VOL. 2, NO. 35 - THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 RIP Strongman RReopeningeopening IInn MMayay See Page 9 See Page 3 Page 2 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 The Rockaway Times -SHOWROOM- The Rockaway Times THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 Page 3 BCD Expected to Reopen by Memorial Day By Katie McFadden National Grid spokesperson, Wendy Ladd conf rmed their in- T ere many be an end in sight volvement and potential comple- for the Beach Channel Drive clo- tion date, saying “National Grid sure around Beach 108th Street. is coordinating closely with NYC Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder an- DOT to repair the area of Beach nounced on Friday that National Channel Drive adjacent to its Grid will be taking on the repairs work area. National Grid will con- as opposed to the city, and the tinue to work with DOT through work is expected to be complete the design and repair process and by the end of May 2016. expects to complete the work be- T e stretch of road was closed fore the end of May 2016. “ unexpectedly on December 31, According to Robby Schwach of 2015 and has been closed ever Councilman Eric Ulrich’s of ce, since, without any word on when it the ground penetrating radar re- would reopen, until now. In his an- sulted in the discovery of “voids” nouncement, Goldfeder said, “Us- under the road, along with the ing ground penetrating radar and coal tunnel. He added that Na- geo-technical testing, [Nation- Road Closed for 3 More Months tional Grid will conduct boring, al Grid] will assess how shifting or drilling, this week to determine subsoil is causing the potholes late 1800s and early 1900s. T e and the roadway reopened by the extent of the undermining of and uneven road surfaces that coal tunnel is said to be intact, Memorial Day 2016, and possibly the roadway. “Once they get the prompted the city to close our vi- but National Grid will f ll in the sooner. Additionally National Grid results of the boring tests this tal roadway.” T roughout inspec- underground tunnel to prevent has agreed to build an esplanade week, they can come up with an tions, it was also discovered that and further undermining of the that will include new grass and action plan. We hope this will fall there is a coal tunnel underneath street, according to Goldfeder. benches. I will continue to work into process within two to three the roadway, which was used to As part of his announcement, with Councilman Ulrich, National weeks,” Schwach said. transport coal from the nearby Goldfeder said there is an opti- Grid and the DOT to ensure that In addition to the roadway, Na- Manufactured Gas Plant site to mistic target date for completion. we once again have access to this tional Grid is also looking at an al- barges at the bay sometime in the “T e repairs will be completed vital thoroughfare,” he said. Continued on Page 12 ROCKAWAY BEACH Veterinary Services Howard Hollander, DVM and Joanne Ruggiero, DVM Month of FEBRUARY 15% OFF for National Pet Dental Month Like us on Facebook 92-02 Rockaway Beach Blvd Hours: M-Th 9am - 7pm Rockaway Beach, NY 11693 F 9am - 5pm 718-408-7287 Sat 9am - 2pm Page 4 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 The Rockaway Times 2OCKAWAY"EACH"LVDs"ELLE(ARBOR .9 %RDUGZDONPIZ NT ZERIA • RESTAURA Mark J. Gelwan M.D., FACS, FICS T RVERNE BY THE EA Certified, American Board of Ophthalmologgy A A S Certified, American College of Surgeons - 68-20 Rockaway Beach Blvd - Certified, International College of Surgeonns 347-619-8002 Listed, “America’s Top Ophthalmologists”” for Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Consumer Directorory,y Washington, D.C. - 2002, 2010 FREE DELIVERY The Only Practice on Rockawayockaway PeninsulaPeninsula OfferingOffering NOW Delivering To Breezy Point & Broad Channel Advanced Medical-Surgical Eye Care CATARACT SURGERY FACTS OPEN 7 DAYS Why most patients choose Dr. Gelwan: Mon-Thurs 10-10 • Fri-Sat 10-11 • Sun 11-10 1. Most successful surgery performed 9; 2. Cataract surgery indicated when unable to perform activities, normally like to do (American Academy of Ophthalmology) 3. Second eye does not have to be done right after the first eye, only if the $ % need is there 2 OFF 10 OFF 4. Full diagnostic evaluation of all parts of the eye necessary for successful Any Pie With This Ad Any Catering Order cataract surgery (Technology, Experience, Education) (pick-up only) Pick Up or Free Delivery *Not to be combined with any other offer 5. Cataract surgery - State of the Art Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery *Excludes Pizzettes With This Ad !STIGMATISM#ORRECTEDs-ULTIFOCAL,ENS)MPLANTsMINUTEPAINLESS NOPATCH VISON CORRECTION SURGERY s4HOUSANDSOFSUCCESSFUL,!3)+SURGERIES FDNY s.%7.)$%+%9%42!#+).'4%#(./,/'9 s). /&&)#%!LLOW3AFER3URGERYINHALFTHETIMEOFPREVIOUSTECHNOLOGY Controls CORNEAL TRANSPLANTS 8400 Fire Kevin Boyle s$3!