], figs, salt, apples, flint(?), the number of offerings to be made, “nine sevenfold panku[r], (a model of?) a donkey (or: foot) a little (offerings).” bit scratched on the åappu-, one garment, one set of Neumann, GsGüntert (1973) 279 (Åaptamaniga = “siebente curtains” KUB 55.35 obv. 5-8 (ritual, NS), ed. Poetto, °∑Î√ Schwester”); Starke, StBoT 23 (1977) 50 (ein Hohlmaß); Keller- 1:120 | we read ANÅE-aå instead of GÌR-aå since as a piece of man, Diss. (1980) 54 (“sept fois”); Neu, StBoT 26 (1983) 288 equipment grouped with foodstuffs and garments to be used in a n. 14; Weitenberg, U-Stämme (1984) 45; not mentioned in Eich- ner, IE Numerals (1992) 83-85 (8-in-zu declared “not clear” on ritual a disembodied “foot” seems unlikely, whereas a real don- p. 86). key or an image of one might well have been used.
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