Marketing Fragment 6 X 11.T65

Marketing Fragment 6 X 11.T65

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88540-9 - Calendrical Calculations, Third Edition Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold Index More information First page of the index to Joseph Scaliger’s De Emendatione Temporum (Frankfort edition, 1593). (Courtesy of the University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.) © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88540-9 - Calendrical Calculations, Third Edition Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold Index More information Index . there will be few who will consider the industry, labor, vigils which we have bestowed upon [the index], or the profit and utility that may be gathered from our labors. For it is the equivalent of a whole book. —Joseph Scaliger: Letter to Isaac Casaubon (January 7, 1604) It requires more scholarship to make a good index than to write the book that is indexed. —George Foote Moore: Address at a reception of the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1925) Function and constant names are given in boldface, and page numbers for a function are of four types: The page with the function definition is shown in boldface. The page with the type description is shown underlined. The page with the corresponding Lisp code is shown in italics. Pages of other occurrences are given in roman. Names of people are indexed according to the guidelines of The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers, 14th ed., The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1993. Symbols <= (Lisp relation), 361 (list construction), 22 = (Lisp relation), 361 [](list element selection), 22 > (Lisp relation), 361 (ceiling function), xvi, 17 >= (Lisp relation), 361 (floor function), xvi, 17 1+ (Lisp function), 362 π (pi), xvi 1- (Lisp function), 362 ||(absolute value function), xvi A || (list concatenation), 22 a.d. (= ante diem), 67 (summation operator), xvi, 20 Abdali, S. Kamal, 214, 331 * (Lisp function), 361 Abdollahy, Reza, 222 + (Lisp function), 361 Aberration, 189 - (Lisp function), 361 aberration, 189, 189, 342, 400 / (Lisp function), 361 Abraham ben David, 441 /= (Lisp relation), 361 Absolute value function (||), xvi < (Lisp relation), 361 Abu’l-Faraj, Gregory (= Bar Hebræus), 85 449 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88540-9 - Calendrical Calculations, Third Edition Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold Index More information 450 Index AccessR ,79 representation, 24 A.D. (= Anno Domini), 10 solar depression, 212 Adam, 92 Annunciation (Orthodox holiday), 71 Adams, John Quincy, 239 Anomaly, 282, 283, 285 adar, 91, 91, 98, 107, 110, 356, 379 lunar, 199, 317 Adar (Hebrew month), 90, 91, 103, 106–108 solar, 199, 317 adarii, 91, 91, 98, 107, 356, 379 A.P. (= Anno Persico or Anno Persarum), 217 Adhika month (Hindu calendar), see Leap Apogee, 283, 317 months, Hindu apparent-from-local, 184, 184, 326, 342, Adjusted remainder function ( amod ), xvi, 397 19 approx-moment-of-depression, 208, 208, advent, 59, 59, 342, 372 209, 342, 408 Advent Sunday (Christian holiday), 59, 121 april, 48, 48, 115, 117, 270, 356, 368 Afghan Calendar, 217 Arabian Peninsula, 