%+ 3UTURELESS%NDOTHELIAL4RANSPLANTS PUBLISHER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF A call was received around Pat McVeigh s#ONVENTIONAL&ULL4HICKNESS 12:54 p.m. on Monday, Febru- MANAGING DIRECTOR s4RANSPLANTS ary 15, regarding an apartment Katie McFadden f re on the third f oor of 8400 ASST EDITOR ADVANCED RETINAL TREATMENT CENTER Shore Front Parkway. Accord- Dylan Watton REPORTER ing to the FDNY press of ce, s-ACULAR$EGENERATIONINJECTIONSFOR7ET&ORM$EGENERATION Fred Marino Frank Chimera the f rst units arrived on scene SALES s$IABETIC2ETINOPATHY 0AINLESS)N /FlCE,ASER4REATMENTS at 12:57 p.m. T e all-hands __________________________ The Rockaway Times s.ON )NVASIVE &ULL$IAGNOSTIC4ESTING f re evoked a response of more 114-04 Beach Channel Drive /#4s5LTRASOUNDs&LUORESCEIN!NGIOGRAPHY than 12 units and 60 f ref ght- Rockaway Park, NY 11694 Phone: 718-634-3030 ers and EMS members. T e f re • GLAUCOMA was brought under control 28 www.rockawaytimes.com minutes and 26 seconds after • s3,4#OLD,ASER4ECHNOLOGY Email: [email protected], FDNY received the call. One ci- [email protected] %LIMINATESTHENEEDFORCOSTLYIRRITATINGDROPSINMOSTCASES vilian was transported with mi- __________________________ THE ROCKAWAY TIMES is published every Thursday by Double Nick- ,AST YEARSANDCANBEREPEATEDWITHOUTRISKOFSCARRING nor injuries to St. John’s Epis- el LLC, 114-04 Beach Channel Drive, Rockaway Park, NY 11694. Send address changes to The Rockaway Times, 114-04 Beach Channel Drive, copal Hospital. Fire Marshals Rockaway Park, NY 11694. Ad space reservations by Monday, 12 noon, preceding date of publi- “SEE THE BENEFITS” determined that the f re was cation. Editorial submission must be made by Monday, 3 P.M., pre- ceding date of publication. of this Extensive Eye Care Practice caused by religious candles. All letters to THE ROCKAWAY TIMES should be brief and are sub- ject to editing. Writers should include a full address and home / offi ce T e apartment where the f re telephone number. Anonymous letters are not printed. Name withheld on request. for Appointment No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced without per- occurred was apartment 3A. mission of THE ROCKAWAY TIMES. The publisher will not be responsi- ble for any error in advertising beyond the cost of the space occupied According to past FDNY re- by the error. Errors must be reported to THE ROCKAWAY TIMES within fi ve days of publication. Ad position cannot be guaranteed unless paid Calall ports, a f re occurred in that ex- prior to publication. THE ROCKAWAY TIMES assumes no liability for the content or re- ply or act apartment on July 31, 2014. to any ads. The advertiser assumes all liability for the content of and all replies. The advertiser agrees to hold THE ROCKAWAY TIMES and its em- No injuries were reported dur- ployees harmless from all costs, expenses, liabilities, and damages resulting from or caused by the publication placed by the advertiser or any reply to any such advertisement. © 2015 Double Nickel LLC. 001499RT ing that incident. The Rockaway Times THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 Page 5 Snakes On A Plane I want to ask the flight at- nance type asking to change can wait until they reach for tendant for an ice pack after seats, asking for extra bags something and grab it as your getting drilled by the swing- of peanuts, or for somebody own. But sometimes that just ing bag but I’m too annoyed to fetch their crap from the takes too damn long. at them for letting the pas- overhead. I wonder how an- The other tried and true senger board the plane in other person could make so method is the steady snail. the first place. I sit and stew many trips to the restroom. You position your arm so it We all know the types. in stony silence. And then I understand airplane johns engages in a slow takeover. There’s the seemingly clue- just as my anger steadies are so luxurious, but really? You give the slightest elbow less who push something into something manageable, When flight attendants give nudge and when the arm- along the lines of a forklift the big oaf behind me has to their spiel about lifejackets rest bully gives a millimeter down the aisle of the plane. use the back of my seat as a and emergency exits they your arm takes that millim- They’re just following the old grip to help his fat ass out of should really tell people to eter. You continue this un- joke: carry-on is anything the seat. His clammy paw learn how to hold it in. Or til at least half is yours. But you can carry on. Your eyes almost makes my seat fully trips to the john should be because he started it you can haven’t even completed a recline until he releases and like carry-on luggage – one continue until you conquer full roll before you’re hit in then gives my whole seat a per customer.
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