236 Africa, 5 Arc of light, 326 Afzal, Omar, 331 arccos-degrees, 342, 395 Age arcsin-degrees, 342, 395 Chinese, 266–267 arctan, 173, 186, 192, 213 Japanese, 269 arctan-degrees, 173, 342, 395 A.H. (= Anno Hegiræ), 84 Ari the Learned, 80 Ahargan.a (Hindu calendar), 124 Aries (constellation), 127, 186 Ahmad, Imad ad-Dean, 331 first point of, 174, 185, 186 Akrami, Mus¯ a,¯ 214 arithmetic-french-from-fixed, 243, 243, Al-Azhar University, 328 342, 417 Alaska, 47 arithmetic-french-leap-year?, 243, 243, Albumazar, see Falaki, Abu-Ma’shar al- 342, 416 Alexandria (Egypt), Church of, 113 arithmetic-persian-from-fixed, 224, 224, Ali, H. Amir, 282 342, 412 Ali-Ahyaie, Masahallah, 219 arithmetic-persian-leap-year?, 222, 222, Almagest, 25, 92, 282 342, 412 alt-fixed-from-gregorian, 54, 54–56, 65, arithmetic-persian-year-from-fixed, 224, 342, 370 224, 342, 412 alt-gregorian-from-fixed, 55, 55, 65, 342, Arithmetical calendars, 45–169, 221–225, 370 231–233, 242–244 alt-gregorian-year-from-fixed, 56, 56, 342, Armenian calendar, 5–6, 11, 25–26 370 days, 5 alt-hindu-sunrise, 298, 298, 301–303, 342, epagomenæ,26 429 epoch, 15, 25 alt-orthodox-easter, 116,116,342, 385 Lisp code, 366–367 A.M. months, 26 Anno Martyrum, 74 sample dates, 441 Anno Mundi, 91 armenian-date, 342, 366 a.m. (= ante meridiem), xv armenian-epoch, 25, 25, 26, 356, 366 amod, 342, 363 armenian-from-fixed, 26, 26, 342, 367 Amod function, see Adjusted remainder Arouet, Franc¸ois Marie (= Voltaire), 48 function arya-jovian-period, 125, 125, 126, 356, 386 Andhra Pradesh (India), 274 arya-lunar-day, 129, 129, 133, 134, 356, Anggara Kasih (Balinese holiday), 160 387 angle, 342, 396 arya-lunar-month, 129, 129, 131–134, 356, angle-from-degrees, 24, 24, 342, 366 387 Angles Arya-Siddh¯ anta¯ (First), 126 function definition function type Lisp code © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88540-9 - Calendrical Calculations, Third Edition Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold Index More information Index 451 arya-solar-month, 126, 126–129, 131–134, Ayyappa Jyothi Darshanam (Hindu holiday), 356, 386 304 arya-solar-year, 125, 125–127, 131–133, Aztec calendar, 11, 29, 30, 138, 145–150, 479 356, 386 Lisp code, 390–392 Aryabhat¯ .a, 126 nemontemi, 146 Ascension Day (Christian holiday), 119 sample dates, 441 Ascension of ‘Abdu’l-Baha¯ (Bahá’í holiday), tonalpohualli, 145, 148–149 236 xihuitl, 145–147 Ascension of the Baha’u’ll¯ ah¯ (Bahá’í xiuhmolpilli, 149 holiday), 236 aztec-correlation, 146, 146–148, 356, 390 Ascensional difference, 293 aztec-tonalpohualli-correlation, 148, Ash Wednesday (Christian fast), 59, 119, 121 148–150, 356, 391 ‘Ashur¯ a’¯ (Islamic holiday), 87 aztec-tonalpohualli-date, 148, 343, 391 Aslaksen, Helmer, xxv, 265, 272 aztec-tonalpohualli-from-fixed, 148, 148, asr, 213, 213, 342, 410 149, 343, 391 Asr (Moslem prayer time), 213 aztec-tonalpohualli-name, 148, 343, 391 Assumption (Christian holiday), 59 aztec-tonalpohualli-number, 148, 343, 391 astro-hindu-calendar-year, 300, 300, 302, aztec-tonalpohualli-on-or-before, 149, 149, 342, 430 343, 391 astro-hindu-lunar-from-fixed, 301,301, aztec-tonalpohualli-ordinal, 148, 148–150, 303, 342, 431 343, 391 astro-hindu-solar-from-fixed, 300, 300, aztec-xihuitl-correlation, 147, 147, 150, 342, 430 356, 390 astro-hindu-sunset, 300, 300, 301, 342, 430 aztec-xihuitl-date, 147, 149, 343, 390 astro-lunar-day-from-moment, 301, aztec-xihuitl-day, 147, 343, 390 301–303, 342, 431 aztec-xihuitl-from-fixed, 147, 147, 149, 343, Astronomical calendars, 170–332 390 Astronomical day numbers, see Julian day aztec-xihuitl-month, 147, 149, 343, 390 numbers aztec-xihuitl-on-or-before, 147, 147, 149, Astronomical lunar calendars, 332 343, 391 classical Hebrew, 329–331 aztec-xihuitl-ordinal, 146, 146, 147, 150, Lisp code, 437–439 343, 390 observational Islamic, 328–329 aztec-xihuitl-tonalpohualli-on-or-before, astronomical-easter, 325, 325, 342, 438 149, 149, 343, 392 Astronomy, 171–213, 281–287 aztec-xiuhmolpilli-designation, 343, 391 Hindu, 281–287 aztec-xiuhmolpilli-from-fixed, 149, 149, Asura Maya, 275 343, 391 A.U.C. (= Ab Urbe Condita), 46, 69 aztec-xiuhmolpilli-name, 343, 391 auc-year-from-julian-year, 70, 70, 343, 373 aztec-xiuhmolpilli-number, 343, 391 Audette, Rodolphe, xxv august, 48, 48, 74, 76, 146, 270, 356, 368 B Augustine, Saint (= Aurelius Augustinus), Bab¯ (= Mirza¯ Ali Muhammad), 228, 229 174 Babylonian calendar, 6 autumn, 191,191,241,356, 400 Bach, Henri, 479 av, 90, 90, 104, 356, 379 Bahá’í calendar, 6, 11, 182, 229–237 Avanes, Armond, xxv days, 4, 13 Aveni, Anthony F., 150 epoch, 15 Avron, Haim, xxv future, 187, 192, 193, 218, 229, ayanamsha, 299, 299, 343, 430 236–237 ayyam-i-ha, 231, 231, 233, 235, 236, 356, holidays, 236–237 413 implementation, 231–233 function definition function type Lisp code © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88540-9 - Calendrical Calculations, Third Edition Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold Index More information 452 Index leap-year rule, 229 bali-sangawara-from-fixed, 155, 158, 158, Lisp code, 413–415 344, 393 months, 230 bali-saptawara, 159, 344, 392 Near Eastern, 236–237 bali-saptawara-from-fixed, 155, 155, 157, New Year, 236, 237 344, 393 sample dates, 441 bali-triwara,344, 392 structure, 229–231 bali-triwara-from-fixed, 155, 155, 344, 393 weekdays, 229 bali-week-from-fixed, 157,157,344, 394 Western, 231–233 Balinese Pawukon calendar, 5, 11, 28, 29, Bahá’í New Year, see Feast of Naw-Ruz¯ 153–161 bahai-cycle, 343, 413 holidays, 155, 159–161 bahai-date, 343, 413 Lisp code, 392–394 bahai-day, 343, 413 sample dates, 441 bahai-epoch, 231, 231, 232, 235, 237, 356, balinese-date,344, 392 413 Balkh (Iran), 216 bahai-from-fixed, 232, 232, 343, 414 Ball, John A., 60 bahai-major, 343, 413 Banaras, see Var¯ an¯ asi¯ bahai-month, 343, 413 Bangladesh, 328 bahai-new-year, 236, 236, 343, 415 Bar Hebræus, see Abu’l-Faraj, Gregory bahai-year,344, 413 Bar mitzvah (Jewish event), 105 Baha’u’ll¯ ah¯ (= MirzaH¯ . oseyn Ali Nuri),¯ 229 Bar, Kfir, xxv Bahula, see Month, dark fortnight Bargeloní, Abraham bar H. iyya al- (= Bali, 5, 152, 153 Savasorda), 89, 92, 111 bali-asatawara,344, 392 Bat mitzvah (Jewish event), 105 bali-asatawara-from-fixed, 155, 158, 158, B.C. (= Before Christ), 14 344, 393 B.C.E. (= Before the Common Era), 14 bali-caturwara,344, 392 bce,344, 372 bali-caturwara-from-fixed, 155, 158, 158, B.E. (= Bahá’í Era),

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